/** * @private */Ext.define('Ext.exporter.file.ooxml.excel.Sheet', { extend: 'Ext.exporter.file.ooxml.Base', config: { index: 1, name: null, folder: 'sheet', fileName: 'sheet', relationships: { contentType: { contentType: 'application/vnd.openxmlformats-package.relationships+xml' } }, /** * @cfg {Ext.exporter.file.ooxml.excel.Workbook} workbook * * Reference to the parent workbook. */ workbook: null }, contentType: {}, relationship: {}, destroy: function(){ var me = this; me.setRelationships(Ext.destroy(me.getRelationships())); me.setWorkbook(null); me.callParent(); }, collectFiles: function(files){ var me = this, path = me.getFolder() + '/', name = me.getFileName() + me.getIndex() + '.xml', rels = me.getRelationships(); me.getRelationship().setTarget(path + name); me.setPath('/xl/' + path + name); me.getContentType().setPartName('/xl/' + path + name); rels.getContentType().setPartName('/xl/' + path + '_rels/' + name + '.rels'); rels.setPath('/xl/' + path + '_rels/' + name + '.rels'); me.getRelationships().collectFiles(files); files[me.getPath()] = me.render(); }, applyRelationships: function(data){ if(!data || data.isRelationships){ return data; } return new Ext.exporter.file.ooxml.Relationships(data); } });