/** * @class Ext.chart.PolarChart * @extends Ext.chart.AbstractChart * @xtype polar * * Represent a chart that uses polar coordinates. * A polar chart has two axes: an angular axis (which is a circle) and * a radial axis (a straight line from the center to the edge of the circle). * The angular axis is usually a Category axis while the radial axis is * typically numerical. * * Pie charts and Radar charts are common examples of Polar charts. * */Ext.define('Ext.chart.PolarChart', { extend: 'Ext.chart.AbstractChart', requires: [ 'Ext.chart.grid.CircularGrid', 'Ext.chart.grid.RadialGrid' ], xtype: 'polar', isPolar: true, config: { /** * @cfg {Array} center Determines the center of the polar chart. * Updated when the chart performs layout. */ center: [0, 0], /** * @cfg {Number} radius Determines the radius of the polar chart. * Updated when the chart performs layout. */ radius: 0, /** * @cfg {Number} innerPadding The amount of inner padding in pixels. * Inner padding is the padding from the outermost angular axis to the series. */ innerPadding: 0 }, getDirectionForAxis: function (position) { return position === 'radial' ? 'Y' : 'X'; }, updateCenter: function (center) { var me = this, axes = me.getAxes(), series = me.getSeries(), i, ln, axis, seriesItem; for (i = 0, ln = axes.length; i < ln; i++) { axis = axes[i]; axis.setCenter(center); } for (i = 0, ln = series.length; i < ln; i++) { seriesItem = series[i]; seriesItem.setCenter(center); } }, applyInnerPadding: function (padding, oldPadding) { return Ext.isNumber(padding) ? padding : oldPadding; }, doSetSurfaceRect: function (surface, rect) { var mainRect = this.getMainRect(); surface.setRect(rect); surface.matrix.set(1, 0, 0, 1, mainRect[0] - rect[0], mainRect[1] - rect[1]); surface.inverseMatrix.set(1, 0, 0, 1, rect[0] - mainRect[0], rect[1] - mainRect[1]); }, applyAxes: function (newAxes, oldAxes) { var me = this, firstSeries = Ext.Array.from(me.config.series)[0], i, ln, axis, foundAngular; if (firstSeries.type === 'radar' && newAxes && newAxes.length) { // For compatibility with ExtJS: add a default angular axis if it's missing for (i = 0, ln = newAxes.length; i < ln; i++) { axis = newAxes[i]; if (axis.position === 'angular') { foundAngular = true; break; } } if (!foundAngular) { newAxes.push({ type: 'category', position: 'angular', fields: firstSeries.xField || firstSeries.angleField, style: { estStepSize: 1 }, grid: true }); } } return this.callParent([newAxes, oldAxes]); }, performLayout: function () { var me = this, applyThickness = true; try { me.chartLayoutCount++; me.animationSuspendCount++; if (this.callParent() === false) { applyThickness = false; // Animation will be decremented in finally block return; } me.suspendThicknessChanged(); var chartRect = me.getSurface('chart').getRect(), inset = me.getInsetPadding(), inner = me.getInnerPadding(), shrinkBox = Ext.apply({}, inset), width = Math.max(1, chartRect[2] - chartRect[0] - inset.left - inset.right), height = Math.max(1, chartRect[3] - chartRect[1] - inset.top - inset.bottom), mainRect = [ chartRect[0] + inset.left, chartRect[1] + inset.top, width + chartRect[0], height + chartRect[1] ], seriesList = me.getSeries(), innerWidth = width - inner * 2, innerHeight = height - inner * 2, center = [ (chartRect[0] + innerWidth) * 0.5 + inner, (chartRect[1] + innerHeight) * 0.5 + inner ], radius = Math.min(innerWidth, innerHeight) * 0.5, axes = me.getAxes(), angularAxes = [], radialAxes = [], seriesRadius = radius - inner, grid = me.surfaceMap.grid, captionList = me.captionList, i, ln, shrinkRadius, floating, floatingValue, gaugeSeries, gaugeRadius, side, series, axis, thickness, halfLineWidth, caption; me.setMainRect(mainRect); me.doSetSurfaceRect(me.getSurface(), mainRect); if (grid) { for (i = 0, ln = grid.length; i < ln; i++) { me.doSetSurfaceRect(grid[i], chartRect); } } for (i = 0, ln = axes.length; i < ln; i++) { axis = axes[i]; switch (axis.getPosition()) { case 'angular': angularAxes.push(axis); break; case 'radial': radialAxes.push(axis); break; } } for (i = 0, ln = angularAxes.length; i < ln; i++) { axis = angularAxes[i]; floating = axis.getFloating(); floatingValue = floating ? floating.value : null; me.doSetSurfaceRect(axis.getSurface(), chartRect); thickness = axis.getThickness(); for (side in shrinkBox) { shrinkBox[side] += thickness; } width = chartRect[2] - shrinkBox.left - shrinkBox.right; height = chartRect[3] - shrinkBox.top - shrinkBox.bottom; shrinkRadius = Math.min(width, height) * 0.5; if (i === 0) { seriesRadius = shrinkRadius - inner; } axis.setMinimum(0); axis.setLength(shrinkRadius); axis.getSprites(); halfLineWidth = axis.sprites[0].attr.lineWidth * 0.5; for (side in shrinkBox) { shrinkBox[side] += halfLineWidth; } } for (i = 0, ln = radialAxes.length; i < ln; i++) { axis = radialAxes[i]; me.doSetSurfaceRect(axis.getSurface(), chartRect); axis.setMinimum(0); axis.setLength(seriesRadius); axis.getSprites(); } for (i = 0, ln = seriesList.length; i < ln; i++) { series = seriesList[i]; if (series.type === 'gauge' && !gaugeSeries) { gaugeSeries = series; } else { series.setRadius(seriesRadius); } me.doSetSurfaceRect(series.getSurface(), mainRect); } me.doSetSurfaceRect(me.getSurface('overlay'), chartRect); if (gaugeSeries) { gaugeSeries.setRect(mainRect); gaugeRadius = gaugeSeries.getRadius() - inner; me.setRadius(gaugeRadius); me.setCenter(gaugeSeries.getCenter()); gaugeSeries.setRadius(gaugeRadius); if (axes.length && axes[0].getPosition() === 'gauge') { axis = axes[0]; me.doSetSurfaceRect(axis.getSurface(), chartRect); axis.setTotalAngle(gaugeSeries.getTotalAngle()); axis.setLength(gaugeRadius); } } else { me.setRadius(radius); me.setCenter(center); } if (captionList) { for (i = 0, ln = captionList.length; i < ln; i++) { caption = captionList[i]; if (caption.getAlignTo() === 'series') { caption.alignRect(mainRect); } caption.performLayout(); } } me.redraw(); } finally { me.animationSuspendCount--; if (applyThickness) { me.resumeThicknessChanged(); } me.chartLayoutCount--; me.checkLayoutEnd(); } }, refloatAxes: function () { var me = this, axes = me.getAxes(), mainRect = me.getMainRect(), floating, value, alongAxis, i, n, axis, radius; if (!mainRect) { return; } radius = 0.5 * Math.min(mainRect[2], mainRect[3]); for (i = 0, n = axes.length; i < n; i++) { axis = axes[i]; floating = axis.getFloating(); value = floating ? floating.value : null; if (value !== null) { alongAxis = me.getAxis(floating.alongAxis); if (axis.getPosition() === 'angular') { if (alongAxis) { value = alongAxis.getLength() * value / alongAxis.getRange()[1]; } else { value = 0.01 * value * radius; } axis.sprites[0].setAttributes({length: value}, true); } else { if (alongAxis) { if (Ext.isString(value)) { value = alongAxis.getCoordFor(value); } value = value / (alongAxis.getRange()[1] + 1) * Math.PI * 2 - Math.PI * 1.5 + axis.getRotation(); } else { value = Ext.draw.Draw.rad(value); } axis.sprites[0].setAttributes({baseRotation: value}, true); } } } }, redraw: function () { var me = this, axes = me.getAxes(), axis, seriesList = me.getSeries(), series, i, ln; for (i = 0, ln = axes.length; i < ln; i++) { axis = axes[i]; axis.getSprites(); } for (i = 0, ln = seriesList.length; i < ln; i++) { series = seriesList[i]; series.getSprites(); } me.renderFrame(); me.callParent(); }, renderFrame: function () { this.refloatAxes(); this.callParent(); }});