// here, the extra check for window['Ext'] is needed for use with cmd-test // code injection. we need to make that this file will sync up with page global // scope to avoid duplicate Ext.Boot state. That check is after the initial Ext check // to allow the sandboxing template to inject an appropriate Ext var and prevent the // global detection. var Ext = Ext || window['Ext'] || {}; //<editor-fold desc="Microloader"> /** * @class Ext.Microloader * @private * @singleton */Ext.Microloader = Ext.Microloader || (function () { var Boot = Ext.Boot, //<debug> _debug = function (message) { //console.log(message); }, //</debug> _warn = function (message) { console.log("[WARN] " + message); }, _privatePrefix = '_ext:' + location.pathname, /** * @method getStorageKey * The Following combination is used to create isolated local storage keys * '_ext' is used to scope all the local storage keys that we internally by Ext * 'location.pathname' is used to force each assets to cache by an absolute URL (/build/MyApp) (dev vs prod) * 'url' is used to force each asset to cache relative to the page (app.json vs resources/app.css) * 'profileId' is used to differentiate the builds of an application (neptune vs crisp) * 'Microloader.appId' is unique to the application and will differentiate apps on the same host (dev mode running app watch against multiple apps) */ getStorageKey = function(url, profileId) { return _privatePrefix + url + '-' + (profileId ? profileId + '-' : '') + Microloader.appId; }, postProcessor, _storage; try { _storage = window['localStorage']; } catch(ex) { // ignore } var _cache = window['applicationCache'], // Local Storage Controller LocalStorage = { clearAllPrivate: function(manifest) { if(_storage) { //Remove the entry for the manifest first _storage.removeItem(manifest.key); var i, key, removeKeys = [], suffix = manifest.profile + '-' + Microloader.appId, ln = _storage.length; for (i = 0; i < ln; i++) { key = _storage.key(i); // If key starts with the private key and the suffix is present we can clear this entry if (key.indexOf(_privatePrefix) === 0 && key.indexOf(suffix) !== -1) { removeKeys.push(key); } } for(i in removeKeys) { //<debug> _debug("Removing "+ removeKeys[i] + " from Local Storage"); //</debug> _storage.removeItem(removeKeys[i]); } } }, /** * @private */ retrieveAsset: function (key) { try { return _storage.getItem(key); } catch (e) { // Private browsing mode return null; } }, setAsset: function(key, content) { try { if (content === null || content == '') { _storage.removeItem(key); } else { _storage.setItem(key, content); } } catch (e) { if (_storage && e.code == e.QUOTA_EXCEEDED_ERR) { //<debug> _warn("LocalStorage Quota exceeded, cannot store " + key + " locally"); //</debug> } } } }; var Asset = function (cfg) { if (typeof cfg.assetConfig === 'string') { this.assetConfig = { path: cfg.assetConfig }; } else { this.assetConfig = cfg.assetConfig; } this.type = cfg.type; this.key = getStorageKey(this.assetConfig.path, cfg.manifest.profile); if (cfg.loadFromCache) { this.loadFromCache(); } }; Asset.prototype = { shouldCache: function() { return _storage && this.assetConfig.update && this.assetConfig.hash && !this.assetConfig.remote; }, is: function (asset) { return (!!asset && this.assetConfig && asset.assetConfig && (this.assetConfig.hash === asset.assetConfig.hash)) }, cache: function(content) { if (this.shouldCache()) { LocalStorage.setAsset(this.key, content || this.content); } }, uncache: function() { LocalStorage.setAsset(this.key, null); }, updateContent: function (content) { this.content = content; }, getSize: function () { return this.content ? this.content.length : 0; }, loadFromCache: function() { if (this.shouldCache()) { this.content = LocalStorage.retrieveAsset(this.key); } } }; var Manifest = function (cfg) { if (typeof cfg.content === "string") { this.content = JSON.parse(cfg.content); } else { this.content = cfg.content; } this.assetMap = {}; this.url = cfg.url; this.fromCache = !!cfg.cached; this.assetCache = !(cfg.assetCache === false); this.key = getStorageKey(this.url); // Pull out select properties for repetitive use this.profile = this.content.profile; this.hash = this.content.hash; this.loadOrder = this.content.loadOrder; this.deltas = this.content.cache ? this.content.cache.deltas : null; this.cacheEnabled = this.content.cache ? this.content.cache.enable : false; this.loadOrderMap = (this.loadOrder) ? Boot.createLoadOrderMap(this.loadOrder) : null; var tags = this.content.tags, platformTags = Ext.platformTags; if (tags) { if (tags instanceof Array) { for (var i = 0; i < tags.length; i++) { platformTags[tags[i]] = true; } } else { Boot.apply(platformTags, tags); } // re-apply the query parameters, so that the params as specified // in the url always has highest priority Boot.apply(platformTags, Boot.loadPlatformsParam()); } // Convert all assets into Assets this.js = this.processAssets(this.content.js, 'js'); this.css = this.processAssets(this.content.css, 'css'); }; Manifest.prototype = { processAsset: function(assetConfig, type) { var processedAsset = new Asset({ manifest: this, assetConfig: assetConfig, type: type, loadFromCache: this.assetCache }); this.assetMap[assetConfig.path] = processedAsset; return processedAsset; }, processAssets: function(assets, type) { var results = [], ln = assets.length, i, assetConfig; for (i = 0; i < ln; i++) { assetConfig = assets[i]; results.push(this.processAsset(assetConfig, type)); } return results; }, useAppCache: function() { return true; }, // Concatenate all assets for easy access getAssets: function () { return this.css.concat(this.js); }, getAsset: function (path) { return this.assetMap[path]; }, shouldCache: function() { return this.hash && this.cacheEnabled; }, cache: function(content) { if (this.shouldCache()) { LocalStorage.setAsset(this.key, JSON.stringify(content || this.content)); } //<debug> else { _debug("Manifest caching is disabled."); } //</debug> }, is: function(manifest) { //<debug> _debug("Testing Manifest: " + this.hash + " VS " + manifest.hash); //</debug> return this.hash === manifest.hash; }, // Clear the manifest from local storage uncache: function() { LocalStorage.setAsset(this.key, null); }, exportContent: function() { return Boot.apply({ loadOrderMap: this.loadOrderMap }, this.content); } }; /** * Microloader * @type {Array} * @private */ var _listeners = [], _loaded = false, Microloader = { init: function () { Ext.microloaded = true; // data-app is in the dev template for an application and is also // injected into the app my CMD for production // We use this to prefix localStorage cache to prevent collisions var microloaderElement = document.getElementById('microloader'); Microloader.appId = microloaderElement ? microloaderElement.getAttribute('data-app') : ''; if (Ext.beforeLoad) { postProcessor = Ext.beforeLoad(Ext.platformTags); } var readyHandler = Ext._beforereadyhandler; Ext._beforereadyhandler = function () { if (Ext.Boot !== Boot) { Ext.apply(Ext.Boot, Boot); Ext.Boot = Boot; } if (readyHandler) { readyHandler(); } }; }, applyCacheBuster: function(url) { var tstamp = new Date().getTime(), sep = url.indexOf('?') === -1 ? '?' : '&'; url = url + sep + "_dc=" + tstamp; return url; }, run: function() { Microloader.init(); var manifest = Ext.manifest; if (typeof manifest === "string") { var extension = ".json", url = manifest.indexOf(extension) === manifest.length - extension.length ? manifest : manifest + ".json", key = getStorageKey(url), content = LocalStorage.retrieveAsset(key); // Manifest found in local storage, use this for immediate boot except in PhantomJS environments for building. if (content) { //<debug> _debug("Manifest file, '" + url + "', was found in Local Storage"); //</debug> manifest = new Manifest({ url: url, content: content, cached: true }); if (postProcessor) { postProcessor(manifest); } Microloader.load(manifest); // Manifest is not in local storage. Fetch it from the server } else { //<debug> _debug("Manifest file was not found in Local Storage, loading: " + url); //</debug> if (location.href.indexOf('file:/') === 0) { Manifest.url = Microloader.applyCacheBuster(url + 'p'); Boot.load(Manifest.url); } else { Boot.fetch(Microloader.applyCacheBuster(url), function(result) { Microloader.setManifest(result.content); }); } } // Embedded Manifest into JS file } else { //<debug> _debug("Manifest was embedded into application javascript file"); //</debug> manifest = new Manifest({ content: manifest }); Microloader.load(manifest); } }, /** * * @param cfg */ setManifest: function(cfg) { var manifest = new Manifest({ url: Manifest.url, content: cfg }); manifest.cache(); if (postProcessor) { postProcessor(manifest); } Microloader.load(manifest); }, /** * @param {Manifest} manifest */ load: function (manifest) { Microloader.urls = []; Microloader.manifest = manifest; Ext.manifest = Microloader.manifest.exportContent(); var assets = manifest.getAssets(), cachedAssets = [], asset, i, len, include, entry; for (len = assets.length, i = 0; i < len; i++) { asset = assets[i]; include = Microloader.filterAsset(asset); if (include) { // Asset is using the localStorage caching system if (manifest.shouldCache() && asset.shouldCache()) { // Asset already has content from localStorage, instantly seed that into boot if (asset.content) { //<debug> _debug("Asset: " + asset.assetConfig.path + " was found in local storage. No remote load for this file"); //</debug> entry = Boot.registerContent(asset.assetConfig.path, asset.type, asset.content); if (entry.evaluated) { _warn("Asset: " + asset.assetConfig.path + " was evaluated prior to local storage being consulted."); } //load via AJAX and seed content into Boot } else { //<debug> _debug("Asset: " + asset.assetConfig.path + " was NOT found in local storage. Adding to load queue"); //</debug> cachedAssets.push(asset); } } Microloader.urls.push(asset.assetConfig.path); Boot.assetConfig[asset.assetConfig.path] = Boot.apply({type: asset.type}, asset.assetConfig); } } // If any assets are using the caching system and do not have local versions load them first via AJAX if (cachedAssets.length > 0) { Microloader.remainingCachedAssets = cachedAssets.length; while (cachedAssets.length > 0) { asset = cachedAssets.pop(); //<debug> _debug("Preloading/Fetching Cached Assets from: " + asset.assetConfig.path); //</debug> Boot.fetch(asset.assetConfig.path, (function(asset) { return function(result) { Microloader.onCachedAssetLoaded(asset, result); } })(asset)); } } else { Microloader.onCachedAssetsReady(); } }, // Load the asset and seed its content into Boot to be evaluated in sequence onCachedAssetLoaded: function (asset, result) { var checksum; result = Microloader.parseResult(result); Microloader.remainingCachedAssets--; if (!result.error) { checksum = Microloader.checksum(result.content, asset.assetConfig.hash); if (!checksum) { _warn("Cached Asset '" + asset.assetConfig.path + "' has failed checksum. This asset will be uncached for future loading"); // Un cache this asset so it is loaded next time asset.uncache(); } //<debug> _debug("Checksum for Cached Asset: " + asset.assetConfig.path + " is " + checksum); //</debug> Boot.registerContent(asset.assetConfig.path, asset.type, result.content); asset.updateContent(result.content); asset.cache(); } else { _warn("There was an error pre-loading the asset '" + asset.assetConfig.path + "'. This asset will be uncached for future loading"); // Un cache this asset so it is loaded next time asset.uncache(); } if (Microloader.remainingCachedAssets === 0) { Microloader.onCachedAssetsReady(); } }, onCachedAssetsReady: function(){ Boot.load({ url: Microloader.urls, loadOrder: Microloader.manifest.loadOrder, loadOrderMap: Microloader.manifest.loadOrderMap, sequential: true, success: Microloader.onAllAssetsReady, failure: Microloader.onAllAssetsReady }); }, onAllAssetsReady: function() { _loaded = true; Microloader.notify(); if (navigator.onLine !== false) { //<debug> _debug("Application is online, checking for updates"); //</debug> Microloader.checkAllUpdates(); } else { //<debug> _debug("Application is offline, adding online listener to check for updates"); //</debug> if(window['addEventListener']) { window.addEventListener('online', Microloader.checkAllUpdates, false); } } }, onMicroloaderReady: function (listener) { if (_loaded) { listener(); } else { _listeners.push(listener); } }, /** * @private */ notify: function () { //<debug> _debug("notifying microloader ready listeners."); //</debug> var listener; while((listener = _listeners.shift())) { listener(); } }, // Delta patches content patch: function (content, delta) { var output = [], chunk, i, ln; if (delta.length === 0) { return content; } for (i = 0,ln = delta.length; i < ln; i++) { chunk = delta[i]; if (typeof chunk === 'number') { output.push(content.substring(chunk, chunk + delta[++i])); } else { output.push(chunk); } } return output.join(''); }, checkAllUpdates: function() { //<debug> _debug("Checking for All Updates"); //</debug> if(window['removeEventListener']) { window.removeEventListener('online', Microloader.checkAllUpdates, false); } if(_cache) { Microloader.checkForAppCacheUpdate(); } // Manifest came from a cached instance, check for updates if (Microloader.manifest.fromCache) { Microloader.checkForUpdates(); } }, checkForAppCacheUpdate: function() { //<debug> _debug("Checking App Cache status"); //</debug> if (_cache.status === _cache.UPDATEREADY || _cache.status === _cache.OBSOLETE) { //<debug> _debug("App Cache is already in an updated"); //</debug> Microloader.appCacheState = 'updated'; } else if (_cache.status !== _cache.IDLE && _cache.status !== _cache.UNCACHED) { //<debug> _debug("App Cache is checking or downloading updates, adding listeners"); //</debug> Microloader.appCacheState = 'checking'; _cache.addEventListener('error', Microloader.onAppCacheError); _cache.addEventListener('noupdate', Microloader.onAppCacheNotUpdated); _cache.addEventListener('cached', Microloader.onAppCacheNotUpdated); _cache.addEventListener('updateready', Microloader.onAppCacheReady); _cache.addEventListener('obsolete', Microloader.onAppCacheObsolete); } else { //<debug> _debug("App Cache is current or uncached"); //</debug> Microloader.appCacheState = 'current'; } }, checkForUpdates: function() { // Fetch the Latest Manifest from the server //<debug> _debug("Checking for updates at: " + Microloader.manifest.url); //</debug> Boot.fetch(Microloader.applyCacheBuster(Microloader.manifest.url), Microloader.onUpdatedManifestLoaded); }, onAppCacheError: function(e) { _warn(e.message); Microloader.appCacheState = 'error'; Microloader.notifyUpdateReady(); }, onAppCacheReady: function() { _cache.swapCache(); Microloader.appCacheUpdated(); }, onAppCacheObsolete: function() { Microloader.appCacheUpdated(); }, appCacheUpdated: function() { //<debug> _debug("App Cache Updated"); //</debug> Microloader.appCacheState = 'updated'; Microloader.notifyUpdateReady(); }, onAppCacheNotUpdated: function() { //<debug> _debug("App Cache Not Updated Callback"); //</debug> Microloader.appCacheState = 'current'; Microloader.notifyUpdateReady(); }, filterAsset: function(asset) { var cfg = (asset && asset.assetConfig) || {}; if(cfg.platform || cfg.exclude) { return Boot.filterPlatform(cfg.platform, cfg.exclude); } return true; }, onUpdatedManifestLoaded: function (result) { result = Microloader.parseResult(result); if (!result.error) { var currentAssets, newAssets, currentAsset, newAsset, prop, assets, deltas, deltaPath, include, updatingAssets = [], manifest = new Manifest({ url: Microloader.manifest.url, content: result.content, assetCache: false }); Microloader.remainingUpdatingAssets = 0; Microloader.updatedAssets = []; Microloader.removedAssets = []; Microloader.updatedManifest = null; Microloader.updatedAssetsReady = false; // If the updated manifest has turned off caching we need to clear out all local storage // and trigger a appupdate as all content is now uncached if (!manifest.shouldCache()) { //<debug> _debug("New Manifest has caching disabled, clearing out any private storage"); //</debug> Microloader.updatedManifest = manifest; LocalStorage.clearAllPrivate(manifest); Microloader.onAllUpdatedAssetsReady(); return; } // Manifest itself has changed if (!Microloader.manifest.is(manifest)) { Microloader.updatedManifest = manifest; currentAssets = Microloader.manifest.getAssets(); newAssets = manifest.getAssets(); // Look through new assets for assets that do not exist or assets that have different versions for (prop in newAssets) { newAsset = newAssets[prop]; currentAsset = Microloader.manifest.getAsset(newAsset.assetConfig.path); include = Microloader.filterAsset(newAsset); if (include && (!currentAsset || (newAsset.shouldCache() && (!currentAsset.is(newAsset))))) { //<debug> _debug("New/Updated Version of Asset: " + newAsset.assetConfig.path + " was found in new manifest"); //</debug> updatingAssets.push({_new: newAsset, _current: currentAsset}); } } // Look through current assets for stale/old assets that have been removed for (prop in currentAssets) { currentAsset = currentAssets[prop]; newAsset = manifest.getAsset(currentAsset.assetConfig.path); //New version of this asset has been filtered out include = !Microloader.filterAsset(newAsset); if (!include || !newAsset || (currentAsset.shouldCache() && !newAsset.shouldCache())) { //<debug> _debug("Asset: " + currentAsset.assetConfig.path + " was not found in new manifest, has been filtered out or has been switched to not cache. Marked for removal"); //</debug> Microloader.removedAssets.push(currentAsset); } } // Loop through all assets that need updating if (updatingAssets.length > 0) { Microloader.remainingUpdatingAssets = updatingAssets.length; while (updatingAssets.length > 0) { assets = updatingAssets.pop(); newAsset = assets._new; currentAsset = assets._current; // Full Updates will simply download the file and replace its current content if (newAsset.assetConfig.update === "full" || !currentAsset) { //<debug> if (newAsset.assetConfig.update === "delta") { _debug("Delta updated asset found without current asset available: " + newAsset.assetConfig.path + " fetching full file"); } else { _debug("Full update found for: " + newAsset.assetConfig.path + " fetching"); } //</debug> // Load the asset and cache its its content into Boot to be evaluated in sequence Boot.fetch(newAsset.assetConfig.path, (function (asset) { return function (result) { Microloader.onFullAssetUpdateLoaded(asset, result) }; }(newAsset)) ); // Delta updates will be given a delta patch } else if (newAsset.assetConfig.update === "delta") { deltas = manifest.deltas; deltaPath = deltas + "/" + newAsset.assetConfig.path + "/" + currentAsset.assetConfig.hash + ".json"; // Fetch the Delta Patch and update the contents of the asset //<debug> _debug("Delta update found for: " + newAsset.assetConfig.path + " fetching"); //</debug> Boot.fetch(deltaPath, (function (asset, oldAsset) { return function (result) { Microloader.onDeltaAssetUpdateLoaded(asset, oldAsset, result) }; }(newAsset, currentAsset)) ); } } } else { //<debug> _debug("No Assets needed updating"); //</debug> Microloader.onAllUpdatedAssetsReady(); } } else { //<debug> _debug("Manifest files have matching hash's"); //</debug> Microloader.onAllUpdatedAssetsReady(); } } else { _warn("Error loading manifest file to check for updates"); Microloader.onAllUpdatedAssetsReady(); } }, onFullAssetUpdateLoaded: function(asset, result) { var checksum; result = Microloader.parseResult(result); Microloader.remainingUpdatingAssets--; if (!result.error) { checksum = Microloader.checksum(result.content, asset.assetConfig.hash); //<debug> _debug("Checksum for Full asset: " + asset.assetConfig.path + " is " + checksum); //</debug> if (!checksum) { //<debug> _debug("Full Update Asset: " + asset.assetConfig.path + " has failed checksum. This asset will be uncached for future loading"); //</debug> // uncache this asset as there is a new version somewhere that has not been loaded. asset.uncache(); } else { asset.updateContent(result.content); Microloader.updatedAssets.push(asset); } } else { //<debug> _debug("Error loading file at" + asset.assetConfig.path + ". This asset will be uncached for future loading"); //</debug> // uncache this asset as there is a new version somewhere that has not been loaded. asset.uncache(); } if (Microloader.remainingUpdatingAssets === 0) { Microloader.onAllUpdatedAssetsReady(); } }, onDeltaAssetUpdateLoaded: function(asset, oldAsset, result) { var json, checksum, content; result = Microloader.parseResult(result); Microloader.remainingUpdatingAssets--; if (!result.error) { //<debug> _debug("Delta patch loaded successfully, patching content"); //</debug> try { json = JSON.parse(result.content); content = Microloader.patch(oldAsset.content, json); checksum = Microloader.checksum(content, asset.assetConfig.hash); //<debug> _debug("Checksum for Delta Patched asset: " + asset.assetConfig.path + " is " + checksum); //</debug> if (!checksum) { //<debug> _debug("Delta Update Asset: " + asset.assetConfig.path + " has failed checksum. This asset will be uncached for future loading"); //</debug> // uncache this asset as there is a new version somewhere that has not been loaded. asset.uncache(); } else { asset.updateContent(content); Microloader.updatedAssets.push(asset); } } catch (e) { _warn("Error parsing delta patch for " + asset.assetConfig.path + " with hash " + oldAsset.assetConfig.hash + " . This asset will be uncached for future loading"); // uncache this asset as there is a new version somewhere that has not been loaded. asset.uncache(); } } else { _warn("Error loading delta patch for " + asset.assetConfig.path + " with hash " + oldAsset.assetConfig.hash + " . This asset will be uncached for future loading"); // uncache this asset as there is a new version somewhere that has not been loaded. asset.uncache(); } if (Microloader.remainingUpdatingAssets === 0) { Microloader.onAllUpdatedAssetsReady(); } }, //TODO: Make this all transaction based to allow for reverting if quota is exceeded onAllUpdatedAssetsReady: function() { var asset; Microloader.updatedAssetsReady = true; if (Microloader.updatedManifest) { while (Microloader.removedAssets.length > 0) { asset = Microloader.removedAssets.pop(); //<debug> _debug("Asset: " + asset.assetConfig.path + " was removed, un-caching"); //</debug> asset.uncache(); } if (Microloader.updatedManifest) { //<debug> _debug("Manifest was updated, re-caching"); //</debug> Microloader.updatedManifest.cache(); } while (Microloader.updatedAssets.length > 0) { asset = Microloader.updatedAssets.pop(); //<debug> _debug("Asset: " + asset.assetConfig.path + " was updated, re-caching"); //</debug> asset.cache(); } } Microloader.notifyUpdateReady(); }, notifyUpdateReady: function () { if (Microloader.appCacheState !== 'checking' && Microloader.updatedAssetsReady) { if (Microloader.appCacheState === 'updated' || Microloader.updatedManifest) { //<debug> _debug("There was an update here you will want to reload the app, trigger an event"); //</debug> Microloader.appUpdate = { updated: true, app: Microloader.appCacheState === 'updated', manifest: Microloader.updatedManifest && Microloader.updatedManifest.exportContent() }; Microloader.fireAppUpdate(); } //<debug> else { _debug("AppCache and LocalStorage Cache are current, no updating needed"); Microloader.appUpdate = {}; } //</debug> } }, fireAppUpdate: function() { if (Ext.GlobalEvents) { // We defer dispatching this event slightly in order to let the application finish loading // as we are still very early in the lifecycle Ext.defer(function() { Ext.GlobalEvents.fireEvent('appupdate', Microloader.appUpdate); }, 1000); } }, checksum: function(content, hash) { if(!content || !hash) { return false; } var passed = true, hashLn = hash.length, checksumType = content.substring(0, 1); if (checksumType == '/') { if (content.substring(2, hashLn + 2) !== hash) { passed = false; } } else if (checksumType == 'f') { if (content.substring(10, hashLn + 10) !== hash) { passed = false; } } else if (checksumType == '.') { if (content.substring(1, hashLn + 1) !== hash) { passed = false; } } return passed; }, parseResult: function(result) { var rst = {}; if ((result.exception || result.status === 0) && !Boot.env.phantom) { rst.error = true; } else if ((result.status >= 200 && result.status < 300) || result.status === 304 || Boot.env.phantom || (result.status === 0 && result.content.length > 0) ) { rst.content = result.content; } else { rst.error = true; } return rst; } }; return Microloader;}()); /** * @type {String/Object} */Ext.manifest = Ext.manifest || "bootstrap"; Ext.Microloader.run();