/** * Chart captions can be used to place titles, subtitles, credits and other captions * inside a chart. Please see the chart's {@link Ext.chart.AbstractChart#captions} * config documentation for the general description of the way captions work, and * refer to the documentation of this class' configs for details. */Ext.define('Ext.chart.Caption', { mixins: [ 'Ext.mixin.Observable', 'Ext.mixin.Bindable' ], isCaption: true, config: { /** * The weight controls the order in which the captions are created. * Captions with lower weights are created first. * This affects chart's layout. For example, if two captions are docked * to the 'top', the one with the lower weight will end up on top * of the other. */ weight: 0, /** * @cfg {String} text * The text displayed by the caption. * Multi-line captions are allowed, e.g.: * * captions: { * title: { * text: 'India\'s tiger population\n' * + 'from 1970 to 2015' * } * } * */ text: '', /** * @cfg {'left'/'center'/'right'} [align='center'] * Determines the horizontal alignment of the caption's text. */ align: 'center', /** * @cfg {'series'/'chart'} [alignTo='series'] * Whether to align the caption to the 'series' (default) or the 'chart'. */ alignTo: 'series', /** * @cfg {Number} padding * The uniform padding applied to both top and bottom of the caption's text. */ padding: 0, /** * @cfg {Boolean} [hidden=false] * Controls the visibility of the caption. */ hidden: false, /** * @cfg {'top'/'bottom'} [docked='top'] * The position of the caption in a chart. */ docked: 'top', /** * @cfg {Object} style * Style attributes for the caption's text. * All attributes that are valid {@link Ext.draw.sprite.Text text sprite} attributes * are valid here. However, only font attributes (such as `fontSize`, `fontFamily`, ...), * color attributes (such as `fillStyle`) and `textAlign` attribute are guaranteed to * produce correct behavior. For example, transform attributes are not officially supported. */ style: { fontSize: '14px', fontWeight: 'bold', fontFamily: 'Verdana, Aria, sans-serif' }, /** * @private * @cfg {Ext.chart.AbstractChart} chart * The chart the label belongs to. */ chart: null, /** * @private * The text sprite used to render caption's text. */ sprite: { type: 'text', preciseMeasurement: true, zIndex: 10 }, //<debug> /** * @private * @cfg {Boolean} debug * Whether to show the bounding boxes or not. */ debug: false, //</debug> /** * @private * The logical rect of the caption in the `surfaceName` surface. */ rect: null }, surfaceName: 'caption', constructor: function (config) { var me = this, id; if ('id' in config) { id = config.id; } else if ('id' in me.config) { id = me.config.id; } else { id = me.getId(); } me.setId(id); me.mixins.observable.constructor.call(me, config); me.initBindable(); }, updateChart: function () { if (!this.isConfiguring) { // Re-create caption's sprite in another chart. this.setSprite({ type: 'text' }); } }, applySprite: function (sprite) { var me = this, chart = me.getChart(), surface = me.surface = chart.getSurface(me.surfaceName); //<debug> me.rectSprite = surface.add({ type: 'rect', fillStyle: 'yellow', strokeStyle: 'red' }); //</debug> return sprite && surface.add(sprite); }, updateSprite: function (sprite, oldSprite) { if (oldSprite) { oldSprite.destroy(); } }, updateText: function (text) { this.getSprite().setAttributes({ text: text }); }, updateStyle: function (style) { this.getSprite().setAttributes(style); }, //<debug> updateDebug: function (debug) { var me = this, sprite = me.getSprite(); if (debug && !me.rectSprite) { me.rectSprite = me.surface.add({ type: 'rect', fillStyle: 'yellow', strokeStyle: 'red' }); } if (sprite) { sprite.setAttributes({ debug: debug ? { bbox: true } : null }); } if (me.rectSprite) { me.rectSprite.setAttributes({ hidden: !debug }); } if (!me.isConfiguring) { me.surface.renderFrame(); } }, //</debug> updateRect: function (rect) { if (this.rectSprite) { this.rectSprite.setAttributes({ x: rect[0], y: rect[1], width: rect[2], height: rect[3] }); } }, updateDocked: function () { var chart = this.getChart(); if (chart && !this.isConfiguring) { chart.scheduleLayout(); } }, /** * @private * Computes and sets the caption's rect. * Shrinks the given chart rect to accomodate the caption. * The chart rect is [top, left, width, height] in chart's * body element coordinates. * The shrink rect is {left, top, right, bottom} in `caption` * surface coordinates. */ computeRect: function (chartRect, shrinkRect) { if (this.getHidden()) { return null; } var rect = [0, 0, chartRect[2], 0], docked = this.getDocked(), padding = this.getPadding(), textSize = this.getSprite().getBBox(), height = textSize.height + padding * 2; switch (docked) { case 'top': rect[1] = shrinkRect.top; rect[3] = height; chartRect[1] += height; chartRect[3] -= height; shrinkRect.top += height; break; case 'bottom': chartRect[3] -= height; shrinkRect.bottom -= height; rect[1] = shrinkRect.bottom; rect[3] = height; break; } this.setRect(rect); }, alignRect: function (seriesRect) { var surfaceRect = this.surface.getRect(), rect = this.getRect(); rect[0] = seriesRect[0] - surfaceRect[0]; rect[2] = seriesRect[2]; // Slice to trigger the applier/updater. this.setRect(rect.slice()); }, performLayout: function () { var me = this, rect = me.getRect(), x = rect[0], y = rect[1], width = rect[2], height = rect[3], sprite = me.getSprite(), tx = sprite.attr.translationX, ty = sprite.attr.translationY, bbox = sprite.getBBox(), align = me.getAlign(), dx, dy; switch (align) { case 'left': dx = x - bbox.x; break; case 'right': dx = (x + width) - (bbox.x + bbox.width); break; case 'center': dx = x + (width - bbox.width) / 2 - bbox.x; break; } dy = y + (height - bbox.height) / 2 - bbox.y; sprite.setAttributes({ translationX: tx + dx, translationY: ty + dy }); }, destroy: function () { var me = this; //<debug> if (me.rectSprite) { me.rectSprite.destroy(); } //</debug> me.getSprite().destroy(); me.callParent(); } });