/** * Abstract class for D3 components using * [Hierarchy Layout](https://github.com/d3/d3-hierarchy). * The Hierarchy component uses the root {@link Ext.data.TreeModel node} of a bound * {@link Ext.data.NodeStore node store} to compute positions of all nodes, * as well as objects representing the links from parent to child for each node. * * Each node is a `d3.hierarchy` instance. Several attributes are populated on each node: * - `data` - the Ext.data.TreeModel instance associated with the node. * - `parent` - the parent node, or null for the root. * - `children` - the array of child nodes, or null for leaf nodes. * - `value` - the node value, as returned by the value accessor. * - `depth` - the depth of the node, starting at 0 for the root. * - `x` - the minimum x-coordinate of the node position. * - `y` - the minimum y-coordinate of the node position. * * Each link is an object with two attributes: * - `source` - the parent node. * - `target` - the child node. * * The class also provides an ability to color code each node with the * {@link Ext.d3.axis.Color}. */Ext.define('Ext.d3.hierarchy.Hierarchy', { extend: 'Ext.d3.svg.Svg', requires: [ 'Ext.d3.axis.Color', 'Ext.plugin.MouseEnter' ], mixins: [ 'Ext.d3.mixin.ToolTip' ], config: { /** * @cfg {String} hierarchyCls * The class name added to all hieararchy components (subclasses). * See also {@link #componentCls}. */ hierarchyCls: 'hierarchy', /** * @cfg {Ext.data.TreeModel} selection * The selected record. Typically used with {@link #bind binding}. */ selection: null, /** * @cfg {Ext.d3.axis.Color} colorAxis * A {@link Ext.d3.axis.Color} config or an instance. * By default (if no 'colorAxis' config is given) all nodes * are assigned a unique color from the `d3.scale.category20c` * scale (until the colors run out, then we start to reuse them) * based on the value of the `name` field. */ colorAxis: { scale: { type: 'ordinal', // The last 4 colors are shades of gray. range: 'd3.schemeCategory20c.slice(0, -4)' }, field: 'name' }, /** * @cfg {Function} nodeChildren * [Children](https://github.com/d3/d3-hierarchy/#hierarchy) accessor function. * Defaults to returning node's {@link Ext.data.NodeInterface#childNodes child nodes}, * if the node is {@link Ext.data.NodeInterface#expanded expanded} or null otherwise * (meaning children of collapsed nodes are not rendered). * @param {Ext.data.TreeModel} record An instance of the TreeModel class. * @return {Ext.data.TreeModel[]} */ nodeChildren: function (record) { return record.isExpanded() ? record.childNodes : null; }, /** * @cfg {Function} nodeClass * A function that updates class attributes of a given selection. * By default adds the following classes to node elements: * - `x-d3-parent` - if a node is a parent node; * - `x-d3-leaf` - if a node is a leaf node; * - `x-d3-expanded` - if a node is expanded; * - `x-d3-root` - if a node is the root node (represents the root of the store); * - `x-d3-layout-root` - if a node is the root node of the current layout. * @param {d3.selection} selection */ nodeClass: undefined, /** * @cfg {Function/String/String[]} nodeText * A function that returns a text string, given a component and node (d3.hierarchy) instance. * Alternatively, can be a field name or an array of field names used to fetch the text. * If array of field names is given, the first non-empty string will be used. * A node holds a reference to the {@link Ext.data.TreeModel} instance * in its `data` field. * For example, to return the value of the record's field `name` as node's text * the following function can be used: * * nodeText: function (component, node) { * var record = node.data, * text = record.get('name'); * * return text; * } * * Or simply: * * nodeText: 'name' * * To return the value of the `title` field, if the `name` field is empty: * * nodeText: ['name', 'title'] * * @param {Ext.d3.hierarchy.Hierarchy} component * @param {d3.hierarchy} node * @return {String} */ nodeText: ['name', 'text'], /** * @cfg {Function} sorter * The [comparator](https://github.com/d3/d3-hierarchy#node_sort) * function that determines the sort order of sibling nodes. * Invoked for pairs of nodes. * Normally, one should use the store's `sorters` config instead of this one. * @param {d3.hierarchy} nodeA * @param {d3.hierarchy} nodeB * @return {Number} * @private */ sorter: null, /** * @cfg {Function} nodeTransform * The function that transforms (typically, positions) every node * in the given selection. * @param {d3.selection} selection * @private */ nodeTransform: function (selection) { selection.attr('transform', function (node) { return 'translate(' + node.x + ',' + node.y + ')'; }); }, /** * @cfg {Function/String/Number} nodeValue * [The function](https://github.com/d3/d3-hierarchy#node_sum) that receives * the node's data (tree store record) and returns the numeric value of the node. * This config can also be a field name or a number, in which case it will be * converted to a function that returns the value of the specified field, * or a function that returns the given number for all nodes. * Note: {@link #nodeChildren} does not have effect on this config, even * though only expanded nodes will render by default, the `nodeValue` * function will be called for all nodes. * @param {Ext.data.TreeModel} record The data of the node (store record). * @return {Number} Numeric value of the node used to calculate its area. */ nodeValue: 1, /** * @cfg {Boolean} noParentValue * If `true` the {@link #nodeValue} function will not be called for parent nodes, * instead they'll get a value of zero. * The {@link #nodeChildren} function is used to determine if a node is a parent. */ noParentValue: false, /** * @cfg {Function} nodeKey * The [key](https://github.com/d3/d3-selection/#selection_data) function for nodes. * Returns the 'id' of the node's {@link Ext.data.TreeModel data} by default. * @param {d3.hierarchy} node * @param {Number} index * @return {String} */ nodeKey: function (node, index) { return node.data.id; }, /** * The [key](https://github.com/d3/d3-selection/#selection_data) function for links. * Returns the 'id' of the link's target {@link Ext.data.TreeModel data} by default. * @cfg {Function} linkKey * @param {Object} link * @param {d3.hierarchy} link.source * @param {d3.hierarchy} link.target * @param {Number} index * @return {*} */ linkKey: function (link, index) { return link.target.data.id; }, /** * @cfg {String/String[]} selectEventName * The select event(s) to listen for on each node. * The node in question will be selected, * selection will be removed from the previously selected node. * The select event won't be handled when Ctrl/Cmd is pressed. * For example, this allows to expand a node by double-clicking * without selecting it. * `null` can be used to prevent listening for the default event. */ selectEventName: 'click', /** * @cfg {String/String[]} expandEventName * The expand event(s) to listen for on each node. * The node in question will be expanded, if collapsed, * or collapsed, if expanded. * `null` can be used to prevent listening for the default event. */ expandEventName: 'dblclick', /** * @cfg {Boolean} rootVisible * False to hide the root node. */ rootVisible: true, /** * @cfg {Function} layout * @protected * Subclasses are expected to create and return the layout inside `applyLayout`. */ layout: undefined, /** * @cfg {Boolean} noSizeLayout * If `true`, layout will be performed on data change * even if component has no size yet. * @private */ noSizeLayout: true, /** * @cfg {Boolean} renderLinks * @private */ renderLinks: false, // TODO: have a method with the same name!, /** * @cfg transitions * @inheritdoc */ transitions: { layout: { duration: 500, ease: 'cubicInOut' }, select: { duration: 150, // 300ms total (scale up + scale down) ease: 'cubicInOut', sourceScale: 1, targetScale: 1.07 } } }, /** * @cfg publishes * @inheritdoc */ publishes: 'selection', /** * @event layout * Fires after the layout and render have been completed. * If a layout transition is used (default), fires on transition end. * @param {Ext.d3.hierarchy.Hierarchy} component * @private */ /** * @property {d3.hierarchy} root * The root node. * @private */ root: null, /** * @private * Cached results of the most recent hierarchy layout. */ nodes: null, // layout.nodes result links: null, // layout.links result /** * @property defaultCls * @inheritdoc */ defaultCls: { links: Ext.baseCSSPrefix + 'd3-links', nodes: Ext.baseCSSPrefix + 'd3-nodes', link: Ext.baseCSSPrefix + 'd3-link', node: Ext.baseCSSPrefix + 'd3-node', root: Ext.baseCSSPrefix + 'd3-root', label: Ext.baseCSSPrefix + 'd3-label', parent: Ext.baseCSSPrefix + 'd3-parent', leaf: Ext.baseCSSPrefix + 'd3-leaf', selected: Ext.baseCSSPrefix + 'd3-selected', expanded: Ext.baseCSSPrefix + 'd3-expanded' }, /** * @private * Cached config used by {@link #defaultNodeClass}. For example: * * { * expanded: function (node) { return node.data.isExpanded(); }, * root: function (node) { return node.data.isRoot(); }, * } */ nodeClassCfg: null, mouseEnterPlugin: null, constructor: function (config) { var me = this; me.callParent([config]); me.mixins.d3tooltip.constructor.call(me, config); }, applyTooltip: function (tooltip, oldTooltip) { if (tooltip) { tooltip.delegate = 'g.' + this.defaultCls.node; } return this.mixins.d3tooltip.applyTooltip.call(this, tooltip, oldTooltip); }, updateTooltip: null, // Override the updater in Modern component. defaultNodeClass: function (selection) { var me = this, cls = me.defaultCls, config = me.nodeClassCfg, name; if (!config) { me.nodeClassCfg = config = {}; config[cls.parent] = function (node) { return !node.data.isLeaf(); }; config[cls.leaf] = function (node) { return node.data.isLeaf(); }; config[cls.expanded] = function (node) { return node.data.isExpanded(); }; config[cls.root] = function (node) { return node === me.root; }; } for (name in config) { selection.classed(name, config[name]); } }, applyColorAxis: function (colorAxis, oldColorAxis) { if (colorAxis && !colorAxis.isColorAxis) { colorAxis = new Ext.d3.axis.Color(colorAxis); } return colorAxis || oldColorAxis; }, applyNodeText: function (nodeText) { var fn; if (typeof nodeText === 'function') { fn = nodeText; } else if (typeof nodeText === 'string') { fn = function (component, node) { var data = node && node.data && node.data.data; return data && data[nodeText] || ''; }; } else if (Array.isArray(nodeText)) { fn = function (component, node) { var data = node && node.data && node.data.data, text, i; if (data) { for (i = 0; i < nodeText.length && !text; i++) { text = data[nodeText[i]]; } } return text || ''; }; } //<debug> else { Ext.raise('nodeText must be a string, array of strings, or a function that returns a string.'); } //</debug> return fn; }, applyNodeClass: function (nodeClass, oldNodeClass) { var result; if (Ext.isFunction(nodeClass)) { result = nodeClass; } else if (oldNodeClass) { result = oldNodeClass; } else { result = this.defaultNodeClass; } if (result) { result = result.bind(this); } return result; }, applyNodeTransform: function (nodeTransform) { if (nodeTransform) { nodeTransform = nodeTransform.bind(this); } return nodeTransform; }, updateHierarchyCls: function (hierarchyCls, oldHierarchyCls) { var baseCls = this.baseCls, el = this.element; if (hierarchyCls && Ext.isString(hierarchyCls)) { el.addCls(hierarchyCls, baseCls); if (oldHierarchyCls) { el.removeCls(oldHierarchyCls, baseCls); } } }, applyStore: function (store, oldStore) { var result = store && Ext.StoreManager.lookup(store, 'tree'); if (result && !result.isTreeStore) { Ext.raise('The store must be a Ext.data.TreeStore.'); } return result; }, applyNodeValue: function (nodeValue) { var noParentValue = this.getNoParentValue(), nodeChildren = this.getNodeChildren(), fn, result; if (typeof nodeValue === 'string') { fn = function (record) { return record.data[nodeValue]; }; } else if (Ext.isNumber(nodeValue)) { fn = function () { return nodeValue; }; } else if (typeof nodeValue === 'function') { fn = nodeValue; } if (fn) { if (noParentValue) { result = function (record) { return nodeChildren(record) ? 0 : fn.call(this, record); }; } else { result = fn.bind(this); } } return result; }, updateNodeValue: function () { if (!this.isConfiguring) { this.performLayout(); } }, updateNodeChildren: function () { if (!this.isConfiguring) { this.performLayout(); } }, updateSorter: function (sorter) { if (!this.isConfiguring) { this.performLayout(); } }, /** * @private * Looks up `node` in the given `selection` by node's ID and returns node's element, * as a D3 selection. Notes: * - `selection` should have DOM elements bound (should consist of rendered nodes); * - the returned selection can be empty, if the node wasn't found; `selection.empty()` * can be used to check this; * - in most cases using the {@link #selectionFromRecord} method is preferable, as it is faster; * however this method will find the node's element even if the enter selection * was not passed to the `onNodesAdd` method. * @param {d3.hierarchy} node * @param {d3.selection} [selection] Defaults to all rendered nodes, if omitted. * @return {d3.selection} Node's element, as a D3 selection. */ findNode: function (node, selection) { selection = selection || this.getRenderedNodes(); return selection.filter(function (d) { return node && (d.data.id === node.data.id || d === node); }); }, /** * Returns the associated rendered node. * The returned value can be `null`, if the given record doesn't have a DOM representation. * @param {Ext.data.TreeModel} record * @return {d3.hierarchy} `d3.hierarchy` instance or null, if the node wasn't found. */ nodeFromRecord: function (record) { var selection = record && this.selectionFromRecord(record); return selection && !selection.empty() ? selection.datum() : null; }, /** * Selects the associated DOM element in the scene and returns it as a D3 selection. * The returned selection can be empty, if the given record doesn't have a DOM representation. * @param {Ext.data.TreeModel} record * @return {d3.selection} */ selectionFromRecord: function (record) { //<debug> if (!record || !record.isModel) { Ext.raise('Passed parameter should be a model instance.'); } //</debug> return this.scene.select('[data-id="' + record.id + '"]'); }, /** * @private * Checks if the record belongs to the component's store. * @param {Ext.data.TreeModel} record * @return {Boolean} */ isRecordInStore: function (record) { var store = this.getStore(); return !!(record && record.isModel && store && !store.isEmptyStore && ( record.store === store || store.getNodeById(record.id) === record || store.getRoot() === record )); }, applySelection: function (record) { //<debug> if (record && !record.isModel) { Ext.raise("The 'record' should be a Ext.data.TreeModel instance."); } //</debug> return this.isRecordInStore(record) ? record : null; }, updateSelection: function (record, oldRecord) { var me = this, recordSelection, oldRecordSelection, hasElement; if (!me.hasFirstRender) { if (record) { me.on({ scenerender: me.updateSelection.bind(me, record, oldRecord), single: true }); } return; } if (record) { recordSelection = me.selectionFromRecord(record); hasElement = !recordSelection.empty(); if (hasElement) { me.onNodeSelect(record, recordSelection); } else { // Set the value of the config to `null` here, as for the applier to return // `null` in this case, it should perform the element check as well. // If the check is performed in the applier, we still cannot remove it here, // because we need to call `selectionFromRecord` anyway to get the element. me[me.self.getConfigurator().configs.selection.names.internal] = null; Ext.log.warn('Selected record "' + record.id + '" does not have an associated element. E.g.:\n' + '- record was selected before it was rendered;\n' + '- record was selected in some other view, but is not supposed ' + 'to be rendered by this D3 component (see "nodeChildren" config).'); } } if (oldRecord) { oldRecordSelection = me.selectionFromRecord(oldRecord); if (!oldRecordSelection.empty()) { me.onNodeDeselect(oldRecord, oldRecordSelection); } } if (hasElement) { me.fireEvent('selectionchange', me, record, oldRecord); } }, /** * @protected * @param {Ext.data.TreeModel} record * @param {d3.selection} selection */ onNodeSelect: function (record, selection) { selection.classed(this.defaultCls.selected, true); this.fireEvent('select', this, record, selection); }, /** * @protected * @param {Ext.data.TreeModel} record * @param {d3.selection} selection */ onNodeDeselect: function (record, selection) { selection.classed(this.defaultCls.selected, false); this.fireEvent('deselect', this, record, selection); }, /** * @protected * All nodes that are added to the scene by the {@link #addNodes} method * are expected to be passed to this method (as a D3 selection). * @param {d3.selection} selection */ onNodesAdd: function (selection) { var me = this; selection .attr('class', me.defaultCls.node) .each(function (node) { // A node doesn't store a reference to the associated DOM element // (if any), unlike the element, which stores a reference // to the associated node in the `__data__` property. // To make finding corresponding DOM elements easier, `data-id` of the node's // group element will correspond to the ID of the node's record (Ext.data.TreeModel). // See the `selectionFromRecord` method for example. this.setAttribute('data-id', node.data.id); }); }, /** * @protected * Adds delegated listeners to handle pointer events for all child nodes */ addNodeListeners: function () { var me = this, selectEventName = Ext.Array.from(me.getSelectEventName()), expandEventName = Ext.Array.from(me.getExpandEventName()), i, len; for (i = 0, len = selectEventName.length; i < len; i++) { me.addNodeListener(selectEventName[i], me.onSelectEvent); } for (i = 0, len = expandEventName.length; i < len; i++) { me.addNodeListener(expandEventName[i], me.onExpandEvent); } }, /** * @private */ updateEventName: function (name, oldName, handler) { var me = this, names = Ext.Array.from(name), oldNames = Ext.Array.from(oldName), i, ln; for (i = 0, ln = oldNames.length; i < ln; i++) { me.removeNodeListener(oldNames[i], handler); } for (i = 0, ln = names.length; i < ln; i++) { me.addNodeListener(names[i], handler); } }, updateSelectEventName: function (name, oldName) { this.updateEventName(name, oldName, this.onSelectEvent); }, updateExpandEventName: function (name, oldName) { this.updateEventName(name, oldName, this.onExpandEvent); }, /** * @private * Adds a delegated node listener. * @param {String} eventName * @param {Function} handler */ addNodeListener: function(eventName, handler) { var me = this, targetEl = me.el; if (eventName === 'mouseenter') { me.mouseEnterPlugin = me.addPlugin({ type: 'mouseenter', element: targetEl, delegate: 'g.' + me.defaultCls.node, handler: handler }); } else if (eventName) { targetEl.on(eventName, handler, me, { delegate: 'g.' + me.defaultCls.node }); } }, /** * @private * Removes a delegated node listener. * @param {String} eventName * @param {Function} handler */ removeNodeListener: function(eventName, handler) { var me = this, targetEl = me.el; if (eventName === 'mouseenter') { Ext.destroy(me.mouseEnterPlugin); } else if (eventName) { targetEl.un(eventName, handler, me, { delegate: 'g.' + me.defaultCls.node }); } }, onSelectEvent: function (event, target) { // Fetching the 'node' and 'element' this way is not exactly pretty, // but arguably better than capturing 'addNodeListeners' arguments // in a closure for every element listener. var selection = d3.select(target), element = selection.node(), node = selection.datum(); this.handleSelectEvent(event, node, element); }, handleSelectEvent: function (event, node, element) { this.setSelection(node.data); }, onExpandEvent: function (event) { var selection = d3.select(event.currentTarget), element = selection.node(), node = selection.datum(); this.handleExpandEvent(event, node, element); }, handleExpandEvent: function (event, node, element) { var record = node.data; if (record.isExpanded()) { record.collapse(); } else { record.expand(); } }, /** * @protected * Sets the size of a hierarchy layout via its 'size' method. * @param {Number[]} size The size of the scene. */ setLayoutSize: function (size) { var layout = this.getLayout(); layout.size(size); }, getLayoutSize: function () { var layout = this.getLayout(); return layout.size && layout.size(); }, onSceneResize: function (scene, rect) { this.callParent([scene, rect]); this.setLayoutSize([rect.width, rect.height]); this.performLayout(); }, hasFirstLayout: false, hasFirstRender: false, isLayoutTransitionSkipped: false, oldLayoutSaving: false, // whether the previous layout should be saved or not oldNodes: null, // nodes from the previous layout oldLinks: null, // links from the previous layout /** * @private */ isLayoutBlocked: Ext.emptyFn, /** * @private * Marks the layout transition to be skipped once. */ skipLayoutTransition: function () { this.isLayoutTransitionSkipped = true; }, processDataChange: function (store) { if (this.getNoSizeLayout() || this.size) { this.performLayout(); } }, setupScene: function (scene) { var me = this; me.callParent([scene]); // Links should render before nodes. // A node is rendered at a certain coordinate, which is typically // the center of a node, and so a link is a connection between // the centers of a pair of nodes. Usually, we want it to appear // as if a link goes edge to edge, not center to center. // However, this alone is not enough, because if a node itself is not // updated, e.g. it's already visible and we simply show its children, // the links will still be painted on top. Because SVG has no z-index and // the elements are rendered in the order in which they appear in the document, // the nodes have to be either sorted or placed in pre-sorted groups. We do // the latter here. me.linksGroup = scene.append('g').classed(me.defaultCls.links, true); me.nodesGroup = scene.append('g').classed(me.defaultCls.nodes, true); }, /** * Uses bound store records to calculate the layout of nodes and links * and re-renders the scene. */ performLayout: function () { var me = this, store = me.getStore(), storeRoot = store && store.getRoot(), rootVisible = me.getRootVisible(), layout = me.getLayout(), root, nodes, links, layoutRoot; // Make sure we have the scene created and set up. me.getScene(); if (!storeRoot) { me.getRenderedNodes().remove(); me.getRenderedLinks().remove(); } if (!storeRoot || store.isLoading() || me.isInitializing || me.isLayoutBlocked(layout)) { return; } if (!rootVisible && storeRoot.data.autoRoot && storeRoot.childNodes.length === 1) { layoutRoot = storeRoot.firstChild; } else { layoutRoot = storeRoot; } var sorter = me.getSorter(), renderLinks = me.getRenderLinks(), nodeChildren = me.getNodeChildren(), nodeValue = me.getNodeValue(); me.oldLayoutSaving && me.saveLayout(me.nodes, me.links); root = d3.hierarchy(layoutRoot, nodeChildren).sum(nodeValue); if (sorter) { root = root.sort(sorter); } me.storeRoot = storeRoot; me.root = root = layout(root); nodes = me.nodes = root.descendants(); if (renderLinks) { links = me.links = root.links(); } me.hasFirstLayout = true; me.renderScene(nodes, links); }, saveLayout: function (nodes, links) { var me = this, map = {}, i, ln, node; me.oldNodes = map; if (nodes) { for (i = 0, ln = nodes.length; i < ln; i++) { node = nodes[i]; map[node.data.id] = node; } } me.oldLinks = links; }, getOldNode: function (node) { return node && this.oldNodes && this.oldNodes[node.data.id]; }, /** * Renders arrays of nodes and links, returned by the * [rootNode.descendants()](https://github.com/d3/d3-hierarchy/#node_descendants) * and [rootNode.links()](https://github.com/d3/d3-hierarchy/#node_links) * methods, respectively. * Both `nodes` and `links` arguments are optional and, if not specified, * the method re-renders nodes/links produced by the most recent layout. * @param {Array} [nodes] * @param {Array} [links] */ renderScene: function (nodes, links) { var me = this, nodeKey = me.getNodeKey(), linkKey = me.getLinkKey(), nodeSelection, linkSelection; if (!me.hasFirstLayout) { me.performLayout(); } // If several D3 components are using the same store, // updates can be slow. If some of the components are not visible, // it may not be obvious why updates are slow. nodes = nodes || me.nodes; links = links || me.links; me.onBeforeRender(nodes, links); if (nodes) { nodeSelection = me.getRenderedNodes().data(nodes, nodeKey); me.renderNodes(nodeSelection); if (links) { linkSelection = me.getRenderedLinks().data(links, linkKey); me.renderLinks(linkSelection); } } me.hideRoot(); me.hasFirstRender = true; me.onAfterRender(nodeSelection, linkSelection); me.fireEvent('scenerender', me, nodeSelection, linkSelection); }, getRenderedNodes: function () { return this.nodesGroup.selectAll('.' + this.defaultCls.node); }, getRenderedLinks: function () { return this.linksGroup.selectAll('.' + this.defaultCls.link); }, /** * @private */ hideRoot: function () { var me = this, rootVisible = me.getRootVisible(); me.nodesGroup .select('.' + me.defaultCls.root) .classed(me.defaultCls.invisible, !rootVisible); }, /** * @private * See `renderNodes` comments. * @param {d3.selection} update */ renderLinks: function (update) { this.updateLinks(update, this.addLinks(update.enter())); this.removeLinks(update.exit()); }, /** * @private * The groups for the entering nodes will be created automatically * by this base class and passed to the `updateNodes` as the second * parameter, so the `addNodes` doesn't have to return anything. * The assumption is that a component will always render nodes, unlike links, * so the `addLinks` method should always return the links it created. * @param {d3.selection} update */ renderNodes: function (update) { var me = this, nodeClass = me.getNodeClass(), enter = update.enter().append('g'); enter.call(me.onNodesAdd.bind(me)); me.addNodes(enter); enter.call(nodeClass); update.call(nodeClass); me.updateNodes(update, enter); me.removeNodes(update.exit()); }, /** * The current layout transition. * Only active for its duration from the time of the `renderScene` call. * @property */ layoutTransition: null, onBeforeRender: function () { var me = this, useTransition = me.hasFirstRender && !me.isLayoutTransitionSkipped, transition = me.createTransition(useTransition ? 'layout' : 'none'); me.isLayoutTransitionSkipped = false; // D3's `on` does not have the scope parameter (the third param is `capture`), // so we use a closure here. me.layoutTransition = transition.on('end', function () { me.layoutTransition = null; if (!(me.destroyed || me.destroying)) { me.onLayout(); } }); }, /** * @private */ onLayout: function () { var me = this; if (me.panZoom) { me.panZoom.updateIndicator(); } me.fireEvent('layout', me); }, /** * @private */ onAfterRender: Ext.emptyFn, /** * @protected * @param {d3.selection} selection The `update` selection for links. */ updateLinks: Ext.emptyFn, /** * @protected * @param {d3.selection} selection The `enter` selection to populate with links. * @return {d3.selection} The added links. */ addLinks: Ext.emptyFn, /** * @protected * @param {d3.selection} selection The `update` selection for nodes. */ updateNodes: Ext.emptyFn, /** * @protected * @param {d3.selection} selection The `enter` selection to populate with nodes. * @return {d3.selection} The added nodes. */ addNodes: Ext.emptyFn, /** * @protected * @param {d3.selection} selection The `exit` selection for links. */ removeLinks: function (selection) { selection.remove(); }, /** * @protected * @param {d3.selection} selection The `exit` selection for nodes. */ removeNodes: function (selection) { selection.remove(); } });