/** * @private */Ext.define('Ext.grid.locking.RowSynchronizer', { constructor: function (view, rowEl) { var me = this, rowTpl; me.view = view; me.rowEl = rowEl; me.els = {}; me.add('data', view.rowSelector); for (rowTpl = view.rowTpl; rowTpl; rowTpl = rowTpl.nextTpl) { if (rowTpl.beginRowSync) { rowTpl.beginRowSync(me); } } }, add: function (name, selector) { var el = Ext.fly(this.rowEl).down(selector, true); if (el) { this.els[name] = { el: el }; } }, finish: function (other) { var me = this, els = me.els, otherEls = other.els, otherEl, growth = 0, otherGrowth = 0, delta, name, otherHeight; for (name in els) { otherEl = otherEls[name]; // Partnet RowSynchronizer may not have the element. // For example, group summary may not be wanted in locking side. otherHeight = otherEl ? otherEl.height : 0; delta = otherHeight - els[name].height; if (delta > 0) { growth += delta; Ext.fly(els[name].el).setHeight(otherHeight); } else { otherGrowth -= delta; } } // Compare the growth to both rows and see if this row is lacking. otherHeight = other.rowHeight + otherGrowth; //<feature legacyBrowser> // IE9 uses content box sizing on table, so height must not include border if (Ext.isIE9 && me.view.ownerGrid.rowLines) { otherHeight--; } //</feature> if (me.rowHeight + growth < otherHeight) { Ext.fly(me.rowEl).setHeight(otherHeight); } }, measure: function () { var me = this, els = me.els, name; me.rowHeight = me.rowEl.offsetHeight; for (name in els) { els[name].height = els[name].el.offsetHeight; } }, reset: function () { var els = this.els, name; this.rowEl.style.height = ''; for (name in els) { els[name].el.style.height = ''; } }});