/** * A chained store is a store that is a "view" of an existing store. The data comes from the * {@link #source}, however this view of the store may be sorted & filtered independently without * having any impact on the {@link #source} store. */Ext.define('Ext.data.ChainedStore', { extend: 'Ext.data.AbstractStore', alias: 'store.chained', config: { /** * @cfg {Ext.data.Store/String} source * The backing data source for this chained store. Either a store instance * or the id of an existing store. */ source: null, remoteFilter: false, remoteSort: false }, mixins: [ 'Ext.data.LocalStore' ], //<debug> updateRemoteFilter: function(remoteFilter, oldRemoteFilter) { if (remoteFilter) { Ext.raise('Remote filtering cannot be used with chained stores.'); } this.callParent([remoteFilter, oldRemoteFilter]); }, updateRemoteSort: function(remoteSort, oldRemoteSort) { if (remoteSort) { Ext.raise('Remote sorting cannot be used with chained stores.'); } this.callParent([remoteSort, oldRemoteSort]); }, //</debug> remove: function() { var source = this.getSource(); //<debug> if (!source) { Ext.raise('Cannot remove records with no source.'); } //</debug> return source.remove.apply(source, arguments); }, removeAll: function() { var source = this.getSource(); //<debug> if (!source) { Ext.raise('Cannot remove records with no source.'); } //</debug> return source.removeAll(); }, getData: function() { var me = this, data = me.data; if (!data) { me.data = data = me.constructDataCollection(); } return data; }, getTotalCount: function() { return this.getCount(); }, getSession: function() { return this.getSourceValue('getSession', null); }, applySource: function(source) { if (source) { //<debug> var original = source, s; //</debug> source = Ext.data.StoreManager.lookup(source); //<debug> if (!source) { s = 'Invalid source {0}specified for Ext.data.ChainedStore'; s = Ext.String.format(s, typeof original === 'string' ? '"' + original + '" ' : ''); Ext.raise(s); } //</debug> } return source; }, updateSource: function(source, oldSource) { var me = this, data; if (oldSource && !oldSource.destroyed) { oldSource.removeObserver(me); } if (source) { data = me.getData(); data.setSource(source.getData()); if (!me.isInitializing) { me.fireEvent('refresh', me); me.fireEvent('datachanged', me); } source.addObserver(me); } }, /** * Get the model used for this store. * @return {Ext.data.Model} The model */ getModel: function() { return this.getSourceValue('getModel', null); }, getProxy: function() { return null; }, onCollectionAdd: function(collection, info) { var me = this, records = info.items, lastChunk = !info.next; if (me.ignoreCollectionAdd) { return; } me.fireEvent('add', me, records, info.at); // If there is a next property, that means there is another range that needs // to be removed after this. Wait until everything is gone before firign datachanged // since it should be a bulk operation if (lastChunk) { me.fireEvent('datachanged', me); } }, // Our collection tells us that an item has changed onCollectionItemChange: function(collection, info) { var me = this, record = info.item, modifiedFieldNames = info.modified || null, type = info.meta; // Inform any interested parties that a record has been mutated. // This will be invoked on TreeStores in which the invoking record // is an descendant of a collapsed node, and so *will not be contained by this store me.onUpdate(record, type, modifiedFieldNames, info); me.fireEvent('update', me, record, type, modifiedFieldNames, info); me.fireEvent('datachanged', me); }, onCollectionUpdateKey: function(source, details) { // Must react to upstream Collection key update by firing idchanged event this.fireEvent('idchanged', this, details.item, details.oldKey, details.newKey); }, onUpdate: Ext.emptyFn, onCollectionRemove: function(collection, info) { var me = this, records = info.items, lastChunk = !info.next; if (me.ignoreCollectionRemove) { return; } me.fireEvent('remove', me, records, info.at, false); // If there is a next property, that means there is another range that needs // to be removed after this. Wait until everything is gone before firign datachanged // since it should be a bulk operation if (lastChunk) { me.fireEvent('datachanged', me); } }, onSourceBeforeLoad: function(source, operation) { this.fireEvent('beforeload', this, operation); this.callObservers('BeforeLoad', [operation]); }, onSourceAfterLoad: function(source, records, successful, operation) { this.fireEvent('load', this, records, successful, operation); this.callObservers('AfterLoad', [records, successful, operation]); }, onFilterEndUpdate: function() { this.callParent(arguments); this.callObservers('Filter'); }, onSourceBeforePopulate: function() { this.ignoreCollectionAdd = true; this.callObservers('BeforePopulate'); }, onSourceAfterPopulate: function() { var me = this; me.ignoreCollectionAdd = false; me.fireEvent('datachanged', me); me.fireEvent('refresh', me); this.callObservers('AfterPopulate'); }, onSourceBeforeClear: function() { this.ignoreCollectionRemove = true; this.callObservers('BeforeClear'); }, onSourceAfterClear: function() { this.ignoreCollectionRemove = false; this.callObservers('AfterClear'); }, onSourceBeforeRemoveAll: function() { this.ignoreCollectionRemove = true; this.callObservers('BeforeRemoveAll'); }, onSourceAfterRemoveAll: function(source, silent) { var me = this; me.ignoreCollectionRemove = false; if (!silent) { me.fireEvent('clear', me); me.fireEvent('datachanged', me); } this.callObservers('AfterRemoveAll', [silent]); }, onSourceFilter: function() { var me = this; me.fireEvent('refresh', me); me.fireEvent('datachanged', me); }, hasPendingLoad: function() { return this.getSourceValue('hasPendingLoad', false); }, isLoaded: function() { return this.getSourceValue('isLoaded', false); }, isLoading: function() { return this.getSourceValue('isLoading', false); }, doDestroy: function() { var me = this; me.observers = null; me.setSource(null); me.getData().destroy(true); me.data = null; me.callParent(); }, privates: { getSourceValue: function(method, defaultValue) { var source = this.getSource(), val = defaultValue; if (source) { val = source[method](); } return val; }, isMoving: function () { var source = this.getSource(); return source.isMoving ? source.isMoving.apply(source, arguments) : false; }, loadsSynchronously: function() { return this.getSource().loadsSynchronously(); } } // Provides docs from the mixin /** * @method add * @inheritdoc Ext.data.LocalStore#add */ /** * @method each * @inheritdoc Ext.data.LocalStore#each */ /** * @method collect * @inheritdoc Ext.data.LocalStore#collect */ /** * @method getById * @inheritdoc Ext.data.LocalStore#getById */ /** * @method getByInternalId * @inheritdoc Ext.data.LocalStore#getByInternalId */ /** * @method indexOf * @inheritdoc Ext.data.LocalStore#indexOf */ /** * @method indexOfId * @inheritdoc Ext.data.LocalStore#indexOfId */ /** * @method insert * @inheritdoc Ext.data.LocalStore#insert */ /** * @method queryBy * @inheritdoc Ext.data.LocalStore#queryBy */ /** * @method query * @inheritdoc Ext.data.LocalStore#query */ /** * @method first * @inheritdoc Ext.data.LocalStore#first */ /** * @method last * @inheritdoc Ext.data.LocalStore#last */ /** * @method sum * @inheritdoc Ext.data.LocalStore#sum */ /** * @method count * @inheritdoc Ext.data.LocalStore#count */ /** * @method min * @inheritdoc Ext.data.LocalStore#min */ /** * @method max * @inheritdoc Ext.data.LocalStore#max */ /** * @method average * @inheritdoc Ext.data.LocalStore#average */ /** * @method aggregate * @inheritdoc Ext.data.LocalStore#aggregate */});