/** * A class which encapsulates a range of rows defining a selection in a grid. * @since 5.1.0 */Ext.define('Ext.grid.selection.Rows', { extend: 'Ext.grid.selection.Selection', requires: [ 'Ext.util.Collection' ], type: 'rows', /** * @property {Boolean} isRows * This property indicates the this selection represents selected rows. * @readonly */ isRows: true, //------------------------------------------------------------------------- // Base Selection API clone: function() { var me = this, result = new me.self(me.view); // Clone our record collection if (me.selectedRecords) { result.selectedRecords = me.selectedRecords.clone(); } // Clone the current drag range if (me.rangeStart) { result.setRangeStart(me.rangeStart); result.setRangeEnd(me.rangeEnd); } return result; }, //------------------------------------------------------------------------- // Methods unique to this type of Selection addOne: function(record) { var me = this; //<debug> if (!(record.isModel)) { Ext.raise('Row selection must be passed a record'); } //</debug> var selection = me.selectedRecords || (me.selectedRecords = me.createRecordCollection()); if (!selection.byInternalId.get(record.internalId)) { selection.add(record); me.view.onRowSelect(record); } }, add: function(record) { var me = this, i, len; if (record.isModel) { me.addOne(record); } else if (Ext.isArray(record)) { for (i=0, len=record.length; i<len; i++) { me.addOne(record[i]); } } //<debug> else { Ext.raise('add must be called with a record or array of records'); } //</debug> }, removeOne: function(record) { //<debug> if (!(record.isModel)) { Ext.raise('Row selection must be passed a record'); } //</debug> var me = this; if (me.selectedRecords && me.selectedRecords.byInternalId.get(record.internalId)) { me.selectedRecords.remove(record); me.view.onRowDeselect(record); // Flag when selectAll called. // While this is set, a call to contains will add the record to the collection and return true me.allSelected = false; return true; } return false; }, remove: function(record) { var me = this, i, len, ret = true; if (record.isModel) { return me.removeOne(record); } else if (Ext.isArray(record)) { for (i=0, len=record.length; i<len; i++) { ret &= me.removeOne(record[i]); } } //<debug> else { Ext.raise('remove must be called with a record or array of records'); } //</debug> return ret; }, /** * Returns `true` if the passed {@link Ext.data.Model record} is selected. * @param {Ext.data.Model} record The record to test. * @return {Boolean} `true` if the passed {@link Ext.data.Model record} is selected. */ contains: function (record) { if (!record || !record.isModel) { return false; } var me = this, result = false, selectedRecords = me.selectedRecords, recIndex, dragRange; // Flag set when selectAll is called in the selModel. // This allows buffered stores to treat all *rendered* records // as selected, so that the selection model will always encompass // What the user *sees* as selected if (me.allSelected) { me.add(record); return true; } // First check if the record is in our collection if (selectedRecords) { result = !!selectedRecords.byInternalId.get(record.internalId); } // If not, check if it is within our drag range if we are in the middle of a drag select if (!result && me.rangeStart != null) { dragRange = me.getRange(); recIndex = me.view.dataSource.indexOf(record); result = recIndex >= dragRange[0] && recIndex <= dragRange[1]; } return result; }, /** * Returns the number of records selected * @return {Number} The number of records selected. */ getCount: function() { var me = this, selectedRecords = me.selectedRecords, result = selectedRecords ? selectedRecords.getCount() : 0, range = me.getRange(), i, store = me.view.dataSource; // If dragging, add all records in the drag that are *not* in the collection for (i = range[0]; i <= range[1]; i++) { if (!selectedRecords || !selectedRecords.byInternalId.get(store.getAt(i).internalId)) { result++; } } return result; }, /** * Returns the records selected. * @return {Ext.data.Model[]} The records selected. */ getRecords: function() { var selectedRecords = this.selectedRecords; return selectedRecords ? selectedRecords.getRange() : []; }, selectAll: function() { var me = this, ds = me.view.dataSource, rangeSize = ds.isBufferedStore ? ds.getData().getCount() : ds.getCount(); me.clear(); me.setRangeStart(0); me.setRangeEnd(rangeSize - 1); // Adds the records to the collection me.addRange(); // While this is set, a call to contains will add the record to the collection and return true. // This is so that buffer rendered stores can utulize row based selectAll me.allSelected = true; }, /** * @return {Number} The row index of the first row in the range or zero if no range. */ getFirstRowIndex: function() { return this.getCount() ? this.view.dataSource.indexOf(this.selectedRecords.first()) : 0; }, /** * @return {Number} The row index of the last row in the range or -1 if no range. */ getLastRowIndex: function() { return this.getCount() ? this.view.dataSource.indexOf(this.selectedRecords.first()) : -1; }, eachRow: function(fn, scope) { var selectedRecords = this.selectedRecords; if (selectedRecords) { selectedRecords.each(fn, scope || this); } }, eachColumn: function(fn, scope) { var columns = this.view.getVisibleColumnManager().getColumns(), len = columns.length, i; // If we have any records selected, then all visible columns are selected. if (this.selectedRecords) { for (i = 0; i < len; i++) { if (fn.call(this || scope, columns[i], i) === false) { return; } } } }, eachCell: function(fn, scope) { var me = this, selection = me.selectedRecords, view = me.view, columns = view.ownerGrid.getVisibleColumnManager().getColumns(), colCount, i, j, context, range, recCount, abort = false; if (columns) { colCount = columns.length; context = new Ext.grid.CellContext(view); // Use Collection#each instead of copying the entire dataset into an array and iterating that. if (selection) { selection.each(function(record) { context.setRow(record); for (i = 0; i < colCount; i++) { context.setColumn(columns[i]); if (fn.call(scope || me, context, context.colIdx, context.rowIdx) === false) { abort = true; return false; } } }); } // If called during a drag select, or SHIFT+arrow select, include the drag range if (!abort && me.rangeStart != null) { range = me.getRange(); me.view.dataSource.getRange(range[0], range[1], { forRender: false, callback: function(records) { recCount = records.length; for (i = 0; !abort && i < recCount; i++) { context.setRow(records[i]); for (j = 0; !abort && j < colCount; j++) { context.setColumn(columns[j]); if (fn.call(scope || me, context, context.colIdx, context.rowIdx) === false) { abort = true; } } } } }); } } }, /** * This method is called to indicate the start of multiple changes to the selected row set. * * Internally this method increments a counter that is decremented by `{@link #endUpdate}`. It * is important, therefore, that if you call `beginUpdate` directly you match that * call with a call to `endUpdate` or you will prevent the collection from updating * properly. */ beginUpdate: function() { var selectedRecords = this.selectedRecords; if (selectedRecords) { selectedRecords.beginUpdate(); } }, /** * This method is called after modifications are complete on a selected row set. For details * see `{@link #beginUpdate}`. */ endUpdate: function() { var selectedRecords = this.selectedRecords; if (selectedRecords) { selectedRecords.endUpdate(); } }, destroy: function() { this.selectedRecords = Ext.destroy(this.selectedRecords); this.callParent(); }, //------------------------------------------------------------------------- privates: { /** * @private */ clear: function() { var me = this, view = me.view; // Flag when selectAll called. // While this is set, a call to contains will add the record to the collection and return true me.allSelected = false; if (me.selectedRecords) { me.eachRow(function(record) { view.onRowDeselect(record); }); me.selectedRecords.clear(); } }, /** * @return {Boolean} * @private */ isAllSelected: function() { // This branch has a flag because it encompasses a possibly buffered store, // where the full dataset might not be present, so a flag indicates that all // records are selected even as they flow into or out of the buffered page cache. return !!this.allSelected; }, /** * Used during drag/shift+downarrow range selection on start. * @param {Number} start The start row index of the row drag selection. * @private */ setRangeStart: function(start) { // Flag when selectAll called. // While this is set, a call to contains will add the record to the collection and return true this.allSelected = false; this.rangeStart = this.rangeEnd = start; this.view.onRowSelect(start); }, /** * Used during drag/shift+downarrow range selection on change of row. * @param {Number} end The end row index of the row drag selection. * @private */ setRangeEnd: function(end) { var me = this, range, lastRange, rowIdx, row, view = me.view, store = view.dataSource, rows = view.all, selected = me.selectedRecords, rec; // Update the range as requested, then calculate the // range in lowest index first form me.rangeEnd = end; range = me.getRange(); lastRange = me.lastRange || range; // Loop through the union of last range and current range for (rowIdx = Math.max(Math.min(range[0], lastRange[0]), rows.startIndex), end = Math.min(Math.max(range[1], lastRange[1]), rows.endIndex); rowIdx <= end; rowIdx++) { row = rows.item(rowIdx); // If we are outside the current range, deselect if (rowIdx < range[0] || rowIdx > range[1]) { // If we are deselecting, also remove from collection if (selected && (rec = selected.byInternalId.get(store.getAt(rowIdx).internalId))) { selected.remove(rec); } view.onRowDeselect(rowIdx); } else { view.onRowSelect(rowIdx); } } me.lastRange = range; }, extendRange: function(extensionVector) { var me = this, store = me.view.dataSource, i; for (i = extensionVector.start.rowIdx; i <= extensionVector.end.rowIdx; i++) { me.add(store.getAt(i)); } }, /** * @private * Called through {@link Ext.grid.selection.SpreadsheetModel#getLastSelected} by {@link Ext.panel.Table#updateBindSelection} when publishing the `selection` property. * It should yield the last record selected. */ getLastSelected: function() { return this.selectedRecords.last(); }, /** * @return {Number[]} * @private */ getRange: function() { var start = this.rangeStart, end = this.rangeEnd; if (start == null) { return [0, -1]; } else if (start <= end ){ return [start, end]; } return [end, start]; }, /** * Returns the size of the mousedown+drag, or SHIFT+arrow selection range. * @return {Number} * @private */ getRangeSize: function() { var range = this.getRange(); return range[1] - range[0] + 1; }, /** * @return {Ext.util.Collection} * @private */ createRecordCollection: function() { var store = this.view.dataSource, result = new Ext.util.Collection({ rootProperty: 'data', extraKeys: { byInternalId: { rootProperty: false, property: 'internalId' } }, sorters: [ function(r1, r2) { return store.indexOf(r1) - store.indexOf(r2); } ] }); return result; }, /** * Called at the end of a drag, or shift+downarrow row range select. * The record range delineated by the start and end row indices is added to the selected Collection. * @private */ addRange: function() { var me = this, range, selection; if (me.rangeStart != null) { range = me.getRange(); selection = me.selectedRecords || (me.selectedRecords = me.createRecordCollection()); me.view.dataSource.getRange(range[0], range[1], { forRender: false, callback: function(range) { selection.add.apply(selection, range); } }); // Clear the drag range me.setRangeStart(me.lastRange = null); } }, onSelectionFinish: function() { var me = this, range = me.getContiguousSelection(); if (range) { me.view.getSelectionModel().onSelectionFinish(me, new Ext.grid.CellContext(me.view).setPosition(range[0], 0), new Ext.grid.CellContext(me.view).setPosition(range[1], me.view.getVisibleColumnManager().getColumns().length - 1)); } else { me.view.getSelectionModel().onSelectionFinish(me); } }, /** * @return {Array} `[startRowIndex, endRowIndex]` if the selection represents a visually contiguous set of rows. * The SelectionReplicator is only enabled if there is a contiguous block. * @private */ getContiguousSelection: function() { var store = this.view.dataSource, selection, len, i; if (this.selectedRecords) { selection = Ext.Array.sort(this.selectedRecords.getRange(), function(r1, r2) { return store.indexOf(r1) - store.indexOf(r2); }); len = selection.length; if (len) { for (i = 1; i < len; i++) { if (store.indexOf(selection[i]) !== store.indexOf(selection[i - 1]) + 1) { return false; } } return [store.indexOf(selection[0]), store.indexOf(selection[len - 1])]; } } } }});