/** * Encapsulates a destroy operation as performed by a {@link Ext.data.proxy.Proxy proxy}. * * This class is instantiated by {@link Ext.data.Store stores} and {@link Ext.data.Model records} * and should not need to be instantiated in user code. */Ext.define('Ext.data.operation.Destroy', { extend: 'Ext.data.operation.Operation', alias: 'data.operation.destroy', action: 'destroy', isDestroyOperation: true, order: 30, foreignKeyDirection: -1, doProcess: function(/* resultSet, request, response */) { var clientRecords = this.getRecords(), clientLen = clientRecords.length, i; for (i = 0; i < clientLen; ++i) { clientRecords[i].setErased(); } }, doExecute: function() { return this.getProxy().erase(this); }, getRecordData: function(record, operation) { var data = {}, idField = record.idField, nameProperty = this.getNameProperty() || 'name'; data[idField[nameProperty]] = record.id; return data; }});