/** * This class is used internally by the pivot grid component. * @private */Ext.define('Ext.pivot.cell.Group', { extend: 'Ext.pivot.cell.Cell', xtype: 'pivotgridgroupcell', config: { innerGroupStyle: null, innerGroupCls: null, userGroupStyle: null, userGroupCls: null }, innerTemplate: [{ reference: 'iconElement', classList: [ Ext.baseCSSPrefix + 'pivot-grid-group-icon', Ext.baseCSSPrefix + 'font-icon' ] },{ reference: 'groupElement', classList: [ Ext.baseCSSPrefix + 'pivot-grid-group-title' ] }], updateInnerGroupStyle: function(cellStyle) { this.groupElement.applyStyles(cellStyle); }, updateInnerGroupCls: function(cls, oldCls){ this.groupElement.replaceCls(oldCls, cls); }, updateUserGroupStyle: function(cellStyle) { this.groupElement.applyStyles(cellStyle); }, updateUserGroupCls: function(cls, oldCls){ this.groupElement.replaceCls(oldCls, cls); }, updateRawValue: function (rawValue) { var dom = this.groupElement.dom; if (this.getEncodeHtml()) { dom.textContent = rawValue; } else { dom.innerHTML = rawValue; } }, updateRecord: function (record, oldRecord) { var me = this, info = me.parent.getRecordInfo(), dataIndex = me.dataIndex; if (info && dataIndex) { info = info.rendererParams[dataIndex]; if(info && me[info.fn]) { me[info.fn](info, me.parent.getGrid()); } } me.callParent(arguments); }, groupOutlineRenderer: function(config, grid){ var me = this, cellCls = ''; if(grid.getMatrix().viewLayoutType == 'compact') { // the grand total uses this renderer in compact view and margins need to be reset me.innerElement.setStyle(grid.isRTL() ? 'padding-right' : 'padding-left', '0'); } if(config.colspan > 0){ cellCls += me.groupHeaderCls; if(!config.subtotalRow){ cellCls += ' ' + me.groupHeaderCollapsibleCls; if(!config.group.expanded){ cellCls += ' ' + me.groupHeaderCollapsedCls; } if(config.previousExpanded){ cellCls += ' ' + me.outlineCellGroupExpandedCls; } } me.setCellCls(cellCls); me.setInnerGroupCls( me.groupCls ); return; } me.setCellCls( me.outlineCellHiddenCls ); }, recordOutlineRenderer: function(config, grid){ var me = this; if(config.hidden){ me.setCellCls( me.outlineCellHiddenCls ); return; } me.setCellCls( me.groupHeaderCls ); }, groupCompactRenderer: function(config, grid){ var me = this, cellCls = ''; me.innerElement.setStyle(grid.isRTL() ? 'padding-right' : 'padding-left', (me.compactLayoutPadding * config.group.level) + 'px'); cellCls += me.groupHeaderCls + ' ' + me.compactGroupHeaderCls; if(!config.subtotalRow){ cellCls += ' ' + me.groupHeaderCollapsibleCls; if(!config.group.expanded){ cellCls += ' ' + me.groupHeaderCollapsedCls; } if(config.previousExpanded){ cellCls += ' ' + me.outlineCellGroupExpandedCls; } } me.setCellCls(cellCls); me.setInnerGroupCls( me.groupCls ); }, recordCompactRenderer: function(config, grid){ var me = this, cellCls = []; me.innerElement.setStyle(grid.isRTL() ? 'padding-right' : 'padding-left', (me.compactLayoutPadding * config.group.level) + 'px' ); me.setCellCls( me.groupHeaderCls + ' ' + me.compactGroupHeaderCls ); } });