/** * This class implements the form that allows changing the pivot matrix settings. */Ext.define('Ext.pivot.plugin.configurator.Settings', { extend: 'Ext.form.Panel', requires: [ 'Ext.pivot.plugin.configurator.store.Select', 'Ext.pivot.plugin.configurator.SettingsController', 'Ext.form.FieldSet', 'Ext.field.Select', 'Ext.layout.VBox', 'Ext.layout.HBox', 'Ext.TitleBar' ], xtype: 'pivotsettings', /** * @cfg controller * @inheritdoc */ controller: 'pivotsettings', /** * @cfg viewModel * @inheritdoc */ viewModel: { stores: { sLayout: { type: 'pivotselect' }, sPositions: { type: 'pivotselect' }, sYesNo: { type: 'pivotselect' } } }, eventedConfig: { matrixProperties: null }, /** * @cfg listeners * @inheritdoc */ listeners: { matrixpropertieschange: 'onMatrixPropertiesChanged' }, /** * @cfg defaults * @inheritdoc */ defaults: { xtype: 'fieldset', defaults: { labelAlign: 'top' } }, /** * @cfg showAnimation * @inheritdoc */ showAnimation: { type: 'slideIn', duration: 250, easing: 'ease-out', direction: 'left' }, /** * @cfg hideAnimation * @inheritdoc */ hideAnimation: { type: 'slideOut', duration: 250, easing: 'ease-in', direction: 'right' }, titleText: 'Settings', okText: 'Ok', cancelText: 'Cancel', layoutText: 'Layout', outlineLayoutText: 'Outline', compactLayoutText: 'Compact', tabularLayoutText: 'Tabular', firstPositionText: 'First', hidePositionText: 'Hide', lastPositionText: 'Last', rowSubTotalPositionText: 'Row subtotal position', columnSubTotalPositionText: 'Column subtotal position', rowTotalPositionText: 'Row total position', columnTotalPositionText: 'Column total position', showZeroAsBlankText: 'Show zero as blank', yesText: 'Yes', noText: 'No', updateMatrixProperties: function(settings){ var me = this, items; me.removeAll(true, true); if(!settings){ return; } items = [{ xtype: 'titlebar', docked: 'top', titleAlign: 'left', title: me.titleText, items: [{ text: me.cancelText, align: 'right', ui: 'alt', handler:'cancelSettings' },{ text: me.okText, align: 'right', ui: 'alt', handler:'applySettings', margin: '0 0 0 5' }] },{ label: me.layoutText, xtype: 'selectfield', autoSelect: false, useClearIcon: true, name: 'viewLayoutType', bind: { store: '{sLayout}', value: '{form.viewLayoutType}' } },{ label: me.rowSubTotalPositionText, xtype: 'selectfield', autoSelect: false, useClearIcon: true, name: 'rowSubTotalsPosition', bind: { store: '{sPositions}', value: '{form.rowSubTotalsPosition}' } },{ label: me.columnSubTotalPositionText, xtype: 'selectfield', autoSelect: false, useClearIcon: true, name: 'colSubTotalsPosition', bind: { store: '{sPositions}', value: '{form.colSubTotalsPosition}' } },{ label: me.rowTotalPositionText, xtype: 'selectfield', autoSelect: false, useClearIcon: true, name: 'rowGrandTotalsPosition', bind: { store: '{sPositions}', value: '{form.rowGrandTotalsPosition}' } },{ label: me.columnTotalPositionText, xtype: 'selectfield', autoSelect: false, useClearIcon: true, name: 'colGrandTotalsPosition', bind: { store: '{sPositions}', value: '{form.colGrandTotalsPosition}' } },{ label: me.showZeroAsBlankText, xtype: 'selectfield', autoSelect: false, useClearIcon: true, name: 'showZeroAsBlank', bind: { store: '{sYesNo}', value: '{form.showZeroAsBlank}' } }]; me.add(items); } });