/** * @private */Ext.define('Ext.scroll.indicator.Bar', { extend: 'Ext.scroll.indicator.Indicator', alias: 'scrollindicator.bar', requires: [ 'Ext.util.CSS' ], isScrollbar: true, config: { /** * @private */ stylesheet: true }, classCls: Ext.baseCSSPrefix + 'scrollbar', enabledCls: Ext.baseCSSPrefix + 'enabled', scrollCls: Ext.baseCSSPrefix + 'overflow-scroll', cornerCls: Ext.baseCSSPrefix + 'scrollbar-corner', maxScrollSize: 100000, scale: 1, position: 0, template: [{ reference: 'spacerElement', cls: Ext.baseCSSPrefix + 'spacer-el' }], constructor: function(config) { this.callParent([ config ]); this.element.on('scroll', 'onScrollbarScroll', this); }, doDestroy: function() { this.setEnabled(null); this.callParent(); }, privates: { // This object is stored on the prototype so that it is shared between all instances. // This ensures the CSS rules are only created once (see updateAxis) hasRules: { x: false, y: false }, names: { x: { scrollerCls: Ext.baseCSSPrefix + 'has-horizontal-scrollbar', margin: 'margin-right', spacerMargin: 'margin-left', getAxis: 'getX', size: 'height', oppositeSize: 'width', scrollPosition: 'scrollLeft', minSize: 'min-height' }, y: { scrollerCls: Ext.baseCSSPrefix + 'has-vertical-scrollbar', margin: 'margin-bottom', spacerMargin: 'margin-top', getAxis: 'getY', size: 'width', oppositeSize: 'height', scrollPosition: 'scrollTop', minSize: 'min-width' } }, onRefresh: function() { var me = this, scroller = me.getScroller(), scrollEl = scroller.getElement(), axis = me.getAxis(), names = me.names[axis], axisValue = scroller[names.getAxis](), scrollSize = scroller.getSize()[axis], clientSize = scrollEl[axis === 'x' ? 'getWidth' : 'getHeight'](), scrollMax = scroller.getMaxPosition()[axis], oppositeScrollbarSize = scroller.getScrollbarSize()[names.oppositeSize], maxScrollSize = me.maxScrollSize; if (clientSize && scrollSize) { me.setEnabled(scroller.isAxisEnabled(me.getAxis())); me.toggleCls(me.scrollCls, axisValue === 'scroll'); me.scale = Math.max(scrollMax / (maxScrollSize - clientSize + oppositeScrollbarSize), 1); me.spacerElement.setStyle(names.spacerMargin, ( Math.min(scrollSize, maxScrollSize) - 1 ) + 'px'); } }, onScroll: function() { var me = this, scroller = me.getScroller(), axis = me.getAxis(); if (!scroller.isScrollbarScrolling) { me.element.dom[me.names[axis].scrollPosition] = Math.round(me.getScroller().position[axis] / me.scale); me.readPosition(); } }, onScrollbarScroll: function() { var me = this, scroller = me.getScroller(), axis = me.getAxis(), oldPos = me.position, pos = me.readPosition(), isY = (axis === 'y'); if ((oldPos !== pos) && (!scroller.isScrolling || scroller.isScrollbarScrolling)) { scroller.isScrollbarScrolling = true; scroller.doScrollTo(isY ? null : pos, isY ? pos : null); } }, readPosition: function() { var me = this, position = Math.round(me.element.dom[me.names[me.getAxis()].scrollPosition] * me.scale); me.position = position; return position; }, updateAxis: function(axis, oldAxis) { var me = this, el = me.el, innerEl = me.getScroller().getInnerElement(), names = me.names[axis], extraPadding = Ext.isIE ? 1 : 0, scrollbarSize = (Ext.getScrollbarSize()[names.size] + extraPadding) + 'px'; // Added extra 1 px in scrollbarSize as in case of IE browser, it will // not respond to scrollbutton click if size <= native scroll bar size this.callParent([axis, oldAxis]); el.setStyle(names.size, scrollbarSize); el.setStyle(names.margin, scrollbarSize); innerEl.setStyle(names.minSize, 'calc(100% - ' + scrollbarSize + ')'); }, updateEnabled: function(enabled) { var me = this, scroller = me.getScroller(), scrollerElement; if (!me.destroying && !me.destroyed) { me.toggleCls(me.enabledCls, !!enabled); } if (scroller) { scrollerElement = scroller.getElement(); if (scrollerElement && !scrollerElement.destroyed) { scrollerElement.toggleCls(me.names[me.getAxis()].scrollerCls, !!enabled); } } }, updateScroller: function(scroller) { var me = this, scrollerElement; if (scroller) { scrollerElement = scroller.getElement(); if (scrollerElement) { scrollerElement.appendChild(me.el); if (!scroller.isConfiguring) { me.setEnabled(scroller.isAxisEnabled(me.getAxis())); } } } }, applyStylesheet: function() { var proto = this.self.prototype, stylesheet = proto.stylesheet; if (!stylesheet) { proto.stylesheet = stylesheet = Ext.util.CSS.createStyleSheet(''); } return stylesheet; } }});