/** * @class Ext.list.TreeItem * This file contains the base variables for styling a treelist. */ /** * @var {color} * The tree background color */$treelist-background-color: dynamic(null); /** * @var {color} * The background color of the tool strip */$treelist-toolstrip-background-color: dynamic(#f8f8f8); /** * @var {color} * The color of text in the tree */$treelist-color: dynamic(null); /** * @var {string} * The padding for tree items */$treelist-padding: dynamic(0 8px); //-------------------------------------------------------------------------- /** * @var {number} * The line height for tree items */$treelist-item-line-height: dynamic(36px); /** * @var {number} * The line height for tree items in the {@link Global_CSS#css_var-S-$enable-big big} sizing scheme */$treelist-item-line-height-big: dynamic(null); /** * @var {color} * The tree item text color */$treelist-item-color: dynamic($treelist-color); //-------------------------------------------------------------------------- /** * @var {color} * The color of the tool float indicator. */$treelist-tool-float-indicator-color: dynamic(null); /** * @var {number} * The width for the tool float indicator. */$treelist-tool-float-indicator-width: dynamic(null); /** * @var {color} * The tool color when a tree item is selected */$treelist-tool-selected-color: dynamic(null); /** * @var {color} * The tool background color when a tree item is selected */$treelist-tool-selected-background-color: dynamic(null); /** * @var {color} * The tool indicator color when a tree item is selected */$treelist-tool-indicator-selected-color: dynamic(null); /** * @var {number} * The tool indicator width when a tree item is selected */$treelist-tool-indicator-selected-width: dynamic(null); //-------------------------------------------------------------------------- /** * @var {color} * The text color of tree items */$treelist-item-text-color: dynamic($treelist-color); /** * @var {number} * The gap between icon and text in tree items */$treelist-item-text-icon-gap: dynamic(4px); /** * @var {color} * The text color when hovering over a tree item */$treelist-item-text-over-color: dynamic($treelist-item-text-color); /** * @var {number} * The size of the font */$treelist-item-text-font-size: dynamic(null); /** * @var * The CSS overflow setting for tree items */$treelist-item-text-overflow: dynamic(ellipsis); //-------------------------------------------------------------------------- /** * @var {color} * The color of the expander icon */$treelist-item-expander-color: dynamic($treelist-color); /** * @var {color} * The color of the expander icon on hover */$treelist-item-expander-over-color: dynamic($treelist-item-expander-color); /** * @var {string} * The font icon to use for the expander when collapsed */$treelist-item-expander-glyph: dynamic($fa-var-angle-right $font-icon-font-family); /** * @var {string} * The font icon to use for the expander when expanded */$treelist-item-expander-expanded-glyph: dynamic($fa-var-angle-down $font-icon-font-family); /** * @var {number} * The width of the expander icon */$treelist-item-expander-width: dynamic(18px); /** * @var {number} * The width of the expander icon in the {@link Global_CSS#css_var-S-$enable-big big} sizing scheme */$treelist-item-expander-width-big: dynamic(null); /** * @var {number} * The size of the expander icon font */$treelist-item-expander-font-size: dynamic(16px); /** * @var {number} * The size of the expander icon font in the {@link Global_CSS#css_var-S-$enable-big big} sizing scheme */$treelist-item-expander-font-size-big: dynamic(null); //-------------------------------------------------------------------------- /** * @var {color} * The color of the item icon */$treelist-item-icon-color: dynamic($treelist-color); /** * @var {color} * The color of the item icon on hover */$treelist-item-icon-over-color: dynamic($treelist-item-icon-color); /** * @var {number} * The width of the item icon */$treelist-item-icon-width: dynamic(22px); /** * @var {number} * The width of the item icon in the {@link Global_CSS#css_var-S-$enable-big big} sizing scheme */$treelist-item-icon-width-big: dynamic(null); /** * @var {number} * The size of the item icon font */$treelist-item-icon-font-size: dynamic(18px); /** * @var {number} * The size of the item icon font in the {@link Global_CSS#css_var-S-$enable-big big} sizing scheme */$treelist-item-icon-font-size-big: dynamic(null); //-------------------------------------------------------------------------- $item-icon-over-transition: color 0.5s;$item-text-over-transition: color 0.5s;$item-expander-over-transition: color 0.5s; //-------------------------------------------------------------------------- /** * @var {color} * The background color of expanded items */$treelist-item-expanded-background-color: dynamic(null); /** * @var {color} * The background color of child items */$treelist-item-expanded-child-background-color: dynamic(null); //-------------------------------------------------------------------------- /** * @var {color} * The color of the row indicator when selected */$treelist-row-indicator-selected-color: dynamic(null); /** * @var {color} * The color of the row indicator on hover when selected */$treelist-row-indicator-selected-over-color: dynamic(null); /** * @var {color} * The color of the row indicator on hover */$treelist-row-indicator-over-color: dynamic(null); /** * @var {number} * The width of the row indicator */$treelist-row-indicator-width: dynamic(null); /** * @var {color} * The background color of a row when selected */$treelist-row-selected-background-color: dynamic(null); /** * @var {color} * The background color of a row on hover when selected */$treelist-row-selected-over-background-color: dynamic(null); /** * @var {color} * The background color of a row on hover */$treelist-row-over-background-color: dynamic(null);