/** * * This plugin allows the user to modify records behind a pivot cell. * * The user has to double click that cell to open the range editor window. * * The following types of range editing are available: * * - `percentage`: the user fills in a percentage that is applied to each record. * - `increment`: the user fills in a value that is added to each record. * - `overwrite`: the new value filled in by the user overwrites each record. * - `uniform`: replace sum of values with a provided value using uniform distribution * * More pivot updater types can be defined by extending {@link Ext.pivot.update.Base}. * * **Note:** Only works when using a {@link Ext.pivot.matrix.Local} matrix on a pivot grid. */Ext.define('Ext.pivot.plugin.RangeEditor', { alias: [ 'plugin.pivotrangeeditor' ], extend: 'Ext.plugin.Abstract', requires: [ 'Ext.pivot.Grid', 'Ext.pivot.plugin.rangeeditor.Panel', 'Ext.Panel', 'Ext.layout.Fit', 'Ext.pivot.update.Increment', 'Ext.pivot.update.Overwrite', 'Ext.pivot.update.Percentage', 'Ext.pivot.update.Uniform' ], /** * Fires on the pivot grid before updating all result records. * * @event pivotbeforeupdate * @param {Ext.pivot.update.Base} updater Reference to the updater object */ /** * Fires on the pivot grid after updating all result records. * * @event pivotupdate * @param {Ext.pivot.update.Base} updater Reference to the updater object */ /** * Fired on the pivot component when the range editor panel is visible * * @event showrangeeditorpanel * @param {Ext.Panel} panel Range editor panel */ /** * Fired on the pivot component when the range editor panel is hidden * * @event hiderangeeditorpanel * @param {Ext.Panel} panel Range editor panel */ config: { /** * @cfg {Array} updaters * * Define here the updaters available for the user. */ updaters: [ ['percentage', 'Percentage'], ['increment', 'Increment'], ['overwrite', 'Overwrite'], ['uniform', 'Uniform'] ], /** * @cfg {String} defaultUpdater * * Define which updater is selected by default. */ defaultUpdater: 'uniform', /** * @cfg {Number} width * * Width of the viewer's window. */ width: 400, /** * @cfg {Object} panel * * Configuration object used to instantiate the range editor panel. */ panel: { lazy: true, $value: { xtype: 'pivotrangeeditor', hidden: true, floated: true, modal: true, hideOnMaskTap: true, right: 0, height: '100%' } }, /** * @private */ pivot: null }, init: function (pivot) { //<debug> // this plugin is available only for the pivot grid if (!pivot.isPivotGrid) { Ext.raise('This plugin is only compatible with Ext.pivot.Grid'); } //</debug> this.setPivot(pivot); return this.callParent([pivot]); }, destroy: function () { this.setConfig({ pivot: null, panel: null }); this.callParent(); }, applyPanel: function (panel, oldPanel) { if (panel) { panel = panel.isInstance ? panel : Ext.create(panel); } return panel; }, updatePanel: function (panel, oldPanel) { var me = this, pivot = this.getPivot(); Ext.destroy(oldPanel, me.panelListeners); if (panel) { me.panelListeners = panel.on({ hiddenchange: 'onPanelHiddenChange', close: 'hidePanel', scope: me, destroyable: true }); panel.getViewModel().getStore('sTypes').loadData(me.getUpdaters()); pivot.relayEvents(panel, ['beforeupdate', 'update'], 'pivot'); pivot.add(panel); } }, onPanelHiddenChange: function (panel, hidden) { this.getPivot().fireEvent(hidden ? 'hiderangeeditorpanel' : 'showrangeeditorpanel', panel); }, updatePivot: function (grid, oldGrid) { var me = this; Ext.destroy(me.gridListeners); if (grid) { me.gridListeners = grid.on({ pivotitemcelldoubletap: 'showPanel', pivotgroupcelldoubletap: 'showPanel', pivottotalcelldoubletap: 'showPanel', scope: me, destroyable: true }); } }, getWidth: function () { var pivot = this.getPivot(), viewport = Ext.Viewport, maxWidth = 100; if (pivot && pivot.element) { maxWidth = pivot.element.getWidth(); } if (viewport) { maxWidth = Math.min(maxWidth, viewport.element.getHeight(), viewport.element.getWidth()); } return Ext.Number.constrain(this._width, 100, maxWidth); }, showPanel: function (params, e, eOpts) { var me = this, pivot = me.getPivot(), panel = me.getPanel(), matrix = pivot.getMatrix(), vm, result, col, dataIndex; // do nothing if the plugin is disabled if (me.disabled) { return; } result = matrix.results.get(params.leftKey, params.topKey); if (!result || !panel) { return; } vm = panel.getViewModel(); col = params.column; dataIndex = col.dimension.getDataIndex(); vm.set('form', { leftKey: params.leftKey, topKey: params.topKey, dataIndex: dataIndex, //field: col.dimension.header || col.text || dataIndex, value: result.getValue(col.dimension.getId()), type: me.getDefaultUpdater(), matrix: matrix }); panel.setWidth(me.getWidth()); panel.show(); }, hidePanel: function () { var panel = this.getPanel(); if (panel) { panel.hide(); } }, deprecated: { '6.5': { configs: { panelWrapper: null, panelWrap: null } } } });