/** * A plugin for Field Components which creates clones of the Field for as * long as the user keeps filling them. Leaving the final one blank ends the repeating series. * * Usage: * * items: [{ * xtype: 'combo', * plugins: { * fieldreplicator: true * }, * triggerAction: 'all', * fieldLabel: 'Select recipient', * store: recipientStore * }] * */Ext.define('Ext.ux.FieldReplicator', { alias: 'plugin.fieldreplicator', init: function(field) { // Assign the field an id grouping it with fields cloned from it. If it already // has an id that means it is itself a clone. if (!field.replicatorId) { field.replicatorId = Ext.id(); } field.on('blur', this.onBlur, this); }, onBlur: function(field) { var ownerCt = field.ownerCt, replicatorId = field.replicatorId, isEmpty = Ext.isEmpty(field.getRawValue()), siblings = ownerCt.query('[replicatorId=' + replicatorId + ']'), isLastInGroup = siblings[siblings.length - 1] === field, clone, idx; // If a field before the final one was blanked out, remove it if (isEmpty && !isLastInGroup) { Ext.defer(field.destroy, 10, field); //delay to allow tab key to move focus first } // If the field is the last in the list and has a value, add a cloned field after it else if(!isEmpty && isLastInGroup) { if (field.onReplicate) { field.onReplicate(); } clone = field.cloneConfig({replicatorId: replicatorId}); idx = ownerCt.items.indexOf(field); ownerCt.add(idx + 1, clone); } } });