/** * This base class is used to handle data preparation (e.g., sorting, filtering and * group summary). */Ext.define('Ext.ux.ajax.DataSimlet', function () { function makeSortFn (def, cmp) { var order = def.direction, sign = (order && order.toUpperCase() === 'DESC') ? -1 : 1; return function (leftRec, rightRec) { var lhs = leftRec[def.property], rhs = rightRec[def.property], c = (lhs < rhs) ? -1 : ((rhs < lhs) ? 1 : 0); if (c || !cmp) { return c * sign; } return cmp(leftRec, rightRec); }; } function makeSortFns (defs, cmp) { for (var sortFn = cmp, i = defs && defs.length; i; ) { sortFn = makeSortFn(defs[--i], sortFn); } return sortFn; } return { extend: 'Ext.ux.ajax.Simlet', buildNodes: function (node, path) { var me = this, nodeData = { data: [] }, len = node.length, children, i, child, name; me.nodes[path] = nodeData; for (i = 0; i < len; ++i) { nodeData.data.push(child = node[i]); name = child.text || child.title; child.id = path ? path + '/' + name : name; children = child.children; if (!(child.leaf = !children)) { delete child.children; me.buildNodes(children, child.id); } } }, deleteRecord : function(pos) { if(this.data && typeof this.data !== 'function') { Ext.Array.removeAt(this.data,pos); } }, fixTree: function (ctx, tree) { var me = this, node = ctx.params.node, nodes; if (!(nodes = me.nodes)) { me.nodes = nodes = {}; me.buildNodes(tree, ''); } node = nodes[node]; if (node) { if (me.node) { me.node.sortedData = me.sortedData; me.node.currentOrder = me.currentOrder; } me.node = node; me.data = node.data; me.sortedData = node.sortedData; me.currentOrder = node.currentOrder; } else { me.data = null; } }, getData: function (ctx) { var me = this, params = ctx.params, order = (params.filter || '') + (params.group || '') + '-' + (params.sort || '') + '-' + (params.dir || ''), tree = me.tree, dynamicData, data, fields, sortFn; if (tree) { me.fixTree(ctx, tree); } data = me.data; if (typeof data === 'function') { dynamicData = true; data = data.call(this, ctx); } // If order is '--' then it means we had no order passed, due to the string concat above if (!data || order === '--') { return data || []; } if (!dynamicData && order == me.currentOrder) { return me.sortedData; } ctx.filterSpec = params.filter && Ext.decode(params.filter); ctx.groupSpec = params.group && Ext.decode(params.group); fields = params.sort; if (params.dir) { fields = [{ direction: params.dir, property: fields }]; } else { fields = Ext.decode(params.sort); } if (ctx.filterSpec) { var filters = new Ext.util.FilterCollection(); filters.add(this.processFilters(ctx.filterSpec)); data = Ext.Array.filter(data, filters.getFilterFn()); } sortFn = makeSortFns((ctx.sortSpec = fields)); if (ctx.groupSpec) { sortFn = makeSortFns([ctx.groupSpec], sortFn); } // If a straight Ajax request, data may not be an array. // If an Array, preserve 'physical' order of raw data... data = Ext.isArray(data) ? data.slice(0) : data; if (sortFn) { Ext.Array.sort(data, sortFn); } me.sortedData = data; me.currentOrder = order; return data; }, processFilters: Ext.identityFn, getPage: function (ctx, data) { var ret = data, length = data.length, start = ctx.params.start || 0, end = ctx.params.limit ? Math.min(length, start + ctx.params.limit) : length; if (start || end < length) { ret = ret.slice(start, end); } return ret; }, getGroupSummary: function (groupField, rows, ctx) { return rows[0]; }, getSummary: function (ctx, data, page) { var me = this, groupField = ctx.groupSpec.property, accum, todo = {}, summary = [], fieldValue, lastFieldValue; Ext.each(page, function (rec) { fieldValue = rec[groupField]; todo[fieldValue] = true; }); function flush () { if (accum) { summary.push(me.getGroupSummary(groupField, accum, ctx)); accum = null; } } // data is ordered primarily by the groupField, so one pass can pick up all // the summaries one at a time. Ext.each(data, function (rec) { fieldValue = rec[groupField]; if (lastFieldValue !== fieldValue) { flush(); lastFieldValue = fieldValue; } if (!todo[fieldValue]) { // if we have even 1 summary, we have summarized all that we need // (again because data and page are ordered by groupField) return !summary.length; } if (accum) { accum.push(rec); } else { accum = [rec]; } return true; }); flush(); // make sure that last pesky summary goes... return summary; } };}());