/** * @private * A cache of View elements keyed using the index of the associated record in the store. * * This implements the methods of {Ext.dom.CompositeElement} which are used by {@link Ext.view.AbstractView} * to provide a map of record nodes and methods to manipulate the nodes. * @class Ext.view.NodeCache */Ext.define('Ext.view.NodeCache', { requires: [ 'Ext.dom.CompositeElementLite' ], statics: { range: document.createRange && document.createRange() }, constructor: function(view) { this.view = view; this.clear(); this.el = new Ext.dom.Fly(); }, destroy: function() { var me = this; if (!me.destroyed) { me.el.destroy(); me.el = me.view = null; me.destroyed = true; } me.callParent(); }, /** * Removes all elements from this NodeCache. * @param {Boolean} [removeDom] True to also remove the elements from the document. */ clear: function(removeDom) { var me = this, elements = me.elements, range = me.statics().range, key; if (me.count && removeDom) { // Some browsers throw error if Range used on detached DOM if (range && Ext.getBody().contains(elements[0])) { range.setStartBefore(elements[me.startIndex]); range.setEndAfter(elements[me.endIndex]); range.deleteContents(); } else { for (key in elements) { Ext.removeNode(elements[key]); } } } me.elements = {}; me.count = me.startIndex = 0; me.endIndex = -1; }, /** * Clears this NodeCache and adds the elements passed. * @param {HTMLElement[]} els An array of DOM elements from which to fill this NodeCache. * @return {Ext.view.NodeCache} this */ fill: function(newElements, startIndex, fixedNodes) { fixedNodes = fixedNodes || 0; var me = this, elements = me.elements = {}, i, len = newElements.length - fixedNodes; if (!startIndex) { startIndex = 0; } for (i = 0; i < len; i++) { elements[startIndex + i] = newElements[i + fixedNodes]; } me.startIndex = startIndex; me.endIndex = startIndex + len - 1; me.count = len; return this; }, insert: function(insertPoint, nodes) { var me = this, elements = me.elements, i, nodeCount = nodes.length; // If not inserting into empty cache, validate, and possibly shuffle. if (me.count) { //<debug> if (insertPoint > me.endIndex + 1 || insertPoint + nodes.length < me.startIndex) { Ext.raise('Discontiguous range would result from inserting ' + nodes.length + ' nodes at ' + insertPoint); } //</debug> // Move following nodes forwards by <nodeCount> positions if (insertPoint < me.count) { for (i = me.endIndex + nodeCount; i >= insertPoint + nodeCount; i--) { elements[i] = elements[i - nodeCount]; elements[i].setAttribute('data-recordIndex', i); } } me.endIndex = me.endIndex + nodeCount; } // Empty cache. set up counters else { me.startIndex = insertPoint; me.endIndex = insertPoint + nodeCount - 1; } // Insert new nodes into place for (i = 0; i < nodeCount; i++, insertPoint++) { elements[insertPoint] = nodes[i]; elements[insertPoint].setAttribute('data-recordIndex', insertPoint); } me.count += nodeCount; }, invoke: function(fn, args) { var me = this, element, i; fn = Ext.dom.Element.prototype[fn]; for (i = me.startIndex; i <= me.endIndex; i++) { element = me.item(i); if (element) { fn.apply(element, args); } } return me; }, item: function(index, asDom) { var el = this.elements[index], result = null; if (el) { result = asDom ? this.elements[index] : this.el.attach(this.elements[index]); } return result; }, first: function(asDom) { return this.item(this.startIndex, asDom); }, last: function(asDom) { return this.item(this.endIndex, asDom); }, /** * @private * Used by buffered renderer when adding or removing record ranges which are above the * rendered block. The element block must be shuffled up or down the index range, * and the data-recordIndex connector attribute must be updated. * */ moveBlock: function(increment) { var me = this, elements = me.elements, node, end, step, i; // No movement; return if (!increment) { return; } if (increment < 0) { i = me.startIndex - 1; end = me.endIndex; step = 1; } else { i = me.endIndex + 1; end = me.startIndex; step = -1; } me.startIndex += increment; me.endIndex += increment; do { i += step; node = elements[i + increment] = elements[i]; node.setAttribute('data-recordIndex', i + increment); // "from" element is outside of the new range, then delete it. if (i < me.startIndex || i > me.endIndex) { delete elements[i]; } } while (i !== end); delete elements[i]; }, getCount : function() { return this.count; }, slice: function(start, end) { var elements = this.elements, result = [], i; if (!end) { end = this.endIndex; } else { end = Math.min(this.endIndex, end - 1); } for (i = start||this.startIndex; i <= end; i++) { result.push(elements[i]); } return result; }, /** * Replaces the specified element with the passed element. * @param {String/HTMLElement/Ext.dom.Element/Number} el The id of an element, the Element itself, the index of the * element in this composite to replace. * @param {String/Ext.dom.Element} replacement The id of an element or the Element itself. * @param {Boolean} [domReplace] True to remove and replace the element in the document too. */ replaceElement: function(el, replacement, domReplace) { var elements = this.elements, index = (typeof el === 'number') ? el : this.indexOf(el); if (index > -1) { replacement = Ext.getDom(replacement); if (domReplace) { el = elements[index]; el.parentNode.insertBefore(replacement, el); Ext.removeNode(el); replacement.setAttribute('data-recordIndex', index); } this.elements[index] = replacement; } return this; }, /** * Find the index of the passed element within the composite collection. * @param {String/HTMLElement/Ext.dom.Element/Number} el The id of an element, or an Ext.dom.Element, or an HTMLElement * to find within the composite collection. * @return {Number} The index of the passed Ext.dom.Element in the composite collection, or -1 if not found. */ indexOf: function(el) { var elements = this.elements, index; el = Ext.getDom(el); for (index = this.startIndex; index <= this.endIndex; index++) { if (elements[index] === el) { return index; } } return -1; }, clip: function(removeEnd, removeCount) { var me = this, elements = me.elements, removed = [], start, end, el, i; // Clipping from start if (removeEnd === 1) { start = me.startIndex; me.startIndex += removeCount; } // Clipping from end else { me.endIndex -= removeCount; start = me.endIndex + 1; } for (i = start, end = start + removeCount - 1; i <= end; i++) { el = elements[i]; removed.push(el); Ext.removeNode(el); delete elements[i]; } me.count -= removeCount; me.view.fireItemMutationEvent('itemremove', me.view.dataSource.getRange(start, end), start, removed, me.view); }, removeRange: function(start, end, removeDom) { var me = this, elements = me.elements, removed = [], el, i, removeCount, fromPos; if (end == null) { end = me.endIndex + 1; } else { end = Math.min(me.endIndex + 1, end + 1); } if (start == null) { start = me.startIndex; } removeCount = end - start; for (i = start, fromPos = end; i <= me.endIndex; i++, fromPos++) { el = elements[i]; // Within removal range and we are removing from DOM if (i < end) { removed.push(el); if (removeDom) { Ext.removeNode(el); } } // If the from position is occupied, shuffle that entry back into reference "i" if (fromPos <= me.endIndex) { el = elements[i] = elements[fromPos]; el.setAttribute('data-recordIndex', i); } // The from position has walked off the end, so delete reference "i" else { delete elements[i]; } } me.count -= removeCount; me.endIndex -= removeCount; return removed; }, /** * Removes the specified element(s). * @param {String/HTMLElement/Ext.dom.Element/Number} el The id of an element, the Element itself, the index of the * element in this composite or an array of any of those. * @param {Boolean} [removeDom] True to also remove the element from the document */ removeElement: function(keys, removeDom) { var me = this, inKeys, key, elements = me.elements, el, deleteCount, keyIndex = 0, index, fromIndex; // Sort the keys into ascending order so that we can iterate through the elements // collection, and delete items encountered in the keys array as we encounter them. if (Ext.isArray(keys)) { inKeys = keys; keys = []; deleteCount = inKeys.length; for (keyIndex = 0; keyIndex < deleteCount; keyIndex++) { key = inKeys[keyIndex]; if (typeof key !== 'number') { key = me.indexOf(key); } // Could be asked to remove data above the start, or below the end of rendered zone in a buffer rendered view // So only collect keys which are within our range if (key >= me.startIndex && key <= me.endIndex) { keys[keys.length] = key; } } Ext.Array.sort(keys); deleteCount = keys.length; } else { // Could be asked to remove data above the start, or below the end of rendered zone in a buffer rendered view if (keys < me.startIndex || keys > me.endIndex) { return; } deleteCount = 1; keys = [keys]; } // Iterate through elements starting at the element referenced by the first deletion key. // We also start off and index zero in the keys to delete array. for (index = fromIndex = keys[0], keyIndex = 0; index <= me.endIndex; index++, fromIndex++) { // If the current index matches the next key in the delete keys array, this // entry is being deleted, so increment the fromIndex to skip it. // Advance to next entry in keys array. if (keyIndex < deleteCount && index === keys[keyIndex]) { fromIndex++; keyIndex++; if (removeDom) { Ext.removeNode(elements[index]); } } // Shuffle entries forward of the delete range back into contiguity. if (fromIndex <= me.endIndex && fromIndex >= me.startIndex) { el = elements[index] = elements[fromIndex]; el.setAttribute('data-recordIndex', index); } else { delete elements[index]; } } me.endIndex -= deleteCount; me.count -= deleteCount; }, /** * Appends/prepends records depending on direction flag * @param {Ext.data.Model[]} newRecords Items to append/prepend * @param {Number} direction `-1' = scroll up, `0` = scroll down. * @param {Number} removeCount The number of records to remove from the end. if scrolling * down, rows are removed from the top and the new rows are added at the bottom. * @return {HTMLElement[]} The view item nodes added either at the top or the bottom of the view. */ scroll: function(newRecords, direction, removeCount) { var me = this, view = me.view, store = view.store, elements = me.elements, recCount = newRecords.length, nodeContainer = view.getNodeContainer(), range = me.statics().range, i, el, removeEnd, children, result, removeStart, removedRecords, removedItems; if (!(newRecords.length || removeCount)) { return; } // Scrolling up (content moved down - new content needed at top, remove from bottom) if (direction === -1) { if (removeCount) { removedRecords = []; removedItems = []; removeStart = (me.endIndex - removeCount) + 1; if (range) { range.setStartBefore(elements[removeStart]); range.setEndAfter(elements[me.endIndex]); range.deleteContents(); for (i = removeStart; i <= me.endIndex; i++) { el = elements[i]; delete elements[i]; removedRecords.push(store.getByInternalId(el.getAttribute('data-recordId'))); removedItems.push(el); } } else { for (i = removeStart; i <= me.endIndex; i++) { el = elements[i]; delete elements[i]; Ext.removeNode(el); removedRecords.push(store.getByInternalId(el.getAttribute('data-recordId'))); removedItems.push(el); } } view.fireItemMutationEvent('itemremove', removedRecords, removeStart, removedItems, view); me.endIndex -= removeCount; } // Only do rendering if there are rows to render. // This could have been a remove only operation due to a view resize event. if (newRecords.length) { // grab all nodes rendered, not just the data rows result = view.bufferRender(newRecords, me.startIndex -= recCount); children = result.children; for (i = 0; i < recCount; i++) { elements[me.startIndex + i] = children[i]; } nodeContainer.insertBefore(result.fragment, nodeContainer.firstChild); // pass the new DOM to any interested parties view.fireItemMutationEvent('itemadd', newRecords, me.startIndex, children, view); } } // Scrolling down (content moved up - new content needed at bottom, remove from top) else { if (removeCount) { removedRecords = []; removedItems = []; removeEnd = me.startIndex + removeCount; if (range) { range.setStartBefore(elements[me.startIndex]); range.setEndAfter(elements[removeEnd - 1]); range.deleteContents(); for (i = me.startIndex; i < removeEnd; i++) { el = elements[i]; delete elements[i]; removedRecords.push(store.getByInternalId(el.getAttribute('data-recordId'))); removedItems.push(el); } } else { for (i = me.startIndex; i < removeEnd; i++) { el = elements[i]; delete elements[i]; Ext.removeNode(el); removedRecords.push(store.getByInternalId(el.getAttribute('data-recordId'))); removedItems.push(el); } } view.fireItemMutationEvent('itemremove', removedRecords, me.startIndex, removedItems, view); me.startIndex = removeEnd; } // grab all nodes rendered, not just the data rows result = view.bufferRender(newRecords, me.endIndex + 1); children = result.children; for (i = 0; i < recCount; i++) { elements[me.endIndex += 1] = children[i]; } nodeContainer.appendChild(result.fragment); // pass the new DOM to any interested parties view.fireItemMutationEvent('itemadd', newRecords, me.endIndex + 1, children, view); } // Keep count consistent. me.count = me.endIndex - me.startIndex + 1; return children; }, sumHeights: function() { var result = 0, elements = this.elements, i; for (i = this.startIndex; i <= this.endIndex; i++) { result += elements[i].offsetHeight; } return result; }}, function() { Ext.dom.CompositeElementLite.importElementMethods.call(this);});