/** * Sometimes you want to show several screens worth of information but you've only got a small screen to work with. * TabPanels and Carousels both enable you to see one screen of many at a time, and underneath they both use a Card * Layout. * * Card Layout takes the size of the Container it is applied to and sizes the currently active item to fill the * Container completely. It then hides the rest of the items, allowing you to change which one is currently visible but * only showing one at once. * * Here the gray box is our Container, and the blue box inside it is the currently active card. The three other cards * are hidden from view, but can be swapped in later. While it's not too common to create Card layouts directly, you * can do so like this: * * var panel = Ext.create('Ext.Panel', { * layout: 'card', * items: [ * { * html: "First Item" * }, * { * html: "Second Item" * }, * { * html: "Third Item" * }, * { * html: "Fourth Item" * } * ] * }); * * panel.setActiveItem(1); * * Here we create a Panel with a Card Layout and later set the second item active (the active item index is zero-based, * so 1 corresponds to the second item). Normally you're better off using a {@link Ext.tab.Panel tab panel} or a * {@link Ext.carousel.Carousel carousel}. */Ext.define('Ext.layout.Card', { extend: 'Ext.layout.Default', alias: 'layout.card', type: 'card', isCard: true, /** * @event activeitemchange * @preventable * Fires when an card is made active * @param {Ext.layout.Card} this The layout instance * @param {Mixed} newActiveItem The new active item * @param {Mixed} oldActiveItem The old active item */ cls: Ext.baseCSSPrefix + 'layout-card', itemCls: Ext.baseCSSPrefix + 'layout-card-item', requires: [ 'Ext.fx.layout.Card' ], /** * @private */ applyAnimation: function(animation) { return new Ext.fx.layout.Card(animation); }, /** * @private */ updateAnimation: function(animation, oldAnimation) { if (animation && animation.isAnimation) { animation.setLayout(this); } if (oldAnimation) { oldAnimation.destroy(); } }, setContainer: function(container) { this.callParent(arguments); container.onInitialized('onContainerInitialized', this); }, onContainerInitialized: function() { var me = this, container = me.container, firstItem = container.getInnerAt(0), activeItem = container.getActiveItem(); me.callParent(); if (activeItem) { activeItem.show(); if (firstItem && firstItem !== activeItem) { firstItem.hide(); } } container.on('activeitemchange', 'onContainerActiveItemChange', me); }, /** * @private */ onContainerActiveItemChange: function(container, newItem, oldItem) { this.fireEventedAction('activeitemchange', [this, newItem, oldItem], 'doActiveItemChange', this); }, onItemInnerStateChange: function(item, isInner, destroying) { this.callParent(arguments); var container = this.container, activeItem = container.getActiveItem(); item.setLayoutSizeFlags(isInner ? container.LAYOUT_BOTH : 0); if (isInner) { if (activeItem !== container.innerIndexOf(item) && activeItem !== item && item !== container.pendingActiveItem) { item.hide(); } } else { if (!destroying && !item.destroyed && item.destroying !== true) { item.show(); } } }, /** * @private */ doActiveItemChange: function(me, newActiveItem, oldActiveItem) { if (oldActiveItem) { oldActiveItem.hide(); } if (newActiveItem) { newActiveItem.show(); } }, destroy: function() { Ext.destroy(this.getAnimation()); this.callParent(); }});