/** * This class implements the top-level node in a `{@link Ext.list.Tree treelist}`. Unlike * other nodes, this item is only a container for other items. It does not correspond to * a data record. * * @since 6.0.0 */Ext.define('Ext.list.RootTreeItem', { extend: 'Ext.list.AbstractTreeItem', /** * This property is `true` to allow type checking for this or derived class. * @property {Boolean} isRootListItem * @readonly */ isRootListItem: true, element: { reference: 'element', tag: 'ul', cls: Ext.baseCSSPrefix + 'treelist-root-container' }, insertItem: function (item, refItem) { if (refItem) { item.element.insertBefore(refItem.element); } else { this.element.appendChild(item.element); } }, isToggleEvent: function (e) { return false; }});