/** * Represents a single record of data in the PivotCache. * * (CT_Record) * @private */Ext.define('Ext.exporter.file.ooxml.excel.Record', { extend: 'Ext.exporter.file.ooxml.Base', config: { /** * @cfg {Boolean/Number/Date/String[]} items * * Cell values for this record */ items: null }, tplNonAttributes: [ 'items', 'stritems' ], tpl: [ '<tpl if="stritems">', '<r>', '{stritems}', '</r>', '<tpl else>', '<r/>', '</tpl>' ], numberTpl: '<n v="{0}"/>', booleanTpl: '<b v="{0}"/>', stringTpl: '<s v="{0}"/>', dateTpl: '<d v="{0}"/>', constructor: function(config){ var cfg; if(Ext.isArray(config) || Ext.isDate(config) || Ext.isPrimitive(config)) { cfg = { items: config }; } else { cfg = config; } return this.callParent([cfg]); }, getRenderData: function(){ var me = this, data = me.callParent(), items = data.items, str = '', types = [], i, len, v, tpl; if(items){ len = items.length; for(i = 0; i < len; i++){ v = items[i]; if(v == null || v === '') { // } else { if (typeof v === 'string') { tpl = me.stringTpl; v = Ext.util.Base64._utf8_encode(Ext.util.Format.htmlEncode(v)); types.push('s'); } else if (typeof v === 'boolean') { tpl = me.booleanTpl; types.push('b'); } else if (typeof v === 'number') { tpl = me.numberTpl; types.push('n'); } else if (v instanceof Date) { tpl = me.dateTpl; v = Ext.Date.format(v, 'Y-m-d\\TH:i:s.u'); types.push('d'); } str += Ext.String.format(tpl, v); } } } data.stritems = str; return data; }, applyItems: function(items){ return items !== null ? Ext.Array.from(items) : null; } });