/** * This class is used for creating a configurator field component. * * @private */Ext.define('Ext.pivot.plugin.configurator.Column',{ extend: 'Ext.dataview.component.ListItem', requires: [ 'Ext.pivot.plugin.configurator.Field' ], alias: 'widget.pivotconfigfield', userCls: Ext.baseCSSPrefix + 'pivot-grid-config-column', filteredCls: Ext.baseCSSPrefix + 'pivot-grid-config-column-filter', ascSortIconCls: Ext.baseCSSPrefix + 'pivot-grid-config-column-btn-sort-asc', descSortIconCls: Ext.baseCSSPrefix + 'pivot-grid-config-column-btn-sort-desc', config: { deleteCmp: { xtype: 'component', cls: [ Ext.baseCSSPrefix + 'pivot-grid-config-column-btn', Ext.baseCSSPrefix + 'pivot-grid-config-column-btn-delete' ], docked: 'right', hidden: true }, moveCmp: { xtype: 'component', cls: [ Ext.baseCSSPrefix + 'pivot-grid-config-column-btn', Ext.baseCSSPrefix + 'pivot-grid-config-column-btn-move' ], docked: 'left' }, sortCmp: { xtype: 'component', cls: Ext.baseCSSPrefix + 'pivot-grid-config-column-btn', docked: 'right', hidden: true } }, applyDeleteCmp: function(cmp, oldCmp) { if (cmp && !cmp.isComponent) { cmp = Ext.factory(cmp, Ext.Component, oldCmp); } return cmp; }, updateDeleteCmp: function(cmp, oldCmp) { if (cmp) { this.add(cmp); } Ext.destroy(oldCmp); }, applyMoveCmp: function(cmp, oldCmp) { if (cmp && !cmp.isComponent) { cmp = Ext.factory(cmp, Ext.Component, oldCmp); } return cmp; }, updateMoveCmp: function(cmp, oldCmp) { if (cmp) { this.add(cmp); } Ext.destroy(oldCmp); }, applySortCmp: function(cmp, oldCmp) { if (cmp && !cmp.isComponent) { cmp = Ext.factory(cmp, Ext.Component, oldCmp); } return cmp; }, updateSortCmp: function(cmp, oldCmp) { if (cmp) { this.add(cmp); } Ext.destroy(oldCmp); }, getField: function(){ return this.getRecord().get('field'); }, updateRecord: function(record, oldRecord){ var me = this, innerElement = me.innerElement, settings, field; this.callParent([record, oldRecord]); if(!record){ return; } if(oldRecord){ field = oldRecord.get('field'); if(field) { settings = oldRecord.get('field').getSettings(); me.resetStyle(innerElement, settings.getStyle()); me.removeCls(settings.getCls()); } } field = record.get('field'); if(field) { settings = record.get('field').getSettings(); // The custom settings style we add to the text component. // All button icons are in fact fonts so changing the font style in the list item // would affect all buttons not only the text component innerElement.setStyle(settings.getStyle()); // The custom settings cls we add to the entire component // With classes you can control better what components to change me.addCls(settings.getCls()); me.refreshData(); } }, refreshData: function(){ var me = this, dCmp = me.getDeleteCmp(), record = me.getRecord(), field = record.get('field'), settings = field.getSettings(), dataView = me.dataview || me.getDataview(), container = dataView.getFieldType ? dataView : dataView.up('pivotconfigcontainer'), fieldType = container.getFieldType(), isFixed; if(fieldType !== 'all') { isFixed = settings.isFixed(container); dCmp.setHidden(isFixed); } record.set('text', field.getFieldText()); me.updateSortCmpCls(); me.updateFilterCls(); }, updateFilterCls: function(){ var me = this, dataView = me.dataview || me.getDataview(), container = dataView.getFieldType ? dataView : dataView.up('pivotconfigcontainer'), fieldType = container.getFieldType(); if(fieldType !== 'all') { if (me.getField().getFilter()) { me.addCls(me.filteredCls); } else { me.removeCls(me.filteredCls); } } }, updateSortCmpCls: function(){ var me = this, dataView = me.dataview || me.getDataview(), container = dataView.getFieldType ? dataView : dataView.up('pivotconfigcontainer'), fieldType = container.getFieldType(), field = me.getField(), sCmp = me.getSortCmp(); if(fieldType === 'leftAxis' || fieldType === 'topAxis'){ sCmp.show(); sCmp.setUserCls(''); if(field.getSortable()){ if(field.getDirection() === 'ASC'){ sCmp.setUserCls(me.ascSortIconCls); }else{ sCmp.setUserCls(me.descSortIconCls); } } }else{ sCmp.hide(); } }, resetStyle: function(cmp, oldStyle){ var style = {}, keys = Ext.Object.getAllKeys(oldStyle), len = keys.length, i; for(i = 0; i < len; i++){ style[keys[i]] = null; } cmp.setStyle(style); }, onApplyFilterSettings: function(win, filter){ this.getField().setFilter(filter); this.updateFilterCls(); this.applyChanges(); }, onRemoveFilter: function(){ this.getField().setFilter(null); this.updateFilterCls(); this.applyChanges(); }, /** * This is used for firing the 'configchange' event * */ applyChanges: function(){ var dataView = this.dataview || this.getDataView(); if(dataView) { dataView.applyChanges(); } }});