/** * @override Ext.rtl.layout.ContextItem * This override adds RTL support to Ext.layout.ContextItem. */Ext.define('Ext.rtl.layout.ContextItem', { override: 'Ext.layout.ContextItem', rtlTranslateProps: { x: 'right', y: 'top' }, constructor: function(config) { var me = this, componentContext = config.componentContext; me.callParent([config]); // If a componentContext exists, it means this context item is the child element // of a component, so just ask for the state. If no componentContext, then ask // the component for the state me.rtl = componentContext ? componentContext.rtl : me.target.getInherited().rtl; if (me.rtl) { me.translateProps = me.rtlTranslateProps; } } });