/** * This store contains the {@link Ext.calendar.model.EventBase events} for a particular * {@link Ext.calendar.model.CalendarBase} calendar. * * This store has an active range that is typically set via a calendar view. This store * prefetches events outside of the current range (governed by * {@link #cfg-prefetchMode}), to facilitate a smoother user experience when navigating * views. Once events fall out of the prefetched range, they are pruned from the store. * * For more information on the the data the Events store may consume refer to * {@link Ext.calendar.model.Event} */Ext.define('Ext.calendar.store.Events', { extend: 'Ext.data.Store', alias: 'store.calendar-events', model: 'Ext.calendar.model.Event', requires: [ 'Ext.calendar.model.Event', 'Ext.calendar.date.Range' ], config: { /** * @cfg {Ext.calendar.model.Calendar} calendar * The calendar for the events. */ calendar: null, /** * @cfg {String} calendarParam * The parameter name for the calendar to be sent to the server. */ calendarParam: 'calendar', /** * @cfg {String} dateFormat * The date format to send to the server. */ dateFormat: 'C', /** * @cfg {String} endParam * The parameter name for the end date to be sent to the server. */ endParam: 'endDate', /** * @cfg {String} prefetchMode * The prefetch mode for pre-loading records on either side of the active range. * Possible values are: * - `month` * - `week` * - `day` * * If this store will be used amongst multiple views, it is recommended to use the largest * unit. */ prefetchMode: 'month', /** * @cfg {String} startParam * The parameter name for the start date to be sent to the server. */ startParam: 'startDate' }, remoteSort: false, pageSize: 0, sorters: [{ direction: 'ASC', sorterFn: function(a, b) { return Ext.calendar.model.Event.sort(a, b); } }], prefetchSettings: { month: { unit: Ext.Date.MONTH, amount: 2 }, week: { unit: Ext.Date.WEEK, amount: 2 }, day: { unit: Ext.Date.DAY, amount: 4 } }, constructor: function(config) { this.requests = {}; this.callParent([config]); }, /** * Gets a list of events that occurs in the specified range. * @param {Date} start The start of the range. * @param {Date} end The end of the range. * @return {Ext.calendar.model.EventBase[]} The events. */ getInRange: function(start, end) { var records = this.data.items, len = records.length, ret = [], i, rec; for (i = 0; i < len; ++i) { rec = records[i]; if (rec.occursInRange(start, end)) { ret.push(rec); } } return ret; }, /** * Checks whether a particular date range is cached in this store. * @param {Ext.calendar.date.Range} range The range. * @return {Boolean} `true` if the range is cached. */ hasRangeCached: function(range) { var current = this.range, ret = false; if (current) { ret = current.full.containsRange(range); } return ret; }, /** * Sets the range for the current store. This may trigger the * store to load, or to prefetch events. * @param {Ext.calendar.date.Range} range The range. */ setRange: function(range) { var me = this, D = Ext.Date, R = Ext.calendar.date.Range, current = me.range, prefetchSettings = me.getPrefetchSetting(), fetchCount = 0, isLeading = false, fetchStart, fetchEnd, fullStart = D.subtract(range.start, prefetchSettings.unit, prefetchSettings.amount, true), fullEnd = D.add(range.end, prefetchSettings.unit, prefetchSettings.amount, true), newRange = { actual: range.clone(), full: new R(fullStart, fullEnd) }; if (me.compareRange(current, newRange)) { return; } if (current && current.full.containsRange(newRange.full)) { return; } if (me.hasRangeCached(range)) { if (!me.hasRangeCached(newRange.full)) { if (current.full.start > fullStart) { fetchStart = fullStart; fetchEnd = current.full.start; ++fetchCount; isLeading = true; } if (current.full.end < fullEnd) { fetchStart = current.full.end; fetchEnd = fullEnd; ++fetchCount; } if (fetchCount === 1) { me.prefetchRange(fetchStart, fetchEnd, isLeading, newRange); } else if (fetchCount === 2) { me.loadRange(fullStart, fullEnd, newRange); } //<debug> else { Ext.raise('Should never be here.'); } //</debug> } } else { me.loadRange(newRange.full.start, newRange.full.end, newRange); } me.requested = newRange; }, // Overrides onProxyLoad: function(operation) { var me = this; if (operation.wasSuccessful()) { me.range = me.requested; me.requested = null; } me.setCalendarFromLoad = true; me.callParent([operation]); me.setCalendarFromLoad = false; }, onCollectionAdd: function(collection, info) { var me = this; me.setRecordCalendar(me.getCalendar(), info.items, !me.setCalendarFromLoad); me.callParent([collection, info]); }, onCollectionRemove: function(collection, info) { this.callParent([collection, info]); if (!this.isMoving) { this.setRecordCalendar(null, info.items, true); } }, privates: { isMoving: 0, abortAll: function() { var requests = this.requests, request, id; for (id in requests) { request = requests[id]; if (request && !request.destroyed) { request.abort(); } } this.requests = {}; }, compareRange: function(a, b) { var ret = false; if (!a || !b) { ret = (a || null) === (b || null); } else { ret = a.full.equals(b.full) && a.actual.equals(b.actual); } return ret; }, getPrefetchSetting: function() { return this.prefetchSettings[this.getPrefetchMode()]; }, loadRange: function(start, end, newRequested) { var me = this, requested = me.requested, range = new Ext.calendar.date.Range(start, end); // We don't have the range cached, are we requesting it? if (!(requested && requested.full.equals(range))) { me.abortAll(); me.load({ params: me.setupParams(start, end), requested: newRequested }); } }, onBeforeLoad: function(operation) { this.requests[operation._internalId] = operation; }, onPrefetch: function(operation) { var me = this, records = operation.getRecords() || [], toPrune = [], toAdd = [], map = Ext.Array.toMap(records, 'id'), range = me.getDataSource().getRange(), len = range.length, start = me.range.full.start, end = me.range.full.end, i, rec; if (operation.wasSuccessful()) { me.range = me.requested; me.requested = null; } delete me.requests[operation._internalId]; me.suspendEvents(); for (i = 0; i < len; ++i) { rec = range[i]; if (!(map[rec.id] || rec.occursInRange(start, end))) { toPrune.push(rec); } } for (i = 0, len = records.length; i < len; ++i) { rec = records[i]; if (!me.getById(rec.id)) { toAdd.push(rec); } } me.ignoreCollectionRemove = me.setCalendarFromLoad = true; me.getData().splice(0, toPrune, toAdd); me.ignoreCollectionRemove = me.setCalendarFromLoad = false; me.resumeEvents(); me.fireEvent('prefetch', me, toAdd, toPrune); }, prefetch: function(options) { var me = this, operation; options = Ext.apply({ internalScope: me, internalCallback: me.onPrefetch }, options); me.setLoadOptions(options); operation = me.createOperation('read', options); me.requests[operation._internalId] = operation; operation.execute(); }, prefetchRange: function(start, end, isLeading, newRequested) { this.prefetch({ params: this.setupParams(start, end), isLeading: isLeading, newRequested: newRequested }); }, setRecordCalendar: function(calendar, records, dirty) { var len = records.length, i, record; for (i = 0; i < len; ++i) { record = records[i]; record.$moving = true; record.setCalendar(calendar, dirty); delete record.$moving; } }, setupParams: function(start, end) { var me = this, D = Ext.Date, format = me.getDateFormat(), params = {}; params[me.getCalendarParam()] = me.getCalendar().id; params[me.getStartParam()] = D.format(start, format); params[me.getEndParam()] = D.format(end, format); return params; } }});