/** * This class is used internally to provide a single interface when using * a locking grid. Internally, the locking grid creates two separate grids, * so this class is used to map calls appropriately. * @private */Ext.define('Ext.grid.locking.View', { alternateClassName: 'Ext.grid.LockingView', requires: [ 'Ext.view.AbstractView', 'Ext.view.Table' ], mixins: [ 'Ext.util.Observable', 'Ext.util.StoreHolder', 'Ext.util.Focusable' ], /** * @property {Boolean} isLockingView * `true` in this class to identify an object as an instantiated LockingView, or subclass thereof. */ isLockingView: true, loadMask: true, eventRelayRe: /^(beforeitem|beforecontainer|item|container|cell|refresh)/, constructor: function(config){ var ext = Ext, me = this, lockedView, normalView; me.ownerGrid = config.ownerGrid; me.ownerGrid.view = me; // A single NavigationModel is configured into both views. me.navigationModel = config.locked.xtype === 'treepanel' ? new ext.tree.NavigationModel(me) : new ext.grid.NavigationModel(me); // Disable store binding for the two child views. // The store is bound to the *this* locking View. // This avoids the store being bound to two views (with duplicated layouts on each store mutation) // and also avoids the store being bound to the selection model twice. config.locked.viewConfig.bindStore = ext.emptyFn; config.normal.viewConfig.bindStore = me.subViewBindStore; config.normal.viewConfig.isNormalView = config.locked.viewConfig.isLockedView = true; // Share the same NavigationModel config.locked.viewConfig.navigationModel = config.normal.viewConfig.navigationModel = me.navigationModel; me.lockedGrid = me.ownerGrid.lockedGrid = ext.ComponentManager.create(config.locked); me.lockedView = lockedView = me.lockedGrid.getView(); // The normal view uses the same selection model me.selModel = config.normal.viewConfig.selModel = lockedView.getSelectionModel(); if (me.lockedGrid.isTree) { // Tree must not animate because the partner grid is unable to animate me.lockedView.animate = false; // When this is a locked tree, the normal side is just a gridpanel, so needs the flat NodeStore config.normal.store = lockedView.store; // Match configs between sides config.normal.viewConfig.stripeRows = me.lockedView.stripeRows; config.normal.rowLines = me.lockedGrid.rowLines; } // Set up a bidirectional relationship between the two sides of the locked view. // Inject lockingGrid and normalGrid into owning panel. // This is because during constraction, it must be possible for descendant components // to navigate up to the owning lockable panel and then down into either side. me.normalGrid = me.ownerGrid.normalGrid = ext.ComponentManager.create(config.normal); lockedView.lockingPartner = normalView = me.normalView = me.normalGrid.getView(); normalView.lockingPartner = lockedView; // We need to examine locked grid state at this time to sync the normal grid. Ext.override(me.normalGrid, { beforeRender: me.beforeNormalGridRender }); me.loadMask = (config.loadMask !== undefined) ? config.loadMask : me.loadMask; me.mixins.observable.constructor.call(me); // Relay both view's events. me.lockedViewEventRelayers = me.relayEvents(lockedView, ext.view.Table.events); // Relay extra events from only the normal view. // These are events that both sides fire (selection events), so avoid firing them twice. me.normalViewEventRelayers = me.relayEvents(normalView, ext.view.Table.events.concat(ext.view.Table.normalSideEvents)); normalView.on({ scope: me, itemmouseleave: me.onItemMouseLeave, itemmouseenter: me.onItemMouseEnter }); lockedView.on({ scope: me, itemmouseleave: me.onItemMouseLeave, itemmouseenter: me.onItemMouseEnter }); me.loadingText = normalView.loadingText; me.loadingCls = normalView.loadingCls; me.loadingUseMsg = normalView.loadingUseMsg; me.itemSelector = me.getItemSelector(); // Share the items arrey with the normal view. // Certain methods need access to the start/end/count me.all = normalView.all; // Bind to the data source. Cache it by the property name "dataSource". // The store property is public and must reference the provided store. // We relay each call into both normal and locked views bracketed by a layout suspension. me.bindStore(normalView.dataSource, true, 'dataSource'); }, // This is injected into the two child views as the bindStore implementation. // Subviews in a lockable asseembly do not bind to stores. subViewBindStore: function(store, initial) { var me = this, grid = me.ownerGrid, selModel; if (me.destroying || me.destroyed || grid.destroying || grid.destroyed) { return; } selModel = me.getSelectionModel(); selModel.bindStore(store, initial); selModel.bindComponent(me); }, beforeNormalGridRender: function() { // This method is used in an Ext.override call, so the 'this' pointer will // not be the normal reference // If the locked side has a header (for example it's collapsible, or has tools) // and this has not been configured with a title, we need an title. if (this.ownerGrid.lockedGrid.getHeader() && !this.title) { this.title = '\u00a0'; } // @noOptimize.callParent this.callParent(); }, onPanelRender: function(el) { var me = this, mask = me.loadMask, cfg = { target: me.ownerGrid, msg: me.loadingText, msgCls: me.loadingCls, useMsg: me.loadingUseMsg, store: me.ownerGrid.store }; // Because this is used as a View, it should have an el. Use the owning Lockable's scrolling el. // It also has to fire a render event so that Editing plugins can attach listeners me.el = el; me.rendered = true; me.fireEvent('render', me); if (mask) { // either a config object if (Ext.isObject(mask)) { cfg = Ext.apply(cfg, mask); } // Attach the LoadMask to a *Component* so that it can be sensitive to resizing during long loads. // If this DataView is floating, then mask this DataView. // Otherwise, mask its owning Container (or this, if there *is* no owning Container). // LoadMask captures the element upon render. me.loadMask = new Ext.LoadMask(cfg); } }, getRefOwner: function() { return this.ownerGrid; }, // Implement the same API as Ext.view.Table. // This will return the topmost, unified visible column manager getVisibleColumnManager: function() { // ownerGrid refers to the topmost responsible Ext.panel.Grid. // This could be this view's ownerCt, or if part of a locking arrangement, the locking grid return this.ownerGrid.getVisibleColumnManager(); }, getTopLevelVisibleColumnManager: function() { // ownerGrid refers to the topmost responsible Ext.panel.Grid. // This could be this view's ownerCt, or if part of a locking arrangement, the locking grid return this.ownerGrid.getVisibleColumnManager(); }, getGridColumns: function() { return this.getVisibleColumnManager().getColumns(); }, getEl: function(column){ return this.getViewForColumn(column).getEl(); }, getCellSelector: function() { return this.normalView.getCellSelector(); }, getItemSelector: function () { return this.normalView.getItemSelector(); }, getViewForColumn: function(column) { var view = this.lockedView, inLocked; view.headerCt.cascade(function(col){ if (col === column) { inLocked = true; return false; } }); return inLocked ? view : this.normalView; }, onItemMouseEnter: function(view, record){ var me = this, locked = me.lockedView, other = me.normalView, item; if (view.trackOver) { if (view !== locked) { other = locked; } item = other.getNode(record); other.highlightItem(item); } }, onItemMouseLeave: function(view, record){ var me = this, locked = me.lockedView, other = me.normalView; if (view.trackOver) { if (view !== locked) { other = locked; } other.clearHighlight(); } }, relayFn: function(name, args){ args = args || []; var me = this, view = me.lockedView; // Flag that we are already manipulating the view pair, so resulting excursions // back into this class can avoid breaking the sequence. me.relayingOperation = true; view[name].apply(view, args); view = me.normalView; view[name].apply(view, args); me.relayingOperation = false; }, getSelectionModel: function(){ return this.normalView.getSelectionModel(); }, getNavigationModel: function() { return this.navigationModel; }, getStore: function(){ return this.ownerGrid.store; }, /** * Changes the data store bound to this view and refreshes it. * @param {Ext.data.Store} store The store to bind to this view * @since 3.4.0 */ onBindStore : function(store, initial, propName) { var me = this, lockedView = me.lockedView, normalView = me.normalView; // If we have already achieved our first layout, refresh immediately. // If we have bound to the Store before the first layout, then onBoxReady will // call doFirstRefresh if (normalView.componentLayoutCounter && !(lockedView.blockRefresh && normalView.blockRefresh)) { Ext.suspendLayouts(); lockedView.doFirstRefresh(store); normalView.doFirstRefresh(store); Ext.resumeLayouts(true); } }, getStoreListeners: function() { var me = this; return { // Give view listeners the highest priority, since they need to relay things to // children first priority: 1000, refresh: me.onDataRefresh, replace: me.onReplace, add: me.onAdd, remove: me.onRemove, update: me.onUpdate, clear: me.onDataRefresh, beginupdate: me.onBeginUpdate, endupdate: me.onEndUpdate }; }, onOwnerGridHide: function() { Ext.suspendLayouts(); this.relayFn('onOwnerGridHide', arguments); Ext.resumeLayouts(true); }, onOwnerGridShow: function() { Ext.suspendLayouts(); this.relayFn('onOwnerGridShow', arguments); Ext.resumeLayouts(true); }, onBeginUpdate: function() { Ext.suspendLayouts(); this.relayFn('onBeginUpdate', arguments); Ext.resumeLayouts(true); }, onEndUpdate: function() { Ext.suspendLayouts(); this.relayFn('onEndUpdate', arguments); Ext.resumeLayouts(true); }, onDataRefresh: function() { Ext.suspendLayouts(); this.relayFn('onDataRefresh', arguments); this.ownerGrid.view.refreshView(); Ext.resumeLayouts(true); }, onReplace: function() { Ext.suspendLayouts(); this.relayFn('onReplace', arguments); Ext.resumeLayouts(true); }, onAdd: function() { Ext.suspendLayouts(); this.relayFn('onAdd', arguments); Ext.resumeLayouts(true); }, onRemove: function() { Ext.suspendLayouts(); this.relayFn('onRemove', arguments); Ext.resumeLayouts(true); }, /** * Toggles ARIA actionable mode on/off * @param {Boolean} enabled * @return {Boolean} Returns `false` if the request failed. * @private */ setActionableMode: function(enabled, position) { var result, targetView; if (enabled) { if (!position) { position = this.getNavigationModel().getPosition(); } if (position) { position = position.clone(); // Drill down to the side that we're actioning position.view = targetView = position.column.getView(); // Attempt to switch the focused view to actionable. result = targetView.setActionableMode(enabled, position); // If successful, and the partner is visible, switch that too. if (result !== false && targetView.lockingPartner.grid.isVisible()) { targetView.lockingPartner.setActionableMode(enabled, position); // If the partner side refused to cooperate, the whole locking.View must not enter actionable mode if (!targetView.lockingPartner.actionableMode) { targetView.setActionableMode(false); result = false; } } return result; } else { return false; } } else { this.relayFn('setActionableMode', [false, position]); } }, onUpdate: function() { Ext.suspendLayouts(); this.relayFn('onUpdate', arguments); Ext.resumeLayouts(true); }, refresh: function() { var lockedView = this.lockedView, normalView = this.normalView; Ext.suspendLayouts(); // Clear both views first so that any widgets are cached first. // Otherwise the second refresh's clear could remove widgets // that are in the first view who's column has been moved. lockedView.clearViewEl(true); normalView.clearViewEl(true); // Refresh locked view second, so that if it's refreshing from empty (can start with no locked columns), // the buffered renderer can look to its partner to get the correct range to refresh. normalView.refresh(); lockedView.refresh(); Ext.resumeLayouts(true); }, refreshView: function() { var lockedView = this.lockedView, normalView = this.normalView, startIndex = normalView.all.startIndex; Ext.suspendLayouts(); // Clear both views first so that any widgets are cached first. // Otherwise the second refresh's clear could remove widgets // that are in the first view who's column has been moved. lockedView.clearViewEl(true); normalView.clearViewEl(true); // Refresh locked view second, so that if it's refreshing from empty (can start with no locked columns), // the buffered renderer can look to its partner to get the correct range to refresh. normalView.refreshView(startIndex); lockedView.refreshView(startIndex); Ext.resumeLayouts(true); }, setScrollable: function(scrollable) { Ext.suspendLayouts(); this.lockedView.setScrollable(scrollable); if (scrollable.isScroller) { scrollable = new Ext.scroll.Scroller(scrollable.initialConfig); } this.normalView.setScrollable(scrollable); Ext.resumeLayouts(true); }, getNode: function(nodeInfo) { // default to the normal view return this.normalView.getNode(nodeInfo); }, getRow: function(nodeInfo) { // default to the normal view return this.normalView.getRow(nodeInfo); }, getCell: function(record, column) { var view = this.getViewForColumn(column), row = view.getRow(record); return Ext.fly(row).down(column.getCellSelector()); }, indexOf: function(record) { var result = this.lockedView.indexOf(record); if (!result) { result = this.normalView.indexOf(record); } return result; }, focus: function() { // Delegate to the view of first visible child tablepanel of the owning lockable assembly. var target = this.ownerGrid.down('>tablepanel:not(hidden)>tableview'); if (target) { target.focus(); } }, focusRow: function(row) { var view, // Access lastFocused directly because getter nulls it if the record is no longer in view // and all we are interested in is the lastFocused View. lastFocused = this.getNavigationModel().lastFocused; view = lastFocused ? lastFocused.view : this.normalView; view.focusRow(row); }, focusCell: function(position) { position.view.focusCell(position); }, onRowFocus: function() { this.relayFn('onRowFocus', arguments); }, isVisible: function(deep) { return this.ownerGrid.isVisible(deep); }, // Old API. Used by tests now to test coercion of navigation from hidden column to closest visible. // Position.column includes all columns including hidden ones. getCellInclusive: function(pos, returnDom) { var col = pos.column, lockedSize = this.lockedGrid.getColumnManager().getColumns().length; // Normalize view if (col >= lockedSize) { // Make a copy so we don't mutate the passed object pos = Ext.apply({}, pos); pos.column -= lockedSize; return this.normalView.getCellInclusive(pos, returnDom); } else { return this.lockedView.getCellInclusive(pos, returnDom); } }, getHeaderByCell: function(cell) { if (cell) { return this.getVisibleColumnManager().getHeaderById(cell.getAttribute('data-columnId')); } return false; }, onRowSelect: function() { this.relayFn('onRowSelect', arguments); }, onRowDeselect: function() { this.relayFn('onRowDeselect', arguments); }, onCellSelect: function(cellContext) { // Pass a contextless cell descriptor to the child view cellContext.column.getView().onCellSelect({ record: cellContext.record, column: cellContext.column }); }, onCellDeselect: function(cellContext) { // Pass a contextless cell descriptor to the child view cellContext.column.getView().onCellDeselect({ record: cellContext.record, column: cellContext.column }); }, getCellByPosition: function(pos, returnDom) { var me = this, view = pos.view, col = pos.column; // Access the real Ext.view.Table for the specified Column if (view === me) { pos = new Ext.grid.CellContext(col.getView()).setPosition(pos.record, pos.column); } return view.getCellByPosition(pos, returnDom); }, getRecord: function(node) { var result = this.lockedView.getRecord(node); if (!result) { result = this.normalView.getRecord(node); } return result; }, scrollBy: function(){ var scroller = this.ownerGrid.getScrollable(); scroller.scrollBy.apply(scroller, arguments); }, ensureVisible: function() { var normal = this.normalView; normal.ensureVisible.apply(normal, arguments); }, disable: function() { this.relayFn('disable', arguments); }, enable: function() { this.relayFn('enable', arguments); }, addElListener: function() { this.relayFn('addElListener', arguments); }, refreshNode: function(){ this.relayFn('refreshNode', arguments); }, addRowCls: function(){ this.relayFn('addRowCls', arguments); }, removeRowCls: function(){ this.relayFn('removeRowCls', arguments); }, destroy: function() { var me = this; me.rendered = false; // Unbind from the dataSource we bound to in constructor me.bindStore(null, false, 'dataSource'); Ext.destroy(me.selModel, me.navigationModel, me.loadMask); me.lockedView.lockingPartner = me.normalView.lockingPartner = null; me.callParent(); } }, function() { this.borrow(Ext.Component, ['up']); this.borrow(Ext.view.AbstractView, ['doFirstRefresh', 'applyFirstRefresh']); this.borrow(Ext.view.Table, ['cellSelector', 'selectedCellCls', 'selectedItemCls']);});