/** * @private */Ext.define('Ext.pivot.plugin.configurator.PanelController', { extend: 'Ext.app.ViewController', alias: 'controller.pivotconfigpanel', destroy: function(){ var me = this; me.pivotListeners = Ext.destroy(me.pivotListeners); me.callParent(); }, closeMe: function(){ var view = this.getView(); view.fireEvent('close', view); }, cancelConfiguration: function(){ this.refreshDimensions(); this.closeMe(); }, applyConfiguration: function(){ this.applyChanges().then(function(controller){ controller.closeMe(); }); }, backToMainView: function(){ this.getView().setActiveItem('#main'); }, onPivotChanged: function(view, pivot){ var me = this; Ext.destroy(me.pivotListeners); if(pivot){ me.pivotListeners = pivot.getMatrix().on({ done: me.onPivotDone, scope: me, destroyable:true }); } }, onFieldsChanged: function(view, fields){ if(!fields){ return; } this.refreshDimensions(); }, onBeforeApplyConfigFieldSettings: function(form, settings){ var view = this.getView(); return view.getPivot().fireEvent('beforeapplyconfigfieldsettings', view, { container: form, settings: settings }); }, onApplyConfigFieldSettings: function(form, settings){ var view = this.getView(); this.onConfigChanged(); return view.getPivot().fireEvent('applyconfigfieldsettings', view, { container: form, settings: settings }); }, onConfigChanged: function(){ this.configurationChanged = true; }, showCard: function(container, item){ var view = this.getView(), pivot = view.getPivot(), settings = item.getField().getSettings(), form = view.down('#field'), dataAgg = [], store, field, i, len; if(pivot.fireEvent('beforeshowconfigfieldsettings', view, { container: form, settings: settings }) !== false) { view.setActiveItem(form); form.setFieldItem(item); store = this.getAggregateContainer().getStore(); len = store.getCount(); for(i = 0; i < len; i++){ field = store.getAt(i).get('field'); dataAgg.push([field.getHeader(), field.getId()]); } form.getViewModel().getStore('sDimensions').loadData(dataAgg); pivot.fireEvent('showconfigfieldsettings', view, { container: form, settings: settings }); } }, onRemoveField: function(fromContainer, item, record){ var view = this.getView(); view.dragDropField(fromContainer, view.getAllFieldsContainer(), record); }, refreshDimensions: function(){ var me = this, view = me.getView(), pivot = view.getPivot(), matrix = pivot ? pivot.getMatrix() : null, fieldsTopCt, fieldsLeftCt, fieldsAggCt, fieldsAllCt, fieldsTop, fieldsLeft, fieldsAgg, fields; if(!matrix){ return; } me.internalReconfiguration = true; fieldsAllCt = me.getAllFieldsContainer(); fieldsTopCt = me.getTopAxisContainer(); fieldsLeftCt = me.getLeftAxisContainer(); fieldsAggCt = me.getAggregateContainer(); fieldsAllCt.getStore().removeAll(); fieldsTopCt.getStore().removeAll(); fieldsLeftCt.getStore().removeAll(); fieldsAggCt.getStore().removeAll(); fields = view.getFields().clone(); fieldsTop = me.getConfigFields(matrix.topAxis.dimensions.getRange()); fieldsLeft = me.getConfigFields(matrix.leftAxis.dimensions.getRange()); fieldsAgg = me.getConfigFields(matrix.aggregate.getRange()); // the "All fields" will always contain all available fields (both defined on the plugin and existing in the matrix configuration) me.addFieldsToConfigurator(fields.getRange(), fieldsAllCt); me.addFieldsToConfigurator(fieldsTop, fieldsTopCt); me.addFieldsToConfigurator(fieldsLeft, fieldsLeftCt); me.addFieldsToConfigurator(fieldsAgg, fieldsAggCt); me.internalReconfiguration = false; }, /** * Listener for the 'pivotdone' event. Initialize configurator fields or restore last field focus. * * @private */ onPivotDone: function(){ if(this.internalReconfiguration){ this.internalReconfiguration = false; }else { this.refreshDimensions(); } }, /** * Collect configurator changes and reconfigure the pivot component * * @private */ reconfigurePivot: function(resolve, reject){ var me = this, view = me.getView(), pivot = view.getPivot(), obj = { topAxis: me.getFieldsFromContainer(me.getTopAxisContainer(), true), leftAxis: me.getFieldsFromContainer(me.getLeftAxisContainer(), true), aggregate: me.getFieldsFromContainer(me.getAggregateContainer(), true) }; me.internalReconfiguration = true; if(pivot.fireEvent('beforeconfigchange', view, obj) !== false){ pivot.getMatrix().reconfigure(obj); pivot.fireEvent('configchange', view, obj); } resolve(me); }, /** * Returns the container that stores all unused fields. * * @returns {Ext.pivot.plugin.configurator.Container} */ getAllFieldsContainer: function(){ return this.lookupReference('fieldsCt'); }, /** * Returns the container that stores all fields configured on the left axis. * * @returns {Ext.pivot.plugin.configurator.Container} */ getLeftAxisContainer: function(){ return this.lookupReference('fieldsLeftCt'); }, /** * Returns the container that stores all fields configured on the top axis. * * @returns {Ext.pivot.plugin.configurator.Container} */ getTopAxisContainer: function(){ return this.lookupReference('fieldsTopCt'); }, /** * Returns the container that stores all fields configured on the aggregate. * * @returns {Ext.pivot.plugin.configurator.Container} */ getAggregateContainer: function(){ return this.lookupReference('fieldsAggCt'); }, /** * Apply configurator changes to the pivot component. * * This function will trigger the delayed task which is actually reconfiguring the pivot component * with the new configuration. * * @return {Ext.Promise} */ applyChanges: function(){ var me = this; return new Ext.Promise(function (resolve, reject) { var view = me.getView(); if(me.configurationChanged) { me.configurationChanged = false; if (view.isHidden() || me.internalReconfiguration) { // if the plugin is disabled don't do anything reject(me); return; } Ext.asap(me.reconfigurePivot, me, [resolve, reject]); }else{ resolve(me); } }); }, /** * This function is used to retrieve all configured fields in a fields container. * * @private */ getFieldsFromContainer: function(ct, justConfigs){ var store = ct.getStore(), len = store.getCount(), fields = [], i, item; for(i = 0; i < len; i++){ item = store.getAt(i).get('field'); fields.push(justConfigs === true ? item.serialize() : item); } return fields; }, /** * Easy function for assigning fields to a container. * * @private */ addFieldsToConfigurator: function(fields, fieldsCt){ var len = fields.length, i; fieldsCt.getStore().removeAll(); for(i = 0; i < len; i++){ fieldsCt.addField(fields[i], -1); } fieldsCt.refresh(); }, /** * Build the fields array for each container by parsing all given fields or from the pivot config. * * @private */ getConfigFields: function(items){ var len = items.length, fields = this.getView().getFields(), list = [], i, field, item; for(i = 0; i < len; i++){ item = items[i]; field = fields.byDataIndex.get(item.dataIndex); if(field){ // we need to clone the field that includes all constraints // and apply the configs from the original field field = field.clone(); field.setConfig(item.getInitialConfig()); list.push(field); } } return list; } });