/** * @class Ext.dom.Helper */Ext.define('Ext.overrides.dom.Helper', (function() { var tableRe = /^(?:table|thead|tbody|tr|td)$/i, tableElRe = /td|tr|tbody|thead/i, ts = '<table>', te = '</table>', tbs = ts+'<tbody>', tbe = '</tbody>'+te, trs = tbs + '<tr>', tre = '</tr>'+tbe; return { override: 'Ext.dom.Helper', ieInsertHtml: function(where, el, html) { var frag = null; // IE's incomplete table implementation: http://www.ericvasilik.com/2006/07/code-karma.html if (Ext.isIE9m && tableRe.test(el.tagName)) { frag = this.insertIntoTable(el.tagName.toLowerCase(), where, el, html); } return frag; }, ieOverwrite: function(el, html) { // IE Inserting HTML into a table/tbody/tr requires extra processing: // http://www.ericvasilik.com/2006/07/code-karma.html if (Ext.isIE9m && tableRe.test(el.tagName)) { // Clearing table elements requires removal of all elements. while (el.firstChild) { el.removeChild(el.firstChild); } if (html) { return this.insertHtml('afterbegin', el, html); } } }, ieTable: function(depth, openingTags, htmlContent, closingTags){ var i = -1, el = this.detachedDiv, ns, nx; el.innerHTML = [openingTags, htmlContent, closingTags].join(''); while (++i < depth) { el = el.firstChild; } // If the result is multiple siblings, then encapsulate them into one fragment. ns = el.nextSibling; if (ns) { ns = el; el = document.createDocumentFragment(); while (ns) { nx = ns.nextSibling; el.appendChild(ns); ns = nx; } } return el; }, /** * @private * @method insertIntoTable * @member Ext.dom.Helper * workaround for broken table implementation in IE9m * http://www.ericvasilik.com/2006/07/code-karma.html */ insertIntoTable: function(tag, where, destinationEl, html) { var node, before, bb = where === 'beforebegin', ab = where === 'afterbegin', be = where === 'beforeend', ae = where === 'afterend'; if (tag === 'td' && (ab || be) || !tableElRe.test(tag) && (bb || ae)) { return null; } before = bb ? destinationEl : ae ? destinationEl.nextSibling : ab ? destinationEl.firstChild : null; if (bb || ae) { destinationEl = destinationEl.parentNode; } if (tag === 'td' || (tag === 'tr' && (be || ab))) { node = this.ieTable(4, trs, html, tre); } else if (((tag === 'tbody' || tag === 'thead') && (be || ab)) || (tag === 'tr' && (bb || ae))) { node = this.ieTable(3, tbs, html, tbe); } else { node = this.ieTable(2, ts, html, te); } destinationEl.insertBefore(node, before); return node; } };})());