/** * Internal utility class that provides default configuration for cell editing. * @private */Ext.define('Ext.grid.CellEditor', { extend: 'Ext.Editor', alias: 'widget.celleditor', /** * @property {Boolean} isCellEditor * @readonly * `true` in this class to identify an object as an instantiated CellEditor, or subclass thereof. */ isCellEditor: true, alignment: 'l-l!', hideEl : false, cls: Ext.baseCSSPrefix + 'small-editor ' + Ext.baseCSSPrefix + 'grid-editor ' + Ext.baseCSSPrefix + 'grid-cell-editor', treeNodeSelector: '.' + Ext.baseCSSPrefix + 'tree-node-text', shim: false, shadow: false, floating: true, alignOnScroll: false, useBoundValue: false, focusLeaveAction: 'completeEdit', // Set the grid that owns this editor. // Called by CellEditing#getEditor setGrid: function(grid) { this.grid = grid; }, startEdit: function(boundEl, value, doFocus) { this.context = this.editingPlugin.context; this.callParent([boundEl, value, doFocus]); }, /** * @private * Shows the editor, end ensures that it is rendered into the correct view * Hides the grid cell inner element when a cell editor is shown. */ onShow: function() { var me = this, innerCell = me.boundEl.down(me.context.view.innerSelector); if (innerCell) { if (me.isForTree) { innerCell = innerCell.child(me.treeNodeSelector); } innerCell.hide(); } me.callParent(arguments); }, onFocusEnter: function() { var me = this, context = me.context, view = context.view; // Focus restoration after a refresh may require realignment and correction // of the context because it could have been due to a or filter operation and // the context may have changed position. me.reattachToBody(); context.node = view.getNode(context.record); context.row = view.getRow(context.record); context.cell = context.getCell(true); context.rowIdx = view.indexOf(context.row); me.realign(true); me.callParent(arguments); // Ensure that hide processing does not throw focus back to the previously focused element. me.focusEnterEvent = null; }, onFocusLeave: function(e) { var me = this, view = me.context.view, related = Ext.fly(e.relatedTarget); // Quit editing in whichever way. // The default is completeEdit. // If we received an ESC, this will be cancelEdit. if (me[me.focusLeaveAction]() === false) { e.event.stopEvent(); return; } delete me.focusLeaveAction; // If the related target is not a cell, turn actionable mode off if (!view.destroyed && view.el.contains(related) && (!related.isAncestor(e.target) || related === view.el) && !related.up(view.getCellSelector(), view.el)) { me.context.grid.setActionableMode(false, view.actionPosition); } me.cacheElement(); // Bypass Editor's onFocusLeave Ext.container.Container.prototype.onFocusLeave.apply(me, arguments); }, completeEdit: function(remainVisible) { var me = this, context = me.context; if (me.editing) { context.value = me.field.value; if (me.editingPlugin.validateEdit(context) === false) { if (context.cancel) { context.value = me.originalValue; me.editingPlugin.cancelEdit(); } return !!context.cancel; } } me.callParent([remainVisible]); }, onEditComplete: function(remainVisible, canceling) { var me = this, activeElement = Ext.Element.getActiveElement(), ctx = me.context, store = ctx && ctx.store, boundEl; me.editing = false; // Must refresh the boundEl in case DOM has been churned during edit. boundEl = me.boundEl = me.context.getCell(); // We have to test if boundEl is still present because it could have been // de-rendered by a bufferedRenderer scroll. if (boundEl) { me.restoreCell(); // IF we are just terminating, and NOT being terminated due to focus // having moved out of this editor, then we must prevent any upcoming blur // from letting focus fly out of the view. // onFocusLeave will have no effect because the editing flag is cleared. if (boundEl.contains(activeElement) && boundEl.dom !== activeElement) { boundEl.focus(); } } me.callParent(arguments); // Do not rely on events to sync state with editing plugin, // Inform it directly. if (canceling) { me.editingPlugin.cancelEdit(me); // When expanding/collapsing a node, the editor will lose focus // and cancel the editing, but at the same time the expand/collapse // will call actionable#suspend that will cause this editor to remain visible // and will prevent the element from being cached. So if remainVisible is true // and we are expanding/collapsing we should always cache the element. if (remainVisible && store && store.isExpandingOrCollapsing) { me.cacheElement(); } } else { me.editingPlugin.onEditComplete(me, me.getValue(), me.startValue); } }, cacheElement: function(force) { if ((!this.editing || force) && !this.destroyed) { this.detachFromBody(); } }, /** * @private * Hiding blurs, and blur will terminate the edit. * We must not allow superclass Editor to terminate the edit and make * sure the element has been cached. */ onHide: function() { this.cacheElement(true); Ext.Editor.superclass.onHide.apply(this, arguments); }, onSpecialKey: function(field, event, eOpts) { var me = this, key = event.getKey(), complete = me.completeOnEnter && key === event.ENTER && (!eOpts || !eOpts.fromBoundList), cancel = me.cancelOnEsc && key === event.ESC, view = me.editingPlugin.view; if (complete || cancel) { // Do not let the key event bubble into the NavigationModel after we're don processing it. // We control the navigation action here; we focus the cell. event.stopEvent(); // Maintain visibility so that focus doesn't leak. // We need to direct focusback to the owning cell. if (cancel) { me.focusLeaveAction = 'cancelEdit'; } view.ownerGrid.setActionableMode(false); } }, getRefOwner: function() { return this.column && this.column.getView(); }, restoreCell: function() { var me = this, innerCell = me.boundEl.down(me.context.view.innerSelector); if (innerCell) { if (me.isForTree) { innerCell = innerCell.child(me.treeNodeSelector); } innerCell.show(); } }, /** * @private * Fix checkbox blur when it is clicked. */ afterRender: function() { var me = this, field = me.field; me.callParent(arguments); if (field.isCheckbox) { field.mon(field.inputEl, { mousedown: me.onCheckBoxMouseDown, click: me.onCheckBoxClick, scope: me }); } }, /** * @private * Because when checkbox is clicked it loses focus completeEdit is bypassed. */ onCheckBoxMouseDown: function() { this.completeEdit = Ext.emptyFn; }, /** * @private * Restore checkbox focus and completeEdit method. */ onCheckBoxClick: function() { delete this.completeEdit; this.field.focus(false, 10); }, /** * @private * Realigns the Editor to the grid cell, or to the text node in the grid inner cell * if the inner cell contains multiple child nodes. */ realign: function(autoSize) { var me = this, boundEl = me.boundEl, innerCell = boundEl.down(me.context.view.innerSelector), innerCellTextNode = innerCell.dom.firstChild, width = boundEl.getWidth(), offsets = Ext.Array.clone(me.offsets), grid = me.grid, xOffset, v = '', // innerCell is empty if there are no children, or there is one text node, and it contains whitespace isEmpty = !innerCellTextNode || (innerCellTextNode.nodeType === 3 && !(Ext.String.trim(v = innerCellTextNode.data).length)); if (me.isForTree) { // When editing a tree, adjust the width and offsets of the editor to line // up with the tree cell's text element xOffset = me.getTreeNodeOffset(innerCell); width -= Math.abs(xOffset); offsets[0] += xOffset; } if (grid.columnLines) { // Subtract the column border width so that the editor displays inside the // borders. The column border could be either on the left or the right depending // on whether the grid is RTL - using the sum of both borders works in both modes. width -= boundEl.getBorderWidth('rl'); } if (autoSize === true) { me.field.setWidth(width); } // https://sencha.jira.com/browse/EXTJSIV-10871 Ensure the data bearing element has a height from text. if (isEmpty) { innerCell.dom.innerHTML = 'X'; } me.alignTo(boundEl, me.alignment, offsets); if (isEmpty) { innerCell.dom.firstChild.data = v; } }, getTreeNodeOffset: function(innerCell) { return innerCell.child(this.treeNodeSelector).getOffsetsTo(innerCell)[0]; }});