/** * @class Ext.chart.series.CandleStick * @extends Ext.chart.series.Cartesian * * Creates a candlestick or OHLC Chart. * * CandleStick series are typically used to plot price movements of a security on an exchange over time. * The series can be used with the 'time' axis, but since exchanges often close for weekends, * and the price data has gaps for those days, it's more practical to use this series with * the 'category' axis to avoid rendering those data gaps. The 'category' axis has no notion * of time (and thus gaps) and treats every Date object (value of the 'xField') as a unique * category. However, it also means that it doesn't support the 'dateFormat' config, * which can be easily remedied with a 'renderer' that formats a Date object for use * as an axis label. For example: * * @example * new Ext.chart.CartesianChart({ * xtype: 'cartesian', * renderTo: document.body, * width: 700, * height: 500, * insetPadding: 20, * innerPadding: '0 20 0 20', * * store: { * data: [ * { * time: new Date('Nov 17 2016'), * o: 52.40, h: 52.74, l: 52.18, c: 52.29 * }, * { * time: new Date('Nov 18 2016'), * o: 51.87, h: 52.22, l: 51.51, c: 52.04 * }, * { * time: new Date('Nov 21 2016'), * o: 53.02, h: 53.40, l: 53.02, c: 53.33 * }, * { * time: new Date('Nov 22 2016'), * o: 53.48, h: 53.80, l: 53.13, c: 53.70 * }, * { * time: new Date('Nov 23 2016'), * o: 52.85, h: 53.39, l: 52.76, c: 53.28 * }, * { * time: new Date('Nov 25 2016'), * o: 53.28, h: 53.45, l: 53.20, c: 53.40 * }, * { * time: new Date('Nov 28 2016'), * o: 52.51, h: 52.58, l: 51.96, c: 52.00 * }, * { * time: new Date('Nov 29 2016'), * o: 51.25, h: 51.98, l: 51.10, c: 51.79 * }, * { * time: new Date('Nov 30 2016'), * o: 53.65, h: 54.56, l: 53.60, c: 54.17 * }, * { * time: new Date('Dec 01 2016'), * o: 55.26, h: 55.75, l: 54.94, c: 55.13 * } * ] * }, * axes: [ * { * type: 'numeric', * position: 'left' * }, * { * type: 'category', * position: 'bottom', * * renderer: function (axis, value) { * return Ext.Date.format(value, 'M j\nY'); * } * } * ], * series: { * type: 'candlestick', * * xField: 'time', * * openField: 'o', * highField: 'h', * lowField: 'l', * closeField: 'c', * * style: { * barWidth: 10, * * dropStyle: { * fill: 'rgb(222, 87, 87)', * stroke: 'rgb(222, 87, 87)', * lineWidth: 3 * }, * raiseStyle: { * fill: 'rgb(48, 189, 167)', * stroke: 'rgb(48, 189, 167)', * lineWidth: 3 * } * } * } * }); */Ext.define('Ext.chart.series.CandleStick', { extend: 'Ext.chart.series.Cartesian', requires: ['Ext.chart.series.sprite.CandleStick'], alias: 'series.candlestick', type: 'candlestick', seriesType: 'candlestickSeries', config: { /** * @cfg {String} openField * The store record field name that represents the opening value of the given period. */ openField: null, /** * @cfg {String} highField * The store record field name that represents the highest value of the time interval represented. */ highField: null, /** * @cfg {String} lowField * The store record field name that represents the lowest value of the time interval represented. */ lowField: null, /** * @cfg {String} closeField * The store record field name that represents the closing value of the given period. */ closeField: null }, fieldCategoryY: ['Open', 'High', 'Low', 'Close'], themeColorCount: function() { return 2; } });