/** * The PanZoom interaction allows the user to navigate the data for one or more chart * axes by panning and/or zooming. Navigation can be limited to particular axes. Zooming is * performed by pinching on the chart or axis area; panning is performed by single-touch dragging. * The interaction only works with cartesian charts/series. * * For devices which do not support multiple-touch events, zooming can not be done via pinch gestures; in this case the * interaction will allow the user to perform both zooming and panning using the same single-touch drag gesture. * {@link #modeToggleButton} provides a button to indicate and toggle between two modes. * * @example * Ext.create({ * renderTo: document.body, * xtype: 'cartesian', * width: 600, * height: 400, * insetPadding: 40, * interactions: [{ * type: 'panzoom', * zoomOnPan: true * }], * store: { * fields: ['name', 'data1', 'data2', 'data3', 'data4', 'data5'], * data: [{ * 'name': 'metric one', * 'data1': 10, * 'data2': 12, * 'data3': 14, * 'data4': 8, * 'data5': 13 * }, { * 'name': 'metric two', * 'data1': 7, * 'data2': 8, * 'data3': 16, * 'data4': 10, * 'data5': 3 * }, { * 'name': 'metric three', * 'data1': 5, * 'data2': 2, * 'data3': 14, * 'data4': 12, * 'data5': 7 * }, { * 'name': 'metric four', * 'data1': 2, * 'data2': 14, * 'data3': 6, * 'data4': 1, * 'data5': 23 * }, { * 'name': 'metric five', * 'data1': 27, * 'data2': 38, * 'data3': 36, * 'data4': 13, * 'data5': 33 * }] * }, * axes: [{ * type: 'numeric', * position: 'left', * fields: ['data1'], * title: { * text: 'Sample Values', * fontSize: 15 * }, * grid: true, * minimum: 0 * }, { * type: 'category', * position: 'bottom', * fields: ['name'], * title: { * text: 'Sample Values', * fontSize: 15 * } * }], * series: [{ * type: 'line', * highlight: { * size: 7, * radius: 7 * }, * style: { * stroke: 'rgb(143,203,203)' * }, * xField: 'name', * yField: 'data1', * marker: { * type: 'path', * path: ['M', - 2, 0, 0, 2, 2, 0, 0, - 2, 'Z'], * stroke: 'blue', * lineWidth: 0 * } * }, { * type: 'line', * highlight: { * size: 7, * radius: 7 * }, * fill: true, * xField: 'name', * yField: 'data3', * marker: { * type: 'circle', * radius: 4, * lineWidth: 0 * } * }] * }); * * The configuration object for the `panzoom` interaction type should specify which axes * will be made navigable via the `axes` config. See the {@link #axes} config documentation * for details on the allowed formats. If the `axes` config is not specified, it will default * to making all axes navigable with the default axis options. * */Ext.define('Ext.chart.interactions.PanZoom', { extend: 'Ext.chart.interactions.Abstract', type: 'panzoom', alias: 'interaction.panzoom', requires: [ 'Ext.draw.Animator' ], config: { /** * @cfg {Object/Array} axes * Specifies which axes should be made navigable. The config value can take the following formats: * * - An Object with keys corresponding to the {@link Ext.chart.axis.Axis#position position} of each * axis that should be made navigable. Each key's value can either be an Object with further * configuration options for each axis or simply `true` for a default set of options. * * { * type: 'panzoom', * axes: { * left: { * maxZoom: 5, * allowPan: false * }, * bottom: true * } * } * * If using the full Object form, the following options can be specified for each axis: * * - minZoom (Number) A minimum zoom level for the axis. Defaults to `1` which is its natural size. * - maxZoom (Number) A maximum zoom level for the axis. Defaults to `10`. * - startZoom (Number) A starting zoom level for the axis. Defaults to `1`. * - allowZoom (Boolean) Whether zooming is allowed for the axis. Defaults to `true`. * - allowPan (Boolean) Whether panning is allowed for the axis. Defaults to `true`. * - startPan (Boolean) A starting panning offset for the axis. Defaults to `0`. * * - An Array of strings, each one corresponding to the {@link Ext.chart.axis.Axis#position position} * of an axis that should be made navigable. The default options will be used for each named axis. * * { * type: 'panzoom', * axes: ['left', 'bottom'] * } * * If the `axes` config is not specified, it will default to making all axes navigable with the * default axis options. */ axes: { top: {}, right: {}, bottom: {}, left: {} }, minZoom: null, maxZoom: null, /** * @cfg {Boolean} showOverflowArrows * If `true`, arrows will be conditionally shown at either end of each axis to indicate that the * axis is overflowing and can therefore be panned in that direction. Set this to `false` to * prevent the arrows from being displayed. */ showOverflowArrows: true, /** * @cfg {Object} overflowArrowOptions * A set of optional overrides for the overflow arrow sprites' options. Only relevant when * {@link #showOverflowArrows} is `true`. */ /** * @cfg {String} panGesture * Defines the gesture that initiates panning. * @private */ panGesture: 'drag', /** * @cfg {String} zoomGesture * Defines the gesture that initiates zooming. * @private */ zoomGesture: 'pinch', /** * @cfg {Boolean} zoomOnPanGesture * @deprecated 6.2 Please use {@link #zoomOnPan} instead. * If `true`, the pan gesture will zoom the chart. */ zoomOnPanGesture: null, /** * @cfg {Boolean} zoomOnPan * If `true`, the pan gesture will zoom the chart. */ zoomOnPan: false, /** * @cfg {Boolean} [doubleTapReset=false] * If `true`, the double tap on a chart will reset the current pan/zoom to show the whole chart. */ doubleTapReset: false, modeToggleButton: { xtype: 'segmentedbutton', width: 200, defaults: { ui: 'default-toolbar' }, cls: Ext.baseCSSPrefix + 'panzoom-toggle', items: [{ text: 'Pan', value: 'pan' }, { text: 'Zoom', value: 'zoom' }] }, hideLabelInGesture: false // Ext.os.is.Android }, stopAnimationBeforeSync: true, applyAxes: function (axesConfig, oldAxesConfig) { return Ext.merge(oldAxesConfig || {}, axesConfig); }, updateZoomOnPan: function (zoomOnPan) { var button = this.getModeToggleButton(); button.setValue(zoomOnPan ? 'zoom' : 'pan'); }, updateZoomOnPanGesture: function (zoomOnPanGesture) { this.setZoomOnPan(zoomOnPanGesture); }, getZoomOnPanGesture: function () { return this.getZoomOnPan(); }, applyModeToggleButton: function (button, oldButton) { return Ext.factory(button, 'Ext.button.Segmented', oldButton); }, updateModeToggleButton: function (button) { if (button) { button.on('change', 'onModeToggleChange', this); } }, onModeToggleChange: function (segmentedButton, value) { this.setZoomOnPan(value === 'zoom'); }, getGestures: function () { var me = this, gestures = {}, pan = me.getPanGesture(), zoom = me.getZoomGesture(); gestures[zoom] = 'onZoomGestureMove'; gestures[zoom + 'start'] = 'onZoomGestureStart'; gestures[zoom + 'end'] = 'onZoomGestureEnd'; gestures[pan] = 'onPanGestureMove'; gestures[pan + 'start'] = 'onPanGestureStart'; gestures[pan + 'end'] = 'onPanGestureEnd'; gestures.doubletap = 'onDoubleTap'; return gestures; }, onDoubleTap: function (e) { var me = this, doubleTapReset = me.getDoubleTapReset(), chart, axes, axis, i, ln; if (doubleTapReset) { chart = me.getChart(); axes = chart.getAxes(); for (i = 0, ln = axes.length; i < ln; i++) { axis = axes[i]; axis.setVisibleRange([0, 1]); } chart.redraw(); } }, onPanGestureStart: function (e) { if (!e || !e.touches || e.touches.length < 2) { //Limit drags to single touch var me = this, rect = me.getChart().getInnerRect(), xy = me.getChart().element.getXY(); e.claimGesture(); me.startX = e.getX() - xy[0] - rect[0]; me.startY = e.getY() - xy[1] - rect[1]; me.oldVisibleRanges = null; me.hideLabels(); me.getChart().suspendThicknessChanged(); me.lockEvents(me.getPanGesture()); return false; } }, onPanGestureMove: function (e) { var me = this, isMouse = e.pointerType === 'mouse', isZoomOnPan = isMouse && me.getZoomOnPan(); if (me.getLocks()[me.getPanGesture()] === me) { // Limit drags to single touch. var rect = me.getChart().getInnerRect(), xy = me.getChart().element.getXY(); if (isZoomOnPan) { me.transformAxesBy( me.getZoomableAxes(e), 0, 0, (e.getX() - xy[0] - rect[0]) / me.startX, me.startY / (e.getY() - xy[1] - rect[1]) ); } else { me.transformAxesBy( me.getPannableAxes(e), e.getX() - xy[0] - rect[0] - me.startX, e.getY() - xy[1] - rect[1] - me.startY, 1, 1); } me.sync(); return false; } }, onPanGestureEnd: function (e) { var me = this, pan = me.getPanGesture(); if (me.getLocks()[pan] === me) { me.getChart().resumeThicknessChanged(); me.showLabels(); me.sync(); me.unlockEvents(pan); return false; } }, onZoomGestureStart: function (e) { if (e.touches && e.touches.length === 2) { var me = this, xy = me.getChart().element.getXY(), rect = me.getChart().getInnerRect(), x = xy[0] + rect[0], y = xy[1] + rect[1], newPoints = [ e.touches[0].point.x - x, e.touches[0].point.y - y, e.touches[1].point.x - x, e.touches[1].point.y - y ], xDistance = Math.max(44, Math.abs(newPoints[2] - newPoints[0])), yDistance = Math.max(44, Math.abs(newPoints[3] - newPoints[1])); e.claimGesture(); me.getChart().suspendThicknessChanged(); me.lastZoomDistances = [xDistance, yDistance]; me.lastPoints = newPoints; me.oldVisibleRanges = null; me.hideLabels(); me.lockEvents(me.getZoomGesture()); return false; } }, onZoomGestureMove: function (e) { var me = this; if (me.getLocks()[me.getZoomGesture()] === me) { var rect = me.getChart().getInnerRect(), xy = me.getChart().element.getXY(), x = xy[0] + rect[0], y = xy[1] + rect[1], abs = Math.abs, lastPoints = me.lastPoints, newPoints = [ e.touches[0].point.x - x, e.touches[0].point.y - y, e.touches[1].point.x - x, e.touches[1].point.y - y ], xDistance = Math.max(44, abs(newPoints[2] - newPoints[0])), yDistance = Math.max(44, abs(newPoints[3] - newPoints[1])), lastDistances = this.lastZoomDistances || [xDistance, yDistance], zoomX = xDistance / lastDistances[0], zoomY = yDistance / lastDistances[1]; me.transformAxesBy(me.getZoomableAxes(e), rect[2] * (zoomX - 1) / 2 + newPoints[2] - lastPoints[2] * zoomX, rect[3] * (zoomY - 1) / 2 + newPoints[3] - lastPoints[3] * zoomY, zoomX, zoomY); me.sync(); return false; } }, onZoomGestureEnd: function (e) { var me = this, zoom = me.getZoomGesture(); if (me.getLocks()[zoom] === me) { me.getChart().resumeThicknessChanged(); me.showLabels(); me.sync(); me.unlockEvents(zoom); return false; } }, hideLabels: function () { if (this.getHideLabelInGesture()) { this.eachInteractiveAxes(function (axis) { axis.hideLabels(); }); } }, showLabels: function () { if (this.getHideLabelInGesture()) { this.eachInteractiveAxes(function (axis) { axis.showLabels(); }); } }, isEventOnAxis: function (e, axis) { // TODO: right now this uses the current event position but really we want to only // use the gesture's start event. Pinch does not give that to us though. var rect = axis.getSurface().getRect(); return rect[0] <= e.getX() && e.getX() <= rect[0] + rect[2] && rect[1] <= e.getY() && e.getY() <= rect[1] + rect[3]; }, getPannableAxes: function (e) { var me = this, axisConfigs = me.getAxes(), axes = me.getChart().getAxes(), i, ln = axes.length, result = [], isEventOnAxis = false, config; if (e) { for (i = 0; i < ln; i++) { if (this.isEventOnAxis(e, axes[i])) { isEventOnAxis = true; break; } } } for (i = 0; i < ln; i++) { config = axisConfigs[axes[i].getPosition()]; if (config && config.allowPan !== false && (!isEventOnAxis || this.isEventOnAxis(e, axes[i]))) { result.push(axes[i]); } } return result; }, getZoomableAxes: function (e) { var me = this, axisConfigs = me.getAxes(), axes = me.getChart().getAxes(), result = [], i, ln = axes.length, axis, isEventOnAxis = false, config; if (e) { for (i = 0; i < ln; i++) { if (this.isEventOnAxis(e, axes[i])) { isEventOnAxis = true; break; } } } for (i = 0; i < ln; i++) { axis = axes[i]; config = axisConfigs[axis.getPosition()]; if (config && config.allowZoom !== false && (!isEventOnAxis || this.isEventOnAxis(e, axis))) { result.push(axis); } } return result; }, eachInteractiveAxes: function (fn) { var me = this, axisConfigs = me.getAxes(), axes = me.getChart().getAxes(); for (var i = 0; i < axes.length; i++) { if (axisConfigs[axes[i].getPosition()]) { if (false === fn.call(this, axes[i])) { return; } } } }, transformAxesBy: function (axes, panX, panY, sx, sy) { var rect = this.getChart().getInnerRect(), axesCfg = this.getAxes(), axisCfg, oldVisibleRanges = this.oldVisibleRanges, result = false; if (!oldVisibleRanges) { this.oldVisibleRanges = oldVisibleRanges = {}; this.eachInteractiveAxes(function (axis) { oldVisibleRanges[axis.getId()] = axis.getVisibleRange(); }); } if (!rect) { return; } for (var i = 0; i < axes.length; i++) { axisCfg = axesCfg[axes[i].getPosition()]; result = this.transformAxisBy( axes[i], oldVisibleRanges[axes[i].getId()], panX, panY, sx, sy, this.minZoom || axisCfg.minZoom, this.maxZoom || axisCfg.maxZoom) || result; } return result; }, transformAxisBy: function (axis, oldVisibleRange, panX, panY, sx, sy, minZoom, maxZoom) { var me = this, visibleLength = oldVisibleRange[1] - oldVisibleRange[0], visibleRange = axis.getVisibleRange(), actualMinZoom = minZoom || me.getMinZoom() || axis.config.minZoom, actualMaxZoom = maxZoom || me.getMaxZoom() || axis.config.maxZoom, rect = me.getChart().getInnerRect(), left, right; if (!rect) { return; } var isSide = axis.isSide(), length = isSide ? rect[3] : rect[2], pan = isSide ? -panY : panX; visibleLength /= isSide ? sy : sx; if (visibleLength < 0) { visibleLength = -visibleLength; } if (visibleLength * actualMinZoom > 1) { visibleLength = 1; } if (visibleLength * actualMaxZoom < 1) { visibleLength = 1 / actualMaxZoom; } left = oldVisibleRange[0]; right = oldVisibleRange[1]; visibleRange = visibleRange[1] - visibleRange[0]; if (visibleLength === visibleRange && visibleRange === 1) { return; } axis.setVisibleRange([ (oldVisibleRange[0] + oldVisibleRange[1] - visibleLength) * 0.5 - pan / length * visibleLength, (oldVisibleRange[0] + oldVisibleRange[1] + visibleLength) * 0.5 - pan / length * visibleLength ]); return Math.abs(left - axis.getVisibleRange()[0]) > 1e-10 || Math.abs(right - axis.getVisibleRange()[1]) > 1e-10; }, destroy: function () { this.setModeToggleButton(null); this.callParent(); } });