/** * @class Ext.app.Application */Ext.define('Ext.overrides.app.Application', { override: 'Ext.app.Application', uses: [ 'Ext.tip.QuickTipManager' ], // @cmd-auto-dependency {aliasPrefix: "view.", mvc: true, requires: ["Ext.plugin.Viewport"]} /** * @cfg {Boolean/String} [autoCreateViewport=false] * @deprecated 5.1 Instead use {@link #mainView} * @member Ext.app.Application */ autoCreateViewport: false, config: { /** * @cfg {Boolean} enableQuickTips * @deprecated 6.2.0 Use {@link #quickTips}. */ enableQuickTips: null }, /** * @cfg {Boolean} quickTips * True to automatically set up Ext.tip.QuickTip support. * * @since 6.2.0 */ quickTips: true, updateEnableQuickTips: function(enableQuickTips) { this.setQuickTips(enableQuickTips); }, applyMainView: function(mainView) { var view, proto, config, protoPlugins, configPlugins; if (typeof mainView === 'string') { view = this.getView(mainView); config = {}; } else { config = mainView; view = Ext.ClassManager.getByConfig(mainView); } proto = view.prototype; if (!proto.isViewport) { // Need to copy over any plugins defined on the prototype and on the config. protoPlugins = Ext.Array.from(proto.plugins); configPlugins = Ext.Array.from(config.plugins); config = Ext.apply({}, config); config.plugins = ['viewport'].concat(protoPlugins, configPlugins); } return view.create(config); }, getDependencies: function(cls, data, requires) { var Controller = Ext.app.Controller, proto = cls.prototype, namespace = data.$namespace, viewportClass = data.autoCreateViewport; if (viewportClass) { //<debug> if (!namespace) { Ext.raise("[Ext.app.Application] Can't resolve namespace for " + data.$className + ", did you forget to specify 'name' property?"); } //</debug> if (viewportClass === true) { viewportClass = 'Viewport'; } else { requires.push('Ext.plugin.Viewport'); } Controller.processDependencies(proto, requires, namespace, 'view', viewportClass); } }, onBeforeLaunch: function() { var me = this, autoCreateViewport = me.autoCreateViewport; if (me.getQuickTips()) { me.initQuickTips(); } if(autoCreateViewport) { me.initViewport(); } this.callParent(arguments); }, getViewportName: function () { var name = null, autoCreate = this.autoCreateViewport; if (autoCreate) { name = (autoCreate === true) ? 'Viewport' : autoCreate; } return name; }, initViewport: function() { this.setMainView(this.getViewportName()); }, initQuickTips: function() { Ext.tip.QuickTipManager.init(); }});