/** * This component extends the D3 HeatMap to work with a pivot matrix. * * Basically this component needs a pivot matrix to be configured. The values * calculated by the pivot matrix are distributed as following: * * - `leftAxis` maps to HeatMap `xAxis` * - `topAxis` maps to HeatMap `yAxis` * - `aggregate` maps to HeatMap `colorAxis` * * The pivot matrix should be configured with maximum one dimension per * `leftAxis`, `topAxis` or `aggregate`. * */Ext.define('Ext.pivot.d3.HeatMap', { extend: 'Ext.d3.HeatMap', xtype: 'pivotheatmap', requires: [ 'Ext.pivot.matrix.Local', 'Ext.pivot.matrix.Remote' ], padding: { top: 20, right: 30, bottom: 20, left: 80 }, config: { /** * @cfg {String} defaultFormatter * * Default formatter used to render cells on colorAxis */ defaultFormatter: 'number("0.00")', /** * @cfg {Ext.pivot.matrix.Base} matrix * * Pivot matrix specific configuration */ matrix: { type: 'local', rowGrandTotalsPosition: 'none', colGrandTotalsPosition: 'none' }, xAxis: { axis: { orient: 'bottom' }, scale: { type: 'band' }, step: 100 }, yAxis: { axis: { orient: 'left' }, scale: { type: 'band' }, step: 100 }, colorAxis: { scale: { type: 'linear', range: ['white', 'green'] } }, tiles: { attr: { 'stroke': 'green', 'stroke-width': 1 }, labels: true }, legend: { docked: 'bottom', padding: 60, items: { count: 10, slice: [1], size: { x: 40, y: 20 } } } }, destroy: function(){ this.setMatrix(null); this.callParent(); }, applyMatrix: function(matrix){ if (matrix) { if (!matrix.isPivotMatrix) { if(!matrix.type){ matrix.type = 'local'; } matrix.cmp = this; matrix = Ext.Factory.pivotmatrix(matrix); } } return matrix; }, updateMatrix: function(matrix, oldMatrix){ var me = this; Ext.destroy(oldMatrix, me.matrixListeners); me.matrixListeners = null; if(matrix) { me.matrixListeners = matrix.on({ done: me.onMatrixDataReady, scope: me, destroyable: true }); } }, updateStore: Ext.emptyFn, updateXAxis: Ext.emptyFn, updateYAxis: Ext.emptyFn, updateColorAxis: Ext.emptyFn, onMatrixDataReady: function(matrix){ //let's configure the heatmap widget axis var me = this, xAxis = me.getXAxis(), yAxis = me.getYAxis(), zAxis = me.getColorAxis(), xDim = matrix.topAxis.dimensions, yDim = matrix.leftAxis.dimensions, zDim = matrix.aggregate, dim; if(xDim.getCount() && xAxis){ dim = xDim.getAt(0); xAxis.setField(dim.getDataIndex()); xAxis.setTitle({ text: dim.getHeader() }); } if(yDim.getCount() && yAxis){ dim = yDim.getAt(0); yAxis.setField(dim.getDataIndex()); yAxis.setTitle({ text: dim.getHeader() }); } if(zDim.getCount() && zAxis){ dim = zDim.getAt(0); zAxis.setField(dim.getId()); } this.processData(); this.performLayout(); }, bindFormatter: function (format, scope) { var me = this; return function (v) { return format(v, scope || me.resolveListenerScope()); }; }, getStoreData: function(){ var me = this, matrix = me.getMatrix(), leftItems = matrix.leftAxis.getTree(), lenLeft = leftItems.length, topItems = matrix.topAxis.getTree(), lenTop = topItems.length, items = [], xAxis = me.getXAxis(), yAxis = me.getYAxis(), colorAxis = me.getColorAxis(), xField = xAxis.getField(), yField = yAxis.getField(), zField = colorAxis.getField(), i, j, leftItem, topItem, result, obj, value; for(i = 0; i < lenLeft; i++){ leftItem = leftItems[i]; for(j = 0; j < lenTop; j++){ topItem = topItems[j]; result = matrix.results.get(leftItem.key, topItem.key); obj = { data: { }}; obj.data[xField] = topItem.name; obj.data[yField] = leftItem.name; obj.data[zField] = result ? result.getValue(zField) : null; obj.data['records'] = result ? result.records.length : 0; items.push(obj); } } return items; }, onUpdateTiles: function(selection){ var me = this, matrix = me.getMatrix(), colorAxis = me.getColorAxis(), colorField = colorAxis.getField(), dimension, formatter, scope, parser; if(matrix.aggregate.getCount()){ dimension = matrix.aggregate.getAt(0); formatter = dimension.getFormatter() || me.getDefaultFormatter(); scope = dimension.getScope(); parser = Ext.app.bind.Parser.fly(formatter); formatter = me.bindFormatter(parser.compileFormat(), scope); parser.release(); } me.callParent([selection]); selection.select('text') .text(function (item) { var v = item.data[colorField] || null; if(v!== null && dimension && formatter){ v = formatter(v); } return v !== null ? v : null; }); } });