/** * This is the base class for a file object. This one should be extended * by classes that generate content based on templates. */Ext.define('Ext.exporter.file.Base', { extend: 'Ext.exporter.data.Base', requires: [ 'Ext.XTemplate' ], tpl: null, destroy: function(){ this.tpl = null; this.callParent(); }, /** * Renders the content according to the template provided to the class * * @returns {String} */ render: function(){ return this.tpl ? Ext.XTemplate.getTpl(this, 'tpl').apply(this.getRenderData()) : ''; }, /** * Return the data used when rendering the template * * @returns {Object} */ getRenderData: function(){ var data = this.getConfig(); data.self = this; return data; }});