/** * This class is a generic implementation of a Style. This should be extended to provide Style implementations * for different use cases. Check out {@link Ext.exporter.file.excel.Style} and {@link Ext.exporter.file.html.Style}. */Ext.define('Ext.exporter.file.Style', { extend: 'Ext.exporter.file.Base', config: { /** * @cfg {String} id * A unique name within the document that identifies this style. * */ /** * @cfg {String} [name] * * This property identifies this style as a named style. * */ name: null, /** * @cfg {Object} [alignment] * * Following keys are allowed on this object and are all optional: * * @cfg {String} alignment.horizontal * Specifies the left-to-right alignment of text within a cell. Possible values: `Left`, `Center`, `Right`, * `Justify` and `Automatic`. * * @cfg {Number} alignment.indent * Specifies the number of indents. * * @cfg {String} alignment.readingOrder * Specifies the default right-to-left text entry mode for a cell. Possible values: `LeftToRight`, * `RightToLeft` and `Context`. * * @cfg {Number} alignment.rotate * Specifies the rotation of the text within the cell. * * @cfg {String} alignment.vertical * Specifies the top-to-bottom alignment of text within a cell. Possible values: `Top`, `Bottom`, * `Center` and `Automatic`. * */ alignment: null, /** * @cfg {Object} [font] * Defines the font attributes to use in this style. * * * Following keys are allowed on this object: * * @cfg {Boolean} font.bold * Specifies the bold state of the font. * * @cfg {String} font.color * Specifies the color of the font. This value should be a 6-hexadecimal digit number in "#rrggbb" format. * * @cfg {String} font.fontName * Specifies the name of the font. * * @cfg {Boolean} font.italic * Similar to `font.bold` in behavior, this attribute specifies the italic state of the font. * * @cfg {Number} font.size * Specifies the size of the font. * * @cfg {Boolean} font.strikeThrough * Similar to `font.bold` in behavior, this attribute specifies the strike-through state * of the font. * * @cfg {String} font.underline * Specifies the underline state of the font. Possible values: `None` and `Single`. * * @cfg {String} font.family * Font family name. * */ font: null, /** * @cfg {Object} [interior] * Defines the fill properties to use in this style. Each attribute that is specified is * considered an override from the default. * * Following keys are allowed on this object: * * @cfg {String} interior.color * Specifies the fill color of the cell. This value should be a 6-hexadecimal digit number in "#rrggbb" format. * * @cfg {String} interior.pattern * Specifies the fill pattern in the cell. Possible values: `None`, `Solid`. * */ interior: null, /** * @cfg {String} [format] * * This can be one of the following values: * `General`, `General Number`, `General Date`, `Long Date`, `Medium Date`, `Short Date`, `Long Time`, `Medium Time`, * `Short Time`, `Currency`, `Euro Currency`, `Fixed`, `Standard`, `Percent`, `Scientific`, `Yes/No`, * `True/False`, or `On/Off`. * * `Currency` is the currency format with two decimal places. * * `Euro Currency` is the same as `Currency` using the Euro currency symbol instead. * */ format: null, /** * @cfg {Object[]} [borders] * * Array of border objects. Following keys are allowed for border objects: * * @cfg {String} borders.position * Specifies which of the possible borders this element represents. Duplicate * borders are not permitted and are considered invalid. Possible values: `Left`, `Top`, `Right`, `Bottom`. * * @cfg {String} borders.color * Specifies the color of this border. This value should be a 6-hexadecimal digit number in "#rrggbb" format. * * @cfg {String} borders.lineStyle * Specifies the appearance of this border. Possible values: `None`, `Continuous`, `Dash` and `Dot`. * * @cfg {Number} borders.weight * Specifies the weight (or thickness) of this border. * */ borders: null, // used to validate the provided values for Style configs checks: { alignment: { horizontal: ['Automatic', 'Left', 'Center', 'Right', 'Justify'], readingOrder: ['LeftToRight', 'RightToLeft', 'Context'], vertical: ['Automatic', 'Top', 'Bottom', 'Center'] }, font: { bold: [true, false], italic: [true, false], strikeThrough: [true, false], underline: ['None', 'Single'] }, border: { position: ['Left', 'Top', 'Right', 'Bottom'], lineStyle: ['None', 'Continuous', 'Dash', 'Dot'] }, interior: { pattern: ['None', 'Solid'] } } }, datePatterns: { 'General Date': 'Y-m-d H:i:s', 'Long Date': 'l, F d, Y', 'Medium Date': 'Y-m-d', 'Short Date': 'n/j/Y', 'Long Time': 'g:i:s A', 'Medium Time': 'H:i:s', 'Short Time': 'g:i A' }, numberPatterns: { 'General Number': '0', 'Fixed': '0.00', 'Standard': '0.00' }, booleanPatterns: { 'Yes/No': ['Yes', 'No'], 'True/False': ['True', 'False'], 'On/Off': ['On', 'Off'] }, isStyle: true, autoGenerateKey: ['alignment', 'font', 'interior', 'format', 'borders'], constructor: function(config){ this.callParent([this.uncapitalizeKeys(config)]); }, /** * Parse object keys and uncapitalize them. This is useful to keep compatibility with prior versions. * * @param config * @return {Object} * * @private */ uncapitalizeKeys: function(config){ var ret = config, keys, len, i, key, v; if(Ext.isObject(config)){ ret = {}; keys = Ext.Object.getAllKeys(config); len = keys.length; for(i = 0; i < len; i++){ key = keys[i]; ret[Ext.String.uncapitalize(key)] = this.uncapitalizeKeys(config[key]); } }else if(Ext.isArray(config)){ ret = []; len = config.length; for(i = 0; i < len; i++){ ret.push(this.uncapitalizeKeys(config[i])); } } return ret; }, destroy: function(){ var me = this; me.setAlignment(null); me.setFont(null); me.setInterior(null); me.setBorders(null); me.setChecks(null); me.callParent(); }, updateAlignment: function(data){ this.checkAttribute(data, 'alignment'); }, updateFont: function(data){ this.checkAttribute(data, 'font'); }, updateInterior: function(data){ this.checkAttribute(data, 'interior'); }, applyBorders: function(borders, oldBolders){ if(!borders){ return borders; } borders = Ext.Array.from(borders); //<debug> if(Ext.Array.unique(Ext.Array.pluck(borders, 'position')).length != borders.length){ Ext.raise('Invalid border positions supplied'); } //</debug> return borders; }, updateBorders: function(data){ this.checkAttribute(data, 'border'); }, checkAttribute: function(data, checkName){ var checks = this.getChecks(), values, keys, len, i, j, arr, key, obj, lenV, valid; if(!data || !checks || !checks[checkName]){ return; } values = Ext.Array.from(data); lenV = values.length; for(i = 0; i < lenV; i++) { obj = values[i]; keys = Ext.Object.getKeys(obj || {}); len = keys.length; for (j = 0; j < len; j++) { key = keys[j]; if(arr = checks[checkName][key] && obj[key]){ valid = (Ext.isArray(arr) ? Ext.Array.indexOf(arr, obj[key]) : arr === obj[key]); if(!valid){ delete(obj[key]); //<debug> Ext.raise(Ext.String.format('Invalid key (%0) or value (%1) provided for Style!', key, obj[key])); //</debug> } } } } }, /** * Returns the specified value formatted according to the format of this style. * @param v */ getFormattedValue: function(v){ var me = this, f = me.getFormat(), ret = v, fmt = Ext.util.Format; if(!f || f === 'General' || Ext.isEmpty(v)){ return ret; } if(f === 'Currency'){ return fmt.currency(v); }else if(f === 'Euro Currency') { return fmt.currency(v, '€'); }else if(f === 'Percent'){ return fmt.number(v * 100, '0.00') + '%'; }else if(f === 'Scientific') { return Number(v).toExponential(); }else if(me.datePatterns[f]){ return fmt.date(v, me.datePatterns[f]); }else if(me.numberPatterns[f]){ return fmt.number(v, me.numberPatterns[f]); }else if(me.booleanPatterns[f]){ return v ? me.booleanPatterns[f][0] : me.booleanPatterns[f][1]; }else if(Ext.isFunction(f)){ return f(v); } return fmt.number(v, f); } });