/** * The `Ext.d3.legend.Color` is designed to work with the {@link Ext.d3.axis.Color Color} axis * and present the range of its possible values in various ways. */Ext.define('Ext.d3.legend.Color', { extend: 'Ext.d3.legend.Legend', config: { /** * @cfg {Ext.d3.axis.Color} axis * The color axis that this legend represents. */ axis: null, /** * @cfg {Object} items * @cfg {Number} items.count The number of legend items to use to represent * the range of possible values of the color axis scale. * This config makes use of the `ticks` method of the color axis * scale. Please see the method's [documentation](https://github.com/d3/d3-3.x-api-reference/blob/master/Quantitative-Scales.md#user-content-linear_ticks) * for more info. * This number is only a hint, the actual number may be different. * @cfg {Number[]} items.slice Arguments to the Array's `slice` method. * For example, to skip the first legend item use the value of `[1]`, * to skip the first and last item: `[1, -1]`. * @cfg {Boolean} items.reverse Set to `true` to reverse the order of items in the legend. * Note: the slicing of items happens before the order is reversed. * @cfg {Object} items.size The size of a single legend item. * @cfg {Number} items.size.x The width of a legend item. * @cfg {Number} items.size.y The height of a legend item. */ items: { count: 5, slice: null, reverse: false, size: { x: 30, y: 30 } } }, getScale: function () { return this.getAxis().getScale(); }, updateAxis: function (axis, oldAxis) { var me = this; if (oldAxis) { oldAxis.un('scalechange', me.onScaleChange, me); } if (axis) { axis.on('scalechange', me.onScaleChange, me); } }, onScaleChange: function (axis, scale) { this.renderItems(); }, updateItems: function () { if (!this.isConfiguring) { this.renderItems(); } }, renderItems: function () { var me = this, scale = me.getScale(), items = me.getItems(), itemSelection = me.getRenderedItems(), ticks, updateSelection; if (items.count > 0 && scale.ticks) { ticks = scale.ticks(items.count); if (items.slice) { ticks = ticks.slice.apply(ticks, items.slice); } if (items.reverse) { ticks = ticks.reverse(); } } else { ticks = scale.domain(); } if (ticks) { updateSelection = itemSelection.data(ticks); me.onAddItems(updateSelection.enter()); me.onUpdateItems(updateSelection); me.onRemoveItems(updateSelection.exit()); } }, getRenderedItems: function () { return this.group.selectAll('.' + this.defaultCls.item); }, onAddItems: function (selection) { var me = this; selection = selection.append('g').classed(me.defaultCls.item, true); selection.append('rect'); selection.append('text'); me.onUpdateItems(selection); }, onUpdateItems: function (selection) { var me = this, items = me.getItems(), docked = me.getDocked(), scale = me.getScale(), blocks, labels; blocks = selection.select('rect') .attr('width', items.size.x) .attr('height', items.size.y) .style('fill', scale); labels = selection.select('text') .each(function () { Ext.d3.Helpers.setDominantBaseline(this, 'middle'); }) .attr('text-anchor', 'middle') .text(String); switch (docked) { case 'left': case 'right': blocks.attr('transform', function (data, index) { return 'translate(0,' + index * items.size.y + ')'; }); labels .attr('x', items.size.x + 10) .attr('y', function (data, index) { return (index + 0.5) * items.size.y; }) .attr('dx', 10); break; case 'top': case 'bottom': blocks.attr('transform', function (data, index) { return 'translate(' + index * items.size.x + ',0)'; }); labels .attr('x', function (data, index) { return (index + 0.5) * items.size.x; }) .attr('y', items.size.y) .attr('dy', '1em'); break; } }, onRemoveItems: function (selection) { selection.remove(); } });