// TODO: Implement http://www.w3.org/TR/2013/WD-wai-aria-practices-20130307/#grid standards /** * @class Ext.grid.NavigationModel * @private * This class listens for key events fired from a {@link Ext.grid.Panel GridPanel}, and moves the currently focused item * by adding the class {@link #focusCls}. */Ext.define('Ext.grid.NavigationModel', { extend: 'Ext.view.NavigationModel', alias: 'view.navigation.grid', /** * @event navigate Fired when a key has been used to navigate around the view. * @param {Object} event * @param {Ext.event.Event} event.keyEvent The key event which caused the navigation. * @param {Number} event.previousRecordIndex The previously focused record index. * @param {Ext.data.Model} event.previousRecord The previously focused record. * @param {HTMLElement} event.previousItem The previously focused grid cell. * @param {Ext.grid.Column} event.previousColumn The previously focused grid column. * @param {Number} event.recordIndex The newly focused record index. * @param {Ext.data.Model} event.record the newly focused record. * @param {HTMLElement} event.item the newly focused grid cell. * @param {Ext.grid.Column} event.column The newly focused grid column. */ /** * @event cellactivate Fired when a cell is activated while in actionable mode * @param {Ext.grid.Panel} grid The grid panel that has the cell activated * @param {Ext.grid.CellContext} position The position in the grid that was activated * @param {Object} event */ focusCls: Ext.baseCSSPrefix + 'grid-item-focused', getViewListeners: function() { var me = this; return { focusmove: { element: 'el', fn: me.onFocusMove }, containermousedown: me.onContainerMouseDown, cellmousedown: me.onCellMouseDown, // We focus on click if the mousedown handler did not focus because it was a translated "touchstart" event. cellclick: me.onCellClick, itemmousedown: me.onItemMouseDown, // We focus on click if the mousedown handler did not focus because it was a translated "touchstart" event. itemclick: me.onItemClick, itemcontextmenu: me.onItemClick, scope: me }; }, initKeyNav: function(view) { var me = this, nav; // We will have two keyNavs if we are the navigation model for a lockable assembly if (!me.keyNav) { me.keyNav = []; me.position = new Ext.grid.CellContext(view); } // Drive the KeyNav off the View's itemkeydown event so that beforeitemkeydown listeners may veto. // By default KeyNav uses defaultEventAction: 'stopEvent', and this is required for movement keys // which by default affect scrolling. nav = new Ext.util.KeyNav({ target: view, ignoreInputFields: true, // Must use the same event that form fields use to detect keystrokes. // keypress happens *after* keydown, but the framework must see key events in bubble sequence order // So a field in actionable mode must see its key event before this nav model. eventName: Ext.supports.SpecialKeyDownRepeat ? 'itemkeydown' : 'itemkeypress', defaultEventAction: 'stopEvent', processEvent: me.processViewEvent, up: me.onKeyUp, down: me.onKeyDown, right: me.onKeyRight, left: me.onKeyLeft, pageDown: me.onKeyPageDown, pageUp: me.onKeyPageUp, home: me.onKeyHome, end: me.onKeyEnd, space: me.onKeySpace, enter: me.onKeyEnter, esc: me.onKeyEsc, 113: { // Actionable mode is triggered by F2 key with no modifiers ctrl: false, shift: false, alt: false, handler: me.onKeyF2 }, tab: me.onKeyTab, A: { ctrl: true, // Need a separate function because we don't want the key // events passed on to selectAll (causes event suppression). handler: me.onSelectAllKeyPress }, scope: me }); me.keyNav.push(nav); me.onKeyNavCreate(nav); }, onKeyNavCreate: Ext.emptyFn, addKeyBindings: function(binding) { var len = this.keyNav.length, i; // We will have two keyNavs if we are the navigation model for a lockable assembly for (i = 0; i < len; i++) { this.keyNav[i].addBindings(binding); } }, enable: function() { var len = this.keyNav.length, i; // We will have two keyNavs if we are the navigation model for a lockable assembly for (i = 0; i < len; i++) { this.keyNav[i].enable(); } this.disabled = false; }, disable: function() { var len = this.keyNav.length, i; // We will have two keyNavs if we are the navigation model for a lockable assembly for (i = 0; i < len; i++) { this.keyNav[i].disable(); } this.disabled = true; }, /** * @private * Every key event is tagged with the source view, so the NavigationModel is independent. * Called in the scope of the KeyNav. This function is injected into the NavigationModel's * {@link Ext.util.KeyNav KeyNav) as its {@link Ext.util.KeyNav#processEvent processEvent} config. */ processViewEvent: function(view, record, row, recordIndex, event) { var key = event.getKey(); // In actionable mode, we only listen for TAB, F2 and ESC to exit actionable mode if (view.actionableMode) { this.map.ignoreInputFields = false; if (key === event.TAB || key === event.ESC || key === event.F2) { return event; } } // In navigation mode, we process all keys else { this.map.ignoreInputFields = true; // Ignore TAB key in navigable mode return key === event.TAB ? null : event; } }, onContainerMouseDown: function(view, mousedownEvent) { var me = this, context = new Ext.grid.CellContext(view), lastFocused, position; me.callParent([view, mousedownEvent]); lastFocused = view.lastFocused; position = (view.actionableMode && view.actionPosition) || lastFocused; if (!position || lastFocused === 'scrollbar') { return; } context.setPosition(position.record, position.column); mousedownEvent.position = context; me.attachClosestCell(mousedownEvent); // If we are not already on that position, set position there. if (!me.position.isEqual(context)) { me.setPosition(context, null, mousedownEvent); } }, onCellMouseDown: function(view, cell, cellIndex, record, row, recordIndex, mousedownEvent) { var targetComponent = Ext.Component.from(mousedownEvent, cell), actionableEl = mousedownEvent.getTarget(this.isFocusableEl, cell), ac; // If actionable mode, and // (mousedown on a tabbable, or anywhere in the ownership tree of an inner active component), // we should just keep the action position synchronized. // The tabbable element will be part of actionability. // If the mousedown was NOT on some focusable object, we need to exit actionable mode. if (view.actionableMode) { // If mousedown is on a focusable element, or in the component tree of the active component (which is NOT this) if (!actionableEl) { actionableEl = (ac = Ext.ComponentManager.getActiveComponent()) && ac !== view && ac.owns(mousedownEvent); } if (actionableEl) { // Keep actionPosition synched view.setActionableMode(true, mousedownEvent.position); } // Not on anything actionable, then exit actionable mode else { view.setActionableMode(false, mousedownEvent.position); } return; } // If the event is a touchstart, leave it until the click to focus. // Mousedowns may have a focusing effect. if (mousedownEvent.pointerType !== 'touch') { if (mousedownEvent.position.column.cellFocusable !== false) { if (actionableEl) { // So that the impending onFocusEnter does not // process the event and delegate focus. We // control that here. This means disabling tabbability. if (!view.containsFocus) { view.containsFocus = true; view.toggleChildrenTabbability(false); } if (view.setActionableMode(true, mousedownEvent.position) !== false) { actionableEl.focus(); } } else { cell.focus(); } if (mousedownEvent.button === 2) { this.fireNavigateEvent(mousedownEvent); } // If mousedowning on a focusable Component. // After having set the position according to the mousedown, we then // enter actionable mode and focus the component just as if the user // Had navigated here and pressed F2. if (targetComponent && targetComponent.isFocusable && targetComponent.isFocusable()) { view.setActionableMode(true, mousedownEvent.position); // Focus the targeted Component targetComponent.focus(); } } else { mousedownEvent.preventDefault(true); } } }, onCellClick: function(view, cell, cellIndex, record, row, recordIndex, clickEvent) { var me = this, targetComponent = Ext.Component.from(clickEvent, cell), clickOnFocusable = targetComponent && targetComponent.isFocusable && targetComponent.isFocusable(); // If a prior click handler has moved focus out of the view // we cannot navigate because navigation has moved outside of the view. // Must check that we contains the focused element, not the containsFocus flag // because asynchronous focus events might mean that flag is not yet set // even though the active element is within the view. if (!Ext.isIE10m && !view.el.contains(Ext.Element.getActiveElement()) && clickEvent.pointerType !== 'touch') { return; } // In actionable mode, we fire a navigate event in case the column's stopSelection is false if (view.actionableMode) { // Only continue if action position is in a different place // Test using the guaranteed present clickEvent.position. // actionPosition might be null if action is right now in the other // side of a lockable. if (!clickEvent.position.isEqual(view.actionPosition)) { // Must still set position so that the other actionable // at the different action position blurs and finishes. if (!clickOnFocusable) { view.setActionableMode(false, clickEvent.position); } } me.fireEvent('navigate', { view: view, navigationModel: me, keyEvent: clickEvent, previousPosition: me.previousPosition, previousRecordIndex: me.previousRecordIndex, previousRecord: me.previousRecord, previousItem: me.previousItem, previousCell: me.previousCell, previousColumnIndex: me.previousColumnIndex, previousColumn: me.previousColumn, position: clickEvent.position, recordIndex: clickEvent.position.rowIdx, record: clickEvent.position.record, selectionStart: me.selectionStart, item: clickEvent.item, cell: clickEvent.position.cellElement, columnIndex: clickEvent.position.colIdx, column: clickEvent.position.column }); } else { // If the mousedown that initiated the click has navigated us to the correct spot, just fire the event if (me.position.isEqual(clickEvent.position) || clickOnFocusable) { // IE10m has asynchronous focus events and the only way to detect if something else was // focused after onCellMouseDown was executed is to verify if navigationModel has a record //<legacyBrowser> if (Ext.isIE10m && !me.record) { return; } //</legacyBrowser> me.fireNavigateEvent(clickEvent); } // If the column is focusable, focus the cell. // The onFocusMove listener will react to the focus change else if (clickEvent.position.column.cellFocusable !== false) { me.setPosition(clickEvent.position, null, clickEvent); } else { clickEvent.preventDefault(); } } }, /** * @private * @param {Ext.event.Event} e The focusmove event * This is where we are informed of intra-view cell navigation which may be caused by screen readers. * We have to react to that and keep our internal state consistent. */ onFocusMove: function(e) { var view = Ext.Component.from(e.delegatedTarget, null, 'tableview'), cell = e.target, isCell = Ext.fly(cell).is(view.cellSelector), record, column, newPosition; if (view) { // Focus moved to the view - process as if an onfocusEnter if (e.toElement === view.el.dom) { view.actionableMode = false; return view.onFocusEnter(e); } // If what was focused was a cell... if (!view.actionableMode && isCell) { record = view.getRecord(cell); column = view.getHeaderByCell(cell); if (record && column) { newPosition = new Ext.grid.CellContext(view).setPosition(record, column); // The focus might have been the *result* of setting the position if (!newPosition.isEqual(this.position)) { this.setPosition(newPosition); } } } else if ((view.actionableMode || view.activating) && !isCell && view.el.contains(e.target) && view.el.dom !== e.target) { view.ownerGrid.fireEvent('cellactivate', view.ownerGrid, view.actionPosition); } } }, onItemMouseDown: function(view, record, item, index, mousedownEvent) { var me = this, scroller; // If the event is a touchstart, leave it until the click to focus // A mousedown outside a cell. Must be in a Feature, or on a row border if (!mousedownEvent.position.cellElement && (mousedownEvent.pointerType !== 'touch')) { // We are going to redirect focus, so do not allow default focus to proceed // but allow text selection if the view is configured with enableTextSelection if (!view.enableTextSelection) { mousedownEvent.preventDefault(); } // Stamp the closest cell into the event as if it were a cellmousedown me.attachClosestCell(mousedownEvent); // If we are not already on that position, set position there. if (!me.position.isEqual(mousedownEvent.position)) { me.setPosition(mousedownEvent.position, null, mousedownEvent); } // If the browser autoscrolled to bring the cell into focus // undo that. scroller = view.getScrollable(); if (scroller) { scroller.restoreState(); } } }, onItemClick: function(view, record, item, index, clickEvent) { // A mousedown outside a cell. Must be in a Feature, or on a row border if (!clickEvent.position.cellElement) { this.attachClosestCell(clickEvent); // touchstart does not focus the closest cell, leave it until touchend (translated as a click) if (clickEvent.pointerType === 'touch') { this.setPosition(clickEvent.position, null, clickEvent); } else { this.fireNavigateEvent(clickEvent); } } }, attachClosestCell: function(event) { var position = event.position, targetCell = position.cellElement, x, columns, len, i, column, b; if (!targetCell) { x = event.getX(); columns = position.view.getVisibleColumnManager().getColumns(); len = columns.length; for (i = 0; i < len; i++) { column = columns[i]; b = columns[i].getBox(); if (x >= b.left && x < b.right) { position.setColumn(columns[i]); position.rowElement = position.getRow(true); position.cellElement = position.getCell(true); return; } } } }, deferSetPosition: function(delay, recordIndex, columnIndex, keyEvent, suppressEvent, preventNavigation) { var setPositionTask = this.view.getFocusTask(); // This is essentially a focus operation. Use the singleton focus task used by Focusable Components // to schedule a setPosition call. This way it can be superseded programmatically by regular Component focus calls. setPositionTask.delay(delay, this.setPosition, this, [recordIndex, columnIndex, keyEvent, suppressEvent, preventNavigation]); return setPositionTask; }, setPosition: function(recordIndex, columnIndex, keyEvent, suppressEvent, preventNavigation) { var me = this, clearing = recordIndex == null && columnIndex == null, isClear = me.record == null && me.recordIndex == null && me.item == null, view, scroller, selModel, dataSource, columnManager, newRecordIndex, newColumnIndex, newRecord, newColumn, columns; // Work out the view we are operating on. // If they passed a CellContext, use the view from that. // Otherwise, use the view injected into the event by Ext.view.View#processEvent. // Otherwise, use the last focused view. // Failing that, use the view we were bound to. if (recordIndex && recordIndex.isCellContext) { view = recordIndex.view; } else if (keyEvent && keyEvent.view) { view = keyEvent.view; } else if (me.lastFocused) { view = me.lastFocused.view; } else { view = me.view; } // In case any async focus was requested before this call. view.cancelFocusTask(); // Return if the view was destroyed between the deferSetPosition call and now, or if the call is a no-op // or if there are no items which could be focused. if (view.destroyed || !view.refreshCounter || !view.ownerCt || clearing && isClear || !view.all.getCount()) { return; } selModel = view.getSelectionModel(); dataSource = view.dataSource; columnManager = view.getVisibleColumnManager(); columns = columnManager.getColumns(); // If a CellContext is passed, use it. // Passing null happens on blur to remove focus class. if (recordIndex && recordIndex.isCellContext) { newRecord = recordIndex.record; newRecordIndex = recordIndex.rowIdx; newColumnIndex = Math.min(recordIndex.colIdx, columns.length - 1); newColumn = columns[newColumnIndex]; // If the record being focused is not available (eg, after a removal), then go to the same position if (dataSource.indexOf(newRecord) === -1) { scroller = view.getScrollable(); // Change recordIndex so that the "No movement" test is bypassed if the record is not found me.recordIndex = -1; // If the view will not jump upwards to bring the next row under the mouse as expected // because it's at the end, focus the previous row if (scroller && (scroller.getPosition().y >= scroller.getMaxPosition().y - view.all.last(true).offsetHeight)) { recordIndex.rowIdx--; } newRecordIndex = Math.min(recordIndex.rowIdx, dataSource.getCount() - 1); newRecord = dataSource.getAt(newRecordIndex); } } else { // Both axes are null, we defocus if (clearing) { newRecord = newRecordIndex = null; } else { // AbstractView's default behaviour on focus is to call setPosition(0); // A call like this should default to the last column focused, or column 0; if (columnIndex == null) { columnIndex = me.lastFocused ? me.lastFocused.column : 0; } if (typeof recordIndex === 'number') { newRecordIndex = Math.max(Math.min(recordIndex, dataSource.getCount() - 1), 0); newRecord = dataSource.getAt(recordIndex); } // row is a Record else if (recordIndex.isEntity) { newRecord = recordIndex; newRecordIndex = dataSource.indexOf(newRecord); } // row is a grid row else if (recordIndex.tagName) { newRecord = view.getRecord(recordIndex); newRecordIndex = dataSource.indexOf(newRecord); if (newRecordIndex === -1) { newRecord = null; } } else { if (isClear) { return; } clearing = true; newRecord = newRecordIndex = null; } } // Record position was successful if (newRecord) { // If the record being focused is not available (eg, after a sort), then go to 0,0 if (newRecordIndex === -1) { // Change recordIndex so that the "No movement" test is bypassed if the record is not found me.recordIndex = -1; newRecord = dataSource.getAt(0); newRecordIndex = 0; columnIndex = null; } // No columnIndex passed, and no previous column position - default to column 0 if (columnIndex == null) { if (!(newColumn = me.column)) { newColumnIndex = 0; newColumn = columns[0]; } } else if (typeof columnIndex === 'number') { newColumn = columns[columnIndex]; newColumnIndex = columnIndex; } else { newColumn = columnIndex; newColumnIndex = columnManager.indexOf(columnIndex); } } else { clearing = true; newColumn = newColumnIndex = null; } } // The column requested may have been hidden or removed (eg reconfigure) // Fall back to column index. if (newColumn && columnManager.indexOf(newColumn) === -1) { if (newColumnIndex === -1) { newColumnIndex = 0; } else { newColumnIndex = Math.min(newColumnIndex, columns.length - 1); } newColumn = columns[newColumnIndex]; } // If we are in actionable mode and focusing a cell, exit actionable mode at the requested position if (view.actionableMode && !clearing) { return view.ownerGrid.setActionableMode(false, new Ext.grid.CellContext(view).setPosition(newRecord, newColumn)); } // No movement; just ensure the correct item is focused and return early. // Do not push current position into previous position, do not fire events. if (newRecordIndex === me.recordIndex && newColumnIndex === me.columnIndex && view === me.position.view) { return me.focusPosition(me.position); } if (me.cell) { me.cell.removeCls(me.focusCls); } // Track the last position. // Used by SelectionModels as the navigation "from" position. me.previousRecordIndex = me.recordIndex; me.previousRecord = me.record; me.previousItem = me.item; me.previousCell = me.cell; me.previousColumn = me.column; me.previousColumnIndex = me.columnIndex; me.previousPosition = me.position.clone(); // Track the last selectionStart position to correctly track ranges (i.e., SHIFT + selection). me.selectionStart = selModel.selectionStart; // Set our CellContext to the new position me.position.setAll( view, me.recordIndex = newRecordIndex, me.columnIndex = newColumnIndex, me.record = newRecord, me.column = newColumn ); if (clearing) { me.item = me.cell = null; } else { me.focusPosition(me.position, preventNavigation); } // Legacy API is that the SelectionModel fires focuschange events and the TableView fires rowfocus and cellfocus events. if (!suppressEvent) { selModel.fireEvent('focuschange', selModel, me.previousRecord, me.record); view.fireEvent('rowfocus', me.record, me.item, me.recordIndex); view.fireEvent('cellfocus', me.record, me.cell, me.position); } // If we have moved, fire an event if (keyEvent && !preventNavigation && me.cell !== me.previousCell) { me.fireNavigateEvent(keyEvent); } }, /** * @private * Focuses the currently active position. * This is used on view refresh and on replace. * @return {undefined} */ focusPosition: function(position) { var me = this, view, row, scroller; me.item = me.cell = null; if (position && position.record && position.column) { view = position.view; // If the position is passed from a grid event, the rowElement will be stamped into it. // Otherwise, select it from the indicated item. if (position.rowElement) { row = me.item = position.rowElement; } else { // Get the dataview item for the position's record row = view.getRowByRecord(position.record); // If there is no item at that index, it's probably because there's buffered rendering. // This is handled below. } if (row) { // If the position is passed from a grid event, the cellElement will be stamped into it. // Otherwise, select it from the row. me.cell = position.cellElement || Ext.fly(row).down(position.column.getCellSelector(), true); // Maintain the cell as a Flyweight to avoid transient elements ending up in the cache as full Ext.Elements. if (me.cell) { me.cell = new Ext.dom.Fly(me.cell); // Maintain lastFocused in the view so that on non-specific focus of the View, we can focus the view's correct descendant. view.lastFocused = me.lastFocused = me.position.clone(); // Use explicit scrolling rather than relying on the browser's focus behaviour. // Scroll on focus overscrolls. scrollIntoView scrolls exatly correctly. scroller = view.getScrollable(); if (scroller) { scroller.scrollIntoView(me.cell); } me.focusItem(me.cell); view.focusEl = me.cell; } // Cell no longer in view. Clear current position. else { me.position.setAll(); me.record = me.column = me.recordIndex = me.columnIndex = null; } } // View node no longer in view. Clear current position. // Attempt to scroll to the record if it is in the store, but out of rendered range. else { row = view.dataSource.indexOf(position.record); me.position.setAll(); me.record = me.column = me.recordIndex = me.columnIndex = null; // The reason why the row could not be selected from the DOM could be because it's // out of rendered range, so scroll to the row, and then try focusing it. if (row !== -1 && view.bufferedRenderer) { me.lastKeyEvent = null; view.bufferedRenderer.scrollTo(row, false, me.afterBufferedScrollTo, me); } } } }, /** * @template * @protected * Called to focus an item in the client {@link Ext.view.View DataView}. * The default implementation adds the {@link #focusCls} to the passed item focuses it. * Subclasses may choose to keep focus in another target. * * For example {@link Ext.view.BoundListKeyNav} maintains focus in the input field. * @param {Ext.dom.Element} item * @return {undefined} */ focusItem: function(item) { item.addCls(this.focusCls); item.focus(); }, getCell: function() { return this.cell; }, getPosition: function(skipChecks) { var me = this, position = me.position, curIndex, view, dataSource; if (position.record && position.column) { // If caller doesn't care whether the record and column is still there, just needs to know about focus if (skipChecks) { return position; } view = position.view; dataSource = view.dataSource; curIndex = dataSource.indexOf(position.record); // If not with the same ID, at the same index if that is in range if (curIndex === -1) { curIndex = position.rowIdx; // If no record now at that index (even if it's less than the totalCount, it may be a BufferedStore) // then there is no focus position, and we must return null if (!(position.record = dataSource.getAt(curIndex))) { curIndex = -1; } } // If the positioned record or column has gone away, we have no position if (curIndex === -1 || view.getVisibleColumnManager().indexOf(position.column) === -1) { position.setAll(); me.record = me.column = me.recordIndex = me.columnIndex = null; } else { return position; } } return null; }, getLastFocused: function() { var me = this, view, lastFocused = me.lastFocused; if (lastFocused && lastFocused.record && lastFocused.column) { view = lastFocused.view; // If the last focused record or column has gone away, we have no lastFocused if (view.dataSource.indexOf(lastFocused.record) !== -1 && view.getVisibleColumnManager().indexOf(lastFocused.column) !== -1) { return lastFocused; } } }, onKeyTab: function(keyEvent) { var forward = !keyEvent.shiftKey, view = keyEvent.position.view, ret, focusTarget, position; ret = view.findFocusPosition(keyEvent.target, keyEvent.position, forward, keyEvent); focusTarget = ret.target; position = ret.position; // We found a focus target either in the cell or in a sibling cell in the direction of navigation. if (focusTarget) { // Keep actionPosition synched this.actionPosition = position.view.actionPosition = position; Ext.fly(focusTarget).focus(); } // Focus target not found, we need to exit the row else { view.onRowExit(keyEvent, keyEvent.item, keyEvent.item[forward ? 'nextSibling' : 'previousSibling'], forward); } // We control navigation when in actionable mode. // no TAB events must navigate. keyEvent.preventDefault(); }, onKeyUp: function(keyEvent) { var newRecord = keyEvent.view.walkRecs(keyEvent.record, -1), pos = this.getPosition(); if (newRecord) { pos.setRow(newRecord); // If no cell at the current column, move towards row start if (!pos.getCell(true)) { pos.navigate(-1); } this.setPosition(pos, null, keyEvent); } }, onKeyDown: function(keyEvent) { // If we are in the middle of an animated node expand, jump to next sibling. // The first child record is in a temp animation DIV and will be removed, so will blur. var newRecord = keyEvent.record.isExpandingOrCollapsing ? null : keyEvent.view.walkRecs(keyEvent.record, 1), pos = this.getPosition(); if (newRecord) { pos.setRow(newRecord); // If no cell at the current column, move towards row start if (!pos.getCell(true)) { pos.navigate(-1); } this.setPosition(pos, null, keyEvent); } }, onKeyRight: function(keyEvent) { var newPosition = this.move('right', keyEvent); if (newPosition) { this.setPosition(newPosition, null, keyEvent); } }, onKeyLeft: function(keyEvent) { var newPosition = this.move('left', keyEvent); if (newPosition) { this.setPosition(newPosition, null, keyEvent); } }, // ENTER emulates a dblclick event at the TableView level onKeyEnter: function(keyEvent) { var eventArgs = ['cellclick', keyEvent.view, keyEvent.position.cellElement, keyEvent.position.colIdx, keyEvent.record, keyEvent.position.rowElement, keyEvent.recordIndex, keyEvent], actionCell = keyEvent.position.getCell(true); // May have been deleted by now by an ActionColumn handler if (actionCell) { // Stop the keydown event so that an ENTER keyup does not get delivered to // any element which focus is transferred to in a click handler. if (!actionCell.querySelector('[tabIndex="-1"]')) { keyEvent.stopEvent(); keyEvent.view.fireEvent.apply(keyEvent.view, eventArgs); eventArgs[0] = 'celldblclick'; keyEvent.view.fireEvent.apply(keyEvent.view, eventArgs); } // Enters actionable mode. Unless the emulated evenbts have done it if (!this.view.actionableMode) { this.view.ownerGrid.setActionableMode(true, this.getPosition()); } } }, onKeyF2: function(keyEvent) { // Toggles actionable mode var grid = this.view.ownerGrid, actionableMode = grid.actionableMode; grid.setActionableMode(!actionableMode, actionableMode ? null : this.getPosition()); }, onKeyEsc: function(keyEvent) { var grid = this.view.ownerGrid; // Exits actionable mode if (grid.actionableMode) { grid.setActionableMode(false); } // If we are NOT in actionable mode, we must return true so that the event is not stopped. // ESC might be consumed at a higher level - for example an encapsulating Window. else { return true; } }, move: function(dir, keyEvent) { var me = this, position = me.getPosition(), result = position, rowVeto = keyEvent.shiftKey && (dir === 'right' || dir === 'left'); if (position && position.record) { while (result) { // Do not allow SHIFT+(left|right) to wrap. // Important to use result.view, since a call to walkCells could change the // resulting view if we're using locking. result = result.view.walkCells(result, dir, rowVeto ? me.vetoRowChange : null, me); // If the new position is fousable, we're done. if (result && result.column.cellFocusable !== false) { return result; } } } // <debug> // Enforce code correctness in unbuilt source. return null; // </debug> }, vetoRowChange: function(newPosition) { return this.getPosition().record === newPosition.record; }, // Go one page down from the lastFocused record in the grid. onKeyPageDown: function(keyEvent) { var me = this, view = keyEvent.view, rowsVisible = me.getRowsVisible(), newIdx, newRecord; if (rowsVisible) { // If rendering is buffered, we cannot just increment the row - the row may not be there // We have to ask the BufferedRenderer to navigate to the target. // And that may involve asynchronous I/O, so must post-process in a callback. if (view.bufferedRenderer) { newIdx = Math.min(keyEvent.recordIndex + rowsVisible, view.dataSource.getCount() - 1); me.lastKeyEvent = keyEvent; view.bufferedRenderer.scrollTo(newIdx, false, me.afterBufferedScrollTo, me); } else { newRecord = view.walkRecs(keyEvent.record, rowsVisible); me.setPosition(newRecord, null, keyEvent); } } }, // Go one page up from the lastFocused record in the grid. onKeyPageUp: function(keyEvent) { var me = this, view = keyEvent.view, rowsVisible = me.getRowsVisible(), newIdx, newRecord; if (rowsVisible) { // If rendering is buffered, we cannot just increment the row - the row may not be there // We have to ask the BufferedRenderer to navigate to the target. // And that may involve asynchronous I/O, so must post-process in a callback. if (view.bufferedRenderer) { newIdx = Math.max(keyEvent.recordIndex - rowsVisible, 0); me.lastKeyEvent = keyEvent; view.bufferedRenderer.scrollTo(newIdx, false, me.afterBufferedScrollTo, me); } else { newRecord = view.walkRecs(keyEvent.record, -rowsVisible); me.setPosition(newRecord, null, keyEvent); } } }, // Home moves the focus to the first cell of the current row. onKeyHome: function(keyEvent) { var me = this, view = keyEvent.view; // ALT+Home - go to first visible record in grid. if (keyEvent.altKey) { if (view.bufferedRenderer) { // If rendering is buffered, we cannot just increment the row - the row may not be there // We have to ask the BufferedRenderer to navigate to the target. // And that may involve asynchronous I/O, so must post-process in a callback. me.lastKeyEvent = keyEvent; view.bufferedRenderer.scrollTo(0, false, me.afterBufferedScrollTo, me); } else { // Walk forwards to the first record me.setPosition(view.walkRecs(keyEvent.record, -view.dataSource.indexOf(keyEvent.record)), null, keyEvent); } } // Home moves the focus to the First cell in the current row. else { me.setPosition(keyEvent.record, 0, keyEvent); } }, afterBufferedScrollTo: function(newIdx, newRecord) { this.setPosition(newRecord, null, this.lastKeyEvent, null, !this.lastKeyEvent); }, // End moves the focus to the last cell in the current row. onKeyEnd: function(keyEvent) { var me = this, view = keyEvent.view; // ALT/End - go to last visible record in grid. if (keyEvent.altKey) { if (view.bufferedRenderer) { // If rendering is buffered, we cannot just increment the row - the row may not be there // We have to ask the BufferedRenderer to navigate to the target. // And that may involve asynchronous I/O, so must postprocess in a callback. me.lastKeyEvent = keyEvent; view.bufferedRenderer.scrollTo(view.store.getCount() - 1, false, me.afterBufferedScrollTo, me); } else { // Walk forwards to the end record me.setPosition(view.walkRecs(keyEvent.record, view.dataSource.getCount() - 1 - view.dataSource.indexOf(keyEvent.record)), null, keyEvent); } } // End moves the focus to the last cell in the current row. else { me.setPosition(keyEvent.record, keyEvent.view.getVisibleColumnManager().getColumns().length - 1, keyEvent); } }, // Returns the number of rows currently visible on the screen or // false if there were no rows. This assumes that all rows are // of the same height and the first view is accurate. getRowsVisible: function() { var rowsVisible = false, view = this.view, firstRow = view.all.first(), rowHeight, gridViewHeight; if (firstRow) { rowHeight = firstRow.getHeight(); gridViewHeight = view.el.getHeight(); rowsVisible = Math.floor(gridViewHeight / rowHeight); } return rowsVisible; }, fireNavigateEvent: function(keyEvent) { var me = this; me.fireEvent('navigate', { view: me.position.view, navigationModel: me, keyEvent: keyEvent || new Ext.event.Event({}), previousPosition: me.previousPosition, previousRecordIndex: me.previousRecordIndex, previousRecord: me.previousRecord, previousItem: me.previousItem, previousCell: me.previousCell, previousColumnIndex: me.previousColumnIndex, previousColumn: me.previousColumn, position: me.position, recordIndex: me.recordIndex, record: me.record, selectionStart: me.selectionStart, item: me.item, cell: me.cell, columnIndex: me.columnIndex, column: me.column }); }, isFocusableEl: function(el) { return Ext.fly(el).isFocusable(); }});