/** * This class manages columns in a `Dashboard`. The primary role here is the `defaultType` * config which points to `Ext.dashboard.Panel` and the self-destruct mechanism to get * rid of empty columns. * @protected */Ext.define('Ext.dashboard.Column', { extend: 'Ext.container.Container', xtype: 'dashboard-column', requires: [ 'Ext.layout.container.Anchor', 'Ext.dashboard.Panel' ], layout: 'anchor', isDashboardColumn: true, defaultType: 'dashboard-panel', cls: Ext.baseCSSPrefix + 'dashboard-column', synthetic: true, // not user-defined onRemove: function(dashPanel, isDestroying) { var me = this, ownerCt = me.ownerCt, remainingSiblings, numRemaining, columnWidth, totalColumnWidth = 0, i; // If we've just emptied this column. if (ownerCt && me.items.getCount() === 0) { // Collect remaining column siblings of the same row, when this one has gone. remainingSiblings = Ext.Array.filter( ownerCt.query('>' + me.xtype + '[rowIndex=' + me.rowIndex + ']'), function(c) { return c !== me; } ); numRemaining = remainingSiblings.length; // If this column is not destroyed, then remove this column (unless it is the last one!) if (!me.destroying && !me.destroyed) { ownerCt.remove(me); // Down to just one column; it must take up full width if (numRemaining === 1) { remainingSiblings[0].columnWidth = 1; } // If more than one remaining sibling, redistribute columnWidths proportionally // so that they still total 1.0 else { for (i = 0; i < numRemaining; i++) { totalColumnWidth += remainingSiblings[i].columnWidth || 0; } for (i = 0; i < numRemaining; i++) { columnWidth = remainingSiblings[i].columnWidth; remainingSiblings[i].columnWidth = Math.floor(columnWidth / totalColumnWidth * 100) / 100; } } // Needed if user is *closing* the last portlet in a column as opposed // to just dragging it to another place. // The destruction will not force a layout if (isDestroying) { ownerCt.updateLayout(); } } } }});