/** * This plugin allows the user to view all records that were aggregated for a specified cell. * * The user has to double click that cell to open the records viewer. * * **Note:** If a {@link Ext.pivot.matrix.Remote} matrix is used then the plugin requires * a {@link #remoteStore} to be provided to fetch the records for a left/top keys pair. */Ext.define('Ext.pivot.plugin.DrillDown', { alias: [ 'plugin.pivotdrilldown' ], extend: 'Ext.plugin.Abstract', requires: [ 'Ext.pivot.Grid', 'Ext.Panel', 'Ext.layout.Fit', 'Ext.TitleBar', 'Ext.Button', 'Ext.data.proxy.Memory', 'Ext.data.Store', 'Ext.grid.plugin.PagingToolbar' ], /** * Fired on the pivot component when the drill down panel is visible * * @event showdrilldownpanel * @param {Ext.Panel} panel Drill down panel */ /** * Fired on the pivot component when the drill down panel is hidden * * @event hidedrilldownpanel * @param {Ext.Panel} panel Drill down panel */ config: { /** * @cfg {Ext.grid.column.Column[]} [columns] Specify which columns should be visible in the grid. * * Use the same definition as for a grid column. */ columns: null, /** * @cfg {Number} width * * Width of the viewer's window. */ width: 500, /** * @cfg {Ext.data.Store} remoteStore * Provide either a store config or a store instance when using a {@link Ext.pivot.matrix.Remote Remote} matrix on the pivot grid. * * The store will be remotely filtered to fetch records from the server. */ remoteStore: null, /** * @cfg {Object} panel * * Configuration object used to instantiate the drill down panel. */ panel: { lazy: true, $value: { xtype: 'panel', hidden: true, floated: true, modal: true, hideOnMaskTap: true, right: 0, height: '100%', showAnimation: { type: 'slideIn', duration: 250, easing: 'ease-out', direction: 'left' }, hideAnimation: { type: 'slideOut', duration: 250, easing: 'ease-in', direction: 'right' }, layout: 'fit', items: [{ docked: 'top', xtype: 'titlebar', itemId: 'title', items: { xtype: 'button', text: 'Done', ui: 'action', align: 'right', itemId: 'done' } }, { xtype: 'grid', itemId: 'grid', plugins: [{ type: 'gridpagingtoolbar' }] }] } }, /** * @private */ pivot: null }, titleText: 'Drill down', doneText: 'Done', init: function (pivot) { //<debug> // this plugin is available only for the pivot grid if (!pivot.isPivotGrid) { Ext.raise('This plugin is only compatible with Ext.pivot.Grid'); } //</debug> this.setPivot(pivot); return this.callParent([pivot]); }, destroy: function () { this.setConfig({ pivot: null, panel: null }); this.callParent(); }, updatePivot: function (grid) { Ext.destroy(this.gridListeners); if (grid) { this.gridListeners = grid.on({ pivotitemcelldoubletap: 'showPanel', pivotgroupcelldoubletap: 'showPanel', pivottotalcelldoubletap: 'showPanel', scope: this, destroyable: true }); } }, applyPanel: function (panel, oldPanel) { if (panel) { panel = panel.isInstance ? panel : Ext.create(panel); } return panel; }, updatePanel: function (panel, oldPanel) { var me = this, pivot = this.getPivot(); Ext.destroy(oldPanel, me.panelListeners, me.buttonListeners); if (panel) { me.panelListeners = panel.on({ hiddenchange: 'onPanelHiddenChange', scope: me, destroyable: true }); panel.down('#title').setTitle(me.titleText); me.buttonListeners = panel.down('#done').on({ tap: 'hidePanel', scope: me, destroyable: true }); me.initializeStoreAndColumns(); pivot.add(panel); } }, initializeStoreAndColumns: function () { var me = this, panel = me.getPanel(), matrix = me.getPivot().getMatrix(), columns = Ext.Array.from(me.getColumns() || []), result, fields, store, filters, view, i, len, value, grid; if (!matrix || !panel || !(grid = panel.down('#grid'))) { return; } if (matrix.isLocalMatrix) { fields = matrix.store.model.getFields(); store = new Ext.data.Store({ pageSize: 0, fields: Ext.clone(fields), proxy: { type: 'memory', reader: { type: 'array' } } }); // if no columns are defined then use those defined in the pivot grid store if (columns.length === 0) { len = fields.length; for (i = 0; i < len; i++) { value = fields[i]; columns.push({ text: Ext.String.capitalize(value.name), dataIndex: value.name, xtype: 'column' }); } } } else { store = Ext.getStore(me.getRemoteStore()); if (store) { store.setRemoteFilter(true); } } //<debug> if (columns.length === 0) { Ext.raise('No columns defined for the drill down grid!'); } //</debug> grid.setConfig({ store: store, columns: columns }); }, onPanelHiddenChange: function (panel, hidden) { this.getPivot().fireEvent(hidden ? 'hidedrilldownpanel' : 'showdrilldownpanel', panel); }, getWidth: function () { var pivot = this.getPivot(), viewport = Ext.Viewport, maxWidth = 100; if (pivot && pivot.element) { maxWidth = pivot.element.getWidth(); } if (viewport) { maxWidth = Math.min(maxWidth, viewport.element.getHeight(), viewport.element.getWidth()); } return Ext.Number.constrain(this._width, 100, maxWidth); }, showPanel: function (params) { var me = this, panel = me.getPanel(), matrix = me.getPivot().getMatrix(), result, grid, store, filters; // do nothing if the plugin is disabled if (me.disabled) { return; } result = matrix.results.get(params.leftKey, params.topKey); if (!result || !panel || !(grid = panel.down('#grid'))) { return; } store = grid.getStore(); if (matrix.isLocalMatrix) { store.loadData(result.records); } else { filters = Ext.Array.merge(me.getFiltersFromParams(result.getLeftAxisItem() ? result.getLeftAxisItem().data : {}), me.getFiltersFromParams(result.getTopAxisItem() ? result.getTopAxisItem().data : {})); store.clearFilter(true); if (filters.length > 0) { store.addFilter(filters); } else { store.load(); } } panel.setWidth(me.getWidth()); panel.show(); }, hidePanel: function () { var panel = this.getPanel(); if (panel) { panel.hide(); } }, getFiltersFromParams: function (obj) { var filters = [], i, len, keys; if (Ext.isObject(obj)) { keys = Ext.Object.getKeys(obj); len = keys.length; for (i = 0; i < len; i++) { filters.push({ property: keys[i], exactMatch: true, value: obj[keys[i]] }); } } return filters; } });