/** * Box is a superclass for the two box layouts: * * * {@link Ext.layout.HBox hbox} * * {@link Ext.layout.VBox vbox} * * Box itself is never used directly, but its subclasses provide flexible arrangement of * child components inside a {@link Ext.Container Container}. * * ## Horizontal Box * * HBox allows you to easily lay out child components horizontally. It can size items based * on a fixed width or a fraction of the total width available, enabling you to achieve * flexible layouts that expand or contract to fill the space available. * * See the {@link Ext.layout.HBox HBox layout docs} for more information on using hboxes. * * ## Vertical Box * * VBox allows you to easily lay out child components vertically. It can size items based * on a fixed height or a fraction of the total height available, enabling you to achieve * flexible layouts that expand or contract to fill the space available. * * See the {@link Ext.layout.VBox VBox layout docs} for more information on using vboxes. */Ext.define('Ext.layout.Box', { extend: 'Ext.layout.Auto', alias: 'layout.box', isBox: true, config: { orient: 'horizontal', /** * @cfg {String} align * Controls how the child items of the container are aligned. Acceptable * configuration values for this property are: * * - ** start ** : child items are packed together at left side of container * - ** center ** : child items are packed together at mid-width of container * - ** end ** : child items are packed together at right side of container * - **stretch** : child items are stretched vertically to fill the height of the * container * * @accessor */ align: 'stretch', /** * @cfg {Boolean} constrainAlign * Limits the size of {@link #align aligned} components to the size of the container. * * In order for this option to work in Safari, the container must have * {@link Ext.Container#autoSize autoSize} set to `false`. */ constrainAlign: false, /** * @cfg {String} pack * Controls how the child items of the container are packed together. Acceptable * configuration values for this property are: * * - ** start ** : child items are packed together at left side of container * - ** center ** : child items are packed together at mid-width of container * - ** end ** : child items are packed together at right side of container * - ** space-between ** : child items are distributed evenly with the first * item at the start and the last item at the end * - ** space-around ** : child items are distributed evenly with equal space * around them * - ** justify ** : behaves the same as `space-between` for backward compatibility. * * @accessor */ pack: 'start', /** * @cfg {Boolean} vertical * `true` to layout items vertically, otherwise horizontally. * * @since 6.2.0 */ vertical: false, /** * @cfg {Boolean} reverse * `true` to reverse the natural layout direction. * - When vertical, items are laid out bottom to top. * - When horizontal (assuming LTR), items are laid out right to left. * * @since 6.5.0 */ reverse: false, // @cmd-auto-dependency { defaultType: "Ext.layout.overflow.Scroller" } /** * @cfg {Object/String} overflow Configuration for this layout's overflow. Example: * * Ext.create('Ext.Container', { * layout: { * type: 'hbox', * overflow: 'scroller' * } * }); * * @accessor * @since 6.5.1 */ overflow: null, /** * @cfg {true/false/'nowrap'/'wrap'/'wrap-reverse} [wrap=false] * `true` to wrap items onto multiple lines when the container overflows. * Can also be a string value for CSS `flex-wrap`. * * @since 6.5.1 */ wrap: null }, cls: Ext.baseCSSPrefix + 'layout-box', baseItemCls: Ext.baseCSSPrefix + 'layout-box-item', constrainAlignCls: Ext.baseCSSPrefix + 'constrain-align', flexedCls: Ext.baseCSSPrefix + 'flexed', wrapClsMap: { true: Ext.baseCSSPrefix + 'wrap', 'wrap': Ext.baseCSSPrefix + 'wrap', 'wrap-reverse': Ext.baseCSSPrefix + 'wrap-reverse' }, //<debug> boxRe: /^(?:box|hbox|vbox)$/, //</debug> orientMap: { horizontal: { sizeProp: 'width', containerCls: [ Ext.baseCSSPrefix + 'layout-hbox', Ext.baseCSSPrefix + 'horizontal' ], itemCls: Ext.baseCSSPrefix + 'layout-hbox-item' }, vertical: { sizeProp: 'height', containerCls: [ Ext.baseCSSPrefix + 'layout-vbox', Ext.baseCSSPrefix + 'vertical' ], itemCls: Ext.baseCSSPrefix + 'layout-vbox-item' } }, constructor: function(config) { var me = this; me.callParent([config]); me.positionSortFn = me.positionSortFn.bind(me); }, setConfig: function(name, value, options) { var config = name, type; // We override setConfig to accept config objects of {type:'box'}, {type:'hbox'} // and {type:'vbox'} and adjust the "vertical" config properly. if (name) { if (typeof name === 'string') { config = {}; config[name] = value; } else { Ext.apply({}, name); options = value; } type = config.type; delete config.type; //<debug> if (type && !this.boxRe.test(type)) { Ext.raise('Cannot change layout from ' + this.$className + ' to "' + type + '"'); } //</debug> if (config.vertical == null) { if (type === 'vbox') { config.vertical = true; } else if (type === 'hbox') { config.vertical = false; } } this.callParent([ config, options ]); } return this; }, destroy: function() { Ext.destroy(this.getOverflow()); this.positionSortFn = null; this.callParent(); }, updateContainer: function(container, oldContainer) { var listener = { flexchange: 'onItemFlexChange', scope: this, delegate: '> component' }; this.callParent([container, oldContainer]); if (container) { container.on(listener); } if (oldContainer) { oldContainer.un(listener); } }, updateVertical: function(vertical) { this.setOrient(vertical ? 'vertical' : 'horizontal'); }, //<debug> applyOrient: function(orient) { if (orient !== 'horizontal' && orient !== 'vertical') { Ext.log.error("Invalid box orient of: '" + orient + "', must be either 'horizontal' or 'vertical'"); } return orient; }, //</debug> updateOrient: function(orient, oldOrient) { var me = this, container = me.getContainer(), overflow = me.getOverflow(), renderTarget = container.getRenderTarget(), innerItems = container.innerItems, len = innerItems.length, map = me.orientMap, newMap = map[orient], oldMap = map[oldOrient], vertical = orient === 'vertical', i, itemCls, item; me.sizePropertyName = newMap.sizeProp; if (oldOrient) { renderTarget.removeCls(oldMap.containerCls); for (i = 0; i < len; ++i) { innerItems[i].removeCls(oldMap.itemCls); } } renderTarget.addCls(newMap.containerCls); me.itemCls = itemCls = [me.baseItemCls, newMap.itemCls]; for (i = 0; i < len; ++i) { item = innerItems[i]; item.addCls(itemCls); } me.setVertical(vertical); me.positionFn = vertical ? 'getTop' : 'getLeft'; if (overflow) { overflow.setVertical(vertical); } }, updateConstrainAlign: function(constrainAlign) { this.getContainer().getRenderTarget().toggleCls(this.constrainAlignCls, constrainAlign); }, onItemInnerStateChange: function(item, isInner) { var me = this, flex; me.callParent(arguments); if (isInner) { flex = item.getFlex(); if (flex) { me.setItemFlex(item, flex); } } else { me.setItemFlex(item, null); } }, onItemFlexChange: function(item, flex) { if (item.isInnerItem()) { this.setItemFlex(item, flex); } }, /** * Sets the flex of an item in this box layout. * @param {Ext.Component} item The item of this layout which you want to update the * flex of. * @param {Object} flex The flex to set on this method */ setItemFlex: function(item, flex) { var el = item.el, type = typeof flex, isNumber = (type === 'number'), isString = (type === 'string'), parts, grow; if (!flex || isNumber || isString) { if (isNumber) { grow = flex; flex = flex + ' ' + flex; } else if (isString) { parts = Ext.String.splitWords(flex); grow = parts[0]; if (parts.length === 1) { flex = grow + ' ' + grow; } } el.setStyle('flex', flex); } else { grow = flex.grow; el.setStyle({ flexGrow: grow, flexShrink: flex.shrink, flexBasis: flex.basis }); } item.toggleCls(this.flexedCls, !!grow); }, convertPosition: function(position) { var positionMap = this.positionMap; if (positionMap.hasOwnProperty(position)) { return positionMap[position]; } return position; }, applyAlign: function(align) { return this.convertPosition(align); }, updateAlign: function(align, oldAlign) { this.getContainer().getRenderTarget().swapCls(align, oldAlign, true, Ext.baseCSSPrefix + 'align'); }, applyPack: function(pack) { return this.convertPosition(pack); }, updatePack: function(pack, oldPack) { this.getContainer().getRenderTarget().swapCls(pack, oldPack, true, Ext.baseCSSPrefix + 'pack'); }, updateReverse: function(reverse) { this.getContainer().getRenderTarget().toggleCls(Ext.baseCSSPrefix + 'reverse', reverse); }, /** * Scrolls the specified item into view. * * @param {Ext.Widget} [item] The item to be scrolled into view * * @param {Object} [options] An object containing options to modify the operation. * * @param {Ext.Widget} [options.item] The item to be scrolled into view * @param {Boolean} [options.animation] Pass `true` to animate the row into view. * @param {Number} [options.offset] Offset to scroll to from the last fully visible * items on either side. * Positive numbers will scroll to the bottom or right side. * Negative numbers will scroll to the top or left side. * @param {'min'/'max'} [options.scroll='min'] A value of 'min' will scroll the item * to the nearest edge that will make it visible. * A value of 'max' will scroll the item to the furthest edge that will make it visible */ ensureVisible: function(item, options) { var me = this, container, scrollable, scrollerTarget, vertical, targetInfo, itemInfo, oversized, scroll, delta, deltaX, deltaY; if (!item.isWidget) { options = item; item = options.item; } if (options && !isNaN(options.offset)) { item = this.getItemByOffset(options.offset); } container = this.getContainer(); scrollable = container.getScrollable(); scrollerTarget = scrollable.getElement(); vertical = me.getVertical(); targetInfo = me.getItemInfo(scrollerTarget); itemInfo = me.getItemInfo(item); oversized = itemInfo.size > targetInfo.size; scroll = (options && options.scroll) || 'min'; if (me._currentEnsureVisibleItem === item && scrollable.translatable.isAnimating) { return; } if (scroll === 'min') { if ((!oversized && (itemInfo.start < targetInfo.start)) || (oversized && (itemInfo.start > targetInfo.start))) { delta = itemInfo.start - targetInfo.start; } else if ((!oversized && (itemInfo.end > targetInfo.end)) || (oversized && itemInfo.end < targetInfo.end)) { delta = itemInfo.end - targetInfo.end; } else if (oversized && itemInfo.start < targetInfo.start && itemInfo.end > targetInfo.end) { delta = itemInfo.start - targetInfo.start; } } else { // Move to Previous page if (itemInfo.start < targetInfo.start) { delta = itemInfo.end - targetInfo.end; } else { // Move to Next page delta = itemInfo.start - targetInfo.start; } } if (delta) { deltaX = !vertical ? delta : null; deltaY = vertical ? delta : null; me._currentEnsureVisibleItem = item; scrollable.scrollBy(deltaX, deltaY, options.animation); } }, /** * Determine which item is forward/backward inside the layout by offset * @param indexOffset offset to be used to determine which item to scroll to * an offset of -1 will find the first item off the top/left side * where an offset of 2 will find the second item off the bottom/right side * * @private */ getItemByOffset: function(indexOffset) { var me = this, container = this.getContainer(), scrollerTarget = container.getScrollable().getElement(), targetInfo = me.getItemInfo(scrollerTarget), items = container.getInnerItems(), len = items.length, minFrontDistance = -Infinity, minEndDistance = -Infinity, startIndex = 0, endIndex = len - 1, index, i, itemFrontDistance, itemEndDistance, item, itemInfo; if (!indexOffset) { return; } items.sort(me.positionSortFn); for (i = 0; i < len; i++) { item = items[i]; itemInfo = me.getItemInfo(item); itemFrontDistance = itemInfo.start - targetInfo.start; itemEndDistance = targetInfo.end - itemInfo.end; if ((itemFrontDistance > minFrontDistance) && (itemFrontDistance < 0) && itemEndDistance > 0) { minFrontDistance = itemFrontDistance; startIndex = i; } if ((itemEndDistance > minEndDistance) && (itemEndDistance < 0) && itemFrontDistance > 0) { minEndDistance = itemEndDistance; endIndex = i; break; } } if (indexOffset > 0) { indexOffset--; index = endIndex += indexOffset; if (endIndex >= len) { index = len - 1; } } else { indexOffset++; index = startIndex += indexOffset; if (startIndex < 0) { index = 0; } } return items[index]; }, getItemInfo: function(item) { var me = this, vertical = me.getVertical(), el = item.el; return { start: el[vertical ? 'getTop' : 'getLeft'](), end: el[vertical ? 'getBottom' : 'getRight'](), size: el[vertical ? 'getHeight' : 'getWidth']() }; }, createOverflow: function(config) { return Ext.apply({ owner: this, vertical: this.getVertical() }, config); }, applyOverflow: function(config, existing) { return Ext.Factory.layoutOverflow.update(existing, config, this, 'createOverflow'); }, updateWrap: function(wrap, oldWrap) { var me = this, el = me.getContainer().getRenderTarget(), map = me.wrapClsMap, cls; if (oldWrap) { cls = map[oldWrap]; if (cls) { el.removeCls(cls); } } if (wrap) { cls = map[wrap]; if (cls) { el.addCls(cls); } } }, privates: { positionSortFn: function(a, b) { var fn = this.positionFn; a = a.el[fn](); b = b.el[fn](); if (a < b) { return -1; } else if (b < a) { return 1; } return 0; } }});