Ext.define('Ext.rtl.tip.QuickTipManager', { override: 'Ext.tip.QuickTipManager', init: function() { var me = this; // Will return false if not ready to proceed if (me.callParent(arguments) !== false) { me.tip.on('beforeshow', me.onBeforeFirstShow, me, { single: true }); } }, onBeforeFirstShow: function(tip) { // The rtl override for Component reads the DOM for floating components to // determine if their local coordinate system is RTL and caches the value. If // QuickTipManager.init() is called before the Viewport has been rendered then the // cached value may be incorrect. Clear the cached value so that the next call to // isLocalRtl() will read the DOM again. tip._isOffsetParentRtl = undefined; }});