/** * Used as a view by {@link Ext.tree.Panel TreePanel}. */Ext.define('Ext.tree.View', { extend: 'Ext.view.Table', alias: 'widget.treeview', config: { selectionModel: { type: 'treemodel' } }, /** * @property {Boolean} isTreeView * `true` in this class to identify an object as an instantiated TreeView, or subclass thereof. */ isTreeView: true, loadingCls: Ext.baseCSSPrefix + 'grid-tree-loading', expandedCls: Ext.baseCSSPrefix + 'grid-tree-node-expanded', leafCls: Ext.baseCSSPrefix + 'grid-tree-node-leaf', expanderSelector: '.' + Ext.baseCSSPrefix + 'tree-expander', checkboxSelector: '.' + Ext.baseCSSPrefix + 'tree-checkbox', expanderIconOverCls: Ext.baseCSSPrefix + 'tree-expander-over', // Class to add to the node wrap element used to hold nodes when a parent is being // collapsed or expanded. During the animation, UI interaction is forbidden by testing // for an ancestor node with this class. nodeAnimWrapCls: Ext.baseCSSPrefix + 'tree-animator-wrap', ariaRole: 'treegrid', /** * @cfg {Boolean} * @inheritdoc */ loadMask: false, /** * @cfg {Boolean} rootVisible * False to hide the root node. */ rootVisible: true, /** * @cfg {Boolean} animate * True to enable animated expand/collapse (defaults to the value of {@link Ext#enableFx Ext.enableFx}) */ expandDuration: 250, collapseDuration: 250, /** * @cfg {Boolean} toggleOnDblClick * True to toggle expand or collapse with a double click. */ toggleOnDblClick: true, stripeRows: false, // treeRowTpl which is inserted into the rowTpl chain before the base rowTpl. Sets tree-specific classes and attributes treeRowTpl: [ '{%', 'this.processRowValues(values);', 'this.nextTpl.applyOut(values, out, parent);', '%}', { priority: 10, processRowValues: function(rowValues) { var record = rowValues.record, view = rowValues.view; // We always need to set the qtip/qtitle, because they may have been // emptied, which means we still need to flush that change to the DOM // so the old values are overwritten rowValues.rowAttr['data-qtip'] = record.get('qtip') || ''; rowValues.rowAttr['data-qtitle'] = record.get('qtitle') || ''; // aria-level is 1-based rowValues.rowAttr['aria-level'] = record.getDepth() + 1; if (record.isLeaf()) { rowValues.rowClasses.push(view.leafCls); } else { if (record.isExpanded()) { rowValues.rowClasses.push(view.expandedCls); rowValues.rowAttr['aria-expanded'] = true; } else { rowValues.rowAttr['aria-expanded'] = false; } } if (record.isLoading()) { rowValues.rowClasses.push(view.loadingCls); } } } ], /** * @event afteritemexpand * Fires after an item has been visually expanded and is visible in the tree. * @param {Ext.data.NodeInterface} node The node that was expanded * @param {Number} index The index of the node * @param {HTMLElement} item The HTML element for the node that was expanded */ /** * @event afteritemcollapse * Fires after an item has been visually collapsed and is no longer visible in the tree. * @param {Ext.data.NodeInterface} node The node that was collapsed * @param {Number} index The index of the node * @param {HTMLElement} item The HTML element for the node that was collapsed */ /** * @event nodedragover * Fires when a tree node is being targeted for a drag drop, return false to signal drop not allowed. * @param {Ext.data.NodeInterface} targetNode The target node * @param {String} position The drop position, "before", "after" or "append", * @param {Object} dragData Data relating to the drag operation * @param {Ext.event.Event} e The event object for the drag */ initComponent: function() { var me = this; if (me.bufferedRenderer) { me.animate = false; } else if (me.initialConfig.animate === undefined) { me.animate = Ext.enableFx; } me.store = me.panel.getStore(); me.onRootChange(me.store.getRoot()); me.animQueue = {}; me.animWraps = {}; me.callParent(); me.store.setRootVisible(me.rootVisible); me.addRowTpl(me.lookupTpl('treeRowTpl')); }, onFillComplete: function(treeStore, fillRoot, newNodes) { var me = this, store = me.store, start = store.indexOf(newNodes[0]); // Always update the current node, since the load may be triggered // by .load() directly instead of .expand() on the node fillRoot.triggerUIUpdate(); // In the cases of expand, the records might not be in the store yet, // so jump out early and expand will handle it later if (!newNodes.length || start === -1) { return; } // Insert new nodes into the view me.onAdd(me.store, newNodes, start); me.refreshPartner(); }, refreshPartner: function() { var partner = this.lockingPartner; if (partner) { partner.refresh(); } }, afterRender: function() { var me = this; me.callParent(); me.el.on({ scope: me, delegate: me.expanderSelector, mouseover: me.onExpanderMouseOver, mouseout: me.onExpanderMouseOut }); }, processUIEvent: function(e) { // If the clicked node is part of an animation, ignore the click. // This is because during a collapse animation, the associated Records // will already have been removed from the Store, and the event is not processable. if (e.getTarget('.' + this.nodeAnimWrapCls, this.el)) { return false; } return this.callParent([e]); }, setRootNode: function(node) { this.node = node; }, getChecked: function() { var checked = []; this.node.cascade(function(rec){ if (rec.get('checked')) { checked.push(rec); } }); return checked; }, isItemChecked: function(rec) { return rec.get('checked'); }, /** * @private */ createAnimWrap: function(record, index) { var me = this, node = me.getNode(record), tmpEl; tmpEl = Ext.fly(node).insertSibling({ role: 'presentation', tag: 'div', cls: me.nodeAnimWrapCls }, 'after'); return { record: record, node: node, el: tmpEl, expanding: false, collapsing: false, animateEl: tmpEl, targetEl: tmpEl }; }, /** * @private * Returns the animation wrapper element for the specified parent node, used to wrap the child nodes as * they slide up or down during expand/collapse. * * @param parent The parent node to be expanded or collapsed * * @param [bubble=true] If the passed parent node does not already have a wrap element created, by default * this function will bubble up to each parent node looking for a valid wrap element to reuse, returning * the first one it finds. This is the appropriate behavior, e.g., for the collapse direction, so that the * entire expanded set of branch nodes can collapse as a single unit. * * However for expanding each parent node should instead always create its own animation wrap if one * doesn't exist, so that its children can expand independently of any other nodes -- this is crucial * when executing the "expand all" behavior. If multiple nodes attempt to reuse the same ancestor wrap * element concurrently during expansion it will lead to problems as the first animation to complete will * delete the wrap el out from under other running animations. For that reason, when expanding you should * always pass `bubble: false` to be on the safe side. * * If the passed parent has no wrap (or there is no valid ancestor wrap after bubbling), this function * will return null and the calling code should then call {@link #createAnimWrap} if needed. * * @return {Ext.dom.Element} The wrapping element as created in {@link #createAnimWrap}, or null */ getAnimWrap: function(parent, bubble) { if (!this.animate) { return null; } var wraps = this.animWraps, wrap = wraps[parent.internalId]; if (bubble !== false) { while (!wrap && parent) { parent = parent.parentNode; if (parent) { wrap = wraps[parent.internalId]; } } } return wrap; }, doAdd: function(records, index) { var me = this, record = records[0], parent = record.parentNode, all = me.all, relativeIndex, animWrap = me.getAnimWrap(parent), targetEl, childNodes, len, result, children; if (!animWrap || !animWrap.expanding) { return me.callParent([records, index]); } // If we are adding records which have a parent that is currently expanding // lets add them to the animation wrap result = me.bufferRender(records, index, true); children = result.children; // We need the parent that has the animWrap, not the node's parent parent = animWrap.record; // If there is an anim wrap we do our special magic logic targetEl = animWrap.targetEl; childNodes = targetEl.dom.childNodes; len = childNodes.length; // The relative index is the index in the full flat collection minus the index of the wraps parent relativeIndex = index - me.indexInStore(parent) - 1; // If we are adding records to the wrap that have a higher relative index then there are currently children // it means we have to append the nodes to the wrap if (!len || relativeIndex >= len) { targetEl.appendChild(result.fragment, true); } // If there are already more children then the relative index it means we are adding child nodes of // some expanded node in the anim wrap. In this case we have to insert the nodes in the right location else { Ext.fly(childNodes[relativeIndex]).insertSibling(children, 'before', true); } // We also have to update the node cache of the DataView all.insert(index, children); return children; }, onRemove: function(ds, records, index) { var me = this, empty, i, fireRemoveEvent = me.hasListeners.remove, oldItems; if (me.viewReady) { empty = me.store.getCount() === 0; // If buffered rendering is being used, call the parent class. if (me.bufferedRenderer) { return me.callParent([ds, records, index]); } if (fireRemoveEvent) { oldItems = this.all.slice(index, index + records.length); } // Nothing left, just refresh the view. if (empty) { me.refresh(); } else { // Remove in reverse order so that indices remain correct for (i = records.length - 1, index += i; i >= 0; --i, --index) { me.doRemove(records[i], index); } me.refreshSizePending = true; } // Only fire the event if there's anyone listening if (fireRemoveEvent) { me.fireItemMutationEvent('itemremove', records, index, oldItems, me); } } }, doRemove: function(record, index) { // If we are adding records which have a parent that is currently expanding // lets add them to the animation wrap var me = this, all = me.all, animWrap = me.getAnimWrap(record), item = all.item(index), node = item ? item.dom : null; if (!node || !animWrap || !animWrap.collapsing) { return me.callParent([record, index]); } // Insert the item at the beginning of the animate el - child nodes are removed // in reverse order so that the index can be used. animWrap.targetEl.dom.insertBefore(node, animWrap.targetEl.dom.firstChild); all.removeElement(index); }, onBeforeExpand: function(parent, records, index) { var me = this, animWrap; if (me.rendered && me.all.getCount() && me.animate) { if (me.getNode(parent)) { animWrap = me.getAnimWrap(parent, false); if (!animWrap) { animWrap = me.animWraps[parent.internalId] = me.createAnimWrap(parent); animWrap.animateEl.setHeight(0); } else if (animWrap.collapsing) { // If we expand this node while it is still expanding then we // have to remove the nodes from the animWrap. animWrap.targetEl.select(me.itemSelector).destroy(); } animWrap.expanding = true; animWrap.collapsing = false; } } }, onExpand: function(parent) { var me = this, queue = me.animQueue, id = parent.getId(), node = me.getNode(parent), index = node ? me.indexOf(node) : -1, animWrap, animateEl, targetEl; if (me.singleExpand) { me.ensureSingleExpand(parent); } // The item is not visible yet if (index === -1) { return; } animWrap = me.getAnimWrap(parent, false); if (!animWrap) { parent.isExpandingOrCollapsing = false; me.fireEvent('afteritemexpand', parent, index, node); return; } animateEl = animWrap.animateEl; targetEl = animWrap.targetEl; animateEl.stopAnimation(); queue[id] = true; // Must set element height before this event finishes because animation does not set // initial condition until first tick has elapsed. // Which is good because the upcoming layout resumption must read the content height BEFORE it gets squished. Ext.on('idle', function() { animateEl.dom.style.height = '0px'; }, null, {single: true}); animateEl.animate({ from: { height: 0 }, to: { height: targetEl.dom.scrollHeight }, duration: me.expandDuration, listeners: { afteranimate: function() { // Move all the nodes out of the anim wrap to their proper location // Must do this in afteranimate because lastframe does not fire if the // animation is stopped. var items = targetEl.dom.childNodes, activeEl = Ext.Element.getActiveElement(); if (items.length) { if (!targetEl.contains(activeEl)) { activeEl = null; } animWrap.el.insertSibling(items, 'before', true); if (activeEl) { Ext.fly(activeEl).focus(); } } animWrap.el.destroy(); queue[id] = null; if (!me.destroyed) { me.animWraps[animWrap.record.internalId] = null; } } }, callback: function() { parent.isExpandingOrCollapsing = false; if (!me.destroyed) { me.refreshSize(true); } me.fireEvent('afteritemexpand', parent, index, node); } }); }, // Triggered by the TreeStore's beforecollapse event. onBeforeCollapse: function(parent, records, index, callback, scope) { var me = this, animWrap; if (me.rendered && me.all.getCount()) { if (me.animate) { // Only process if the collapsing node is in the UI. // A node may be collapsed as part of a recursive ancestor collapse, and if it // has already been removed from the UI by virtue of an ancestor being collapsed, we should not do anything. if (parent.getTreeStore().isVisible(parent)) { animWrap = me.getAnimWrap(parent); if (!animWrap) { animWrap = me.animWraps[parent.internalId] = me.createAnimWrap(parent, index); } else if (animWrap.expanding) { // If we collapse this node while it is still expanding then we // have to remove the nodes from the animWrap. animWrap.targetEl.select(this.itemSelector).destroy(); } animWrap.expanding = false; animWrap.collapsing = true; animWrap.callback = callback; animWrap.scope = scope; } } else { // Cache any passed callback for use in the onCollapse post collapse handler non-animated codepath me.onCollapseCallback = callback; me.onCollapseScope = scope; } } }, onCollapse: function(parent) { var me = this, queue = me.animQueue, id = parent.getId(), node = me.getNode(parent), index = node ? me.indexOf(node) : -1, animWrap = me.getAnimWrap(parent), animateEl; // If the collapsed node is already removed from the UI // by virtue of being a descendant of a collapsed node, then // we have nothing to do here. if (!me.all.getCount() || !parent.isVisible()) { return; } // Not animating, all items will have been added, so updateLayout and resume layouts if (!animWrap) { parent.isExpandingOrCollapsing = false; me.fireEvent('afteritemcollapse', parent, index, node); // Call any collapse callback cached in the onBeforeCollapse handler Ext.callback(me.onCollapseCallback, me.onCollapseScope); me.onCollapseCallback = me.onCollapseScope = null; return; } animateEl = animWrap.animateEl; queue[id] = true; animateEl.stopAnimation(); animateEl.animate({ to: { height: 0 }, duration: me.collapseDuration, listeners: { afteranimate: function() { // In case lastframe did not fire because the animation was stopped. animWrap.el.destroy(); queue[id] = null; if (!me.destroyed) { me.animWraps[animWrap.record.internalId] = null; } } }, callback: function() { parent.isExpandingOrCollapsing = false; if (!me.destroyed) { me.refreshSize(true); } me.fireEvent('afteritemcollapse', parent, index, node); // Call any collapse callback cached in the onBeforeCollapse handler Ext.callback(animWrap.callback, animWrap.scope); animWrap.callback = animWrap.scope = null; } }); }, /** * Checks if a node is currently undergoing animation * @private * @param {Ext.data.Model} node The node * @return {Boolean} True if the node is animating */ isAnimating: function(node) { return !!this.animQueue[node.getId()]; }, /** * Expands a record that is loaded in the view. * * If an animated collapse or expand of the record is in progress, this call will be ignored. * @param {Ext.data.Model} record The record to expand * @param {Boolean} [deep] True to expand nodes all the way down the tree hierarchy. * @param {Function} [callback] The function to run after the expand is completed * @param {Object} [scope] The scope of the callback function. */ expand: function(record, deep, callback, scope) { var me = this, doAnimate = !!me.animate, result; // Block toggling if we are already animating an expand or collapse operation. if (!doAnimate || !record.isExpandingOrCollapsing) { if (!record.isLeaf()) { record.isExpandingOrCollapsing = doAnimate; } // Need to suspend layouts because the expand process makes multiple changes to the UI // in addition to inserting new nodes. Folder and elbow images have to change, so we // need to coalesce all resulting layouts. Ext.suspendLayouts(); result = record.expand(deep, callback, scope); Ext.resumeLayouts(true); return result; } }, /** * Collapses a record that is loaded in the view. * * If an animated collapse or expand of the record is in progress, this call will be ignored. * @param {Ext.data.Model} record The record to collapse * @param {Boolean} [deep] True to collapse nodes all the way up the tree hierarchy. * @param {Function} [callback] The function to run after the collapse is completed * @param {Object} [scope] The scope of the callback function. */ collapse: function(record, deep, callback, scope) { var me = this, doAnimate = !!me.animate; // Block toggling if we are already animating an expand or collapse operation. if (!doAnimate || !record.isExpandingOrCollapsing) { if (!record.isLeaf()) { record.isExpandingOrCollapsing = doAnimate; } return record.collapse(deep, callback, scope); } }, /** * Toggles a record between expanded and collapsed. * * If an animated collapse or expand of the record is in progress, this call will be ignored. * @param {Ext.data.Model} record * @param {Boolean} [deep] True to collapse nodes all the way up the tree hierarchy. * @param {Function} [callback] The function to run after the expand/collapse is completed * @param {Object} [scope] The scope of the callback function. */ toggle: function(record, deep, callback, scope) { if (record.isExpanded()) { this.collapse(record, deep, callback, scope); } else { this.expand(record, deep, callback, scope); } }, onItemDblClick: function(record, item, index, e) { var me = this, editingPlugin = me.editingPlugin; me.callParent([record, item, index, e]); if (me.toggleOnDblClick && record.isExpandable() && !(editingPlugin && editingPlugin.clicksToEdit === 2)) { me.toggle(record); } }, onCellClick: function(cell, cellIndex, record, row, rowIndex, e) { var me = this, column = e.position.column; // We're only interested in clicks in the tree column if (column.isTreeColumn) { // Click on the checkbox and there is a defined data value; toggle it. if (e.getTarget(me.checkboxSelector, cell) && record.get('checked') != null) { me.onCheckChange(e); // Allow the stopSelection config on checkable tree columns to prevent selection if (column.stopSelection) { e.stopSelection = true; } } // Click on the expander else if (e.getTarget(me.expanderSelector, cell) && record.isExpandable()) { // Ensure focus is on the clicked cell so that if this causes a refresh, // focus restoration does not scroll back to the previouslty focused position. // onCellClick is called *befor* cellclick is fired which is what changes focus position. // TODO: connect directly from View's event processing to NavigationModel without relying on events. me.getNavigationModel().setPosition(e.position); me.toggle(record, e.ctrlKey); // So that we know later to stop event propagation by returning false from the NavigationModel // TODO: when NavigationModel is directly hooked up to be called *before* the event sequence // This flag will not be necessary. e.nodeToggled = true; } return me.callParent([cell, cellIndex, record, row, rowIndex, e]); } }, onCheckChange: function(e) { var me = this, record = e.record, wasChecked = record.get('checked'), checked; // 1 means semi-checked. // Toggle of that state checks. if (wasChecked === 1) { checked = true; } else { checked = !wasChecked; } me.setChecked(record, checked, e); }, setChecked: function(record, meChecked, e, options) { var me = this, checkPropagation = me.checkPropagationFlags[me.ownerGrid.checkPropagation.toLowerCase()], wasChecked = record.data.checked, halfCheckedValue = me.ownerGrid.triStateCheckbox ? 1 : false, progagateCheck = (!options || options.propagateCheck !== false) && (checkPropagation & 1), checkParent = (!options || options.checkParent !== false) && (checkPropagation & 2), parentNode, parentChecked, foundCheck, foundClear, childNodes, matchedChildCount = 0, len, i; if (me.fireEvent('beforecheckchange', record, wasChecked, e) === false) { return; } // Propagate full ->true and ->false changes to child nodes // unless we're being called from a setChecked on a child node. if (meChecked !== 1 && progagateCheck) { childNodes = record.childNodes; len = childNodes.length; for (i = 0; i < len; i++) { // We are setting child nodes, so pass the // checkParent flag as false to avoid reentry back into this node. me.setChecked(childNodes[i], meChecked, e, { checkParent: false }); if (childNodes[i].get('checked') === meChecked) { matchedChildCount++; } } // If one or more of the child nodes refused if (matchedChildCount !== len) { meChecked = matchedChildCount ? halfCheckedValue : false; } } // If the new valud was not reset due to vetoing from // changes propagated to child nodes, then go ahead with the change. if (record.get('data') !== meChecked) { record.set('checked', meChecked, options); // Fire checkchange now we know the valus has changed. me.fireEvent('checkchange', record, meChecked, e); // If there's a parent node, and the parent node has a checked data property // keep parent up to date with checkedness of its child nodes. if (checkParent && (parentNode = record.parentNode) && (parentChecked = parentNode.data.checked) != null) { childNodes = parentNode.childNodes; len = childNodes.length; // If we're semi checked, the parent is semi checked. if (meChecked === halfCheckedValue) { parentChecked = halfCheckedValue; } // If we're the sole child, the parent is our state. else if (len === 1) { parentChecked = meChecked; } else { foundCheck = foundClear = false; for (i = 0; !(foundCheck && foundClear) & i < len; i++) { if (childNodes[i].data.checked === 1) { foundCheck = foundClear = true; } else if (!childNodes[i].data.checked) { foundClear = true; } else { foundCheck = true; } } parentChecked = foundCheck && foundClear ? halfCheckedValue : (foundCheck ? true : false); } // We are setting the parent node, so pass the // progagateCheck flag as false to avoid reentry back into this node. me.setChecked(parentNode, parentChecked, e, { propagateCheck: false }); } } }, onExpanderMouseOver: function(e) { Ext.fly(e.getTarget(this.cellSelector, 10)).addCls(this.expanderIconOverCls); }, onExpanderMouseOut: function(e) { Ext.fly(e.getTarget(this.cellSelector, 10)).removeCls(this.expanderIconOverCls); }, getStoreListeners: function() { return Ext.apply(this.callParent(), { rootchange: this.onRootChange, fillcomplete: this.onFillComplete }); }, onBindStore: function(store, initial, propName, oldStore) { var oldRoot = oldStore && oldStore.getRootNode(), newRoot = store && store.getRootNode(); this.callParent([store, initial, propName, oldStore]); // The root implicitly changes when reconfigured with a new store. // The store's own rootChange event when it initially sets its own rootNode // will not have reached us because it was not ourt store during its initialization. if (newRoot !== oldRoot) { this.onRootChange(newRoot, oldRoot); } }, onRootChange: function(newRoot, oldRoot) { var me = this, grid = me.grid; if (oldRoot) { me.rootListeners.destroy(); me.rootListeners = null; } if (newRoot) { me.rootListeners = newRoot.on({ beforeexpand: me.onBeforeExpand, expand: me.onExpand, beforecollapse: me.onBeforeCollapse, collapse: me.onCollapse, destroyable: true, scope: me }); grid.addRelayers(newRoot); } }, ensureSingleExpand: function(node) { var parent = node.parentNode; if (parent) { parent.eachChild(function(child) { if (child !== node && child.isExpanded()) { child.collapse(); } }); } }, privates: { checkPropagationFlags: { none: 0, down: 1, up: 2, both: 3 }, deferRefreshForLoad: function(store) { var ret = this.callParent([store]), options, node; if (ret) { options = store.lastOptions; node = options && options.node; // If the root isn't loading, then proceed with the refresh, we'll // add the other nodes as they come in if (node && node !== store.getRoot()) { ret = false; } } return ret; } }});