/** * @class Ext.menu.Menu */ /** * @var {color} * The background-color of the Menu */$menu-background-color: dynamic(#fff); /** * @var {color} * The border-color of the Menu */$menu-border-color: dynamic($neutral-color); /** * @var {string} * The border-style of the Menu */$menu-border-style: dynamic(solid); /** * @var {number} * The border-width of the Menu */$menu-border-width: dynamic(1px); /** * @var {number/list} * The padding to apply to the Menu body element */$menu-padding: dynamic(2px); /** * @var {color} * The color of Menu Item text */$menu-text-color: dynamic(#000); /** * @var {string} * The font-family of {@link Ext.menu.Item Menu Items} */$menu-item-font-family: dynamic($font-family); /** * @var {number} * The font-size of {@link Ext.menu.Item Menu Items} */$menu-item-font-size: dynamic($font-size); /** * @var {string} * The font-weight of {@link Ext.menu.Item Menu Items} */$menu-item-font-weight: dynamic($font-weight); /** * @var {number} * The height of {@link Ext.menu.Item Menu Items} */$menu-item-height: dynamic(24px); /** * @var {number} * The border-width of {@link Ext.menu.Item Menu Items} */$menu-item-border-width: dynamic(1px); /** * @var {string} * The style of cursor to display when the cursor is over a {@link Ext.menu.Item Menu Item} */$menu-item-cursor: dynamic(pointer); /** * @var {string} * The style of cursor to display when the cursor is over a disabled {@link Ext.menu.Item Menu Item} */$menu-item-disabled-cursor: dynamic(default); /** * @var {color} * The text color of the active {@link Ext.menu.Item Menu Item} */$menu-item-active-text-color: dynamic($color); /** * @var {color} * The background-color of the active {@link Ext.menu.Item Menu Item} */$menu-item-active-background-color: dynamic($base-color); /** * @var {color} * The border-color of the active {@link Ext.menu.Item Menu Item} */$menu-item-active-border-color: dynamic(adjust-color($base-color, $saturation: 23%, $lightness: -3%)); /** * @var {string/list} * The background-gradient for {@link Ext.menu.Item Menu Items}. Can be either the name * of a predefined gradient or a list of color stops. Used as the `$type` parameter for * {@link Global_CSS#background-gradient}. */$menu-item-background-gradient: dynamic('none'); /** * @var {number} * The border-radius of {@link Ext.menu.Item Menu Items} */$menu-item-active-border-radius: dynamic(0); /** * @var {number} * The size of {@link Ext.menu.Item Menu Item} icons */$menu-item-icon-size: dynamic(16px); /** * @var {color} $menu-glyph-color * The color to use for menu icons configured using {@link Ext.menu.Item#glyph glyph} */$menu-glyph-color: dynamic($menu-text-color); /** * @var {string} * The font-size to use for menu icons configured using {@link Ext.menu.Item#glyph glyph} */$menu-glyph-font-size: dynamic($menu-item-icon-size); /** * @var {number} $menu-glyph-opacity * The opacity to use for menu icons configured using {@link Ext.menu.Item#glyph glyph} */$menu-glyph-opacity: dynamic(.5); /** * @var {color} * The color to use for menu icons configured using {@link Ext.menu.Item#glyph glyph} * when the menu item is active. */$menu-item-active-glyph-color: dynamic($menu-glyph-color); /** * @var {number} * The size of {@link Ext.menu.CheckItem CheckItem} checkboxes */$menu-item-checkbox-size: dynamic($menu-item-icon-size); /** * @var {number} * The size of {@link Ext.menu.CheckItem CheckItem} checkboxes */$menu-item-checkbox-glyph-font-size: dynamic($form-checkbox-size); /** * @var {string/list} * The glyph for {@link Ext.menu.CheckItem CheckItem} checkboxes when * {@link Global_CSS#$enable-font-icons} is `true`. */$menu-item-checkbox-glyph: dynamic($fa-var-square-o $menu-item-checkbox-glyph-font-size $font-icon-font-family); /** * @var {string/list} * The glyph for {@link Ext.menu.CheckItem CheckItem} checkboxes in "checked" state when * {@link Global_CSS#$enable-font-icons} is `true`. */$menu-item-checkbox-checked-glyph: dynamic($fa-var-check-square-o $menu-item-checkbox-glyph-font-size $font-icon-font-family); /** * @var {color} * The color of {@link Ext.menu.CheckItem CheckItem} checkboxes when {@link Global_CSS#$enable-font-icons} is `true`. */$menu-item-checkbox-glyph-color: dynamic($menu-text-color); /** * @var {color} * The color of the {@link Ext.menu.CheckItem CheckItem} checkbox for the active menu item * when {@link Global_CSS#$enable-font-icons} is `true`. */$menu-item-active-checkbox-glyph-color: dynamic($menu-item-active-text-color); /** * @var {string/list} * The glyph for {@link Ext.menu.CheckItem CheckItem} group checkboxes when * {@link Global_CSS#$enable-font-icons} is `true`. */$menu-item-checkbox-group-glyph: dynamic(null); /** * @var {string/list} * The glyph for {@link Ext.menu.CheckItem CheckItem} group checkboxes in "checked" state when * {@link Global_CSS#$enable-font-icons} is `true`. */$menu-item-checkbox-group-checked-glyph: dynamic($fa-var-check $menu-item-checkbox-glyph-font-size $font-icon-font-family); /** * @var {color} * The color of {@link Ext.menu.CheckItem CheckItem} group checkboxes when * {@link Global_CSS#$enable-font-icons} is `true`. */$menu-item-checkbox-group-glyph-color: dynamic($menu-item-checkbox-glyph-color); /** * @var {color} * The color of the {@link Ext.menu.CheckItem CheckItem} group checkbox for the active menu item * when {@link Global_CSS#$enable-font-icons} is `true`. */$menu-item-active-checkbox-group-glyph-color: dynamic($menu-item-active-checkbox-glyph-color); /** * @var {list} * The background-position of {@link Ext.menu.Item Menu Item} icons */$menu-item-icon-background-position: dynamic(center center); /** * @var {number} * vertical offset for menu item icons/checkboxes. By default the icons are roughly * vertically centered, but it may be necessary in some cases to make minor adjustments * to the vertical position. */$menu-item-icon-vertical-offset: dynamic(0); /** * @var {number} * vertical offset for menu item text. By default the text is given a line-height * equal to the menu item's content-height, however, depending on the font this may not * result in perfect vertical centering. Offset can be used to make small adjustments * to the text's vertical position. */$menu-item-text-vertical-offset: dynamic(0); /** * @var {number/list} * The space to the left and right of {@link Ext.menu.Item Menu Item} text. Can be specified * as a number (e.g. 5px) or as a list with 2 items for different left/right values. e.g. * * $menu-item-text-horizontal-spacing: dynamic(4px 8px); // 4px of space to the left, and 8px to the right */$menu-item-text-horizontal-spacing: dynamic(4px); /** * @var {number} * The space to the left and right of {@link Ext.menu.Item Menu Item} icons. Can be specified * as a number (e.g. 5px) or as a list with 2 items for different left/right values. e.g. * * $menu-item-icon-horizontal-spacing: dynamic(4px 8px); // 4px of space to the left, and 8px to the right */$menu-item-icon-horizontal-spacing: dynamic(3px 5px); /** * @var {number} * The space to the left and right of {@link Ext.menu.Item Menu Item} arrows. Can be specified * as a number (e.g. 5px) or as a list with 2 items for different left/right values. e.g. * * $menu-item-arrow-horizontal-spacing: dynamic(4px 8px); // 4px of space to the left, and 8px to the right */$menu-item-arrow-horizontal-spacing: dynamic(5px 0); /** * @var {number} * The space to the left and right of the {@link Ext.menu.Bar Menu item} arrows. Can be specified * as a number or as a list with 2 values. */$menubar-item-arrow-horizontal-spacing: dynamic(5px 5px); /** * @var {number/list} * The margin of {@link Ext.menu.Separator Menu Separators} */$menu-item-separator-margin: dynamic(2px 0); /** * @var {number} * The height of {@link Ext.menu.Item Menu Item} arrows */$menu-item-arrow-height: dynamic(9px); /** * @var {number} * Vertical offset for arrow el. * @private */$menubar-item-arrow-vertical-offset: dynamic(round($menubar-item-arrow-height / 2)); /** * @var {number} * The width of {@link Ext.menu.Item Menu Item} arrows */$menu-item-arrow-width: dynamic(12px); /** * @var {number} * The height of the {@link Ext.menu.Bar Menu item} arrows */$menubar-item-arrow-height: dynamic(6px); /** * @var {number} * The width of the {@link Ext.menu.Bar Menu item} arrows */$menubar-item-arrow-width: dynamic(9px); /** * @var {number/list} * The margin of {@link Ext.menu.Item Menu Item} arrows */$menu-item-arrow-margin: dynamic(null); /** * @var {color} * The color to use for the menu arrow icon when {@link Global_CSS#$enable-font-icons} is `true`. */$menu-item-arrow-glyph-color: dynamic($color); /** * @var {color} * The color to use for the menu arrow icon of the active menu item when * {@link Global_CSS#$enable-font-icons} is `true`. */$menu-item-active-arrow-glyph-color: dynamic($menu-item-active-text-color); /** * @var {number} * The font size to use for the menu arrow icon when {@link Global_CSS#$enable-font-icons} is `true`. */$menu-item-arrow-glyph-font-size: dynamic(16px); /** * @var {string/list} * Glyph for the menu arrow icon when {@link Global_CSS#$enable-font-icons} is `true`. */$menu-item-arrow-glyph: dynamic($fa-var-caret-right $menu-item-arrow-glyph-font-size $font-icon-font-family); /** * @var {string/list} * Glyph for the RTL menu arrow icon when {@link Global_CSS#$enable-font-icons} is `true`. */$menu-item-arrow-glyph-rtl: dynamic($fa-var-caret-left $menu-item-arrow-glyph-font-size $font-icon-font-family); /** * @var {string/list} * Glyph for the menu bar item arrow icon when {@link Global_CSS#$enable-font-icons} is `true`. */$menubar-item-arrow-glyph: dynamic($fa-var-caret-down $menu-item-arrow-glyph-font-size $font-icon-font-family); /** * @var {string/list} * Glyph for the RTL menu bar item arrow icon when {@link Global_CSS#$enable-font-icons} is `true`. */$menubar-item-arrow-glyph-rtl: dynamic($fa-var-caret-down $menu-item-arrow-glyph-font-size $font-icon-font-family); /** * @var {number} * The opacity of disabled {@link Ext.menu.Item Menu Items} */$menu-item-disabled-opacity: dynamic(.5); /** * @var {number/list} * The margin non-MenuItems placed in a Menu */$menu-component-margin: dynamic(0); /** * @var {color} * The border-color of {@link Ext.menu.Separator Menu Separators} */$menu-separator-border-color: dynamic($neutral-color); /** * @var {color} * The background-color of {@link Ext.menu.Separator Menu Separators} */$menu-separator-background-color: dynamic(#FFF); /** * @var {number} * The size of {@link Ext.menu.Separator Menu Separators} */$menu-separator-size: dynamic(2px); /** * @var {number} * The width of Menu scrollers */$menu-scroller-width: dynamic(16px); /** * @var {number} * The height of Menu scrollers */$menu-scroller-height: dynamic(16px); /** * @var {color} * The border-color of Menu scroller buttons */$menu-scroller-border-color: dynamic($neutral-color); /** * @var {number} * The border-width of Menu scroller buttons */$menu-scroller-border-width: dynamic(0); /** * @var {number/list} * The margin of "top" Menu scroller buttons */$menu-scroller-top-margin: dynamic(4px 0); /** * @var {number/list} * The margin of "bottom" Menu scroller buttons */$menu-scroller-bottom-margin: dynamic(4px 0); /** * @var {string} * The cursor of Menu scroller buttons */$menu-scroller-cursor: dynamic(pointer); /** * @var {string} * The cursor of disabled Menu scroller buttons */$menu-scroller-cursor-disabled: dynamic(default); /** * @var {number} * The opacity of Menu scroller buttons. Only applicable when * {@link #$menu-classic-scrollers} is `false`. */$menu-scroller-opacity: dynamic(0.5); /** * @var {number} * The opacity of hovered Menu scroller buttons. Only applicable when * {@link #$menu-classic-scrollers} is `false`. */$menu-scroller-opacity-over: dynamic(0.6); /** * @var {number} * The opacity of pressed Menu scroller buttons. Only applicable when * {@link #$menu-classic-scrollers} is `false`. */$menu-scroller-opacity-pressed: dynamic(0.7); /** * @var {number} * The opacity of disabled Menu scroller buttons. */$menu-scroller-opacity-disabled: dynamic(0.25); /** * @var {color} * The color to use for Menu scroller icons when {@link Global_CSS#$enable-font-icons} is `true`. */$menu-scroller-glyph-color: dynamic($neutral-color); /** * @var {number} * The font size for Menu scroller icons when {@link Global_CSS#$enable-font-icons} is `true`. */$menu-scroller-glyph-font-size: dynamic(16px); /** * @var {string/list} * Glyph for the "top" scroller icon when {@link Global_CSS#$enable-font-icons} is `true`. */$menu-scroller-top-glyph: dynamic($fa-var-chevron-up $menu-scroller-glyph-font-size $font-icon-font-family); /** * @var {string/list} * Glyph for the "bottom" scroller icon when {@link Global_CSS#$enable-font-icons} is `true`. */$menu-scroller-bottom-glyph: dynamic($fa-var-chevron-down $menu-scroller-glyph-font-size $font-icon-font-family); /** * @var {boolean} * `true` to use classic-style scroller buttons. When `true` scroller buttons are given their * hover state by changing their background-position, When `false` scroller buttons are * given their hover state by applying opacity. */$menu-classic-scrollers: dynamic(false); /** * @var {boolean} * True to include the "default" menu UI */$include-menu-default-ui: dynamic($include-default-uis);