/** * Plugin (ptype = 'rowwidget') that adds the ability to second row body in a grid which expands/contracts. * * The expand/contract behavior is configurable to react on clicking of the column, double click of the row, and/or hitting enter while a row is selected. * * The expansion row may contain a {@link #cfg-widget} which is primed with the record of the corresponding grid row. * The widget's {@link Ext.Component#cfg-defaultBindProperty defaultBindProperty} property is set to the record. */Ext.define('Ext.grid.plugin.RowWidget', { extend: 'Ext.grid.plugin.RowExpander', mixins: [ 'Ext.mixin.Identifiable', 'Ext.mixin.StyleCacher' ], lockableScope: 'top', alias: 'plugin.rowwidget', config: { /** * @cfg defaultWidgetUI * A map of xtype to {@link Ext.Component#ui} names to use when using Components in the expansion row. */ defaultWidgetUI: {} }, /** * @cfg {Object} widget * A config object containing an {@link Ext.Component#cfg-xtype xtype}. * * This is used to create the widgets or components which are rendered into the expansion row. * * The associated grid row's record is used to update the widget/component's {@link Ext.Component#defaultBindProperty defaultBindProperty}. * * Note that if this plugin is applied to a lockable grid, the widget applies to the normal (unlocked) side. * See {@link #lockedWidget} * */ widget: null, /** * @cfg {Object} [lockedWidget] * A config object containing an {@link Ext.Component#cfg-xtype xtype}. * * This is used to create the widgets or components which are rendered into the expansion row *on the locked side of a lockable grid*. */ lockedWidget: null, addCollapsedCls: { fn: function(out, values, parent) { var me = this.rowExpander; if (!me.recordsExpanded[values.record.internalId]) { values.itemClasses.push(me.rowCollapsedCls); } this.nextTpl.applyOut(values, out, parent); }, // We need a high priority to get in ahead of the outerRowTpl // so we can setup row data priority: 20000 }, setCmp: function(grid) { var me = this, features, widget; // Generate a unique class name so we can identify our row element. me.rowIdCls = Ext.id(null, Ext.baseCSSPrefix + 'rowwidget-'); // Keep track of which record internalIds are expanded. me.recordsExpanded = {}; Ext.plugin.Abstract.prototype.setCmp.apply(me, arguments); widget = me.widget; //<debug> if (!widget || widget.isComponent) { Ext.raise('RowWidget requires a widget configuration.'); } //</debug> me.widget = widget = Ext.apply({}, widget); // Apply the default UI for the xtype which is going to feature in the normal side's expansion row. if (!widget.ui) { widget.ui = me.getDefaultWidgetUI()[widget.xtype] || 'default'; } // If the grid is a lockable assembly, we have to track locked widgets. if (grid.enableLocking && me.lockedWidget) { me.lockedWidget = widget = Ext.apply({}, me.lockedWidget); // Apply the default UI for the xtype which is going to feature in the locked side's expansion row. if (!widget.ui) { widget.ui = me.getDefaultWidgetUI()[widget.xtype] || 'default'; } } features = me.getFeatureConfig(grid); if (grid.features) { grid.features = Ext.Array.push(features, grid.features); } else { grid.features = features; } // NOTE: features have to be added before init (before Table.initComponent) }, /** * @protected * @return {Array} And array of Features or Feature config objects. * Returns the array of Feature configurations needed to make the RowWidget work. * May be overridden in a subclass to modify the returned array. */ getFeatureConfig: function(grid) { var me = this, features = [], featuresCfg = { ftype: 'rowbody', rowExpander: me, doSync: false, rowIdCls: me.rowIdCls, bodyBefore: me.bodyBefore, recordsExpanded: me.recordsExpanded, rowBodyHiddenCls: me.rowBodyHiddenCls, rowCollapsedCls: me.rowCollapsedCls, setupRowData: me.setupRowData, setup: me.setup, // Do not relay click events into the client grid's row onClick: Ext.emptyFn }; features.push(Ext.apply({ lockableScope: 'normal' }, featuresCfg)); // Locked side will need a copy to keep the two DOM structures symmetrical. // A lockedWidget config is available to create content in locked side. // The enableLocking flag is set early in Ext.panel.Table#initComponent if any columns are locked. if (grid.enableLocking) { features.push(Ext.apply({ lockableScope: 'locked' }, featuresCfg)); } return features; }, setupRowData: function(record, rowIndex, rowValues) { var me = this.rowExpander; me.rowBodyFeature = this; rowValues.rowBodyCls = me.recordsExpanded[record.internalId] ? '' : me.rowBodyHiddenCls; }, bindView: function(view) { var me = this; me.viewListeners = view.on({ refresh: me.onViewRefresh, itemadd: me.onItemAdd, scope: me, destroyable: true }); Ext.override(view, me.viewOverrides); }, destroy: function() { var me = this, id = me.getId(); me.viewListeners.destroy(); if (me.grid.lockable) { me.grid.destroyManagedWidgets(id + '-' + me.lockedView.getId()); me.grid.destroyManagedWidgets(id + '-' + me.normalView.getId()); } else { me.grid.destroyManagedWidgets(id + '-' + me.view.getId()); } me.callParent(); }, privates: { viewOverrides: { handleEvent: function(e) { // An override applied to the client view so that it ignores events from within the expander row // Ignore all events from within our rowwidget if (e.getTarget('.' + this.rowExpander.rowIdCls, this.body)) { return; } this.callParent([e]); }, onFocusEnter: function(e) { // An override applied to the client view so that it ignores focus moving into the expander row if (e.event.getTarget('.' + this.rowExpander.rowIdCls, this.body)) { return; } this.callParent([e]); }, toggleChildrenTabbability: function(enableTabbing) { // An override applied to the client view so that it does not interfere // with tabbability of elements within the expander rows. var focusEl = this.getTargetEl(), rows = this.all, restoreOptions = { skipSelf: true }, saveOptions = { skipSelf: true, includeSaved: false }, i; for (i = rows.startIndex; i <= rows.endIndex; i++) { // Extract the data row from each row. // We do not interfere with tabbing in the the expander row. focusEl = Ext.fly(this.getRow(rows.item(i))); if (enableTabbing) { focusEl.restoreTabbableState(restoreOptions); } else { // Do NOT includeSaved // Once an item has had tabbability saved, do not increment its save level focusEl.saveTabbableState(saveOptions); } } } }, destroyLiveWidget: function(recId, widget) { widget.destroy(); }, destroyFreeWidget: function(widget) { widget.destroy(); }, onItemAdd: function(newRecords, startIndex, newItems, view) { var me = this, len = newItems.length, i, record, ownerLockable = me.grid.lockable; // May be multiple widgets being layed out here Ext.suspendLayouts(); for (i = 0; i < len; i++) { record = newRecords[i]; if (!record.isNonData && me.recordsExpanded[record.internalId]) { // If any added items are expanded, we will need a syncRowHeights call on next layout if (ownerLockable) { me.grid.syncRowHeightOnNextLayout = true; } me.addWidget(view, record); } } Ext.resumeLayouts(true); }, onViewRefresh: function(view, records) { var me = this, rows = view.all, itemIndex, recordIndex; Ext.suspendLayouts(); for (itemIndex = rows.startIndex, recordIndex = 0; itemIndex <= rows.endIndex; itemIndex++, recordIndex++) { me.addWidget(view, records[recordIndex]); } Ext.resumeLayouts(true); }, returnFalse: function() { return false; }, /** * Returns if possible the widget currently associated with the passed record within the passed view. * * Note that if the record is not currently in the rendered block, *or*, it has never been expanded * then there will not be a widget associated with that `record/view` context. * @param {type} view The view for which to return the widget * @param {type} record The record for which to return the widget * @return {me.lockedLiveWidgets/me.liveWidgets} */ getWidget: function(view, record) { var me = this, result, widget; if (record) { widget = me.grid.lockable && view === me.lockedView ? me.lockedWidget : me.widget; if (widget) { result = me.grid.createManagedWidget(view, me.getId() + '-' + view.getId(), widget, record); result.measurer = me; result.ownerLayout = view.componentLayout; } } return result; }, addWidget: function(view, record) { var me = this, target, width, widget, hasAttach = !!me.onWidgetAttach, isFixedSize = me.isFixedSize, el; // If the record is non data (placeholder), or not expanded, return if (record.isNonData || !me.recordsExpanded[record.internalId]) { return; } target = Ext.fly(view.getNode(record).querySelector(me.rowBodyFeature.innerSelector)); width = target.getWidth(true) - target.getPadding('lr'); widget = me.getWidget(view, record); // Might be no widget if we are handling a lockable grid // and only one side has a widget definition. if (widget) { if (hasAttach) { Ext.callback(me.onWidgetAttach, me.scope, [me, widget, record], 0, me); } el = widget.el || widget.element; if (el) { target.dom.appendChild(el.dom); if (!isFixedSize && widget.width !== width) { widget.setWidth(width); } else { widget.updateLayout(); } widget.reattachToBody(); } else { if (!isFixedSize) { widget.width = width; } widget.render(target); } widget.updateLayout(); } return widget; }, toggleRow: function(rowIdx, record) { var me = this, // If we are handling a lockable assembly, // handle the normal view first view = me.normalView || me.view, rowNode = view.getNode(rowIdx), normalRow = Ext.fly(rowNode), lockedRow, nextBd = normalRow.down(me.rowBodyTrSelector, true), wasCollapsed = normalRow.hasCls(me.rowCollapsedCls), addOrRemoveCls = wasCollapsed ? 'removeCls' : 'addCls', ownerLockable = me.grid.lockable && me.grid, widget, vm; normalRow[addOrRemoveCls](me.rowCollapsedCls); Ext.fly(nextBd)[addOrRemoveCls](me.rowBodyHiddenCls); // All layouts must be coalesced. // Particularly important for locking assemblies which need // to sync row height on the next layout. Ext.suspendLayouts(); // We're expanding if (wasCollapsed) { me.recordsExpanded[record.internalId] = true; widget = me.addWidget(view, record); vm = widget.lookupViewModel(); } else { delete me.recordsExpanded[record.internalId]; widget = me.getWidget(view, record); } // Sync the collapsed/hidden classes on the locked side if (ownerLockable) { // Only attempt to toggle lockable side if it is visible. if (ownerLockable.lockedGrid.isVisible()) { view = me.lockedView; // Process the locked side. lockedRow = Ext.fly(view.getNode(rowIdx)); // Just because the grid is locked, doesn't mean we'll necessarily have a locked row. if (lockedRow) { lockedRow[addOrRemoveCls](me.rowCollapsedCls); // If there is a template for expander content in the locked side, toggle that side too nextBd = lockedRow.down(me.rowBodyTrSelector, true); Ext.fly(nextBd)[addOrRemoveCls](me.rowBodyHiddenCls); // Pass an array if we're in a lockable assembly. if (wasCollapsed && me.lockedWidget) { widget = [widget, me.addWidget(view, record)]; } else { widget = [widget, me.getWidget(view, record)]; } } // We're going to need a layout run to synchronize row heights ownerLockable.syncRowHeightOnNextLayout = true; } } me.view.fireEvent(wasCollapsed ? 'expandbody' : 'collapsebody', rowNode, record, nextBd, widget); view.updateLayout(); // Before layouts are resumed, if we have *expanded* the widget row, then ensure bound data // is flushed into the widget so that it assumes its final size. if (vm) { vm.notify(); } Ext.resumeLayouts(true); if (me.scrollIntoViewOnExpand && wasCollapsed) { me.grid.ensureVisible(rowIdx); } } }});