/** * The `lockedgrid` component manages one or more child `grid`s that independently scroll * in the horizontal axis but are vertically synchronized. The end-user can, using column * menus or drag-drop, control which of these {@link #cfg!regions regions} contain which * columns. * * ## Locked Regions * * The `lockedgrid` always has a `center` {@link Ext.grid.locked.Region region} and by * default a `left` and `right` region. These regions are derivatives of `Ext.panel.Panel` * (to allow them to be resized and collapsed) and contain normal `grid` with a subset of * the overall set of `columns`. All keys in the `regions` config object are valid values * for a {@link Ext.grid.column.Column column}'s `locked` config. The values of each of * the properties of the `regions` config are configurations for the locked region itself. * * The layout of the locked regions is a simple `hbox` with the `center` assigned `flex:1` * and the non-center regions assigned a width based on the columns contained in that * region. The order of items in the container is determined by the `weight` assigned to * each region. Regions to the left of center have negative `weight` values, while regions * to the right of center have positive `weight` values. This distinction is important * primarily to determine the side of the region on which to display the resizer as well * as setting the direction of collapse for the region. * * ## Config and Event Delegation * * The `lockedgrid` mimics the config properties and events fired by a normal `grid`. It * does this in some cases by delegating configs to each child grid. The `regions` config * should be used to listen to events or configure a child grid independently when this * isn't desired. */Ext.define('Ext.grid.locked.Grid', { extend: 'Ext.Panel', xtype: 'lockedgrid', alternateClassName: 'Ext.grid.LockedGrid', isLockedGrid: true, requires: [ 'Ext.layout.Box', 'Ext.layout.Fit', 'Ext.grid.Grid' ], classCls: Ext.baseCSSPrefix + 'lockedgrid', config: { /** * @cfg {Object} columnMenu * This is a config object which is used by columns in this grid to create their * header menus. * * The following column menu contains the following items. * * - Default column menu items {@link Ext.grid.Grid grid} * - "Region" menu item to provide locking sub-menu options * * This can be configured as `null` to prevent columns from showing a column menu. */ columnMenu: { items: { region: { text: 'Locked', iconCls: 'fi-lock', menu: {} } } }, /** * @cfg {Ext.grid.column.Column[]} columns (required) * An array of column definition objects which define all columns that appear in this grid. * Each column definition provides the header text for the column, and a definition of where * the data for that column comes from. * Column definition can also define the locked property * * This can also be a configuration object for a {Ext.grid.header.Container HeaderContainer} * which may override certain default configurations if necessary. For example, the special * layout may be overridden to use a simpler layout, or one can set default values shared * by all columns: * * columns: { * items: [ * { * text: "Column A" * dataIndex: "field_A", * locked: true, * width: 200 * },{ * text: "Column B", * dataIndex: "field_B", * width: 150 * }, * ... * ] * } * */ columns: null, /** * @cfg {String} defaultLockedRegion * This config determines which region corresponds to `locked: true` on a column. */ defaultLockedRegion: 'left', /** * @cfg {Object} gridDefaults * This config is applied to the child `grid` in all regions. */ gridDefaults: null, /** * @cfg {Boolean} hideHeaders * @inheritdoc Ext.grid.Grid#cfg!hideHeaders */ hideHeaders: false, /** * @cfg {Object} itemConfig * @inheritdoc Ext.grid.Grid#cfg!itemConfig */ itemConfig: {}, /** * @cfg {Object} leftGridDefaults * This config is applied to the child `grid` in all left-side regions (those of * negative `weight`) */ leftRegionDefaults: { locked: true, menuItem: { iconCls: 'fi-chevron-left' } }, /** * @cfg {Object} regions * This config determines the set of possible locked regions. Each key name in this * object denotes a named region (for example, "left", "right" and "center"). While * the set of names is not fixed, meaning a `lockedgrid` can have more than these * three regions, there must always be a "center" region. The center regions cannot * be hidden or collapsed or emptied of all columns. * * The values of each property in this object are configuration objects for the * {@link Ext.grid.locked.Region region}. The ordering of grids is determined by * the `weight` config. Negative values are "left" regions, while positive values * are "right" regions. The `menuLabel` is used in the column menu to allow the user * to place columns into the region. * * To add an additional left region: * * xtype: 'lockedgrid', * regions: { * left2: { * menuLabel: 'Locked (leftmost)', * weight: -20 // to the left of the standard "left" region * } * } */ regions: { left: { menuItem: { text: 'Locked (Left)' }, weight: -10 }, center: { flex: 1, menuItem: { text: 'Unlocked', iconCls: 'fi-unlock' }, weight: 0 }, right: { menuItem: { text: 'Locked (Right)' }, weight: 10 } }, /** * @cfg {Object} rightGridDefaults * This config is applied to the child `grid` in all right-side regions (those of * positive `weight`) */ rightRegionDefaults: { locked: true, menuItem: { iconCls: 'fi-chevron-right' } }, /** * @cfg {Ext.data.Store/Object/String} store * @inheritdoc Ext.grid.Grid#cfg!store */ store: null, /** * @cfg {Boolean} variableHeights * @inheritdoc Ext.grid.Grid#cfg!variableHeights */ variableHeights: false, /** * @cfg {Boolean} enableColumnMove * Set to `false` to disable header reorder within this grid. */ enableColumnMove: true, /** * @cfg {Boolean} grouped * @inheritdoc Ext.dataview.List#cfg!grouped */ grouped: true }, weighted: true, layout: { type: 'hbox', align: 'stretch' }, onRender: function() { this.callParent(); this.setupHeaderSync(); this.reconfigure(); }, doDestroy: function() { Ext.undefer(this.partnerTimer); this.callParent(); }, addColumn: function(columns) { var me = this, map = me.processColumns(columns), isArray = Array.isArray(columns), ret = isArray ? [] : null, grids = me.gridItems, len = grids.length, v, i, grid, toAdd; // Instead of just iterating over the map, loop // over the grids in order so that we add items // in order for (i = 0; i < len; ++i) { grid = grids[i]; toAdd = map[grid.regionKey]; if (toAdd) { v = grid.addColumn(toAdd); if (isArray) { Ext.Array.push(ret, v); } else { // processColumns always returns an array ret = v[0]; } } } if (me.getVariableHeights()) { me.doRefresh(); } return ret; }, getHorizontalOverflow: function() { var grids = this.visibleGrids, n = grids && grids.length, i; for (i = 0; i < n; ++i) { if (grids[i].getHorizontalOverflow()) { return true; } } return false; }, getRegion: function(key) { return this.regionMap[key] || null; }, getVerticalOverflow: function() { var grids = this.visibleGrids, n = grids && grids.length; // Vertical overflow is always on the right-most grid (TODO RTL) return n && grids[n - 1].getVerticalOverflow(); }, insertColumnBefore: function(column, before) { var ret; if (before === null) { ret = this.gridMap.center.addColumn(column); } else { ret = before.getParent().insertBefore(column, before); } if (this.getVariableHeights()) { this.doRefresh(); } return ret; }, removeColumn: function(column) { var ret = column.getGrid().removeColumn(column); if (this.getVariableHeights()) { this.doRefresh(); } return ret; }, createLocation: function(location) { var grid; if (location.isGridLocation && location.column) { grid = location.column.getGrid(); if (grid.getHidden()) { grid = null; location = location.record; } } if (!grid) { grid = this.regionMap.center.getGrid(); } return grid.createLocation(location); }, setLocation: function(location, options) { var grid; if (location.isGridLocation && location.column) { grid = location.column.getGrid(); if (grid.getHidden()) { grid = null; location = location.record; } } if (!grid) { grid = this.regionMap.center.getGrid(); } grid.setLocation(location, options); }, updateColumns: function(columns) { var me = this, grids = me.gridItems, map, len, i, grid; if (me.isConfiguring) { return; } map = me.processColumns(columns); ++me.bulkColumnChange; for (i = 0, len = grids.length; i < len; ++i) { grid = grids[i]; grid.setColumns(map[grid.regionKey] || []); } me.doRefresh(); --me.bulkColumnChange; }, updateGrouped: function(value) { this.relayConfig('grouped', value); }, updateHideHeaders: function(hideHeaders) { var me = this; // destroy first since relay will trigger bogus height change... me.headerSync = Ext.destroy(me.headerSync); me.relayConfig('hideHeaders', hideHeaders); me.setupHeaderSync(); }, updateEnableColumnMove: function(enabled) { var me = this, gridItems, b; if (me.isConfiguring) { return; } gridItems = me.gridItems; // update grid header reorder for (b = 0; b < gridItems.length; b++) { gridItems[b].setEnableColumnMove(enabled); } }, updateItemConfig: function(itemConfig) { this.relayConfig('itemConfig', itemConfig); }, updateMaxHeight: function(maxHeight) { this.relayConfig('maxHeight', maxHeight); }, updateRegions: function(regions) { var me = this, regionMap = me.regionMap, gridDefaults = me.getGridDefaults(), variableHeights = me.getVariableHeights(), enableColumnMove = me.getEnableColumnMove(), key, region, colMap, grid, gridMap, prev, scroller, len, i, defaultPartner, regionItems, gridItems; if (regionMap) { for (key in regionMap) { me.remove(regionMap[key]); } } me.regionMap = regionMap = {}; me.gridMap = gridMap = {}; colMap = me.processColumns(me.getColumns()); for (key in regions) { region = regions[key]; if (region) { region = me.createRegion(key, regions[key], colMap[key], gridDefaults); region = me.add(region); grid = region.getGrid(); grid.isDefaultPartner = key === me.unlockedKey; grid.setEnableColumnMove(enableColumnMove); if (variableHeights) { grid.partnerManager = me; if (grid.isDefaultPartner) { me.defaultPartner = defaultPartner = grid; } } region.on({ scope: me, collapse: 'onRegionCollapse', expand: 'onRegionExpand', hide: 'onRegionHide', show: 'onRegionShow' }); regionMap[key] = region; gridMap[key] = grid; scroller = grid.getScrollable(); if (scroller) { if (prev) { prev.addPartner(scroller, 'y'); } prev = scroller; } me.setupGrid(grid); } } // We don't add to this in the loop above because we want // the items in weighted order, so wait til everything is // added and in order me.regionItems = regionItems = me.query('>[isLockedGridRegion]'); me.gridItems = gridItems = []; for (i = 0, len = regionItems.length; i < len; ++i) { grid = regionItems[i].getGrid(); gridItems.push(grid); if (defaultPartner && grid !== defaultPartner) { grid.renderInfo = defaultPartner.renderInfo; } } me.setupHeaderSync(); }, applyStore: function(store) { return store ? Ext.data.StoreManager.lookup(store) : null; }, updateStore: function(store) { this.store = store; this.relayConfig('store', store); }, updateVariableHeights: function(variableHeights) { this.relayConfig('variableHeights', variableHeights); }, registerActionable: function(actionable) { var me = this, actionables = me.actionables || (me.actionables = []), gridItems = me.gridItems, i; if (!Ext.Array.contains(actionables, actionable)) { actionables.push(actionable); if (gridItems) { for (i = gridItems.length; i-- > 0; /* empty */) { gridItems[i].registerActionable(actionable); } } } }, unregisterActionable: function(actionable) { var actionables = this.actionables, gridItems = this.gridItems, i; if (actionables) { Ext.Array.remove(actionables, actionable); if (gridItems) { for (i = gridItems.length; i-- > 0; /* empty */) { gridItems[i].registerActionable(actionable); } } } }, statics: { relayGridMethod: function(name, collection, key, defaultResult) { collection = collection || 'visibleGrids'; key = key || 0; if (defaultResult == null) { defaultResult = null; } this.prototype[name] = function() { var grid = this[collection], ret = defaultResult; grid = grid && grid[key]; if (grid) { if (grid.isLockedGridRegion) { grid = grid.getGrid(); } ret = grid[name].apply(grid, arguments); } return ret; }; }, relayGridMethods: function(descr) { var simple = [], name, options; for (name in descr) { options = descr[name]; if (options === true) { options = simple; simple[0] = name; } else { options = options.slice(); options.unshift(name); } this.relayGridMethod.apply(this, options); } } }, privates: { bulkColumnChange: 0, partnerOffset: 200, itemConfiguring: false, lastPartnerRequest: 0, unlockedKey: 'center', claimActivePartner: function(partner) { var me = this, now = Date.now(), active = me.activePartner; me.partnerTimer = Ext.undefer(me.partnerTimer); if (!active || (now - me.lastPartnerRequest > me.partnerOffset)) { me.activePartner = partner; me.lastPartnerRequest = now; me.setActivePartner(partner); } }, configureHeaderHeights: function() { var headerSync = this.headerSync; if (headerSync) { headerSync.sync(); } }, configureItems: function() { var me = this, gridItems = me.gridItems, regionItems = me.regionItems, i, found, grid, hide, region; me.itemConfiguring = true; for (i = gridItems.length - 1; i >= 0; --i) { grid = gridItems[i]; region = regionItems[i]; me.setRegionVisibility(region); hide = true; if (!found || !grid.getVerticalOverflow()) { // Don't hide the scrollbars on hidden items, the current // logic assumes that anything after the current item has // scrollers visible. hide = false; found = me.isRegionVisible(region); } grid.setHideScrollbar(hide); } me.itemConfiguring = false; }, configurePartners: function() { var me = this, gridItems = this.gridItems, len = gridItems.length, visibleGrids, i, grid; visibleGrids = gridItems.filter(function(item) { return me.isRegionVisible(item.region); }); me.visibleGrids = visibleGrids; for (i = 0; i < len; ++i) { grid = gridItems[i]; grid.allPartners = visibleGrids; grid.partners = visibleGrids.filter(function(item) { return item !== grid; }); } }, createRegion: function(key, cfg, columns, gridDefaults) { var me = this, weight = cfg.weight, defaults; me.fireEvent('createregion', me, columns); if (weight !== 0) { defaults = weight < 0 ? me.getLeftRegionDefaults() : me.getRightRegionDefaults(); } return Ext.merge({ xtype: 'lockedgridregion', regionKey: key, lockedGrid: me, grid: Ext.apply({ regionKey: key, columnMenu: me.getColumnMenu(), columns: columns, hideHeaders: me.getHideHeaders(), grouped: me.getGrouped(), itemConfig: me.getItemConfig(), store: me.getStore(), variableHeights: me.getVariableHeights() }, gridDefaults) }, defaults, cfg); }, doHorizontalScrollCheck: function() { var grids = this.gridItems, len = grids.length, grid, scroller, i; for (i = 0; i < len; ++i) { grid = grids[i]; scroller = grid.getScrollable(); if (this.isRegionVisible(grid.region) && scroller) { scroller.setX(grid.getHorizontalOverflow() ? 'scroll' : true); } } }, doRefresh: function() { this.reconfigure(); this.refreshGrids(); this.doHorizontalScrollCheck(); this.doVerticalScrollCheck(); }, doReleaseActivePartner: function() { var me = this; if (!me.destroyed) { me.lastPartnerRequest = 0; me.activePartner = null; me.setActivePartner(me.defaultPartner); } }, doVerticalScrollCheck: function() { var grids = this.gridItems, len = grids.length, grid, scroller, region, i; for (i = 0; i < len; ++i) { grid = grids[i]; scroller = grid.getScrollable(); region = grid.region; if (region && this.isRegionVisible(region) && scroller) { if (grid.getVerticalOverflow()) { this.setGridScrollers(region, region.isHidden()); } else { this.setGridScrollers(false); } } } }, handleChangeRegion: function(region, column) { var me = this, grid = region.getGrid(), gridItems = me.gridItems, newIdx = gridItems.indexOf(grid), oldIdx = gridItems.indexOf(column.getGrid()); // The idea here is to retain the closest position possible. // If moving backwards, add it to the end. If moving forwards, // add it to the front. ++me.bulkColumnChange; if (newIdx < oldIdx) { grid.addColumn(column); } else { grid.insertColumn(0, column); } // Refreshing grid on column add or insert. grid.syncRowsToHeight(true); --me.bulkColumnChange; me.doHorizontalScrollCheck(); me.doVerticalScrollCheck(); }, handleRegionVisibilityChange: function(region, hiding) { var me = this; if (!me.itemConfiguring) { me.configurePartners(); me.refreshGrids(); me.setGridScrollers(region, hiding); me.configureHeaderHeights(); } }, isActivePartner: function(grid) { var active = this.activePartner; return active ? grid === active : grid.isDefaultPartner; }, isHeaderVisible: function(header) { return this.isRegionVisible(header.getGrid().region); }, isRegionVisible: function(region) { return !region.hasHiddenContent(); }, isLastVisibleRegion: function(region) { var regions = this.regionItems, index = regions.indexOf(region), other, i; for (i = regions.length - 1; i > index; --i) { other = regions[i]; if (!other.hasHiddenContent()) { return false; } } return true; }, onBeforeShowColumnMenu: function(grid, column, menu) { var regions = this.regionItems, len = regions.length, current = grid.region, disabled = false, items, region, i; menu = menu.getComponent('region'); if (menu) { menu = menu.getMenu(); menu.removeAll(); items = []; disabled = !!(grid.isDefaultPartner && grid.getVisibleColumns().length === 1); for (i = 0; i < len; ++i) { region = regions[i]; items.push(Ext.applyIf({ disabled: disabled || region === current, handler: this.handleChangeRegion.bind(this, region, column) }, region.getMenuItem())); } menu.add(items); } }, onColumnAdd: function(grid) { if (!this.setRegionVisibility(grid.region)) { this.refreshGrids(); } this.configureHeaderHeights(); }, onColumnHide: function(grid) { if (!this.setRegionVisibility(grid.region)) { this.refreshGrids(); } this.configureHeaderHeights(); }, onColumnRemove: function(grid, column) { var me = this; me.fireEvent('columnremove', grid, column); if (!me.setRegionVisibility(grid.region)) { me.refreshGrids(); } me.configureHeaderHeights(); }, onColumnShow: function(grid) { if (!this.setRegionVisibility(grid.region)) { this.refreshGrids(); } this.configureHeaderHeights(); }, onGridHorizontalOverflowChange: function() { if (!this.bulkColumnChange) { this.doHorizontalScrollCheck(); } }, onGridResize: function(grid) { grid.syncRowsToHeight(true); }, onGridVerticalOverflowChange: function(grid, value) { // We could call doVerticalScrollCheck here but that would cause // all grids to update every time this is called // seeing that we already know the grid that has changed we can target // just one grid per event var region = grid.region; if (value) { this.setGridScrollers(region, region.isHidden()); } else { grid.setHideScrollbar(false); } }, onRegionCollapse: function(region) { this.handleRegionVisibilityChange(region, true); }, onRegionExpand: function(region) { this.handleRegionVisibilityChange(region, false); }, onRegionHide: function(region) { this.handleRegionVisibilityChange(region, true); }, onRegionShow: function(region) { this.handleRegionVisibilityChange(region, false); }, getRegionKey: function(lockedValue) { var defaultLocked = this.getDefaultLockedRegion(), key; if (lockedValue) { key = lockedValue === true ? defaultLocked : lockedValue; } else { key = this.unlockedKey; } return key; }, processColumns: function(columns) { var me = this, map = {}, len, i, col, locked, key, arr; if (columns) { if (!Array.isArray(columns)) { columns = [columns]; } for (i = 0, len = columns.length; i < len; ++i) { col = columns[i]; locked = col.locked || (col.getLocked && col.getLocked()); key = me.getRegionKey(locked); arr = map[key]; if (!arr) { map[key] = arr = []; } arr.push(col); } } return map; }, reconfigure: function() { this.configureItems(); this.configurePartners(); this.configureHeaderHeights(); }, refreshGrids: function() { var visibleGrids = this.visibleGrids, len = visibleGrids.length, i; if (!this.rendered) { return; } for (i = 0; i < len; ++i) { visibleGrids[i].syncRowsToHeight(true); } }, relayConfig: function(name, value) { var grids = this.gridItems, i, len, setter; if (grids && !this.isConfiguring) { setter = Ext.Config.get(name).names.set; for (i = 0, len = grids.length; i < len; ++i) { grids[i][setter](value); } } }, releaseActivePartner: function(partner) { var me = this; if (me.activePartner === partner) { Ext.undefer(me.partnerTimer); me.partnerTimer = Ext.defer(me.doReleaseActivePartner, me.partnerOffset, me); } }, setActivePartner: function(partner) { var visibleGrids = this.visibleGrids; Ext.Array.remove(visibleGrids, partner); visibleGrids.unshift(partner); }, setGridScrollers: function(region, isHiding) { var gridItems = this.gridItems, len = gridItems.length, index, i, grid; if (this.isLastVisibleRegion(region)) { grid = region.getGrid(); // If this is the last visible grid and we're hiding it, the // previous grid needs to show the scroller. Otherwise, this // grid does index = gridItems.indexOf(grid) - (isHiding ? 1 : 0); for (i = 0; i < len; ++i) { gridItems[i].setHideScrollbar(grid.getVerticalOverflow() ? i < index : false); } } }, setRegionVisibility: function(region) { var grid = region.getGrid(), hidden = !!region.getHidden(); region.setHidden(grid.getVisibleColumns().length === 0); return hidden !== region.getHidden(); }, setupGrid: function(grid) { var actionables = this.actionables, i; if (actionables) { for (i = 0; i < actionables.length; ++i) { grid.registerActionable(actionables[i]); } } grid.on({ scope: this, beforeshowcolumnmenu: 'onBeforeShowColumnMenu', columnadd: 'onColumnAdd', columnhide: 'onColumnHide', columnremove: 'onColumnRemove', columnshow: 'onColumnShow', horizontaloverflowchange: 'onGridHorizontalOverflowChange', resize: 'onGridResize', verticaloverflowchange: 'onGridVerticalOverflowChange' }); }, setupHeaderSync: function() { var me = this, grids = me.gridItems, headers, i; if (!me.getHideHeaders() && !me.isConfiguring) { headers = []; for (i = 0; i < grids.length; ++i) { headers.push(grids[i].getHeaderContainer()); } Ext.destroy(me.headerSync); me.headerSync = new Ext.util.HeightSynchronizer( headers, me.isHeaderVisible.bind(me)); } } }}, function(LockedGrid) { LockedGrid.relayGridMethods({ ensureVisible: true, gatherData: true, getSelections: true, mapToItem: true, mapToRecord: true, mapToRecordIndex: true });});