/* * This is a derivative of the similarly named class in the YUI Library. * The original license: * Copyright (c) 2006, Yahoo! Inc. All rights reserved. * Code licensed under the BSD License: * http://developer.yahoo.net/yui/license.txt */ /** * DragDropManager is a singleton that tracks the element interaction for * all DragDrop items in the window. Generally, you will not call * this class directly, but it does have helper methods that could * be useful in your DragDrop implementations. */Ext.define('Ext.dd.DragDropManager', { singleton: true, requires: ['Ext.util.Region'], uses: ['Ext.tip.QuickTipManager'], // shorter ClassName, to save bytes and use internally alternateClassName: ['Ext.dd.DragDropMgr', 'Ext.dd.DDM'], /** * @property {String[]} ids * Two dimensional Array of registered DragDrop objects. The first * dimension is the DragDrop item group, the second the DragDrop * object. * @private */ ids: {}, /** * @property {String[]} handleIds * Array of element ids defined as drag handles. Used to determine * if the element that generated the mousedown event is actually the * handle and not the html element itself. * @private */ handleIds: {}, /** * @property {Ext.dd.DragDrop} dragCurrent * the DragDrop object that is currently being dragged * @private */ dragCurrent: null, /** * @property {Ext.dd.DragDrop[]} dragOvers * the DragDrop object(s) that are being hovered over * @private */ dragOvers: {}, /** * @property {Number} deltaX * the X distance between the cursor and the object being dragged * @private */ deltaX: 0, /** * @property {Number} deltaY * the Y distance between the cursor and the object being dragged * @private */ deltaY: 0, /** * @property {Boolean} preventDefault * `true` to invoke `preventDefault()` on all events during a drag (may be * mouse, touch, or pointer events depending on the platform). * * @deprecated 6.2.0 Use {@link Ext.Component#touchAction touchAction} or * {@link Ext.dom.Element#setTouchAction setTouchAction} to prevent specific * default actions during drag */ preventDefault: true, /** * @property {Boolean} stopPropagation * `true` to invoke `stopPropagation()` on all events during a drag (may be * mouse, touch, or pointer events depending on the platform). * * @deprecated 6.2.0 */ stopPropagation: false, /** * Internal flag that is set to true when drag and drop has been * intialized * @property initialized * @private */ initialized: false, /** * All drag and drop can be disabled. * @property locked * @private */ locked: false, /** * Called the first time an element is registered. * @private */ init: function() { this.initialized = true; }, /** * @property {Number} POINT * In point mode, drag and drop interaction is defined by the * location of the cursor during the drag/drop */ POINT: 0, /** * @property {Number} INTERSECT * In intersect mode, drag and drop interaction is defined by the * overlap of two or more drag and drop objects. */ INTERSECT: 1, /** * @property {Number} mode * The current drag and drop mode. Default: POINT */ mode: 0, /** * @property {Boolean} [notifyOccluded=false] * This config is only provided to provide old, usually unwanted drag/drop behaviour. * * From ExtJS 4.1.0 onwards, when drop targets are contained in floating, absolutely positioned elements * such as in {@link Ext.window.Window Windows}, which may overlap each other, `over` and `drop` events * are only delivered to the topmost drop target at the mouse position. * * If all targets below that in zIndex order should also receive notifications, set * `notifyOccluded` to `true`. */ notifyOccluded: false, /** * @property {String} dragCls * @readonly * Class to add to the {@link Ext.dd.DragDrop#getDragEl dragged element} of a DragDrop instance. */ dragCls: Ext.baseCSSPrefix + 'dd-drag-current', currentPoint: new Ext.util.Point(), /** * Runs method on all drag and drop objects * @private */ _execOnAll: function(sMethod, args) { var ids = this.ids, i, j, oDD, item; for (i in ids) { if (ids.hasOwnProperty(i)) { item = ids[i]; for (j in item) { if (item.hasOwnProperty(j)) { oDD = item[j]; if (! this.isTypeOfDD(oDD)) { continue; } oDD[sMethod].apply(oDD, args); } } } } }, /** * Drag and drop initialization. Sets up the global event handlers * @private */ addListeners: function() { var me = this; me.init(); Ext.getWin().on({ unload: me._onUnload, resize: me._onResize, scope: me }); }, /** * Reset constraints on all drag and drop objs * @private */ _onResize: function(e) { this._execOnAll("resetConstraints", []); }, /** * Lock all drag and drop functionality */ lock: function() { this.locked = true; }, /** * Unlock all drag and drop functionality */ unlock: function() { this.locked = false; }, /** * Is drag and drop locked? * @return {Boolean} True if drag and drop is locked, false otherwise. */ isLocked: function() { return this.locked; }, /** * @property {Object} locationCache * Location cache that is set for all drag drop objects when a drag is * initiated, cleared when the drag is finished. * @private */ locationCache: {}, /** * @property {Boolean} useCache * Set useCache to false if you want to force object the lookup of each * drag and drop linked element constantly during a drag. */ useCache: true, /** * @property {Number} clickPixelThresh * The number of pixels that the mouse needs to move after the * mousedown before the drag is initiated. Default=8; * defaults to the same value used in the LongPress gesture so that drag cannot be * initiated if there is a possible pending longpress */ clickPixelThresh: 8, /** * @property {Boolean} dragThreshMet * Flag that indicates that either the drag pixel threshold or the * mousdown time threshold has been met * @private */ dragThreshMet: false, /** * @property {Object} clickTimeout * Timeout used for the click time threshold * @private */ clickTimeout: null, /** * @property {Number} startX * The X position of the mousedown event stored for later use when a * drag threshold is met. * @private */ startX: 0, /** * @property {Number} startY * The Y position of the mousedown event stored for later use when a * drag threshold is met. * @private */ startY: 0, /** * Each DragDrop instance must be registered with the DragDropManager. * This is executed in DragDrop.init() * @param {Ext.dd.DragDrop} oDD the DragDrop object to register * @param {String} sGroup the name of the group this element belongs to */ regDragDrop: function(oDD, sGroup) { if (!this.initialized) { this.init(); } if (!this.ids[sGroup]) { this.ids[sGroup] = {}; } this.ids[sGroup][oDD.id] = oDD; }, /** * Removes the supplied dd instance from the supplied group. Executed * by DragDrop.removeFromGroup, so don't call this function directly. * @private */ removeDDFromGroup: function(oDD, sGroup) { if (!this.ids[sGroup]) { this.ids[sGroup] = {}; } var obj = this.ids[sGroup]; if (obj && obj[oDD.id]) { delete obj[oDD.id]; } }, /** * Unregisters a drag and drop item. This is executed in * DragDrop.unreg, use that method instead of calling this directly. * @private */ _remove: function(oDD, clearGroup) { var me = this, ids = me.ids, groups = oDD.groups, g; // If we're clearing everything, we'll just end up wiping // this.ids & this.handleIds if (me.clearingAll) { return; } if (me.dragCurrent === oDD) { me.dragCurrent = null; } for (g in groups) { if (groups.hasOwnProperty(g)) { if (clearGroup) { delete ids[g]; } else if (ids[g]) { delete ids[g][oDD.id]; } } } delete me.handleIds[oDD.id]; delete me.locationCache[oDD.id]; }, /** * Each DragDrop handle element must be registered. This is done * automatically when executing DragDrop.setHandleElId() * @param {String} sDDId the DragDrop id this element is a handle for * @param {String} sHandleId the id of the element that is the drag * handle */ regHandle: function(sDDId, sHandleId) { if (!this.handleIds[sDDId]) { this.handleIds[sDDId] = {}; } this.handleIds[sDDId][sHandleId] = sHandleId; }, /** * Utility function to determine if a given element has been * registered as a drag drop item. * @param {String} id the element id to check * @return {Boolean} true if this element is a DragDrop item, * false otherwise */ isDragDrop: function(id) { return ( this.getDDById(id) ) ? true : false; }, /** * Returns the drag and drop instances that are in all groups the * passed in instance belongs to. * @param {Ext.dd.DragDrop} p_oDD the obj to get related data for * @param {Boolean} bTargetsOnly if true, only return targetable objs * @return {Ext.dd.DragDrop[]} the related instances */ getRelated: function(p_oDD, bTargetsOnly) { var oDDs = [], i, j, dd; for (i in p_oDD.groups) { for (j in this.ids[i]) { dd = this.ids[i][j]; if (! this.isTypeOfDD(dd)) { continue; } if (!bTargetsOnly || dd.isTarget) { oDDs[oDDs.length] = dd; } } } return oDDs; }, /** * Returns true if the specified dd target is a legal target for * the specifice drag obj * @param {Ext.dd.DragDrop} oDD the drag obj * @param {Ext.dd.DragDrop} oTargetDD the target * @return {Boolean} true if the target is a legal target for the * dd obj */ isLegalTarget: function (oDD, oTargetDD) { var targets = this.getRelated(oDD, true), i, len; for (i=0, len=targets.length;i<len;++i) { if (targets[i].id === oTargetDD.id) { return true; } } return false; }, /** * My goal is to be able to transparently determine if an object is * typeof DragDrop, and the exact subclass of DragDrop. typeof * returns "object", oDD.constructor.toString() always returns * "DragDrop" and not the name of the subclass. So for now it just * evaluates a well-known variable in DragDrop. * @param {Object} oDD The object to evaluate * @return {Boolean} true if typeof oDD = DragDrop */ isTypeOfDD: function (oDD) { return (oDD && oDD.__ygDragDrop); }, /** * Utility function to determine if a given element has been * registered as a drag drop handle for the given Drag Drop object. * @param {String} id the element id to check * @return {Boolean} true if this element is a DragDrop handle, false * otherwise */ isHandle: function(sDDId, sHandleId) { return ( this.handleIds[sDDId] && this.handleIds[sDDId][sHandleId] ); }, /** * Returns the DragDrop instance for a given id * @param {String} id the id of the DragDrop object * @return {Ext.dd.DragDrop} the drag drop object, null if it is not found */ getDDById: function(id, force) { var i, dd; for (i in this.ids) { dd = this.ids[i][id]; if (dd instanceof Ext.dd.DDTarget || force) { return dd; } } return null; }, /** * Fired after a registered DragDrop object gets the mousedown event. * Sets up the events required to track the object being dragged * @param {Event} e the event * @param {Ext.dd.DragDrop} oDD the DragDrop object being dragged * @private */ handleMouseDown: function(e, oDD) { var me = this, xy = e.getXY(), el = oDD.getEl(), // let other mouseup events occur before us pointerup = { translate: false, fn: me.handleMouseUp, capture: false, priority: -1000 }, // Mousemove events do not need to be captured because they do not contend // with scroll events - they're only processed when a drag has begun. // Capturing was causing https://sencha.jira.com/browse/EXTJS-13952 pointermove = { translate: false, fn: me.handleMouseMove, capture: false }, listeners = { capture: true, destroyable: true, scope: me }, DomEventType = e.browserEvent.type; // On devices that support multi-touch the second touch terminates drag listeners.touchstart = me.handleMouseUp; // Listen for the right kind of events depending on how // the drag was initiated. // Pointer events standard if (DomEventType === 'pointerdown') { listeners.pointerup = pointerup; listeners.pointermove = pointermove; } // IE10 pointer event else if (DomEventType === 'MSPointerDown') { listeners.MSPointerUp = pointerup; listeners.MSPointerMove = pointermove; } // Real mouse event else if (DomEventType === 'mousedown') { listeners.mouseup = pointerup; listeners.mousemove = pointermove; } // Touch start else { listeners.touchend = pointerup; listeners.touchmove = pointermove; } me.pointerMoveListeners = Ext.getDoc().on(listeners); me.isMouseDown = true; me.currentPoint.setPosition(xy); if (me.dragCurrent){ // the original browser mouseup wasn't handled (e.g. outside FF browser window) // so clean up first to avoid breaking the next drag me.handleMouseUp(e); } me.mousedownEvent = e; me.currentTarget = e.getTarget(); me.dragCurrent = oDD; //<feature legacyBrowser> // We use this to handle an issue where a mouseup will not be detected // if the mouseup event happens outside of the browser window. When the // mouse comes back, any drag will still be active // http://msdn.microsoft.com/en-us/library/ms537630(VS.85).aspx Ext.fly(el).setCapture(); //</feature> // track start position me.startX = xy[0]; me.startY = xy[1]; // Track the distance moved. me.offsetX = me.offsetY = 0; me.deltaX = me.startX - el.offsetLeft; me.deltaY = me.startY - el.offsetTop; me.dragThreshMet = false; }, /** * Fired when either the drag pixel threshold or the mousedown hold * time threshold has been met. * @param {Number} x the X position of the original mousedown * @param {Number} y the Y position of the original mousedown */ startDrag: function(x, y) { var me = this, current = me.dragCurrent, dragEl; clearTimeout(me.clickTimeout); if (Ext.quickTipsActive){ Ext.tip.QuickTipManager.ddDisable(); } if (current) { current.b4StartDrag(x, y); current.startDrag(x, y); dragEl = Ext.fly(current.getDragEl()); // Add current drag class to dragged element if (dragEl) { dragEl.addCls(me.dragCls); // This will allow pointer events to bubble through the shim iframe // to the parent document if (dragEl.shim && dragEl.shim.el) { dragEl.shim.el.addCls(me.dragCls); } } } me.dragThreshMet = true; }, /** * Internal function to handle the mouseup event. Will be invoked * from the context of the document. * @param {Event} e the event * @private */ handleMouseUp: function(e) { var me = this; // We only listen for pointermove after a trigger event me.pointerMoveListeners.destroy(); me.isMouseDown = false; if (!me.dragCurrent) { return; } // See setCapture call in handleMouseDown if (Ext.isIE && document.releaseCapture) { document.releaseCapture(); } clearTimeout(me.clickTimeout); if (me.dragThreshMet) { me.fireEvents(e, true); } me.stopDrag(e); if (me.dragThreshMet) { me.stopEvent(e); } me.mousedownEvent = me.currentTarget = null; }, /** * Utility to stop event propagation and event default, if these * features are turned on. * @param {Event} e the event as returned by this.getEvent() */ stopEvent: function(e) { if (this.stopPropagation) { e.stopPropagation(); } if (this.preventDefault && e.pointerType === 'touch') { e.preventDefault(); } }, /** * Internal function to clean up event handlers after the drag * operation is complete * @param {Event} e the event * @private */ stopDrag: function(e) { var me = this, current = me.dragCurrent, dragEl; if (Ext.quickTipsActive){ Ext.tip.QuickTipManager.ddEnable(); } // Fire the drag end event for the item that was dragged if (current) { if (me.dragThreshMet) { // Remove current drag class from dragged element dragEl = Ext.fly(current.getDragEl()); if (dragEl) { dragEl.removeCls(me.dragCls); if (dragEl.shim && dragEl.shim.el) { dragEl.shim.el.removeCls(me.dragCls); } } current.b4EndDrag(e); current.endDrag(e); } me.dragCurrent.onMouseUp(e); } me.dragCurrent = null; me.dragOvers = {}; }, /** * Internal function to handle the mousemove event. Will be invoked * from the context of the html element. * * TODO: figure out what we can do about mouse events lost when the * user drags objects beyond the window boundary. Currently we can * detect this in internet explorer by verifying that the mouse is * down during the mousemove event. Firefox doesn't give us the * button state on the mousemove event. * * @param {Event} e the event * @private */ handleMouseMove: function(e) { var me = this, current = me.dragCurrent, point = e.getXY(), currentX = point[0], currentY = point[1], diffX, diffY; me.offsetX = currentX - me.startX; me.offsetY = currentY - me.startY; me.currentPoint.setPosition(point); if (!current) { return true; } if (!me.dragThreshMet) { diffX = Math.abs(me.offsetX); diffY = Math.abs(me.offsetY); if (diffX > me.clickPixelThresh || diffY > me.clickPixelThresh) { e.claimGesture(); me.startDrag(me.startX, me.startY); } } if (me.dragThreshMet) { current.b4Drag(e); current.onDrag(e); if (!current.moveOnly) { me.fireEvents(e, false); } } me.stopEvent(e); return true; }, /** * Iterates over all of the DragDrop elements to find ones we are * hovering over or dropping on * @param {Event} e the event * @param {Boolean} isDrop is this a drop op or a mouseover op? * @private */ fireEvents: function(e, isDrop) { var me = this, isTouch = Ext.supports.Touch, dragCurrent = me.dragCurrent, mousePoint = me.currentPoint, allTargets = [], oldOvers = [], // cache the previous dragOver array outEvts = [], overEvts = [], dropEvts = [], enterEvts = [], dragEl, overTarget, overTargetEl, needsSort, i, len, sGroup, overDragEl; // If the user did the mouse up outside of the window, we could // get here even though we have ended the drag. if (!dragCurrent || dragCurrent.isLocked()) { return; } // Touch's delegated event system means that the mousemove (which will be a touchmove really) target will be the element that the listener was requested for, NOT the actual lowest // level target . So we have to use elementFromPoint to find the target which we are currently over. // // If we need to use the current mousemove target to find the over el, // but pointer-events is not supported, AND the delta position does not place the mouse outside of the dragEl, // temporarily move the dragEl away, and fake the mousemove target by using document.elementFromPoint // while it's out of the way. // The pointer events implementation is bugged in IE9/10 and opera, so fallback even if they report that they support it. // IE8m do not support it so they will auto fall back overDragEl = !(dragCurrent.deltaX < 0 || dragCurrent.deltaY < 0); if (isTouch || (!me.notifyOccluded && (!Ext.supports.CSSPointerEvents || Ext.isIE10m || Ext.isOpera) && overDragEl)) { dragEl = dragCurrent.getDragEl(); // Temporarily hide the dragEl instead of moving it off the page. Moving the el off the page can cause // problems when in an iframe with IE8 standards. See EXTJSIV-11728. if (overDragEl) { dragEl.style.visibility = 'hidden'; } // In Win10, dragging outside the browser window will cause elementFromPoint to // return null. In these cases, default to the document. // We are about to change the event target so that it behaves like a mouse // event, not a touch event. We first need to prototype chain a new object // to the original event, to avoid modifying the original. e = e.chain({ target: me.elementFromPoint(e.clientX, e.clientY) || document.documentElement }); if (overDragEl) { dragEl.style.visibility = 'visible'; } } // Check to see if the object(s) we were hovering over is no longer // being hovered over so we can fire the onDragOut event for (i in me.dragOvers) { overTarget = me.dragOvers[i]; delete me.dragOvers[i]; // Check to make sure that the component hasn't been destroyed in the middle of a drag operation. if (!me.isTypeOfDD(overTarget) || overTarget.destroyed) { continue; } // On mouseup/pointerup/touchend, we destroy our // pointerMoveListeners, (see handleMouseUp). So will will recieve no // further move notifications to cause the terminating "out" // events, so create the out events now. if (isDrop) { outEvts.push(overTarget); } else { // If notifyOccluded set, we use mouse position if (me.notifyOccluded) { if (!this.isOverTarget(mousePoint, overTarget, me.mode)) { outEvts.push(overTarget); } } // Otherwise we use event source of the mousemove event else { if (!e.within(overTarget.getEl())) { outEvts.push(overTarget); } } } oldOvers[i] = true; } // Collect all targets which are members of the same ddGoups that the dragCurrent is a member of, and which may receive mouseover and drop notifications. // This is preparatory to seeing which one(s) we are currently over // Begin by iterating through the ddGroups of which the dragCurrent is a member for (sGroup in dragCurrent.groups) { if ("string" !== typeof sGroup) { continue; } // Loop over the registered members of each group, testing each as a potential target for (i in me.ids[sGroup]) { overTarget = me.ids[sGroup][i]; // The target is valid if it is a DD type // And it's got a DOM element // And it's configured to be a drop target // And it's not locked // And the DOM element is fully visible with no hidden ancestors // And it's either not the dragCurrent, or, if it is, tha dragCurrent is configured to not ignore itself. if (me.isTypeOfDD(overTarget) && (overTargetEl = overTarget.getEl()) && (overTarget.isTarget) && (!overTarget.isLocked()) && (Ext.fly(overTargetEl).isVisible(true)) && ((overTarget !== dragCurrent) || (dragCurrent.ignoreSelf === false))) { // If notifyOccluded set, we use mouse position if (me.notifyOccluded) { // Only sort by zIndex if there were some which had a floating zIndex value if ((overTarget.zIndex = me.getZIndex(overTargetEl)) !== -1) { needsSort = true; } allTargets.push(overTarget); } // Otherwise we use event source of the mousemove event else { if (e.within(overTargetEl)) { allTargets.push(overTarget); break; } } } } } // If there were floating targets, sort the highest zIndex to the top if (needsSort) { Ext.Array.sort(allTargets, me.byZIndex); } // Loop through possible targets, notifying the one(s) we are over. // Usually we only deliver events to the topmost. for (i = 0, len = allTargets.length; i < len; i++) { overTarget = allTargets[i]; // If we are over the overTarget, queue it up to recieve an event of whatever type we are handling if (me.isOverTarget(mousePoint, overTarget, me.mode)) { // look for drop interactions if (isDrop) { dropEvts.push( overTarget ); // look for drag enter and drag over interactions } else { // initial drag over: dragEnter fires if (!oldOvers[overTarget.id]) { enterEvts.push( overTarget ); // subsequent drag overs: dragOver fires } else { overEvts.push( overTarget ); } me.dragOvers[overTarget.id] = overTarget; } // Unless this DragDropManager has been explicitly configured to deliver events to multiple targets, then we are done. if (!me.notifyOccluded) { break; } } } if (me.mode) { if (enterEvts.length) { dragCurrent.onDragEnter(e, enterEvts); } if (overEvts.length) { dragCurrent.b4DragOver(e, overEvts); dragCurrent.onDragOver(e, overEvts); } if (dropEvts.length) { dragCurrent.b4DragDrop(e, dropEvts); dragCurrent.onDragDrop(e, dropEvts); } // fire dragout events. // These are fires on mouseup/pointerup/touchend // in addition to the dropEvt, so must happen *after* the drop if (outEvts.length) { dragCurrent.b4DragOut(e, outEvts); dragCurrent.onDragOut(e, outEvts); } } else { // fire enter events for (i=0,len=enterEvts.length; i<len; ++i) { // dc.b4DragEnter(e, oDD.id); dragCurrent.onDragEnter(e, enterEvts[i].id); } // fire over events for (i=0,len=overEvts.length; i<len; ++i) { dragCurrent.b4DragOver(e, overEvts[i].id); dragCurrent.onDragOver(e, overEvts[i].id); } // fire drop events for (i=0, len=dropEvts.length; i<len; ++i) { dragCurrent.b4DragDrop(e, dropEvts[i].id); dragCurrent.onDragDrop(e, dropEvts[i].id); } // fire dragout events. // These are fires on mouseup/pointerup/touchend // in addition to the dropEvt, so must happen *after* the drop for (i=0, len=outEvts.length; i<len; ++i) { dragCurrent.b4DragOut(e, outEvts[i].id); dragCurrent.onDragOut(e, outEvts[i].id); } } // notify about a drop that did not find a target if (isDrop && !dropEvts.length) { dragCurrent.onInvalidDrop(e); } }, /** * @private * Wrap Ext.Element.fromPagePoint. * * This is because in RTL mode we need to reverse any RTLification of the X coordinate * because document.elementFromPoint uses LTR. */ elementFromPoint: function(x, y) { if (Ext.rootInheritedState.rtl) { x = Ext.Element.getViewportWidth() - x; } return Ext.Element.fromPoint(x, y, true); }, /** * @private * Collects the z-index of the passed element, looking up the parentNode axis to find an absolutely positioned ancestor * which is able to yield a z-index. If found to be not absolutely positionedm returns -1. * * This is used when sorting potential drop targets into z-index order so that only the topmost receives `over` and `drop` events. * * @return {Number} The z-index of the element, or of its topmost absolutely positioned ancestor. Returns -1 if the element is not * absolutely positioned. */ getZIndex: function(element) { var body = document.body, z, zIndex = -1; element = Ext.getDom(element); while (element !== body) { if (!isNaN(z = Number(Ext.fly(element).getStyle('zIndex')))) { zIndex = z; } element = element.parentNode; } return zIndex; }, /** * @private * Utility method to pass to {@link Ext.Array#sort} when sorting potential drop targets by z-index. */ byZIndex: function(d1, d2) { return d1.zIndex < d2.zIndex; }, /** * Helper function for getting the best match from the list of drag * and drop objects returned by the drag and drop events when we are * in INTERSECT mode. It returns either the first object that the * cursor is over, or the object that has the greatest overlap with * the dragged element. * @param {Ext.dd.DragDrop[]} dds The array of drag and drop objects * targeted * @return {Ext.dd.DragDrop} The best single match */ getBestMatch: function(dds) { var winner = null, len = dds.length, i, dd; // Return null if the input is not what we expect //if (!dds || !dds.length || dds.length == 0) { // winner = null; // If there is only one item, it wins //} else if (dds.length == 1) { if (len === 1) { winner = dds[0]; } else { // Loop through the targeted items for (i=0; i<len; ++i) { dd = dds[i]; // If the cursor is over the object, it wins. If the // cursor is over multiple matches, the first one we come // to wins. if (dd.cursorIsOver) { winner = dd; break; // Otherwise the object with the most overlap wins } else { if (!winner || winner.overlap.getArea() < dd.overlap.getArea()) { winner = dd; } } } } return winner; }, /** * Refreshes the cache of the top-left and bottom-right points of the * drag and drop objects in the specified group(s). This is in the * format that is stored in the drag and drop instance, so typical * usage is: * * Ext.dd.DragDropManager.refreshCache(ddinstance.groups); * * Alternatively: * * Ext.dd.DragDropManager.refreshCache({group1:true, group2:true}); * * TODO: this really should be an indexed array. Alternatively this * method could accept both. * * @param {Object} groups an associative array of groups to refresh */ refreshCache: function(groups) { var sGroup, i, oDD, loc; for (sGroup in groups) { if ("string" !== typeof sGroup) { continue; } for (i in this.ids[sGroup]) { oDD = this.ids[sGroup][i]; if (this.isTypeOfDD(oDD)) { // if (this.isTypeOfDD(oDD) && oDD.isTarget) { loc = this.getLocation(oDD); if (loc) { this.locationCache[oDD.id] = loc; } else { delete this.locationCache[oDD.id]; // this will unregister the drag and drop object if // the element is not in a usable state // oDD.unreg(); } } } } }, /** * This checks to make sure an element exists and is in the DOM. The * main purpose is to handle cases where innerHTML is used to remove * drag and drop objects from the DOM. * @param {HTMLElement} el the element to check * @return {Boolean} true if the element looks usable */ verifyEl: function(el) { return Ext.getBody().contains(el); }, /** * Returns a Region object containing the drag and drop element's position * and size, including the padding configured for it * @param {Ext.dd.DragDrop} oDD the drag and drop object to get the location for. * @return {Ext.util.Region} a Region object representing the total area * the element occupies, including any padding * the instance is configured for. */ getLocation: function(oDD) { if (! this.isTypeOfDD(oDD)) { return null; } //delegate getLocation method to the //drag and drop target. if (oDD.getRegion) { return oDD.getRegion(); } var el = oDD.getEl(), pos, x1, x2, y1, y2, t, r, b, l; try { pos= Ext.fly(el).getXY(); } catch (e) { } if (!pos) { return null; } x1 = pos[0]; x2 = x1 + el.offsetWidth; y1 = pos[1]; y2 = y1 + el.offsetHeight; t = y1 - oDD.padding[0]; r = x2 + oDD.padding[1]; b = y2 + oDD.padding[2]; l = x1 - oDD.padding[3]; return new Ext.util.Region(t, r, b, l); }, /** * Checks the cursor location to see if it over the target * @param {Ext.util.Point} pt The point to evaluate * @param {Ext.dd.DragDrop} oTarget the DragDrop object we are inspecting * @return {Boolean} true if the mouse is over the target * @private */ isOverTarget: function(pt, oTarget, intersect) { // use cache if available var loc = this.locationCache[oTarget.id], dc, pos, el, curRegion, overlap; if (!loc || !this.useCache) { loc = this.getLocation(oTarget); this.locationCache[oTarget.id] = loc; } if (!loc) { return false; } oTarget.cursorIsOver = loc.contains( pt ); // DragDrop is using this as a sanity check for the initial mousedown // in this case we are done. In POINT mode, if the drag obj has no // contraints, we are also done. Otherwise we need to evaluate the // location of the target as related to the actual location of the // dragged element. dc = this.dragCurrent; if (!dc || !dc.getTargetCoord || (!intersect && !dc.constrainX && !dc.constrainY)) { return oTarget.cursorIsOver; } oTarget.overlap = null; // Get the current location of the drag element, this is the // location of the mouse event less the delta that represents // where the original mousedown happened on the element. We // need to consider constraints and ticks as well. pos = dc.getTargetCoord(pt.x, pt.y); el = dc.getDragEl(); curRegion = new Ext.util.Region(pos.y, pos.x + el.offsetWidth, pos.y + el.offsetHeight, pos.x ); overlap = curRegion.intersect(loc); if (overlap) { oTarget.overlap = overlap; return (intersect) ? true : oTarget.cursorIsOver; } else { return false; } }, /** * unload event handler * @private */ _onUnload: function(e, me) { Ext.dd.DragDropManager.unregAll(); }, /** * Cleans up the drag and drop events and objects. * @private */ unregAll: function() { var me = this, cache = me.elementCache, i; if (me.dragCurrent) { me.stopDrag(); me.dragCurrent = null; } me.clearingAll = true; me._execOnAll("unreg", []); delete me.clearingAll; for (i in cache) { delete cache[i]; } me.elementCache = {}; me.ids = {}; me.handleIds = {}; }, /** * @property {Object} elementCache * A cache of DOM elements * @private */ elementCache: {}, /** * Get the wrapper for the DOM element specified * @param {String} id the id of the element to get * @return {Ext.dd.DragDropManager.ElementWrapper} the wrapped element * @private * @deprecated This wrapper isn't that useful */ getElWrapper: function(id) { var oWrapper = this.elementCache[id]; if (!oWrapper || !oWrapper.el) { oWrapper = this.elementCache[id] = new this.ElementWrapper(Ext.getDom(id)); } return oWrapper; }, /** * Returns the actual DOM element * @param {String} id the id of the elment to get * @return {Object} The element * @deprecated use Ext.lib.Ext.getDom instead */ getElement: function(id) { return Ext.getDom(id); }, /** * Returns the style property for the DOM element (i.e., * document.getElById(id).style) * @param {String} id the id of the elment to get * @return {Object} The style property of the element */ getCss: function(id) { var el = Ext.getDom(id); return (el) ? el.style : null; }, /** * @class Ext.dd.DragDropManager.ElementWrapper * Deprecated inner class for cached elements. * @private * @deprecated This wrapper isn't that useful */ ElementWrapper: function(el) { /** The element */ this.el = el || null; /** The element id */ this.id = this.el && el.id; /** A reference to the style property */ this.css = this.el && el.style; }, // Continue class docs /** @class Ext.dd.DragDropElement */ /** * Returns the X position of an html element * @param {HTMLElement} el the element for which to get the position * @return {Number} the X coordinate */ getPosX: function(el) { return Ext.fly(el).getX(); }, /** * Returns the Y position of an html element * @param {HTMLElement} el the element for which to get the position * @return {Number} the Y coordinate */ getPosY: function(el) { return Ext.fly(el).getY(); }, /** * Swap two nodes. In IE, we use the native method, for others we * emulate the IE behavior * @param {HTMLElement} n1 the first node to swap * @param {HTMLElement} n2 the other node to swap */ swapNode: function(n1, n2) { if (n1.swapNode) { n1.swapNode(n2); } else { var p = n2.parentNode, s = n2.nextSibling; if (s === n1) { p.insertBefore(n1, n2); } else if (n2 === n1.nextSibling) { p.insertBefore(n2, n1); } else { n1.parentNode.replaceChild(n2, n1); p.insertBefore(n1, s); } } }, /** * Returns the current scroll position * @private */ getScroll: function () { var doc = window.document, docEl = doc.documentElement, body = doc.body, top = 0, left = 0; if (docEl && (docEl.scrollTop || docEl.scrollLeft)) { top = docEl.scrollTop; left = docEl.scrollLeft; } else if (body) { top = body.scrollTop; left = body.scrollLeft; } return { top: top, left: left }; }, /** * Returns the specified element style property * @param {HTMLElement} el the element * @param {String} styleProp the style property * @return {String} The value of the style property */ getStyle: function(el, styleProp) { return Ext.fly(el).getStyle(styleProp); }, /** * Gets the scrollTop * @return {Number} the document's scrollTop */ getScrollTop: function () { return this.getScroll().top; }, /** * Gets the scrollLeft * @return {Number} the document's scrollTop */ getScrollLeft: function () { return this.getScroll().left; }, /** * Sets the x/y position of an element to the location of the * target element. * @param {HTMLElement} moveEl The element to move * @param {HTMLElement} targetEl The position reference element */ moveToEl: function (moveEl, targetEl) { var aCoord = Ext.fly(targetEl).getXY(); Ext.fly(moveEl).setXY(aCoord); }, /** * Numeric array sort function * @param {Number} a * @param {Number} b * @return {Number} positive, negative or 0 */ numericSort: function(a, b) { return (a - b); }, /** * Recursively searches the immediate parent and all child nodes for * the handle element in order to determine wheter or not it was * clicked. * @param {HTMLElement} node the html element to inspect */ handleWasClicked: function(node, id) { if (this.isHandle(id, node.id)) { return true; } else { // check to see if this is a text node child of the one we want var p = node.parentNode; while (p) { if (this.isHandle(id, p.id)) { return true; } else { p = p.parentNode; } } } return false; }}, function(DragDropManager) { Ext.onInternalReady(function() { DragDropManager.addListeners(); });});