/** * @class Ext.grid.column.Column */ /** * @var {string} * The font-family of grid column headers */$grid-column-header-font-family: dynamic($font-family); /** * @var {number} * The font-size of grid column headers */$grid-column-header-font-size: dynamic($font-size); /** * @var {string} * The font-weight of grid column headers */$grid-column-header-font-weight: dynamic($font-weight); /** * @var {number} * The line-height of grid column headers */$grid-column-header-line-height: dynamic(round($grid-column-header-font-size * 1.15)); // private $grid-column-header-font: dynamic($grid-column-header-font-weight #{$grid-column-header-font-size}/#{$grid-column-header-line-height} $grid-column-header-font-family); /** * @var {string} * The text-overflow of grid column headers */$grid-column-text-overflow: dynamic(ellipsis); /** * @var {color} * The text color of grid column headers */$grid-column-header-color: dynamic(#000); /** * @var {number} * The border-width of grid column headers */$grid-column-header-border-width: dynamic(1px); /** * @var {string} * The border-style of grid column headers */$grid-column-header-border-style: dynamic(solid); /** * @var {color} * The text color of focused grid column headers */$grid-column-header-focus-color: dynamic($grid-column-header-color); /** * @var {color} * The background-color of focused grid column headers */$grid-column-header-focus-background-color: dynamic('none'); /** * @var {number} * The border-width of focused grid column headers */$grid-column-header-focus-border-width: dynamic(1px); /** * @var {string} * The border-style of focused grid column headers */$grid-column-header-focus-border-style: dynamic(solid); /** * @var {number} * The spacing between column header element border and inner focus border */$grid-column-header-focus-border-inset: dynamic(0px); /** * @var {color} * The border color of focused grid column headers */$grid-column-header-focus-border-color: dynamic(#333); // private $grid-header-height: $grid-column-header-line-height + vertical($grid-header-padding);