/** * This class represents a rectangular region in X,Y space, and performs geometric * transformations or tests upon the region. * * This class may be used to compare the document regions occupied by elements. */Ext.define('Ext.util.Region', function() { var ExtUtil = Ext.util, constrainRe = /([^\?!]*)(!|\?)?$/, alignRe = /^(?:(?:([trbl])(\d+))|(tl|t|tc|tr|l|c|r|bl|b|bc|br))(?:-(?:(?:([trbl])(\d+))|(tl|t|tc|tr|l|c|r|bl|b|bc|br)))?$/i, // Each side has the first letter as the main align side, so [tlbr] // The next optional component is a offset factor, so [tb] may be followed by [lr] and vice versa // The offset factor may also be a number along that edge from 0 to 100. // So 'tl-br' is equal to 't0-b100'. // The offset factor defaults to 'c' or 50 meaning the 't-b' is equivalent to // 't50-b50' or 'tc-bc' LTROffsetFactors = {l:0, r:100, t:0, b: 100, c: 50}, RTLOffsetFactors = {l:100, r:0, t:0, b: 100, c: 50}, relativePositions = {b: 0, l:1, t: 2, r: 3}, alignMap = {"tl-tr": "l0-r0", "tl-r": "l0-r50", "bl-r": "l100-r50", "bl-br": "l100-r100", "tr-tl": "r0-l0", "tr-l": "r0-l50", "br-l": "r100-l50", "br-bl": "r100-l100"}, rtlAlignMap = {"tl-tr": "r0-l0", "tl-r": "r0-l50", "bl-r": "r100-l50", "bl-br": "r100-l100", "tr-tl": "l0-r0", "tr-l": "l0-r50", "br-l": "l100-r50", "br-bl": "l100-r100"}, adjustParams = [], zeroOffset = new ExtUtil.Offset(0, 0), parseRegion = function (box) { var Region = ExtUtil.Region, type = typeof box, top, right, bottom, left; if (box == null) { return Region.EMPTY; } if (box.isRegion) { return box; } if (box.isElement || box.nodeType === 1) { return this.getRegion(box); } if (type === 'string') { box = box.split(' '); switch (box.length) { case 1: box[1] = box[2] = box[3] = box[0]; break; case 2: box[2] = box[0]; box[3] = box[1]; break; case 3: box[3] = box[1]; } top = parseInt(box[0], 10) || 0; right = parseInt(box[1], 10) || 0; bottom = parseInt(box[2], 10) || 0; left = parseInt(box[3], 10) || 0; } else if (type === 'number') { top = right = bottom = left = box; } else if (typeof box.x === 'number') { top = box.y; left = box.x; if (typeof box.right === 'number') { right = box.right; bottom = box.bottom; } else { right = left + box.width; bottom = top + box.height; } } //<debug> else { Ext.raise('Not convertible to a Region: ' + box); } //</debug> return new Region(top, right, bottom, left); }, magnitude = [-1, 1, 1, -1], // Depending on the "relativePosition" which will be 0,1,2 or 3 for T,R,B,L // extend the adjacent edge of the target to account for the offset. // Also, shrink the adjacent edge to create overlap for the anchor to center in. addAnchorOffset = function(target, anchorSize, relativePosition) { // Expand the adjacent edge by the anchor HEIGHT. if (relativePosition != null && anchorSize) { adjustParams[0] = adjustParams[1] = adjustParams[2] = adjustParams[3] = 0; adjustParams[relativePosition] = anchorSize.y * magnitude[relativePosition]; target = ExtUtil.Region.from(target); target.adjust.apply(target, adjustParams); } return target; }, // Shrink the adjacent edge to create overlap for the anchor to center in. calculateAnchorPosition = function(target, result, relativePosition, anchorSize, inside) { var minOverlap = Math.ceil(anchorSize.x / 2) + 2, anchorPos, isBefore, overlapLine, overlapLength, beforeStart, x, y; // target is out of bounds. We can't show an anchor if (inside && !inside.intersect(target)) { return; } if (relativePosition != null) { // The result is to the left or right of the target if (relativePosition & 1) { anchorPos = new ExtUtil.Region(0, 0, 0, 0).setWidth(anchorSize.y).setHeight(anchorSize.x); isBefore = relativePosition === 3; x = isBefore ? result.right : result.left; overlapLine = new ExtUtil.Region(Math.max(result.top, target.top), x, Math.min(result.bottom, target.bottom), x); if (target.getHeight() > minOverlap) { overlapLength = overlapLine.getHeight(); // Not enough vertical intersection to make the anchor display correctly if (overlapLength < target.width && overlapLength < anchorSize.x + 4) { if (overlapLength < minOverlap) { if (overlapLine.getAnchorPoint_c()[1] > target.getAnchorPoint_c()[1]) { y = target.bottom - minOverlap; } else { beforeStart = true; y = target.top + minOverlap - result.getHeight(); } if (inside) { y = Math.min(Math.max(y, inside.top), inside.bottom - result.getHeight()); } // Move result, within constraints to attempt to create enough overlap. result.setPosition(result.x, y); overlapLine = new ExtUtil.Region(Math.max(result.top, target.top), x, Math.min(result.bottom, target.bottom), x); overlapLength = overlapLine.getHeight(); // Not created enough overlap to display the anchor. if (overlapLength < minOverlap) { return; } if (beforeStart) { overlapLine.setPosition(x, target.y - anchorSize.x / 2 - 2); } } overlapLine.setHeight(Math.max(overlapLength, anchorSize.x + 4)); // Arrow would be off the edge if (inside && !inside.contains(overlapLine)) { return; } } } result.anchor = anchorPos.alignTo({ target: overlapLine, align: isBefore ? 'l-r' : 'r-l', overlap: true }); result.anchor.position = isBefore ? 'right' : 'left'; } // The result is above or below the target. else { anchorPos = new ExtUtil.Region(0, 0, 0, 0).setWidth(anchorSize.x).setHeight(anchorSize.y); isBefore = relativePosition === 0; y = isBefore ? result.bottom : result.top; overlapLine = new ExtUtil.Region(y, Math.min(result.right, target.right), y, Math.max(result.left, target.left)); if (target.getWidth() > minOverlap) { overlapLength = overlapLine.getWidth(); // Not enough horizontal intersection to make the anchor display correctly if (overlapLength < target.height && overlapLength < anchorSize.x + 4) { if (overlapLength < minOverlap) { if (overlapLine.getAnchorPoint_c()[0] > target.getAnchorPoint_c()[0]) { x = target.right - minOverlap; } else { beforeStart = true; x = target.left + minOverlap - result.getWidth(); } if (inside) { x = Math.min(Math.max(x, inside.left), inside.right - result.getWidth()); } // Move result, within constraints to attempt to create enough overlap. result.setPosition(x, result.y); overlapLine = new ExtUtil.Region(y, Math.min(result.right, target.right), y, Math.max(result.left, target.left)); overlapLength = overlapLine.getWidth(); // We could not move the target into enough overlap because of constraints if (overlapLength < minOverlap) { return; } if (beforeStart) { overlapLine.setPosition(target.x - anchorSize.x / 2 - 2, y); } } overlapLine.setWidth(Math.max(overlapLength, anchorSize.x + 4)); // Arrow would be off the edge if (inside && !inside.contains(overlapLine)) { return; } } } result.anchor = anchorPos.alignTo({ target: overlapLine, align: isBefore ? 't-b' : 'b-t', overlap: true }); result.anchor.position = isBefore ? 'bottom' : 'top'; } result.anchor.align = relativePosition; } return result; }, checkMinHeight = function(minHeight, result, target, inside) { var newHeight; if (minHeight && inside) { // Overflows the bottom of the target if (result.top >= target.bottom && result.bottom > inside.bottom) { result.setHeight(Math.max(result.getHeight() + inside.bottom - result.bottom, minHeight)); result.constrainHeight = true; } // Overflows the top of the target else if (result.bottom <= target.top && result.top < inside.top) { newHeight = Math.max(result.getHeight() + result.top - inside.top, minHeight); result.adjust(result.getHeight() - newHeight); result.constrainHeight = true; } // Just too high else if (result.getHeight() > inside.getHeight()) { result.setHeight(Math.max(minHeight, inside.getHeight())); result.setPosition(result.x, 0); result.constrainHeight = true; } } }, checkMinWidth = function(minWidth, result, target, inside) { var newWidth; if (minWidth && inside) { // Overflows the right of the target if (result.left >= target.right && result.right > inside.right) { result.setWidth(Math.max(result.getWidth() + inside.right - result.right, minWidth)); result.constrainWidth = true; } // Overflows the left of the target else if (result.right <= target.left && result.left < inside.left) { newWidth = Math.max(result.getWidth() + result.left - inside.left, minWidth); result.adjust(0, 0, 0, result.getWidth() - newWidth); result.constrainWidth = true; } // Just too wide else if (result.getWidth() > inside.getWidth()) { result.setWidth(Math.max(minWidth, inside.getWidth())); result.setPosition(0, result.y); result.constrainWidth = true; } } }; return { requires: ['Ext.util.Offset'], isRegion: true, statics: { /** * @static * Retrieves an Ext.util.Region for a particular element. * @param {String/HTMLElement/Ext.dom.Element} el An element ID, htmlElement or Ext.Element representing an element in the document. * @return {Ext.util.Region} region */ getRegion: function(el) { return Ext.fly(el).getRegion(); }, /** * @static * Creates a Region from a "box" Object which contains four numeric properties `top`, `right`, `bottom` and `left`. * @param {Object} o An object with `top`, `right`, `bottom` and `left` properties. * @return {Ext.util.Region} region The Region constructed based on the passed object */ from: function(o) { return new this(o.top, o.right, o.bottom, o.left); }, /** * This function converts a legacy alignment string such as 't-b' into a * pair of edge, offset objects which describe the alignment points of * the two regions. * * So tl-br becomes {myEdge:'t', offset:0}, {otherEdge:'b', offset:100} * * This not only allows more flexibility in the alignment possibilities, * but it also resolves any ambiguity as to chich two edges are desired * to be adjacent if an anchor pointer is required. * * @param {String} align The align spec, eg `"tl-br"` * @param {Boolean} [rtl] Pass `true` to use RTL calculations. */ getAlignInfo: function(align, rtl) { if (typeof align === 'object') { return align; } align = align ? ((align.indexOf('-') < 0) ? 'tl-' + align : align) : 'tl-bl'; // Snip any constraint modifier off so that we can match the alignMaps constrain = constrainRe.exec(align); align = constrain[1]; // Convert left to right alignments which are specified using top/bottom corner definitions. align = (rtl ? rtlAlignMap : alignMap)[align] || align; var offsetFactors = rtl ? RTLOffsetFactors : LTROffsetFactors, constrain, parts = alignRe.exec(align), result; //<debug> if (!parts) { Ext.raise({ sourceClass: 'Ext.util.Region', sourceMethod: 'getAlignInfo', position: align, msg: 'Attemmpted to align an element with an invalid position: "' + align + '"' }); } //</debug> result = { myEdge: parts[1], myOffset: parts[2], otherEdge: parts[4], otherOffset: parts[5], constrain: constrain[2] }; // t-l, b-r etc. // Convert points to egde and offset. if (parts[3]) { result.myEdge = parts[3][0]; result.myOffset = offsetFactors[parts[3][1]]; if (result.myOffset == null) { result.myOffset = 50; } } if (parts[6]) { result.otherEdge = parts[6][0]; result.otherOffset = offsetFactors[parts[6][1]]; if (result.otherOffset == null) { result.otherOffset = 50; } } // TOP=0, RIGHT=1, BOTTOM=2, LEFT=3, INSIDE=undefined result.position = relativePositions[result.myEdge]; return result; } }, /* End Definitions */ /** * Creates a region from the bounding sides. * @param {Number} top The topmost pixel of the Region. * @param {Number} right The rightmost pixel of the Region. * @param {Number} bottom The bottom pixel of the Region. * @param {Number} left The leftmost pixel of the Region. */ constructor : function(top, right, bottom, left) { var me = this; me.y = me.top = me[1] = top; me.right = right; me.bottom = bottom; me.x = me.left = me[0] = left; me.height = me.bottom - me.top; me.width = me.right - me.left; }, /** * Translates this Region to the specified position * @param {Number} x The new X position. * @param {Number} y The new Y position. * @returns {Ext.util.Region} This region after translation. */ setPosition: function(x, y) { // Allow [x, y] if (arguments.length === 1) { y = x[1]; x = x[0]; } return this.translateBy(x - this.x, y - this.y); }, /** * Checks if this region completely contains the region or point that is passed in. * @param {Ext.util.Region/Ext.util.Point} region * @return {Boolean} */ contains: function(region) { var me = this; return (region.x >= me.x && (region.right || region.x) <= me.right && region.y >= me.y && (region.bottom || region.y) <= me.bottom); }, /** * Checks if this region intersects the region passed in. * @param {Ext.util.Region} region * @return {Ext.util.Region/Boolean} Returns the intersected region or false if there is no intersection. */ intersect : function(region) { var me = this, t = Math.max(me.y, region.y), r = Math.min(me.right, region.right), b = Math.min(me.bottom, region.bottom), l = Math.max(me.x, region.x); if (b > t && r > l) { return new this.self(t, r, b, l); } else { return false; } }, /** * Returns the smallest region that contains the current AND targetRegion. * @param {Ext.util.Region} region * @return {Ext.util.Region} a new region */ union : function(region) { var me = this, t = Math.min(me.y, region.y), r = Math.max(me.right, region.right), b = Math.max(me.bottom, region.bottom), l = Math.min(me.x, region.x); return new this.self(t, r, b, l); }, /** * Modifies the current region to be constrained to the targetRegion. * @param {Ext.util.Region} targetRegion * @return {Ext.util.Region} this */ constrainTo : function(targetRegion) { var me = this, constrain = Ext.Number.constrain; me.top = me.y = constrain(me.top, targetRegion.y, targetRegion.bottom); me.bottom = constrain(me.bottom, targetRegion.y, targetRegion.bottom); me.left = me.x = constrain(me.left, targetRegion.x, targetRegion.right); me.right = constrain(me.right, targetRegion.x, targetRegion.right); return me; }, /** * Modifies the current region to be adjusted by offsets. * @param {Number} top Top offset * @param {Number} right Right offset * @param {Number} bottom Bottom offset * @param {Number} left Left offset * @return {Ext.util.Region} this */ adjust : function(top, right, bottom, left) { var me = this; me.top = me.y += top||0; me.left = me.x += left||0; me.right += right||0; me.bottom += bottom||0; return me; }, /** * Get the offset amount of a point outside the region * @param {String} [axis] * @param {Ext.util.Point} [p] the point * @return {Ext.util.Offset} */ getOutOfBoundOffset: function(axis, p) { if (!Ext.isObject(axis)) { if (axis === 'x') { return this.getOutOfBoundOffsetX(p); } else { return this.getOutOfBoundOffsetY(p); } } else { p = axis; var d = new ExtUtil.Offset(); d.x = this.getOutOfBoundOffsetX(p.x); d.y = this.getOutOfBoundOffsetY(p.y); return d; } }, /** * Get the offset amount on the x-axis * @param {Number} p the offset * @return {Number} */ getOutOfBoundOffsetX: function(p) { if (p <= this.x) { return this.x - p; } else if (p >= this.right) { return this.right - p; } return 0; }, /** * Get the offset amount on the y-axis * @param {Number} p the offset * @return {Number} */ getOutOfBoundOffsetY: function(p) { if (p <= this.y) { return this.y - p; } else if (p >= this.bottom) { return this.bottom - p; } return 0; }, /** * Check whether the point / offset is out of bound * @param {String} [axis] * @param {Ext.util.Point/Number} [p] the point / offset * @return {Boolean} */ isOutOfBound: function(axis, p) { if (!Ext.isObject(axis)) { if (axis === 'x') { return this.isOutOfBoundX(p); } else { return this.isOutOfBoundY(p); } } else { p = axis; return (this.isOutOfBoundX(p.x) || this.isOutOfBoundY(p.y)); } }, /** * Check whether the offset is out of bound in the x-axis * @param {Number} p the offset * @return {Boolean} */ isOutOfBoundX: function(p) { return (p < this.x || p > this.right); }, /** * Check whether the offset is out of bound in the y-axis * @param {Number} p the offset * @return {Boolean} */ isOutOfBoundY: function(p) { return (p < this.y || p > this.bottom); }, /** * Restrict a point within the region by a certain factor. * @param {String} [axis] * @param {Ext.util.Point/Ext.util.Offset/Object} [p] * @param {Number} [factor] * @return {Ext.util.Point/Ext.util.Offset/Object/Number} * @private */ restrict: function(axis, p, factor) { if (Ext.isObject(axis)) { var newP; factor = p; p = axis; if (p.copy) { newP = p.copy(); } else { newP = { x: p.x, y: p.y }; } newP.x = this.restrictX(p.x, factor); newP.y = this.restrictY(p.y, factor); return newP; } else { if (axis === 'x') { return this.restrictX(p, factor); } else { return this.restrictY(p, factor); } } }, /** * Restrict an offset within the region by a certain factor, on the x-axis * @param {Number} p * @param {Number} [factor=1] The factor. * @return {Number} * @private */ restrictX : function(p, factor) { if (!factor) { factor = 1; } if (p <= this.x) { p -= (p - this.x) * factor; } else if (p >= this.right) { p -= (p - this.right) * factor; } return p; }, /** * Restrict an offset within the region by a certain factor, on the y-axis * @param {Number} p * @param {Number} [factor] The factor, defaults to 1 * @return {Number} * @private */ restrictY : function(p, factor) { if (!factor) { factor = 1; } if (p <= this.y) { p -= (p - this.y) * factor; } else if (p >= this.bottom) { p -= (p - this.bottom) * factor; } return p; }, /** * Returns the Region to which this rectangle should be moved in order to * have the desired alignment with the specified target while remaining within the * constraint. * * The `align` option can be one of these forms: * * - **Blank**: Defaults to aligning the region's top-left corner to the target's * bottom-left corner ("tl-bl"). * - **Two anchors**: If two values from the table below are passed separated by a dash, * the first value is used as this region's anchor point, and the second value is * used as the target's anchor point. * - **One anchor**: The passed anchor position is used as the target's anchor point. * This region will position its top-left corner (tl) to that point. * - **Two edge/offset descriptors:** An edge/offset descriptor is an edge initial * (`t`/`r`/`b`/`l`) followed by a percentage along that side. This describes a * point to align with a similar point in the target. So `'t0-b0'` would be * the same as `'tl-bl'`, `'l0-r50'` would place the top left corner of this item * halfway down the right edge of the target item. This allows more flexibility * and also describes which two edges are considered adjacent when positioning an anchor. * * If the `inside` option is passed, the Region will attempt to align as specified, * but the position will be adjusted to constrain to the `inside` Region if necessary. * Note that the Region being aligned might be swapped to align to a different position * than that specified in order to enforce the constraints. Following are all of the * supported anchor positions: * * Value Description * ----- ----------------------------- * tl The top left corner * t The center of the top edge * tr The top right corner * l The center of the left edge * c The center * r The center of the right edge * bl The bottom left corner * b The center of the bottom edge * br The bottom right corner * * Example Usage: * * var xy = comp.getRegion().alignTo({ * align: 't-b', // align comp's top/center to el's bottom/center * target: el.getRegion(), * anchorSize: new Ext.util.Point(10, 10), * inside: new Ext.util.Region(0, Ext.Element.getViewportWidth(), Ext.Element.getViewportHeight(), 0) * }); * * @param {Object} options The alignment options. * @param {Ext.util.Region} options.target The rectangle to which this rectangle * should align. * @param {String} [options.align=tl-bl] The alignment descriptor for positioning this * rectangle with respect to the `target`. See {@link Ext.util.Positionable#alignTo}. * Note that if the requested alignment results in violation of the `inside` constraint, * the result will be flipped align to the closest edge which conforms to the constraint. * * @param {Array/Ext.util.Position} [options.position] The position at which to place the * resulting region before being excluded from the target area and aligned to the closest * edge which allows conformity with any passed `inside` option. Used instead of the `align` option. * @param {Ext.util.Offset/Number[]} [options.offset] An extra exclusion zone round the target. * @param {Ext.util.Offset/Number[]} [options.anchorSize] The width and height of any external anchor * element. This is used to calculate the true bounds of the Region inclusive of the anchor. * The `x` dimension is the height of the arrow in all orientations, and the `y` dimension * is the width of the baseline of the arrow in all dimensions. * If this option is used, and the returned region successfully clears the * bounds of the target, then the anchor region will be returned in the return value * as the `anchor` property. This will in turn have a `position` property which will * be `'top'`, `'left`, `'right'`, or `'bottom'`. * @param {Boolean} [options.overlap] Pass `true` to allow this rectangle to overlap * the target. * @param {Boolean} [options.rtl] Pass `true` to swap left/right alignment. * @param {Ext.util.Region} [options.inside] The rectangle to which this rectangle is * constrained. * @param {Number} [options.minHeight] Used when this Region is to be aligned directly * below or above the target. Gives the option to reduce the height to fit in the * available space. * @param {Boolean} [options.axisLock] If `true`, then fallback on constraint violation will * only take place along the major align axis. That is, if `align: "l-r"` is being used, and * `axisLock: true` is used, then if constraints fail, only fallback to `r-l` is considered. * @return {Ext.util.Region} The Region that will align this rectangle. Note that if * a `minHeight` option was passed, and aligment is either above or below the target, * the Region might be reduced to fit within the space. */ alignTo: function (options) { var me = this, Region = me.self, Offset = ExtUtil.Offset, target = parseRegion(options.target), targetPlusAnchorOffset, rtl = options.rtl, overlap = options.overlap, align = options.align, anchorSize = options.anchorSize, offset = options.offset, inside = options.inside, position = options.position, allowXTranslate = options.allowXTranslate, allowYTranslate = options.allowYTranslate, wasConstrained, result; if (offset) { offset = Offset.fromObject(offset); //<debug> if (!(offset instanceof Offset)) { Ext.raise('offset option must be an Ext.util.Offset'); } //</debug> } if (anchorSize) { anchorSize = Offset.fromObject(anchorSize); //<debug> if (!(anchorSize instanceof Offset)) { Ext.raise('anchorSize option must be an Ext.util.Offset'); } //</debug> } // Position the region using an exact position. // Our purpose is then to constrain within the inside // Region, while probably not occluding the target. if (position) { if (position.length === 2) { position = new ExtUtil.Point(position[0], position[1]); } // Calculate the unconstrained position. result = new Region().copyFrom(me).setPosition(position.x, position.y); } else { // Convert string align spec to informational object align = me.getAlignInfo(align, rtl); // target is out of bounds. // Move it so that it's 1px inside to that the alignment points if (inside) { if (target.x >= inside.right) { target.setPosition(inside.right - 1, target.y); if (align.position !== 3) { align = me.getAlignInfo('r-l', rtl); } } else if (target.right < inside.x) { target.setPosition(inside.x - target.getWidth() + 1, target.y); if (align.position !== 1) { align = me.getAlignInfo('l-r', rtl); } } if (target.y >= inside.bottom) { target.setPosition(target.x, inside.bottom - 1); if (align.position !== 0) { align = me.getAlignInfo('b-t', rtl); } } else if (target.bottom < inside.y) { target.setPosition(target.x, inside.y - target.getHeight() + 1); if (align.position !== 2) { align = me.getAlignInfo('t-b', rtl); } } } // Adjust the adjacent edge to account for the anchor height. targetPlusAnchorOffset = anchorSize ? addAnchorOffset(target, anchorSize, align.position) : target; // Start with requested position. result = Region.from(me).translateBy(me.getAlignToVector(targetPlusAnchorOffset, align)); // If they ASKED for it to intersect (eg: c-c, tl-c). we must honour that, and not exclude it. overlap = !!result.intersect(targetPlusAnchorOffset); if (offset && (overlap || !anchorSize)) { result.translateBy(offset); } // Calculate the anchor position. // This also forces the adjacent edges to overlap enough to create space for the anchor arrow. if (anchorSize) { calculateAnchorPosition(target, result, align.position, anchorSize, inside); } } // If we are constraining Region... if (inside) { // Constrain to within left boundary if (result.left < inside.left) { result.translateBy(inside.left - result.left, 0); wasConstrained = true; } // If it overflows right, and there is space to move it left, then do so. if (result.right > inside.right && result.left > inside.left) { result.translateBy(inside.right - result.right, 0); wasConstrained = true; } // Constrain to within top boundary if (result.top < inside.top) { result.translateBy(0, inside.top - result.top); wasConstrained = true; } // If it overflows bottom, and there is space to move it up, then do so. if (result.bottom > inside.bottom && result.top > inside.top) { result.translateBy(0, inside.bottom - result.bottom); wasConstrained = true; } // If we've budged the result to within the constrain bounds, // ensure the result region does not overlay the target if (wasConstrained && !overlap) { // Recalculate it. We must return null if anchoring is not possible. result.anchor = null; // axisLock means that only flipping in the align axis is allowed, not fallback // to all other sides. // // That is, if align is l-r, and the result won't fit, it only // falls back to r-l. // // This will be used for BoundLists which must only flip from t0-b0 to b0-t0 if (options.axisLock) { if (align.position & 1) { allowYTranslate = false; } else { allowXTranslate = false; } } // If using an [X,Y] position, then only total occlusion causes exclusion if (position) { if (result.contains(position)) { position.exclude(result, { inside: inside, centerOnSideChange: false }); } } // If edge aligning, we must completely exclude the region else { if (result.intersect(targetPlusAnchorOffset)) { // This will also exclude any additional anchor even if the region itself // does not intersect. align.position = target.exclude(result, { defaultPosition: align.position, inside: inside, minHeight: options.minHeight, minWidth: options.minWidth, allowX: allowXTranslate, allowY: allowYTranslate, offset: offset, anchorHeight: anchorSize ? anchorSize.y : 0, centerOnSideChange: !!anchorSize }); } else if (options.minWidth && result.getWidth() > inside.getWidth()) { result.setPosition(0, result.y); result.setWidth(Math.max(inside.getWidth(), options.minWidth)); result.constrainWidth = true; } else if (options.minHeight && result.getHeight() > inside.getHeight()) { result.setPosition(result.x, 0); result.setHeight(Math.max(inside.getHeight(), options.minHeight)); result.constrainHeight = true; } result.align = align; // Calculate the anchor position. // This also forces the adjacent edges to overlap enough to create space for the anchor arrow. if (anchorSize) { calculateAnchorPosition(target, result, align.position, anchorSize, inside); } } } } return result; }, /** * This method pushes the "other" Region out of this region via the shortest * translation. If an "inside" Region is passed, the exclusion also honours * that constraint. * @param {Region} other The Region to move so that it does not intersect this Region. * @param {Region} inside A Region into which the other Region must be constrained. * @param {Number} [minHeight] If passed, indicates that the height may be reduced up * to a point to fit the "other" region below or above the target but within the "inside" Region. * @param {Boolean} [allowX=true] Pass `false` to disallow translation along the X axis. * @param {Boolean} [allowY=true] Pass `false` to disallow translation along the Y axis. * @return {Number} The edge it is now aligned to, 0=top, 1=right, 2=bottom, 3=left. */ exclude: function(other, options) { options = options || {}; var me = this, inside = options.inside, defaultPosition = options.defaultPosition, centerOnSideChange = options.centerOnSideChange, minHeight = options.minHeight, minWidth = options.minWidth, allowX = options.allowX !== false, allowY = options.allowY !== false, anchorHeight = options.anchorHeight, offset = options.offset, translations = [], testRegion, t, i, sizeConstrainedSolution, leastBadSolution, intersection, result; // Create adjustments for each dimension so we can also exclude any anchor if (!offset) { offset = zeroOffset; } if (allowY) { translations.push([0, t = me.top - other.bottom - anchorHeight + offset.y, 'b-t', 0, Math.abs(t)]); translations.push([0, t = me.bottom - other.top + anchorHeight + offset.y, 't-b', 2, Math.abs(t)]); } else { centerOnSideChange = false; } if (allowX) { translations.push([t = me.left - other.right - anchorHeight + offset.x, 0, 'r-l', 3, Math.abs(t)]); translations.push([t = me.right - other.left + anchorHeight + offset.x, 0, 'l-r', 1, Math.abs(t)]); } else { centerOnSideChange = false; } // Sort the exclusion vectors into order, shortest first Ext.Array.sort(translations, function(l, r) { var result = l[4] - r[4]; // If equidistant, prefer the translation which moves to the defaultPosition if (!result) { if (l[3] === defaultPosition) { return -1; } if (r[3] === defaultPosition) { return 1; } } return result; }); // We might have to fall back through the choices of direction // until we find one which doesn't violate the constraints. if (inside) { for (i = 0; i < translations.length; i++) { t = translations[i]; testRegion = ExtUtil.Region.from(other); testRegion.translateBy.apply(testRegion, t); // When we find a translation that satisfies the constraint, we're done if (inside.contains(testRegion)) { other.copyFrom(testRegion); result = { align: t[2], position: t[3], distance: t[4] }; break; } // If we are directly above or below and we are allowed to shrink the // height, and it's too high, then calculate a height constrained solution // to which we can fall back if no translations are fully successful. if (minHeight) { checkMinHeight(minHeight, testRegion, me, inside); if (inside.contains(testRegion)) { if (!sizeConstrainedSolution || testRegion.getArea() > sizeConstrainedSolution.region.getArea()) { sizeConstrainedSolution = { region: testRegion, align: t[2], position: t[3], distance: t[4] }; } } } if (minWidth) { checkMinWidth(minWidth, testRegion, me, inside); if (inside.contains(testRegion)) { if (!sizeConstrainedSolution || testRegion.getArea() > sizeConstrainedSolution.region.getArea()) { sizeConstrainedSolution = { region: testRegion, align: t[2], position: t[3], distance: t[4] }; } } } // If all else fails, keep track of the translation which yields the largest intersection // with the "inside" region. If there's no translation which satisfies the constraint, // use this least bad one. intersection = inside.intersect(testRegion); if (intersection) { intersection = intersection.getArea(); if (!leastBadSolution || (intersection && leastBadSolution.area < intersection)) { leastBadSolution = { region: testRegion, align: t[2], position: t[3], distance: t[4], area: intersection }; } } } if (!result) { // Only constrain height if other translations fail. if (sizeConstrainedSolution) { other.copyFrom(sizeConstrainedSolution.region); result = sizeConstrainedSolution; other.constrainWidth = sizeConstrainedSolution.region.constrainWidth; other.constrainHeight = sizeConstrainedSolution.region.constrainHeight; } // Only use the least bad failed solution as a last resort. else if (leastBadSolution) { other.copyFrom(leastBadSolution.region); result = leastBadSolution; } } if (result) { // The exclude switched align axis (t/b to l/r), flip it to a center align on // the new side. if ((result.position & 1) !== (defaultPosition & 1)) { if (result.distance && centerOnSideChange) { t = other.alignTo({ align: result.align, target: me, anchorSize: anchorHeight, offset: offset, axisLock: true, inside: inside, minHeight: options.minHeight, minWidth: options.minWidth }); if (inside.contains(t)) { other.setPosition(t.x, t.y); } } } return result.position; } } // No external constraint else { // Move by the shortest path other.translateBy.apply(other, translations[0]); return translations[0][3]; } return defaultPosition; }, getAlignToXY: function(target, align, rtl) { var alignVector = this.getAlignToVector(target, align, rtl); return [ this.x + alignVector[0], this.y + alignVector[1] ]; }, getAnchorPoint: function(align, rtl) { align = (typeof align === 'string') ? this.getAlignInfo(align + '-tl', rtl) : align; return this['getAnchorPoint_' + align.myEdge](align.myOffset); }, getAlignToVector: function(target, align, rtl) { align = (typeof align === 'string') ? this.getAlignInfo(align, rtl) : align; var myAnchorPoint = this['getAnchorPoint_' + align.myEdge](align.myOffset), targetAnchorPoint = target['getAnchorPoint_' + align.otherEdge](align.otherOffset); return [ targetAnchorPoint[0] - myAnchorPoint[0], targetAnchorPoint[1] - myAnchorPoint[1] ]; }, getAnchorPoint_t: function(offset) { return [this.x + Math.round(this.getWidth() * (offset / 100)), this.y]; }, getAnchorPoint_b: function(offset) { return [this.x + Math.round(this.getWidth() * (offset / 100)), this.bottom]; }, getAnchorPoint_l: function(offset) { return [this.x, this.y + Math.round(this.getHeight() * (offset / 100))]; }, getAnchorPoint_r: function(offset) { return [this.right, this.y + Math.round(this.getHeight() * (offset / 100))]; }, getAnchorPoint_c: function() { return [this.x + Math.round(this.getWidth() / 2), this.y + Math.round(this.getHeight() / 2)]; }, getHeight: function () { return this.bottom - this.y; }, getWidth: function () { return this.right - this.x; }, getArea: function() { return this.getHeight() * this.getWidth(); }, setHeight: function(h) { this.bottom = this.top + h; return this; }, setWidth: function(w) { this.right = this.left + w; return this; }, /** * Get the width / height of this region * @return {Object} an object with width and height properties * @private */ getSize: function() { return { width: this.right - this.x, height: this.bottom - this.y }; }, /** * Create a copy of this Region. * @return {Ext.util.Region} */ copy: function() { return new this.self(this.y, this.right, this.bottom, this.x); }, /** * Copy the values of another Region to this Region * @param {Ext.util.Region} p The region to copy from. * @return {Ext.util.Region} This Region */ copyFrom: function(p) { var me = this; me.top = me.y = me[1] = p.y; me.right = p.right; me.bottom = p.bottom; me.left = me.x = me[0] = p.x; return this; }, /* * Dump this to an eye-friendly string, great for debugging * @return {String} */ toString: function() { return "Region[" + this.top + "," + this.right + "," + this.bottom + "," + this.left + "]"; }, /** * Translate this Region by the given offset amount * @param {Ext.util.Offset/Object} x Object containing the `x` and `y` properties. * Or the x value is using the two argument form. * @param {Number} y The y value unless using an Offset object. * @return {Ext.util.Region} this This Region */ translateBy: function(x, y) { if (x.length) { y = x[1]; x = x[0]; } else if (arguments.length === 1) { y = x.y; x = x.x; } var me = this; me.top = me.y += y; me.right += x; me.bottom += y; me.left = me.x += x; return me; }, /** * Round all the properties of this region * @return {Ext.util.Region} this This Region */ round: function() { var me = this; me.top = me.y = Math.round(me.y); me.right = Math.round(me.right); me.bottom = Math.round(me.bottom); me.left = me.x = Math.round(me.x); return me; }, /** * Check whether this region is equivalent to the given region * @param {Ext.util.Region} region The region to compare with * @return {Boolean} */ equals: function(region) { return (this.top === region.top && this.right === region.right && this.bottom === region.bottom && this.left === region.left); }, /** * Returns the offsets of this region from the passed region or point. * @param {Ext.util.Region/Ext.util.Point} offsetsTo The region or point to get get * the offsets from. * @return {Object} The XY page offsets * @return {Number} return.x The x offset * @return {Number} return.y The y offset */ getOffsetsTo: function(offsetsTo) { return { x: this.x - offsetsTo.x, y: this.y - offsetsTo.y }; }};},function (Region) { Region.prototype.getAlignInfo = Region.getAlignInfo; Region.EMPTY = new Region(0,0,0,0); //<debug> if (Object.freeze) { Object.freeze(Region.EMPTY); } //</debug>});