/** * @class Ext.Widget */Ext.define('Ext.overrides.Widget', { override: 'Ext.Widget', uses: ['Ext.Component'], $configStrict: false, isComponent: true, liquidLayout: true, // in Ext JS the rendered flag is set as soon as a component has its element. Since // widgets always have an element when constructed, they are always considered to be // "rendered" rendered: true, rendering: true, config: { renderTo: null }, constructor: function(config) { var me = this, renderTo; me.callParent([config]); // initialize the component layout me.getComponentLayout(); renderTo = me.getRenderTo(); if (renderTo) { me.render(renderTo); } }, addClsWithUI: function(cls) { this.el.addCls(cls); }, afterComponentLayout: Ext.emptyFn, updateLayout: function() { var owner = this.getRefOwner(); if (owner) { owner.updateLayout(); } }, destroy: function() { var me = this, ownerCt = me.ownerCt; if (ownerCt && ownerCt.remove) { ownerCt.remove(me, false); } me.callParent(); }, finishRender: function () { this.rendering = false; this.initBindable(); }, getAnimationProps: function() { // see Ext.util.Animate mixin return {}; }, getComponentLayout: function() { var me = this, layout = me.componentLayout; if (!layout) { layout = me.componentLayout = new Ext.layout.component.Auto(); layout.setOwner(me); } return layout; }, getEl: function() { return this.element; }, /** * @private * Needed for when widget is rendered into a grid cell. The class to add to the cell element. * @member Ext.Widget */ getTdCls: function() { return Ext.baseCSSPrefix + this.getTdType() + '-' + (this.ui || 'default') + '-cell'; }, /** * @private * Partner method to {@link #getTdCls}. * * Returns the base type for the component. Defaults to return `this.xtype`, but * All derived classes of {@link Ext.form.field.Text TextField} can return the type 'textfield', * and all derived classes of {@link Ext.button.Button Button} can return the type 'button' * @member Ext.Widget */ getTdType: function() { return this.xtype; }, getItemId: function() { // needed by ComponentQuery return this.itemId || this.id; }, getSizeModel: function() { return Ext.Component.prototype.getSizeModel.apply(this, arguments); }, onAdded: function (container, pos, instanced) { var me = this; me.ownerCt = container; me.onInheritedAdd(me, instanced); }, onRemoved: function(destroying) { var me = this; if (!destroying) { me.removeBindings(); } me.onInheritedRemove(destroying); me.ownerCt = me.ownerLayout = null; }, parseBox: function(box) { return Ext.Element.parseBox(box); }, removeClsWithUI: function(cls) { this.el.removeCls(cls); }, render: function(container, position) { var me = this, element = me.element, proto = Ext.Component.prototype, nextSibling; if (!me.ownerCt || me.floating) { if (Ext.scopeCss) { element.addCls(proto.rootCls); } element.addCls(proto.borderBoxCls); } if (position) { nextSibling = container.childNodes[position]; if (nextSibling) { Ext.fly(container).insertBefore(element, nextSibling); return; } } Ext.fly(container).appendChild(element); }, setPosition: function(x, y) { this.el.setLocalXY(x, y); }, up: function() { return Ext.Component.prototype.up.apply(this, arguments); }, isAncestor: function() { return Ext.Component.prototype.isAncestor.apply(this, arguments); }, onFocusEnter: function() { return Ext.Component.prototype.onFocusEnter.apply(this, arguments); }, onFocusLeave: function() { return Ext.Component.prototype.onFocusLeave.apply(this, arguments); }, isLayoutChild: function(candidate) { var ownerCt = this.ownerCt; return ownerCt ? (ownerCt === candidate || ownerCt.isLayoutChild(candidate)) : false; }, privates: { doAddListener: function(name, fn, scope, options, order, caller, manager) { if (name == 'painted' || name == 'resize') { this.element.doAddListener(name, fn, scope || this, options, order); } this.callParent([name, fn, scope, options, order, caller, manager]); }, doRemoveListener: function(name, fn, scope) { if (name == 'painted' || name == 'resize') { this.element.doRemoveListener(name, fn, scope); } this.callParent([name, fn, scope]); } } }, function(Cls) { var prototype = Cls.prototype; if (Ext.isIE9m) { // Since IE8/9 don't not support Object.defineProperty correctly we can't add the reference // nodes on demand, so we just fall back to adding all references up front. prototype.addElementReferenceOnDemand = prototype.addElementReference; }});