/** * Represents the collection of items in the row region of the PivotTable. * * (CT_I) * @private */Ext.define('Ext.exporter.file.ooxml.excel.Item', { extend: 'Ext.exporter.file.ooxml.Base', config: { /** * @cfg {Number} [i] * * Specifies a zero-based index indicating the referenced data item it in a data field * with multiple data items. */ i: null, /** * @cfg {Number} [r] * * Specifies the number of items to repeat from the previous row item. The first item * has no @r explicitly written. Since a default of "0" is specified in the schema, for any * item whose @r is missing, a default value of "0" is implied. */ r: null, /** * @cfg {Number} [t] * * Specifies the type of the item. Value of 'default' indicates a grand total as the * last row item value * * Possible values: * * - `avg` (Average): Indicates the pivot item represents an "average" aggregate function. * - `blank` (Blank Pivot Item): Indicates the pivot item represents a blank line. * - `count` (Count): Indicates the pivot item represents custom the "count" aggregate." * - `countA` (CountA): Indicates the pivot item represents the "count numbers" aggregate function. * - `data` (Data): Indicate the pivot item represents data. * - `default` (Default): Indicates the pivot item represents the default type for this PivotTable. * The default pivot item type is the "total" aggregate function. * - `grand` (Grand Total Item): Indicates the pivot items represents the grand total line. * - `max` (Max): Indicates the pivot item represents the "maximum" aggregate function. * - `min` (Min): Indicates the pivot item represents the "minimum" aggregate function. * - `product` (Product): Indicates the pivot item represents the "product" function. * - `stdDev` (stdDev): Indicates the pivot item represents the "standard deviation" aggregate function. * - `stdDevP` (StdDevP): Indicates the pivot item represents the "standard deviation population" aggregate function. * - `sum` (Sum): Indicates the pivot item represents the "sum" aggregate value. * - `var` (Var): Indicates the pivot item represents the "variance" aggregate value. * - `varP` (VarP): Indicates the pivot item represents the "variance population" aggregate value. */ t: null, /** * @cfg {Number[]} [x] * * Represents an array of indexes to cached member property values. * * Each item specifies the index into the shared items table in the PivotCache that identifies this item. */ x: null }, tpl: [ '<tpl if="x"><i{attr}>{x}</i><tpl else><i{attr}/></tpl>' ], getRenderData: function(){ var data = this.callParent(), len = data.x ? data.x.length : 0, str = '', attr = '', i; for(i = 0; i < len; i++){ if(data.x[i] > 0){ str += '<x v="' + data.x[i] + '"/>'; } else { str += '<x/>'; } } data.x = str; if(data.t) { attr += ' t="' + data.t + '"'; } if(data.r > 0) { attr += ' r="' + data.r + '"'; } if(data.i > 0) { attr += ' i="' + data.i + '"'; } data.attr = attr; return data; }, applyX: function(data){ return data != null ? Ext.Array.from(data) : null; } });