/** * This {@link Ext.Component#cfg!plugins plugin} adds pull to refresh functionality to the * {@link Ext.dataview.List list} component. * * ## Example * * @example * Ext.create({ * xtype: 'list', * fullscreen: true, * * plugins: [{ * type: 'pullrefresh', * pullText: 'Pull down for more new Tweets!' * }], * * itemTpl: [ * '<img src="{img}" alt="{name} photo" />', * '<div class="tweet"><b>{name}:</b> {text}</div>' * ], * * store: [{ * name: 'Bill', * img: 'https://www.sencha.com/forum/images/statusicon/forum_new-48.png', * text: 'JavaScript development' * }] * }); */Ext.define('Ext.dataview.pullrefresh.PullRefresh', { extend: 'Ext.plugin.Abstract', alias: 'plugin.pullrefresh', alternateClassName: 'Ext.plugin.PullRefresh', mixins: [ 'Ext.mixin.ConfigProxy' ], proxyConfig: { widget: [ /** * @cfg {String} lastUpdatedDateFormat * The format to be used on the last updated date. */ 'lastUpdatedDateFormat', /** * @cfg {String} lastUpdatedText * The text to be shown in front of the last updated time. */ 'lastUpdatedText', /** * @cfg {String} loadedText * The text that will be when data has been loaded. */ 'loadedText', /** * @cfg {String} loadingText * The text that will be shown while the list is refreshing. */ 'loadingText', /** * @cfg {String} pullText * The text that will be shown while you are pulling down. */ 'pullText', /** * @cfg {String} releaseText * The text that will be shown after you have pulled down enough to show the * release message. */ 'releaseText' ] }, config: { /** * @cfg {Boolean} autoSnapBack * Determines whether the pulldown should automatically snap back after data has * been loaded. If `false` call {@link #snapBack} to manually snap the pulldown back. */ autoSnapBack: true, /** * @cfg {Boolean} mergeData * `true` to insert new records into the store and to replace the data for * any incoming records that exist. * * `false` to completely overwrite store data with the fetched response. * * @since 6.2.1 */ mergeData: true, /** * @cfg {Boolean} overlay * `false` to move the list down to display the refresh indicator. `true` to float * the indicator over the top of the list with no movement. * * @since 6.2.1 */ overlay: false, /** * @cfg {Number} snappingAnimationDuration * The duration for snapping back animation after the data has been refreshed */ snappingAnimationDuration: 300, //-------------------------- // Private activateOffset: 0.75, widget: { lazy: true, $value: { xtype: 'pullrefreshbar' } }, /** * @private */ lastUpdated: new Date(), /** * @cfg {Ext.dataview.List} list * The list to which this PullRefresh plugin is connected. * This will usually by set automatically when configuring the list with this plugin. * @private */ list: null, overshotMaxDistance: 50, /** * @private */ state: 'pulling' }, init: function (list) { this.setList(list); }, destroy: function () { this.setList(null); this.callParent(); }, createWidget: function (config) { var ret = this.mergeProxiedConfigs('widget', config); // Since widget can be set as a string we'll lose all our properties that // we place in the config, so bolt on hidden here. ret.hidden = true; return ret; }, privates: { overlayCls: Ext.baseCSSPrefix + 'pullrefresh-overlay', /** * Attempts to load the newest posts via the attached List's Store's Proxy * @private */ fetchLatest: function() { this.getList().getStore().fetch({ page: 1, start: 0, callback: this.onLatestFetched, scope: this }); }, reset: function() { var me = this, widget = me.getWidget(); widget.setHidden(true); widget.setHeight(null); widget.setMinHeight(null); me.$measuredHeight = null; }, /** * Snaps the List back to the top after a pullrefresh is complete * @param {Boolean} force Force the snapback to occur regardless of state {optional} * @private */ snapBack: function (force) { var me = this, widget = me.getWidget(), state = me.getState(), hideAnimation = widget.getHideAnimation(), duration = me.getSnappingAnimationDuration(); if (state === 'loaded' || force) { if (!hideAnimation) { widget.el.animate({ preserveEndState: true, duration: duration, to: { height: 0 }, callback: function() { me.onSnapBackEnd(true); } }); } else { me.onSnapBackEnd(); } } }, //-------------------- // Event handlers onDragEnd: function() { var me = this, state = me.getState(), widget = me.getWidget(), overshotMaxDistance = me.getOvershotMaxDistance(); if (me.running) { me.running = false; if (state === 'holding') { if (overshotMaxDistance) { widget.el.animate({ duration: 75, preserveEndState: true, to: { height: me.$measuredHeight }, callback: function() { me.setState('loading'); me.fetchLatest(); } }); } else { me.setState('loading'); me.fetchLatest(); } } else { me.snapBack(true, false); } } }, onDragMove: function(e) { var me = this, list = me.getList(), widget = me.getWidget(), listHeight = list.el.getHeight(), pullHeight = me.$measuredHeight, activateOffset = me.getActivateOffset() * pullHeight, overshotMaxDistance = me.getOvershotMaxDistance(), offset, overshot, overshotRange; if (me.running) { e.stopEvent(); offset = e.getXY()[1] - me.startY; widget.setHidden(offset <= 0); if (offset > 0 && offset < pullHeight) { me.setState('pulling'); widget.setHeight(offset); } else if (overshotMaxDistance && offset >= pullHeight) { overshotRange = listHeight - pullHeight; overshot = ((offset - pullHeight) / overshotRange); widget.setHeight(pullHeight + (overshot * overshotMaxDistance)); } // widget.setPull(Math.min(1, offset / activateOffset)); widget.setPull(offset / activateOffset); if (offset >= activateOffset) { me.setState('holding'); } } }, onDragStart: function(e) { var me = this, list = me.getList(), widget = me.getWidget(), dy; if (me.running) { e.stopEvent(); return; } if (!me.$measuredHeight) { widget.setHidden(false); me.$measuredHeight = widget.el.getHeight(); widget.setMinHeight(0); } dy = e.deltaY; if (list.getScrollable().getPosition().y === 0 && dy > 0 && dy > e.deltaX) { widget.setHidden(false); me.running = true; widget.setHeight(0); e.stopEvent(); } }, /** * Called after fetchLatest has finished grabbing data. Matches any returned * records against what is already in the Store. If there is an overlap, updates * the existing records with the new data and inserts the new items at the front * of the Store. If there is no overlap, insert the new records anyway and record * that there's a break in the timeline between the new and the old records. * @private */ onLatestFetched: function(newRecords, operation, success) { var me = this, list = me.getList(), store = list.getStore(), length, toInsert, oldRecords, newRecord, oldRecord, i; if (success) { if (me.getMergeData()) { oldRecords = store.getData(); toInsert = []; length = newRecords.length; for (i = 0; i < length; i++) { newRecord = newRecords[i]; oldRecord = oldRecords.getByKey(newRecord.getId()); if (oldRecord) { oldRecord.set(newRecord.getData()); } else { toInsert.push(newRecord); } } store.insert(0, toInsert); } else { store.loadRecords(newRecords); } me.setLastUpdated(new Date()); } me.setState('loaded'); list.fireEvent('latestfetched', me, toInsert || newRecords); if (me.getAutoSnapBack()) { me.snapBack(true); } }, /** * Called when PullRefresh has been snapped back to the top * @private */ onSnapBackEnd: function(preventAnim) { var me = this, widget = me.getWidget(); if (preventAnim) { widget.hide(null); me.setState('pulling'); me.reset(); } else { widget.hide(); widget.on('hide', function() { me.setState('pulling'); me.reset(); }, me, {single: true}); } }, onTouchStart: function(e) { this.startY = e.getXY()[1]; }, //------------------------- // Configs // lastUpdated /** * @private */ updateLastUpdated: function (value) { var widget = this.getWidget(); if (widget) { widget.setLastUpdated(value); } }, // list /** * @private */ updateList: function (list, oldList) { var me = this, widget = me.widget; if (oldList) { oldList.el.un({ scope: me, touchstart: 'onTouchStart', dragstart: 'onDragStart', drag: 'onDragMove', dragend: 'onDragEnd' }); } if (list) { list.el.on({ scope: me, touchstart: 'onTouchStart', dragstart: 'onDragStart', drag: 'onDragMove', dragend: 'onDragEnd' }); if (widget) { list.insert(0, widget); } } }, // overlay updateOverlay: function (overlay) { var widget = this.getWidget(); if (widget) { widget.el.toggleCls(this.overlayCls, overlay); widget.setTop(overlay ? 0 : null); } }, // state /** * @private */ updateState: function (value) { var widget = this.getWidget(); if (widget) { widget.setState(value); } }, // widget applyWidget: function (config, existing) { return Ext.Factory.widget.update(existing, config, this, 'createWidget'); }, updateWidget: function (widget) { var me = this, list, overlay; // since we're lazy we store the reference to allow easy peeking me.widget = widget; if (widget) { overlay = me.getOverlay(); me.updateOverlay(overlay); widget.setLastUpdated(me.getLastUpdated()); widget.setState(me.getState()); list = me.getList(); if (list) { list.insert(0, widget); } } } } // privates });