/** * A target for events for the body of {@link Ext.calendar.view.Days}. * * @private */Ext.define('Ext.calendar.dd.DaysBodyTarget', { extend: 'Ext.drag.Target', config: { view: null }, updateView: function(view) { if (view) { this.setElement(view.bodyTable); } }, accepts: function(info) { return Ext.Array.contains(info.types, 'calendar-event'); }, onDragMove: function(info) { var sizes = info.sizes, view = info.view, event = info.event, D = Ext.Date, y, start, end; if (info.valid) { y = Math.max(0, info.proxy.current.y - view.bodyTable.getY()); slot = Math.floor(y / sizes.slotStyle.halfHeight); start = D.clone(view.dateInfo.visible.start); start = D.add(start, D.DAY, info.dayIndex || 0); start = D.add(start, D.MINUTE, view.minimumEventMinutes * slot); end = D.add(start, D.MINUTE, event.getDuration()); info.widgetClone.setStartDate(start); info.widgetClone.setEndDate(end); info.range = [start, end]; } this.callParent([info]); }, onDrop: function(info) { var view = this.getView(), proxy = info.source.getProxy(); info.deferCleanup = true; view.handleChange('drop', info.event, new Ext.calendar.date.Range( info.range[0], info.range[1] ), function() { proxy.cleanup(); var w = info.widget; if (!w.destroyed) { w.element.show(); } view.clearSelected(); }); this.callParent([info]); }, destroy: function() { this.setView(null); this.callParent(); }});